private void setData() { cUser oUser = new cUser(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strMessage = string.Empty, strCriteria = string.Empty; try { strCriteria = " and UserID = '" + ViewState["userID"].ToString() + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { #region get Data hddUserID.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString(); txtperson_code.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_code"].ToString(); txtperson_name.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_thai_name"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_thai_surname"].ToString(); txtperson_group_name.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_group_name"].ToString(); txtdirector_name.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["director_name"].ToString(); txtunit_name.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["unit_name"].ToString(); txtemail.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["email"].ToString(); txtloginname.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loginname"].ToString(); hddusername.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loginname"].ToString(); txtpassword.Text = Cryptorengine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["password"].ToString(), true); string strBudget_type = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["budget_type"].ToString(); InitcboBudgetType(); if (cboBudget_type.Items.FindByValue(strBudget_type) != null) { cboBudget_type.SelectedIndex = -1; cboBudget_type.Items.FindByValue(strBudget_type).Selected = true; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["status"].ToString() == "Y") { chkStatus.Checked = true; } else { chkStatus.Checked = false; } InitcboUser_group(); cbouser_group.SelectedValue = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_group_code"].ToString(); txtUpdatedBy.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UpdatedBy"].ToString();; txtUpdatedDate.Text = cCommon.CheckDate(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UpdatedDate"].ToString()); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
protected void imgSaveOnly_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string strMessage = string.Empty; string strScript = string.Empty; cUser oUser = new cUser(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string strCheck = string.Empty; strCheck = " and [loginname] = '" + txtloginname.Text.Trim() + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCheck, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { strScript = "alert('ไม่สามารถบันข้อมูลได้ เนื่องจาก" + "\\nไม่พบข้อมูล Username : "******"');"; MsgBox(strScript); return; } } string strUserID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userID"].ToString(); saveData(strUserID); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { oUser.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); } }
private void BindGridView() { cUser oUser = new cUser(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strMessage = string.Empty; string strCriteria = string.Empty; string strActive = string.Empty; string strperson_code = string.Empty; string strperson_name = string.Empty; string strloginname = string.Empty; strperson_code = txtperson_code.Text.Replace("'", "''").Trim(); strperson_name = txtperson_name.Text.Replace("'", "''").Trim(); strloginname = txtloginname.Text.Replace("'", "''").Trim(); if (!strperson_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (person_code= '" + strperson_code + "') "; } if (!strperson_name.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (person_thai_name like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_thai_surname like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_eng_name like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_eng_surname like '%" + strperson_name + "%')"; } if (!strloginname.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (loginname Like '%" + strloginname + "%') "; } strCriteria = strCriteria + " And ([status] ='Y') "; try { if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { string strScript = string.Empty; strperson_code = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loginname"].ToString(); strperson_name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_thai_name"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_thai_surname"].ToString(); if (!ViewState["show"].ToString().Equals("1")) { strScript = "window.parent.frames['iframeShow" + (int.Parse(ViewState["show"].ToString()) - 1) + "'].document.getElementById('" + ViewState["ctrl1"].ToString() + "').value='" + strperson_code + "';\n " + "window.parent.frames['iframeShow" + (int.Parse(ViewState["show"].ToString()) - 1) + "'].document.getElementById('" + ViewState["ctrl2"].ToString() + "').value='" + strperson_name + "';\n" + "ClosePopUp('" + ViewState["show"].ToString() + "');"; } else { strScript = "window.parent.document.getElementById('" + ViewState["ctrl1"].ToString() + "').value='" + strperson_code + "';\n " + "window.parent.document.getElementById('" + ViewState["ctrl2"].ToString() + "').value='" + strperson_name + "';\n" + "ClosePopUp('" + ViewState["show"].ToString() + "');"; } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "close", strScript, true); } else { ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = ViewState["sort"] + " " + ViewState["direction"]; GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; GridView1.DataBind(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { oUser.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); } }
private void BindGridView(int nPageNo) { InitcboPerson_group(); //InitcboDirector(); // InitcboUnit(); cUser oUser = new cUser(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strMessage = string.Empty; string strCriteria = string.Empty; string strYear = string.Empty; string strActive = string.Empty; string strloginname = string.Empty; string strperson_group_code = string.Empty; string strperson_group_name = string.Empty; string strdirector_code = string.Empty; string strunit_code = string.Empty; string strperson_code = string.Empty; string strperson_name = string.Empty; string strloginnames = string.Empty; string struser_group_code = string.Empty; strloginnames = txtloginname.Text; strperson_group_code = cboPerson_group.SelectedValue; strdirector_code = cboDirector.SelectedValue; strunit_code = cboUnit.SelectedValue; strperson_code = txtperson_code.Text.Replace("'", "''").Trim(); strperson_name = txtperson_name.Text.Replace("'", "''").Trim(); struser_group_code = cbouser_group.SelectedValue; //if (!strYear.Equals("")) //{ // strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (budget_plan_year = '" + strYear + "') "; //} if (!strloginnames.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (loginname like '%" + strloginnames + "%') "; } if (!strperson_group_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (person_group_code like '%" + strperson_group_code + "%') "; } if (!strdirector_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (director_code = '" + strdirector_code + "') "; } if (!strunit_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (unit_code= '" + strunit_code + "') "; } if (!strperson_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (person_code= '" + strperson_code + "') "; } if (!struser_group_code.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (user_group_code= '" + struser_group_code + "') "; } if (!strperson_name.Equals("")) { strCriteria = strCriteria + " And (person_thai_name like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_thai_surname like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_eng_name like '%" + strperson_name + "%' " + " OR person_eng_surname like '%" + strperson_name + "%')"; } try { if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { try { GridView1.PageIndex = nPageNo; txthTotalRecord.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = ViewState["sort"] + " " + ViewState["direction"]; GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; GridView1.DataBind(); } catch { GridView1.PageIndex = 0; txthTotalRecord.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = ViewState["sort"] + " " + ViewState["direction"]; GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; GridView1.DataBind(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { oUser.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); if (GridView1.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView1.TopPagerRow.Visible = true; } } }
protected bool SetUserProfile(string strUserName, string strPassword, ref string _strError) { bool booResult = false; cUser objUser = new cUser(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strCriteria; string strMessage = string.Empty; string strDecryptPassword = string.Empty; strCriteria = " And LoginName='" + strUserName + "' "; objUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds, ref strMessage); dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { strDecryptPassword = Cryptorengine.Decrypt(Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["Password"]), true); if (strDecryptPassword.Equals(strPassword)) { this.IsLogin = "******"; this.UserID = Helper.CInt(dt.Rows[0]["UserID"]); this.UserLoginName = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["LoginName"]); this.DirectorLock = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["director_lock"]); this.DirectorCode = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["director_code"]); this.DirectorName = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["director_name"]); try { this.UnitLock = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["unit_lock"]); } catch { this.UnitLock = "N"; } if (this.UnitLock == "Y") { this.UnitCodeList = string.Empty; string[] strunit_code_list = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["unit_code_list"]).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i <= (strunit_code_list.GetUpperBound(0)); i++) { this.UnitCodeList += "'" + strunit_code_list[i].Substring(3, 5) + "',"; } this.UnitCodeList = this.UnitCodeList.Substring(0, this.UnitCodeList.Length - 1); } this.myBudgetType = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["budget_type"]); string[] strperson_group_list = Helper.CStr(dt.Rows[0]["person_group_list"]).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i <= (strperson_group_list.GetUpperBound(0)); i++) { PersonGroupList = PersonGroupList + "'" + strperson_group_list[i] + "',"; } PersonGroupList = PersonGroupList.Substring(0, PersonGroupList.Length - 1); cItem objItem = new cItem(); DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); string strYear = ((DataSet)Application["xmlconfig"]).Tables["default"].Rows[0]["yearnow"].ToString(); strCriteria = " And person_group_code in (" + PersonGroupList + ") And lot_code<>'' "; strCriteria += " And item_year = " + strYear; objItem.SP_ITEM_LOT_GROUP_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds2, ref strMessage); LotCodeList = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { LotCodeList = LotCodeList + "'" + ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i]["lot_code"].ToString() + "',"; } if (LotCodeList.Length > 0) { LotCodeList = LotCodeList.Substring(0, LotCodeList.Length - 1); } booResult = true; } else { _strError = "รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"; } } else { _strError = "ไม่พบผู้ใช้งานนี้"; } return(booResult); }
private bool saveData() { bool blnResult = false; bool blnDup = false; string strMessage = string.Empty; //Tab 1 string strUserID = Helper.CStr(Helper.CInt(hddUserID.Value)), strperson_code = string.Empty, strloginname = string.Empty, strpassword = string.Empty, stremail = string.Empty, struser_group_code = string.Empty, strStatus = string.Empty, strRemark = string.Empty, strCreatedBy = string.Empty, strUpdatedBy = string.Empty; string strScript = string.Empty; cUser oUser = new cUser(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { #region set Data strperson_code = txtperson_code.Text; strloginname = txtloginname.Text; strpassword = txtpassword.Text; stremail = txtemail.Text; struser_group_code = cbouser_group.SelectedValue; if (chkStatus.Checked == true) { strStatus = "Y"; } else { strStatus = "N"; } strCreatedBy = Session["username"].ToString(); strUpdatedBy = Session["username"].ToString(); #endregion if (ViewState["mode"].ToString().ToLower().Equals("edit")) { #region edit #region check dup string strCheckDup = string.Empty; strCheckDup = " and [loginname] = '" + strloginname + "' and [loginname] <> '" + hddusername.Value.ToString() + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCheckDup, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strScript = "alert(\"ไม่สามารถแก้ไขข้อมูลได้ เนื่องจาก" + "\\nข้อมูล Username : "******"\\nซ้ำ\");\n"; blnDup = true; } } #endregion if (!blnDup) { if (oUser.SP_USER_UPD(strUserID, strperson_code, strloginname, strpassword, stremail, struser_group_code, strStatus, strRemark, strUpdatedBy, cboBudget_type.SelectedValue, ref strMessage)) { blnResult = true; } else { lblError.Text = strMessage.ToString(); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "chkdup", strScript, true); } #endregion } else { #region check dup string strCheckDup = string.Empty; strCheckDup = " and [loginname] = '" + strloginname + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCheckDup, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strScript = "alert(\"ไม่สามารถเพิ่มข้อมูลได้ เนื่องจาก" + "\\nข้อมูล Username : "******"\\nซ้ำ\");\n"; blnDup = true; } } #endregion #region insert if (!blnDup) { if (oUser.SP_USER_INS(ref strUserID, strperson_code, strloginname, strpassword, stremail, struser_group_code, strStatus, strRemark, strCreatedBy, cboBudget_type.SelectedValue, ref strMessage)) { string strCode = " and [loginname] = '" + strloginname + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCheckDup, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ViewState["userID"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userID"].ToString(); } } blnResult = true; } else { lblError.Text = strMessage.ToString(); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "close", strScript, true); } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { oUser.Dispose(); } return(blnResult); }
private void BindGridView() { cUser_menu objUserMenu = new cUser_menu(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strMessage = string.Empty; string strCriteria = string.Empty; string strloginname = txtloginname.Text; try { strCriteria = " and loginname='" + strloginname + "' "; strCriteria += " And Menu_Status='Y' "; objUserMenu.SP_USER_MENU_MANAGE_SEL(strCriteria, ref ds, ref strMessage); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind(); cUser oUser = new cUser(); string strCheck = string.Empty; strCheck = " and [loginname] = '" + txtloginname.Text.Trim() + "' "; if (!oUser.SP_USER_SEL(strCheck, ref ds, ref strMessage)) { lblError.Text = strMessage; } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { string strScript = "alert('ไม่สามารถบันข้อมูลได้ เนื่องจาก" + "\\nไม่พบข้อมูล Username : "******"');"; MsgBox(strScript); return; } else { this.myDirectorCode = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["director_code"].ToString(); this.myUnitCodeList = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["unit_code_list"].ToString(); hddperson_group_list.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["person_group_list"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["director_lock"].ToString().Equals("Y")) { chkdirector_lock.Checked = true; } else { chkdirector_lock.Checked = false; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["unit_lock"].ToString().Equals("Y")) { chkunit_lock.Checked = true; } else { chkunit_lock.Checked = false; } } } if (GridView1.Rows.Count > 0) { TabContainer1.Visible = true; TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; imgSaveOnly.Visible = true; chkdirector_lock.Visible = true; chkunit_lock.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { objUserMenu.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); } }