Example #1
        // render graphic of selected function
        private void Classic_Render(Pen pen_plotter, float x0, float x1, cPlotFunction PlotFunction)
            double x_last = x0;
            double y_last = PlotFunction.plotArray[0];
            double dx     = (x1 - x0) / (100 * 2);
            double x      = x_last;

            foreach (double y in PlotFunction.plotArray)
                // pass the first itteration, because we want get coords only for start point now
                if (x != x_last)
                    hwnd.DrawLine(pen_plotter, (int)x_last, (int)y_last, (int)x, (int)y);
                y_last = y;
                x_last = x;
                x     += dx;
Example #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * 1. Sin (x)
             * 2. Cos (x)
             * 3. Sin (x) + Sin (2x)
             * 4. Sin (x) - Sin (2x)
             * 5. Sin (x) + Cos (2x)
             * 6. Sin (x) - Cos (2x)
             * 7. Sin (x) * Exp (x)
             * 8. Cos (x) * Exp (x)
             * 9. Sin (x) * Exp (-x)
             * 10.  Cos (x) * Exp (-x)

            // init class cPlotFunction
            cPlotFunction PlotFunction = new cPlotFunction();

            // Clean window

            // Select a color of pen
            Pen pen_border  = Pens.Black;
            Pen pen_axis    = Pens.Gray;
            Pen pen_plotter = Pens.DarkBlue;

            // Caption
            string s = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();

            int   uptab     = 25;
            int   downtab   = 40;
            int   lefttab   = 10;
            int   righttab  = 10;
            float amplitude = (this.Height - uptab - downtab) / 2;
            float x0        = lefttab;
            float y0        = uptab;//this.Height / 2;
            float x1        = this.Width - righttab;
            float y1        = this.Height - downtab;
            float y_center  = (this.Height - uptab - downtab) / 2 + uptab;

            // Draw info
                            new Font("Arial", 14),
                            y1 + 5);

            // plot axis
            // hwnd.DrawLine(pen, x0, y0, x1, y0);
            //hwnd.DrawLine(pen, x0, y0 - amplitude, x0, y0 + amplitude);

            // Draw Borders
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_border, x0, y0, x0, y1);
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_border, x0, y1, x1, y1);
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_border, x1, y1, x1, y0);
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_border, x1, y0, x0, y0);

            // Draw Axis
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_axis, x0, y_center, x1, y_center);
            hwnd.DrawLine(pen_axis, x0, y0, x0, y1);

            cPlotFunction.sWindow my_window; // var for struct that is contain coordinates of drawing field
            my_window.left   = lefttab;
            my_window.top    = uptab;
            my_window.width  = this.Width - lefttab - righttab;
            my_window.height = this.Height - uptab - downtab;

            // Draw selected function in ComboBox
            PlotFunction.Draw(my_window, comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());

            // render graphic in old way. You can uncomment and see that is the same
            //Classic_Render(x0, x1, PlotFunction);

            // render graphic to new way
            hwnd.DrawLines(pen_plotter, PlotFunction.plotArraySDP);