Example #1
        public static cIndividualController GetController(IIndividualRepository repository)
            cIndividualController controller = new cIndividualController(repository);

            controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
                Controller     = controller,
                RequestContext = new RequestContext(new MockHttpContext(), new RouteData())
Example #2
        public void Initialize()
            _repo = (InMemoryIndividualRepository)Harness.GetRepo();

            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Phillipe", Surname = "Coutinho"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 2, Firstname = "Bob", Surname = "Lalana"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 4, Firstname = "Simon", Surname = "Mignolet"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 5, Firstname = "Robert", Surname = "Firmino"

            _controller = Harness.GetController(_repo);

            IList <cMatter> oMatters = new List <cMatter>();

            oMatters.Add(new cMatter {
                ID = "1", Description = "Test1"
            oMatters.Add(new cMatter {
                ID = "2", Description = "Test2"

            cCDD_Details oCDD = new cCDD_Details {
                ID = 1, CDDStatus = eCDDStatus.Complete

            IList <cEntityRelationship> oER = new List <cEntityRelationship>();

            oER.Add(new cEntityRelationship {
                ID = 1, entityA_ID = 1, entityB_ID = 2, relType = eRelType.Director

            cIndividual indiv = new cIndividual();

            indiv.ID          = 3;
            indiv.Firstname   = "Adam";
            indiv.Surname     = "Lalana";
            indiv.Matters     = oMatters;
            indiv.CDD_Details = oCDD;
            indiv.IsA         = oER;

Example #3
        public void Create_Post_PutsValidContactIntoRepository()
            // Arrange
            InMemoryIndividualRepository repository = new InMemoryIndividualRepository();
            cIndividualController        controller = Harness.GetController(repository);
            cIndividual indiv = GetIndividual();

            // Act

            // Assert
            IEnumerable <cIndividual> individuals = repository.GetAllIndividuals();

Example #4
        public void Create_Post_ReturnsViewIfModelStateIsNotValid()
            // Arrange
            cIndividualController controller = Harness.GetController(new InMemoryIndividualRepository());

            // Simply executing a method during a unit test does just that - executes a method, and no more.
            // The MVC pipeline doesn't run, so binding and validation don't run.
            controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "mock error message");
            cIndividual model = GetIndividual(1, "", "", DateTime.Now, "", "");

            // Act
            var result = (ViewResult)controller.Create(model);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Create", result.ViewName);
Example #5
        public void Initialize()
            _repo = (InMemoryIndividualRepository)Harness.GetRepo();

            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Phillipe", Surname = "Coutinho"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Bob", Surname = "Lalana"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Adam", Surname = "Lalana"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Simon", Surname = "Mignolet"
            _repo.Add(new cIndividual {
                ID = 1, Firstname = "Robert", Surname = "Firmino"

            _controller = Harness.GetController(_repo);