private void comport_box_SC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String serialport_name = (String)comport_box_SC.SelectedItem;

            // if selected item is same as currently connected, do nothing and return
            if (comport_SC != null && comport_SC.IsOpen && comport_SC.PortName == serialport_name)
            add_text_message_SC("trying to connect " + serialport_name + "...\n");
            boost_type boost_type_temp = test_serial_port(serialport_name);

            if (boost_type_temp == boost_type.POCKET_DETECTOR)
            else if (boost_type_temp == boost_type.SMART_CUE)
                try {
                    comport_SC             = new SerialPort(serialport_name, BAUDRATE, PARITY, DATABITS, STOPBITS);
                    comport_SC.ReadTimeout = SERIAL_TIMEOUT_MS;
                    add_text_message_SC("succeeded to connect " + serialport_name + "\n");
                } catch { }
            else if (boost_type_temp == boost_type.NOT_RECOGNIZED)
                add_text_message_SC("unrecognizable device: " + serialport_name + "\n");
                add_text_message_SC("unable to connect " + serialport_name + "\n");
 // comport_scan_worker continuously update serialport and make boost workers work
 private void comport_scan_worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     while (true)
         Console.Write("comscanner called\n");
         if (comport_scan_worker.CancellationPending)
             Console.Write("cancellation requested\n");
             e.Cancel = true;
         // always update comports box for all the devices
         // update the list of serial ports keeping selected item if already selected
         String[] serialport_names = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
         // if updated, update comport list
         Invoke(new update_comport_list_delegate(update_comport_list), (Object)serialport_names);
         // scan all the comports and open a port if a valid port is detected and no port is already opend for the device
         for (int i = 0; i < serialport_names.Length; i++)
             boost_type boost_type_temp = test_serial_port(serialport_names[i]);
             // if port is valid pocket detector and pocket detector is not yet opened,
             // select the index to make selectedindexchanged() run, in which the port is opened
             if (boost_type_temp == boost_type.POCKET_DETECTOR && (comport_PD == null || !comport_PD.IsOpen))
                 Invoke(new select_index_delegate(select_index), comport_box_PD, i);
             else if (boost_type_temp == boost_type.SMART_CUE && (comport_SC == null || !comport_SC.IsOpen))
                 Invoke(new select_index_delegate(select_index), comport_box_SC, i);
         String status_text = "";
         if (comport_PD != null && comport_PD.IsOpen && pocketdetector_worker.IsBusy)
             status_text += "Pocket detector: running ";
             status_text += "Pocket detector: not running ";
         if (comport_SC != null && comport_SC.IsOpen && pocketdetector_worker.IsBusy)
             status_text += "Smart cue: running ";
             status_text += "Smart cue: not running ";
         Invoke(new status_set_text_delegate(set_text_status_all), status_text);