public bool IsStronglyConnected(List <int>[] graph) { int v = graph.Length; bool[] vs = new bool[v]; DFSUtil(graph, 0, vs); if (vs.Any(s => !s)) { return(false); } var tGraph = GraphListHelper.GetTransposeGraph(graph); for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) { vs[i] = false; } DFSUtil(tGraph, 0, vs); if (vs.Any(s => !s)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void PrintTable(List <string[]> table, IBenchmarkLogger logger, string[] columnsToAlwaysShow) { if (table.Count == 0) { logger.WriteLineError("There are no found benchmarks"); logger.NewLine(); return; } int rowCount = table.Count, colCount = table[0].Length; var columnsToShowIndexes = columnsToAlwaysShow.Select(col => Array.IndexOf(table[0], col)); int[] widths = new int[colCount]; bool[] areSame = new bool[colCount]; for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) { areSame[colIndex] = rowCount > 2 && colIndex < colCount - 3; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) { widths[colIndex] = Math.Max(widths[colIndex], table[rowIndex][colIndex].Length + 1); if (rowIndex > 1 && table[rowIndex][colIndex] != table[1][colIndex]) { areSame[colIndex] = false; } } } if (areSame.Any(s => s)) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) { if (areSame[colIndex] && columnsToShowIndexes.Contains(colIndex) == false) { logger.WriteInfo($"{table[0][colIndex]}={table[1][colIndex]} "); } } logger.NewLine(); } table.Insert(1, widths.Select(w => new string('-', w)).ToArray()); foreach (var row in table) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) { if (!areSame[colIndex] || columnsToShowIndexes.Contains(colIndex)) { logger.WriteStatistic(row[colIndex].PadLeft(widths[colIndex], ' ') + " |"); } } logger.NewLine(); } if (areSame.Any(s => s)) { logger.NewLine(); } }
private bool AdjustStringMembers(TypeGenerator generator, FileAnalyzer analyzer) { analyzer.Stream.Position = 0; var enumerableType = typeof(StorageEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(analyzer.RecordType); var enumerable = (IEnumerable)Activator.CreateInstance(enumerableType, analyzer.Stream, analyzer.Options); var isValidString = new bool[analyzer.Members.Members.Count]; for (var itr = 0; itr < isValidString.Length; ++itr) { isValidString[itr] = false; } foreach (var node in enumerable) { var memberIndex = 0; foreach (var exMemberInfo in analyzer.Members.Members) { if (memberIndex == analyzer.Members.IndexColumn) { ++memberIndex; continue; } var memberInfo = (PropertyInfo)exMemberInfo.MemberInfo; var memberValue = memberInfo.GetValue(node); if (exMemberInfo.Type == typeof(string)) { isValidString[memberIndex] = exMemberInfo.MappedTo.BitSize > 16 && memberValue != null; } ++memberIndex; } } for (var itr = 0; itr < isValidString.Length; ++itr) { if (!isValidString[itr]) { generator.GetMember(itr).Type = typeof(int); } } if (isValidString.Any()) { generator.Generate(); } return(isValidString.Any()); }
#pragma warning restore public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { SpreadMax = FInput.IsAnyInvalid() ? 0 : FInput.SliceCount; if (SpreadMax <= 0) { FMatch.FlushNil(); FOutput.FlushNil(); return; } FMatch.SliceCount = FOutput.SliceCount = 0; foreach (var message in FInput) { var match = new bool[FFilter.SliceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < FFilter.SliceCount; i++) { match[i] = message.Fields.Contains(FFilter[i]); } if (match.Any()) { FOutput.Add(message); FMatch.AddRange(match); } } FOutput.Flush(); FMatch.Flush(); }
static void Solve() { var a = GetInts()[0]; var i = 1; while (true) { var bools = new bool[9]; while (bools.Any(z => !z)) { Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} 2"); Console.Out.Flush(); var xs = GetInts(); if (xs[0] == 0 && xs[1] == 0) { return; } if (xs[0] == -1 && xs[1] == -1) { return; } var row = xs[0] - i; var column = xs[1] - 1; bools[row * 3 + column] = true; } i += 3; } }
public static bool AllCovered(List <Period> periodList, DateTime begin, DateTime end) { int diff = (int)(end.Date - begin.Date).TotalDays; if (diff <= 0) { return(true); } bool[] covered = new bool[diff]; for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { // Get the list of periods for that day and only that day // It's a list because multiple periods can be at the same begin-end datetimes but with different days IEnumerable <Period> periods = periodList.Where(p => begin >= p.Begin && begin <= p.End && p.IsClosed == false); foreach (Period cur in periods) { // Check if that day is covered if (((int)cur.Days & days[(int)(begin.DayOfWeek)]) == days[(int)(begin.DayOfWeek)]) { covered[i] = true; } } begin = begin.AddDays(1); } return(!covered.Any(p => p == false)); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { //AudioPeer.Pause(); stopped = !stopped; } if (stopped) { return; } timeLimit -= Time.deltaTime; if (timeLimit < 0) { var graces = new bool[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { { graces[i] = AudioPeer.audioBand[i] > tresholdDown && AudioPeer.audioBand[i] < tresholdUp; } } if (graces.Any(x => x == true)) { SpawnWall(graces); } timeLimit = minTimeBetweenWalls; } }
public int Solution(int[] A) { // write your code in C# 5.0 with .NET 4.5 (Mono) if (A.Length == 1) { return(A[0] == 1 ? 1 : 0); } int maxNumber = A.Length; var existing = new bool[maxNumber + 1]; existing[0] = true; foreach (int number in A) { if (number < A.Length + 1) { existing[number] = true; } else { return(0); } } if (existing.Any(exist => !exist)) { return(0); } return(1); }
private PerformanceHeartbeat[] MatchEquivalentHeartbeats(PerformanceHeartbeat[] expected) { return(Match.Create <PerformanceHeartbeat[]>(actual => { if (expected.Length != actual.Length) { return false; } bool[] matches = new bool[5]; for (int i = 0; i < actual.Length; ++i) { matches[0] = expected[i].PartitionCount == actual[i].PartitionCount; matches[1] = expected[i].ControlQueueLatencies.SequenceEqual(actual[i].ControlQueueLatencies); matches[2] = expected[i].ControlQueueLengths.SequenceEqual(actual[i].ControlQueueLengths); matches[3] = expected[i].WorkItemQueueLength == actual[i].WorkItemQueueLength; matches[4] = expected[i].WorkItemQueueLatency == actual[i].WorkItemQueueLatency; if (matches.Any(m => m == false)) { return false; } } return true; })); }
private static bool[][] Evolve(bool[][] currentBoardState, bool isToroidal) { var rowCount = currentBoardState.Length; var newBoardState = new bool[rowCount][]; if (newBoardState.Any()) { var columnCount = currentBoardState[0].Length; for (var row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { newBoardState[row] = new bool[columnCount]; for (var cell = 0; cell < columnCount; cell++) { var liveNeighbors = GetLiveNeighborCount(row, cell, currentBoardState, isToroidal); //Apply the Game of Life Rules //Rules are: //1. Any live cell with two or three neighbors survives. //2. Any dead cell with three live neighbors becomes a live cell. //3. All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead. newBoardState[row][cell] = currentBoardState[row][cell] ? !((liveNeighbors < 2) || (liveNeighbors > 3)) : liveNeighbors == 3; } } } return(newBoardState); }
public bool[] GetRemainingRows() { var remainingRows = new bool[PreprocessingData.Rows]; if (ActiveFilters.Any()) { var filterResults = ActiveFilters.Select(f => f.Check()).ToList(); var rowFilterResults = new bool[filterResults.Count]; for (int row = 0; row < remainingRows.Length; row++) { for (int i = 0; i < filterResults.Count; i++) { rowFilterResults[i] = filterResults[i][row]; } remainingRows[row] = IsAndCombination ? rowFilterResults.All(x => x) : rowFilterResults.Any(x => x); } } else { // if not filters active => all rows are remaining for (int i = 0; i < remainingRows.Length; i++) { remainingRows[i] = true; } } return(remainingRows); }
private static ulong[] FindPatterns() { ulong[] uOffsets = new ulong[4]; ulong lpAddress = 0x140004000; bool[] found = new bool[4] { false, false, false, false }; do { if (VirtualQueryEx(game.Handle, (IntPtr)(long)lpAddress, out MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 lpBuffer, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64))) > 0 && lpBuffer.RegionSize != 0) { byte[] buffer = new byte[lpBuffer.RegionSize]; ReadProcessMemory(game.Handle, (IntPtr)(long)lpBuffer.BaseAddress, buffer); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (found[i]) { continue; } if (uOffsets[i] == 0) { int index = FindSubArrayIndex(buffer, patterns[i]); if (index >= 0) { uOffsets[i] = lpBuffer.BaseAddress + (ulong)index; found[i] = true; } } } } } while (lpAddress < 0x145000000 && found.Any(x => !x)); return(uOffsets); }
private bool IngredientMatch(IngredientType[] ing1, IngredientType[] ing2) { if (ing1 == null || ing2 == null || ing1.Length != ing2.Length) { return(false); } // we want to flag the elements in the second array that have been already been matched with one in the first array bool[] matchedIngredients = new bool[ing2.Length]; // for each ingredient in first array, look for a match in the second array for (int i = 0; i < ing1.Length; i++) { IngredientType currentIngredient = ing1[i]; for (int j = 0; j < ing2.Length; j++) { if (!matchedIngredients[j] && currentIngredient == ing2[j]) { matchedIngredients[j] = true; break; } } } // if any of the ingredients of the second array wasn't matched, return false, otherwise it's a match return(!matchedIngredients.Any(m => !m)); // TODO: can be improved so that it returns false exactly after one element wasn't found... no need to keep matching. }
/// <summary> /// Fetches tasks that are waiting to be processed /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">the event-sender</param> /// <param name="e">event information</param> private void FetchMoreTasks(object sender, GetMoreTasksEventArgs e) { TPackage package; if (packages[e.Priority].TryTake(out package)) { IProcessTask[] items = package.GetTasks(); lock (workingPackages) { package.PackageFinished += PackageFinished; package.DemandForRequeue += DemandForRequeue; workingPackages.Add(package); } bool[] ok = new bool[items.Length]; while (ok.Any(n => !n)) { for (int index = 0; index < items.Length; index++) { IProcessTask item = items[index]; ok[index] = processor.EnqueueTask((TTask)item); } } } }
public bool CheckingWhichJobsDetailsCanBeDisplayedInUserDetailsWindow(User _userWhoWantsToWatch, out bool[] matches) { matches = new bool[_checksIfUserCanSeeUserDetails.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _checksIfUserCanSeeUserDetails.Length; i++) { var funcForUser = _checksIfUserCanSeeUserDetails[i]; var funcForWatcher = _checksIfUserWhoWatchCanSeeUsersDetails[i]; if (_userWhoWantsToWatch == null) { funcForWatcher = u => true; } if (funcForUser(this) && funcForWatcher(_userWhoWantsToWatch)) { matches[i] = true; } else { matches[i] = false; } } return(matches.Any(b => b)); }
public static (bool result, Dictionary <int, int> value) IsSeriesTestPassed(string bbsString) { FillSeries(); string series = string.Empty; foreach (var letter in bbsString) { if (letter != '0') { series += letter; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(series)) { seriesSet[series.Length >= 6 ? 6 : series.Length]++; series = string.Empty; } } bool[] summary = new bool[6]; summary[0] = seriesSet[1].IsInRange(2315, 2685); summary[1] = seriesSet[2].IsInRange(1114, 1386); summary[2] = seriesSet[3].IsInRange(527, 723); summary[3] = seriesSet[4].IsInRange(240, 384); summary[4] = seriesSet[5].IsInRange(103, 209); summary[5] = seriesSet[6].IsInRange(103, 209); return(!summary.Any(s => !s), seriesSet); }
int GetCost(Diff diff, Point[] points) { var seen = new bool[points.Length]; var current = points[0]; seen[0] = true; var cost = 1; while (seen.Any(b => !b)) { var next = FindNext(diff, current, points, seen); if (next != -1) { current = points[next]; seen[next] = true; } else { cost++; for (int i = 0; i < seen.Length; i++) { if (!seen[i]) { current = points[i]; seen[i] = true; break; } } } } return(cost); }
#pragma warning restore 1591 // Xml Comments void ScheduleOperations(Task task, Action <Task> taskDone) { _taskOperationIds[task] = new Guid[task.Operations.Length]; var operationsDone = new bool[task.Operations.Length]; for (var operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < task.CurrentOperation; operationIndex++) { operationsDone[operationIndex] = true; } for (var operationIndex = task.CurrentOperation; operationIndex < task.Operations.Length; operationIndex++) { ScheduleOperation(task, operationsDone, operationIndex, taskDone); } if (!_tasks.Contains(task)) { StopOperationsForTask(task); } if (!operationsDone.Any(b => b == false)) { _taskOperationIds.Remove(task); } }
public static IEnumerable <IEnumerable <int> > Find(int[] containers) { bool[] indexes = new bool[containers.Length]; do { int currentIndex = indexes.Length - 1; bool overflow = false; do { indexes[currentIndex] = !indexes[currentIndex]; if (!indexes[currentIndex]) { overflow = true; --currentIndex; if (currentIndex < 0) { break; } } else { overflow = false; } } while (overflow); IEnumerable <int> used = containers.Zip(indexes, (c, i) => (c: c, i: i)).Where(x => x.i).Select(x => x.c); if (used.Sum() == 150) { yield return(used); } } while (indexes.Any(x => !x)); }
public int EvaluateUnlessWithMigration(double targetValue, double mutationMin, double mutationMax, double selectionP = 1) { var comm =; double current = Average(); int counter = 0; bool done = false; bool totalDone = false; bool[] dones = new bool[comm.Size]; while (current > targetValue) { comm.Allgather(done, ref dones); totalDone = dones.Any(d => d); if (totalDone) { break; } Selection(selectionP); Crossover(); Mutation(mutationMin, mutationMax); current = Average(); counter++; if (counter % 5 == 0) { Migrate(_population.Length / 4); } } done = true; if (!totalDone) { comm.Allgather(done, ref dones); } return(counter); }
public static TaxonomyFieldValueCollection GetTaxonomyFieldValues(TermSet termSet, IEnumerable <string> values, bool addIfDoesNotExist, out bool newTermsAdded) { TaxonomyFieldValueCollection termValues = TaxonomyFieldControl.GetTaxonomyCollection(""); newTermsAdded = false; if (values != null && values.Count() > 0) { bool[] newTermAddedResult = new bool[values.Count()]; termValues.AddRange(values.Where(termValue => termValue != null) .Select((value, i) => { bool newTermAdded; TaxonomyFieldValue val = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(termSet, value, addIfDoesNotExist, out newTermAdded); newTermAddedResult[i] = newTermAdded; return(val); })); newTermsAdded = newTermAddedResult.Any(newTermAdded => newTermAdded); } return(termValues); }
private static long CheckMutualExclusion(ILock @lock, int count, int cyclesCount) { var buckets = new long[count]; var finished = new bool[count]; var total = 0L; ThreadId.ZeroOut(); var threads = Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select(i => { return(new Thread(() => { for (var j = 0; j < cyclesCount; j++) { @lock.Lock(); buckets[i]++; total++; @lock.Unlock(); } finished[i] = true; })); }); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Start(); } while (finished.Any(f => !f)) { } return(total); }
/// <summary> /// Checks to see if a section of cells is valid. A section of cells would be a single row, single column or single quadrient of cells. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// All cells must have a value and the values must be unique within the section of cells /// </remarks> /// <param name="cells"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static bool IsValid(IEnumerable <Puzzle.Cell> cells) { bool[] verifier = new bool[Puzzle.MAX_VALUE]; /* * The idea is simple... * Use a verifying array to hold true/false values. * Iterate through the section of cells * When iterating through the cells array, use the cell's value (minus 1) as the index to the verifier array to set the value to true * After the cells has been iterated all the way through, then check the verifier array. * If all values are true, then the section of cells is valid */ // Iterate through the section of cells foreach (Puzzle.Cell cell in cells) { if (cell.Value.HasValue) { verifier[cell.Value.Value - 1] = true; } } // Check to see if there is any item in the array that is false, if so, then it is not valid return(!verifier.Any(x => x == false)); }
/// <summary> /// Tests if the basic conditions for photosynthesis to occur are met /// </summary> private bool IsSensible() { var CPath = Canopy.Canopy; var temp = Temperature.AirTemperature; bool[] tempConditions = new bool[4] { temp > pathway.ElectronTransportRateParams.TMax, temp <pathway.ElectronTransportRateParams.TMin, temp> pathway.MesophyllCO2ConductanceParams.TMax, temp < pathway.MesophyllCO2ConductanceParams.TMin }; bool invalidTemp = tempConditions.Any(b => b == true); bool invalidRadn = Radiation.Total <= double.Epsilon; if (invalidTemp || invalidRadn) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
private bool IsValidRsaHsm() { // MAY have public key parameters if ((N == null && E != null) || (N != null && E == null)) { return(false); } // MUST NOT have private key parameters, but only ALL or NONE var privateParameters = new bool[] { D != null, DP != null, DQ != null, QI != null, P != null, Q != null }; if (privateParameters.Any((value) => value)) { return(false); } // MUST have ( T || ( N && E ) ) var tokenParameters = T != null; var publicParameters = (N != null && E != null); if (tokenParameters && publicParameters) { return(false); } return(tokenParameters || publicParameters); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var word = "onomatopoetikon"; var triedLetters = new List <char>(); var visibleLetters = new bool[word.Length]; while (visibleLetters.Any(v => v == false)) { Console.WriteLine("Gjett ordet eller en bokstav:"); var guess = Console.ReadLine(); if (guess.Length > 1 && guess != word) { Console.WriteLine("Feil, prøv igjen :P"); } else if (guess.Length > 1 && guess == word) { Console.WriteLine("Korrekt! :D"); visibleLetters = Enumerable.Repeat(true, visibleLetters.Length).ToArray(); } else if (guess.Length == 1) { RevealLetter(ref visibleLetters, word, guess.ToCharArray().First()); } PrintWord(word, visibleLetters); } }
public bool passwordTester(string password) { bool[] hasDouble = new bool[6]; char lastChar = password[0]; char twoPrev = ' '; if (password.Length != 6) { return(false); } for (int i = 1; i < password.Length; i++) { if (password[i] < lastChar) { return(false); } if (password[i] == lastChar && password[i] != twoPrev) { hasDouble[i - 1] = true; } if (password[i] == lastChar && password[i] == twoPrev) { hasDouble[i - 2] = false; } twoPrev = lastChar; lastChar = password[i]; } return(hasDouble.Any(x => x == true)); }
private static IEnumerable <IEnumerable <TResult> > ZipIteratorExtended <TIn, TResult>( IEnumerable <IEnumerable <TIn> > sequences, Func <TIn, TResult> resultSelector) { var enumerators = sequences.Select(_ => _.GetEnumerator()).ToList(); var length = enumerators.Count; var breakEnumerators = new bool[length]; while (breakEnumerators.Any(_ => !_)) { var result = Enumerable.Empty <TResult>(); foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, length)) { if (!enumerators[i].MoveNext()) { breakEnumerators[i] = true; } else { result = resultSelector(enumerators[i].Current).Yield().Concat(result); } } yield return(result); } enumerators.ForEach(_ => _.Dispose()); }
public static bool arithmeticExpression(int a, int b, int c) { var tests = new bool[4] { (a + b == c), (a - b == c), (a * b == c), (b * c == a) }; return(tests.Any(x => x == true)); }
/// <summary> /// 深度优先遍历,采用bool数组 /// </summary> /// <param name="rooms"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CanVisitAllRooms_V2(IList <IList <int> > rooms) { var res = new bool[rooms.Count]; dfs(rooms, 0, res); return(!(res.Any(i => i == false))); }