private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { blood_types Type = (blood_types)Enum.Parse(typeof(blood_types), typeCombo.Text); DateTime expireDT = dateTimePicker1.Value.Date + dateTimePicker1.Value.TimeOfDay; BloodbankOperations.add_blood_type(Type, bbNameBox.Text, expireDT); }
//functions to access the no_of_blood_packs array ((they have to be added in the data base)) public static bool add_blood_type(blood_types b, string bloodbankname, DateTime exp_date) { /* update:::no need to the commented part * int i = (int)b; //casting the blood type to be an integer equals to its index in the array * no_of_blood_packs[i]++; //incrementing number of this type in the array */ string cols = "bb_id"; string q = "select * from BloodBanks where bb_name='" + bloodbankname + "'"; string result = DatabaseHandler.getvarfromDB(q, cols); //get th id of the bloodbank name we want to add in q = "insert into BloodPacks values (" + exp_date + "," + b + "," + result + ")"; return(DatabaseHandler.insertdatatodatabase(q)); }
private void packButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { blood_types[] types = new blood_types[] { blood_types.A_pos, blood_types.A_neg, blood_types.B_pos, blood_types.B_neg, blood_types.AB_pos, blood_types.AB_neg, blood_types.O_pos, blood_types.O_neg }; //add fix LoadTable("select BloodBanks.bb_name,BloodBanks.bb_email,BloodBanks.bb_mobile,BloodBanks.bb_address,BloodBanks.bb_type from BloodBanks INNER JOIN BloodPacks ON bb_id=bpack_bank and bpack_bloodtype='" + types[bTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString() + "'"); }
// public static bool remove_blood_type(blood_types b, string bloodbankname) //it takes argument of blood_types enum parameter { /* update:::no need to the commented part * int i = (int)b; //casting the blood type to be an integer equals to its index in the array * //must first check the data base if it doesn't equal zero * if (no_of_blood_packs[i] > 0) * { * no_of_blood_packs[i]--; //decrementing number of this type in the array * } */ string cols = "bb_id"; string q = "select * from BloodBanks where bb_name='" + bloodbankname + "'"; string result = DatabaseHandler.getvarfromDB(q, cols); //get th id of the bloodbank name we want to remove from q = "delete from BloodPacks where bpack_bloodtype='" + b + "'and bpack_bank='" + result + "'"; return(DatabaseHandler.insertdatatodatabase(q)); }
private void signUpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { blood_types[] types = new blood_types[] { blood_types.A_pos, blood_types.A_neg, blood_types.B_pos, blood_types.B_neg, blood_types.AB_pos, blood_types.AB_neg, blood_types.O_pos, blood_types.O_neg }; passMessage.Text = ""; emailMessage.Text = ""; mobileMessage.Text = ""; User user = new User(); user.Name = nameField.Text; user.pictureLoc = imgloc; Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([\w\.\-]+)@([\w\-]+)((\.(\w){2,3})+)$"); Match match = regex.Match(emailField.Text); if (!match.Success) { emailMessage.Text = "Enter valid email !"; return; } user.Email = emailField.Text; if (passwordField.Text != confirmPassField.Text) { passMessage.Text = "Passwords didn't match"; return; } user.Password = passwordField.Text; Regex regex2 = new Regex(@"^01[0-2]"); Match match2 = regex2.Match(mobileField.Text); if (!match2.Success || mobileField.Text.Length != 11) { mobileMessage.Text = "Enter valid mobile !"; return; } user.mobileNo = mobileField.Text; user.HealthCond = healthCondField.Text; user.birthdate = DateTime.Parse(birthDateField.Text); user.BloodType = types[bTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex]; if (!UserOperations.signUp(user)) { emailMessage.Text = "Used Email!"; } else { UserHomeForm home = new UserHomeForm(); home.Show(); this.Hide(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { blood_types Type = (blood_types)Enum.Parse(typeof(blood_types), typeCombo.Text); BloodbankOperations.remove_blood_type(Type, bbNameBox.Text); }