Example #1
    void createGrid()
        for (int x = 0; x < gridY; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gridX; y++)
                // instantite blocks here
                GameObject soundBlock = Instantiate(prefabBlock, Vector3.zero, prefabBlock.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                soundBlock.transform.parent        = transform;
                soundBlock.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x + (offserX * x), y + (offsetY * y), offsetZ);
                soundBlock.name = ("sB_x" + x as string + "_y" + y as string + "_ID" + blockID as string + "_clip_" + audioFiles[blockID].name);

                // work on each block parameters through component cast
                blockController tempBlockController = soundBlock.GetComponent <blockController>();
                AudioSource     tempAS = soundBlock.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
                tempBlockController.blockText.text = splitString(audioFiles[blockID].name, maxLineChars);
                tempBlockController.blockID        = blockID;
                tempBlockController.audioToPlay    = audioFiles[blockID];
                tempAS.clip = (AudioClip)audioFiles[blockID];

                // remember to increment blockID
Example #2
    void UndoMove(MoveInf move)
        GameObject block;

        if (move.isChanged)
            GameObject preBlock     = relayBoard.transform.Find(move.blockName).gameObject;
            Vector3    iniPos       = preBlock.GetComponent <blockController>().initBlockPos;
            GameObject blockPrefabs = preBlock.GetComponent <blockController>().changeBlock;
            block = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefabs, iniPos, Quaternion.identity, preBlock.transform.parent);
            block.GetComponent <blockController>().isChanged = false;
            string          partten = @"\s.*";
            MatchCollection match   = Regex.Matches(preBlock.name, partten);
            string          order   = null;
            if (match.Count > 0)
                order = match[0].ToString();
            block.name = blockPrefabs.name + order;
            block = relayBoard.transform.Find(move.blockName).gameObject;
        blockController controller = block.GetComponent <blockController>();

        if (move.endBoard == manager.JigsawBoard)
            manager.AddPointToList(block, manager.JigsawBoard);
            controller.isAtJigsawBoard = false;
            controller.isAtJigsawBoard = true;
        block.transform.position    = move.sourPos;
        block.transform.eulerAngles = move.sourRoa;
        if (move.sourBoard == manager.JigsawBoard)
            manager.DeletePointFromList(block, manager.JigsawBoard);
            controller.isAtJigsawBoard = true;
            controller.isAtJigsawBoard = false;
Example #3
    public void generate_blocks()
        if (size_x % 2 == 0)
        /**make x to odd number**/
        //GameObject block_array[size_x][size_y];
        floor_array = new blockController[size_x][];
        for (int i = 0; i < size_x; i++)
            floor_array [i] = new blockController[size_y];

        //generate block by array
        int middle_line = size_x / 2 + 1;

        for (int line = 0; line < size_x; line++)
            /**this is the counter for the mid respawnning pool**/
            int counter_mid_respawning_pool = number_of_spawning_point / 2 + 1;
            int counter_diamond             = number_of_diamond;
            for (int roll = 0; roll < size_y; roll++)
                if (block_array [line] [roll] == 0)
                    int             r = Random.Range(0, 101);
                    blockController b;
                    if (r < 10)
                        b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    else if (r < 20)
                        b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(block2, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                        b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(block3, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll;
                    //	print ("init map x " + line + " y " + roll);
                    floor_array [line] [roll] = b;
                    b.type             = block_array [line] [roll];
                    b.transform.parent = this.transform;
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 1)
                    blockController b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(function_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    b.x    = line;
                    b.y    = roll; floor_array [line] [roll] = b; b.transform.parent = this.transform;
                    b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 2)
                    blockController b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(trap_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll; floor_array [line] [roll] = b; b.transform.parent = this.transform; b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 3)
                    blockController b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(no_pass_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll; floor_array [line] [roll] = b; b.transform.parent = this.transform; b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 4)
                    blockController b;
                    if (line < middle_line)
                        b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(respwaning_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90f, 0f))).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                        b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(respwaning_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f))).GetComponent <blockController> ();

                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll;
                    floor_array [line] [roll] = b; b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
                    if (map == 1 || map == 2)
                        main_respwaning_pool[1] = floor_array[0][roll];
                        main_respwaning_pool[0] = floor_array[size_x - 1][roll];
                        if (line == 0 && counter_mid_respawning_pool == 1)
                            /**if the left side(true)**/
                            main_respwaning_pool[1] = floor_array[line][roll];
                        else if (
                            line == size_x - 1 && counter_mid_respawning_pool == 1)
                            main_respwaning_pool[0] = floor_array[line][roll];

                    b.transform.parent = this.transform;
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 5)
                    blockController b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(diamond_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();

                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll;
                    floor_array [line] [roll]           = b;
                    diamond_array [counter_diamond - 1] = floor_array [line] [roll]; b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
                    b.transform.parent = this.transform;
                else if (block_array [line] [roll] == 6)
                    blockController b = ((GameObject)Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent <blockController> ();
                    b.x = line;
                    b.y = roll;
                    floor_array [line] [roll] = b;
                    b.transform.parent        = this.transform; b.type = block_array [line] [roll];
        /**build edge block***/
        for (int line = -1; line < size_x + 1; line++)
            GameObject b = (GameObject)Instantiate(edge_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, -1 * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
            b.transform.parent = this.transform;
            b.tag = "edge";
            b     = (GameObject)Instantiate(edge_block, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, (size_y) * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
            b.transform.parent = this.transform; b.tag = "edge";
        for (int roll = 0; roll < size_y; roll++)
            GameObject b = (GameObject)Instantiate(edge_block, new Vector3(-1 * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
            b.transform.parent = this.transform; b.tag = "edge";
            b = (GameObject)Instantiate(edge_block, new Vector3((size_x) * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
            b.transform.parent = this.transform; b.tag = "edge";
        /**build env**/
        for (int line = 0 - 5; line < size_x + 5 + 1; line++)
            for (int roll = 0 - 7; roll < size_y + 7; roll++)
                if (!(roll > -2 && roll < size_y + 1 && line > -2 && line < size_x + 1))
                    int        k = Random.Range(0, 101);
                    GameObject b;
                    if (k < 10)
                        b = (GameObject)Instantiate(env3, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
                    else if (k < 10)
                        b = (GameObject)Instantiate(env2, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity);
                        b = (GameObject)Instantiate(env1, new Vector3(line * block_size, -1, roll * block_size), Quaternion.identity);

                    b.transform.parent = this.transform;
Example #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        blockController[] Controllers = pickupBoard.GetComponentsInChildren <blockController>();
        foreach (var controller in Controllers)
            if (controller.type == blockType.mouse)
                mouseController = controller;
        switch (teachState)
        case TeachState.NotTeaching:
            if (Input.anyKeyDown && isStartShowEnd)
                if (lineInd != lines.Length)
                    isEnd = true;

        case TeachState.TeachingCatScareMouse:
            if (mouseController.isChanged)
                teachState = TeachState.NotTeaching;
                if (lineInd != lines.Length)
                    isEnd = true;

        case TeachState.TeachingMouseAvoidCat:
            if (mouseController.isAtJigsawBoard)
                teachState = TeachState.NotTeaching;
                if (lineInd != lines.Length)
                    isEnd = true;

    // Use this for initialization
    protected virtual void Awake()
        mycustomNetworkManager = GameObject.Find("networkController").GetComponent<customNetworkManager>();

        currentHealth = startingHealth;
        currentMana = startingMana;

        playerArrow = transform.Find("arrow parent").gameObject;
        myblockController = transform.Find("block").GetComponent<blockController>();
        myUltiCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ultimateCamera").GetComponent<ultimateCameraControllerNetwork>();

        mymelee = transform.Find("melee trigger box").GetComponent<meleeNetwork>();
        myaudio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        isJumping = false;
        hasEnterGameOver = false;
        isAttack = false;
        isCastMode = false;
        playBlockAnimation = false;
        isLose = false;
        canMove = true;
        isWalking = false;
        isInResult = false;
        canCastUltimate = true;
        isPSActive = false;
        isPSArmor = false;
        isPSOTU = false;

        armorUICD = false;

         isNotEnoughMana = false;
        isKnockBack = true;
        isEndOfRangeAttack = true;

        isFinishCombo = true;

        isStun = false;
        isCrouch = false;
        canCombo = false;
        shouldWaitAnimationFinish = false;
        isBlocking = false;
        isDoubleTap = false;
        canRangeAttack = true;
        canMeleeAttack = true;

        speed = normalSpeed;
        jumpSpeed = lowJumpSpeed;
           // comboCount = 0;
        highestComboAchieve = 0;
        blockCount = maxBlockCount;
        stunRate = 1;//default
        spellCoolDownRate = 1;//how fast the spell cooldown, 1 is normal rate
        spellCoolDownRateNetwork = spellCoolDownRate;

        myserverLogic = GameObject.Find("server logic(Clone)").GetComponent<serverLogic>();

        coolDownRangeTimer = 0;
        myDamageMultipler = 1;

        coolDownMeleeTimer = new float[2];
        coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate;

        isMeleeComboCount = new bool[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < isMeleeComboCount.Length; i++)
            isMeleeComboCount[i] = false;//for melee combo animation

        myblockTimer = coolDownBlockTimer;
        stunTimer = coolDownStunRate;

        //comboText = combo.GetComponent<Text>();
        //comboAnimation = combo.GetComponent<Animation>();

        spellComboArmor = new float[3];
        spellComboActive = new float[3];
        spellComboPassive = new float[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < spellComboArmor.Length; i++)
            spellComboArmor[i] = 0;
            spellComboActive[i] = 0;
            spellComboPassive[i] = 0;
        canCastSpell = new bool[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < canCastSpell.Length; i++)
            canCastSpell[i] = true;
Example #6
    //networking stuff
    //  protected NetworkInstanceId mynetworkID;
    // Use this for initialization
    protected virtual void Awake()
        // Setup player attributes
        currentHealth = startingHealth;
        currentMana = startingMana;

        myblockController = transform.Find("block").GetComponent<blockController>();
        myUltiCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ultimateCamera").GetComponent<ultimateCameraController>();

        mymelee = transform.Find ("melee trigger box").GetComponent<melee> ();
        myaudio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
        isInUltimate = false;
        isJumping = false;
        isAttack = false;
        isCastMode = false;
        playBlockAnimation = false;
        isLose = false;
        canMove = true;
        isWalking = false;
        isPause = false;
        canCastUltimate = true;
        isGodMode = false;
        isUnlimitedSpell = false;

        isNotEnoughMana = false;
        isKnockBack = true;
        isEndOfRangeAttack = true;

        isFinishCombo = true;
        isUseHealthItem = false;
        isUseManaItem = false;
        isStun = false;
        isCrouch = false;
        canCombo = false;
        shouldWaitAnimationFinish = false;
        isBlocking = false;
        isDoubleTap = false;
        canRangeAttack = true;
        canMeleeAttack = true;

        speed = normalSpeed;
        jumpSpeed = lowJumpSpeed;
        comboCount = 0;

        myDamageMultipler = 1.0f;//default
        highestComboAchieve = 0;
        blockCount = maxBlockCount;
        stunRate = 1;//default
        spellCoolDownRate = 1;//how fast the spell cooldown, 1 is normal rate
        CurrentChargingBar = Mathf.Clamp01 (CurrentChargingBar);

        myGameController = GameObject.Find ("gameManager").GetComponent<gameController> ();
        //coolDownRangeTimer = coolDownRangeAttackRate;
        coolDownRangeTimer = 0;

        coolDownMeleeTimer = new float[2];
        coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate;

        isMeleeComboCount = new bool[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < isMeleeComboCount.Length; i++)
            isMeleeComboCount[i] = false;//for melee combo animation

        myblockTimer = coolDownBlockTimer;
        stunTimer = coolDownStunRate;
        comboText = combo.GetComponent<Text>();
        comboAnimation = combo.GetComponent<Animation>();

        spellComboArmor = new float[3];
        spellComboActive = new float[3];
        spellComboPassive = new float[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < spellComboArmor.Length; i++)
            spellComboArmor[i] = 0;
            spellComboActive[i] = 0;
            spellComboPassive[i] = 0;
        canCastSpell = new bool[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < canCastSpell.Length; i++)
            canCastSpell[i] = true;

        StartCoroutine (regenMana (1.0f));