Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据部门编号和年度查找项目
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deptCode">部门编号</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> GetXmByDepNd(string deptCode, string nd)
            string sql = " select a.xmCode,a.xmDept,a.je,a.isCtrl,a.nd,a.status,(select sjXm from bill_xm where xmCode=a.xmCode and xmDept=a.xmDept) as sjXm ,(select xmName from bill_xm where xmCode=a.xmCode and xmDept=a.xmDept) as XmName from bill_xm_dept_nd  a where a.status='1'and   a.nd=@nd and  (a.xmDept=@xmdept) union select a.xmCode,a.xmDept,a.je,a.isCtrl,a.nd,a.status,(select sjXm from bill_xm where xmCode=a.xmCode and xmDept=a.xmDept) as sjXm ,(select xmName from bill_xm where xmCode=a.xmCode and xmDept=a.xmDept) as XmName from bill_xm_dept_nd  a where  a.status='1'  and    a.nd=@nd  and a.xmDept=(select top 1 deptCode from bill_departments where deptCode=@xmdept and isnull(deptStatus,'1')!='0') ";

            SqlParameter[] sps = { new SqlParameter("@nd",     nd),
                                   new SqlParameter("@xmdept", deptCode) };

            DataTable dt = DataHelper.GetDataTable(sql, sps, false);

            IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> list = new List <bill_xm_dept_nd>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                bill_xm_dept_nd dic = new bill_xm_dept_nd();
                dic.xmCode = Convert.ToString(dr["xmCode"]);
                dic.xmDept = Convert.ToString(dr["xmDept"]);
                dic.nd     = Convert.ToString(dr["nd"]);
                dic.je     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["je"]);
                dic.isCtrl = Convert.ToString(dr["isCtrl"]);
                dic.SjXm   = Convert.ToString(dr["SjXm"]);
                dic.XmName = Convert.ToString(dr["XmName"]);
                dic.status = Convert.ToString(dr["status"]);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过查询语句和参数返回对象List 由于不允许直接传入语句查询  所以要求该方法一定为private
        /// </summary>
        private IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> ListMaker(string tempsql, SqlParameter[] sps)
            DataTable dt = DataHelper.GetDataTable(tempsql, sps, false);
            IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> list = new List <bill_xm_dept_nd>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                bill_xm_dept_nd model = new bill_xm_dept_nd();
                model.xmCode = dr["xmCode"].ToString();
                model.note3  = dr["note3"].ToString();
                model.note4  = dr["note4"].ToString();
                model.note5  = dr["note5"].ToString();
                model.note6  = dr["note6"].ToString();
                model.note7  = dr["note7"].ToString();
                model.xmDept = dr["xmDept"].ToString();
                if (!DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["je"]))
                    model.je = decimal.Parse(dr["je"].ToString());
                model.isCtrl = dr["isCtrl"].ToString();
                model.nd     = dr["nd"].ToString();
                model.status = dr["status"].ToString();
                model.note0  = dr["note0"].ToString();
                model.note1  = dr["note1"].ToString();
                model.note2  = dr["note2"].ToString();

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 如果年度的数据不存在2 就先把数据插入到数据库
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nd"></param>
        /// <param name="deptcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void Insert(string nd, string deptcode, string xm)
            IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> list = new List <bill_xm_dept_nd>();
            bill_xm_dept_nd         temp = new bill_xm_dept_nd();

            temp.nd     = nd;
            temp.xmDept = deptcode;
            temp.xmCode = Convert.ToString(xm);
            temp.je     = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00);
            temp.status = "0";
            temp.isCtrl = "0";

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 如果年度的数据不存在2 就先把数据插入到数据库
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nd"></param>
        /// <param name="deptcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void NullListMaker(string nd, string deptcode)
            string csql = "select *  from  bill_xm where xmDept = '" + deptcode + "' and xmStatus='1'";

            IList <bill_xm_dept_nd> list = new List <bill_xm_dept_nd>();
            DataTable sdt = DataHelper.GetDataTable(csql, null, false);

            //项目数据插入到表 在查询出结果返回
            for (int i = 0; i < sdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                bill_xm_dept_nd temp = new bill_xm_dept_nd();
                temp.nd     = nd;
                temp.xmDept = deptcode;
                temp.xmCode = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[i]["xmCode"]);
                temp.je     = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00);
                temp.status = "0";
                temp.isCtrl = "0";
            //return null;