Example #1
        Results of Armijo search

            INFO    -   on output it is set to one of the return codes:
                        * 0     improper input params
                        * 1     optimum step is found with at most FMAX evaluations
                        * 3     FMAX evaluations were used,
                                X contains optimum found so far
                        * 4     step is at lower bound STPMIN
                        * 5     step is at upper bound
            STP     -   step length (in case of failure it is still returned)
            F       -   function value (in case of failure it is still returned)

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 05.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void armijoresults(armijostate state,
            ref int info,
            ref double stp,
            ref double f)
            info = state.info;
            stp = state.stplen;
            f = state.fcur;
Example #2
        These functions perform Armijo line search using  at  most  FMAX  function
        evaluations.  It  doesn't  enforce  some  kind  of  " sufficient decrease"
        criterion - it just tries different Armijo steps and returns optimum found
        so far.

        Optimization is done using F-rcomm interface:
        * ArmijoCreate initializes State structure
          (reusing previously allocated buffers)
        * ArmijoIteration is subsequently called
        * ArmijoResults returns results

            N       -   problem size
            X       -   array[N], starting point
            F       -   F(X+S*STP)
            S       -   step direction, S>0
            STP     -   step length
            STPMAX  -   maximum value for STP or zero (if no limit is imposed)
            FMAX    -   maximum number of function evaluations
            State   -   optimization state

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 05.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void armijocreate(int n,
            double[] x,
            double f,
            double[] s,
            double stp,
            double stpmax,
            int fmax,
            armijostate state)
            int i_ = 0;

            if( ap.len(state.x)<n )
                state.x = new double[n];
            if( ap.len(state.xbase)<n )
                state.xbase = new double[n];
            if( ap.len(state.s)<n )
                state.s = new double[n];
            state.stpmax = stpmax;
            state.fmax = fmax;
            state.stplen = stp;
            state.fcur = f;
            state.n = n;
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.xbase[i_] = x[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.s[i_] = s[i_];
            state.rstate.ia = new int[0+1];
            state.rstate.ra = new double[0+1];
            state.rstate.stage = -1;
Example #3
        This is rcomm-based search function

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 05.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static bool armijoiteration(armijostate state)
            bool result = new bool();
            double v = 0;
            int n = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            // Reverse communication preparations
            // I know it looks ugly, but it works the same way
            // anywhere from C++ to Python.
            // This code initializes locals by:
            // * random values determined during code
            //   generation - on first subroutine call
            // * values from previous call - on subsequent calls
            if( state.rstate.stage>=0 )
                n = state.rstate.ia[0];
                v = state.rstate.ra[0];
                n = -983;
                v = -989;
            if( state.rstate.stage==0 )
                goto lbl_0;
            if( state.rstate.stage==1 )
                goto lbl_1;
            if( state.rstate.stage==2 )
                goto lbl_2;
            if( state.rstate.stage==3 )
                goto lbl_3;
            // Routine body
            if( ((double)(state.stplen)<=(double)(0) | (double)(state.stpmax)<(double)(0)) | state.fmax<2 )
                state.info = 0;
                result = false;
                return result;
            if( (double)(state.stplen)<=(double)(stpmin) )
                state.info = 4;
                result = false;
                return result;
            n = state.n;
            state.nfev = 0;
            // We always need F
            state.needf = true;
            // Bound StpLen
            if( (double)(state.stplen)>(double)(state.stpmax) & (double)(state.stpmax)!=(double)(0) )
                state.stplen = state.stpmax;
            // Increase length
            v = state.stplen*armijofactor;
            if( (double)(v)>(double)(state.stpmax) & (double)(state.stpmax)!=(double)(0) )
                v = state.stpmax;
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.xbase[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.x[i_] + v*state.s[i_];
            state.rstate.stage = 0;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            if( (double)(state.f)>=(double)(state.fcur) )
                goto lbl_4;
            state.stplen = v;
            state.fcur = state.f;
            if( false )
                goto lbl_7;
            // test stopping conditions
            if( state.nfev>=state.fmax )
                state.info = 3;
                result = false;
                return result;
            if( (double)(state.stplen)>=(double)(state.stpmax) )
                state.info = 5;
                result = false;
                return result;
            // evaluate F
            v = state.stplen*armijofactor;
            if( (double)(v)>(double)(state.stpmax) & (double)(state.stpmax)!=(double)(0) )
                v = state.stpmax;
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.xbase[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.x[i_] + v*state.s[i_];
            state.rstate.stage = 1;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            // make decision
            if( (double)(state.f)<(double)(state.fcur) )
                state.stplen = v;
                state.fcur = state.f;
                state.info = 1;
                result = false;
                return result;
            goto lbl_6;
            // Decrease length
            v = state.stplen/armijofactor;
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.xbase[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.x[i_] + v*state.s[i_];
            state.rstate.stage = 2;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            if( (double)(state.f)>=(double)(state.fcur) )
                goto lbl_8;
            state.stplen = state.stplen/armijofactor;
            state.fcur = state.f;
            if( false )
                goto lbl_11;
            // test stopping conditions
            if( state.nfev>=state.fmax )
                state.info = 3;
                result = false;
                return result;
            if( (double)(state.stplen)<=(double)(stpmin) )
                state.info = 4;
                result = false;
                return result;
            // evaluate F
            v = state.stplen/armijofactor;
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.xbase[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                state.x[i_] = state.x[i_] + v*state.s[i_];
            state.rstate.stage = 3;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            // make decision
            if( (double)(state.f)<(double)(state.fcur) )
                state.stplen = state.stplen/armijofactor;
                state.fcur = state.f;
                state.info = 1;
                result = false;
                return result;
            goto lbl_10;
            // Nothing to be done
            state.info = 1;
            result = false;
            return result;
            // Saving state
            result = true;
            state.rstate.ia[0] = n;
            state.rstate.ra[0] = v;
            return result;
Example #4
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     armijostate _result = new armijostate();
     _result.needf = needf;
     _result.x = (double[])x.Clone();
     _result.f = f;
     _result.n = n;
     _result.xbase = (double[])xbase.Clone();
     _result.s = (double[])s.Clone();
     _result.stplen = stplen;
     _result.fcur = fcur;
     _result.stpmax = stpmax;
     _result.fmax = fmax;
     _result.nfev = nfev;
     _result.info = info;
     _result.rstate = (rcommstate)rstate.make_copy();
     return _result;