// hack to fix the xsd creation long names (where each name contains all element names up to it (which makes it very hard to read)

/*        private void fixXsdNodeNameIssue(TreeNodeCollection tncTargetNodeCollection, String sParentText)
 *      {
 *          if (tncTargetNodeCollection != null)
 *              foreach (TreeNode tnNode in tncTargetNodeCollection)
 *              {
 *                  // DI.log.info(tnNode.Text);
 *                  //if (tnNode.Parent != null && tnNode.Parent.Parent != null)
 *                  if (sParentText != "")
 *                  {
 *                      // String sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text.Substring(0,tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text).Trim();
 *                      tnNode.Text = tnNode.Text.Replace(sParentText, "");
 *                      //if (tnNode.Parent.Parent != null)
 *                      //    tnNode.Text = tnNode.Text.Replace(tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text, "...parentParent...");
 *                  }
 *                  if (tnNode.Parent != null && (tnNode.Parent.Parent != null))
 *                  {
 *                      int iIndexOfBracket = tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text.IndexOf('(');
 *                      if (iIndexOfBracket > -1)
 *                          sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text.Substring(0, iIndexOfBracket).Trim();
 *                      else
 *                          sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text;
 *                      //    .Substring(0, tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text).Trim();
 *                  }
 *                  / *    if (tnNode.Parent != null)
 *                  {
 *                      int iIndexOfBracket = tnNode.Parent.Text.IndexOf('(');
 *                      if (iIndexOfBracket > -1)
 *                          sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text.Substring(0,iIndexOfBracket).Trim();
 *                      else
 *                          sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text;
 *                  }* /
 *                  //  tnNode.ExpandAll();
 *                  fixXsdNodeNameIssue(tnNode.Nodes, sParentText);
 *              }
 *      }
        // recursive method to load objects in nodes
        public void loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(Object oObjectToLoad, String sNodeName, String sParentNodeName,
                                                   String sParentParentNodeName,
                                                   TreeNodeCollection tncTargetNodeCollection, UInt32 uRecursiveLevel,
                                                   addMode amAddMode)
            UInt32 uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch = uDefaultMaxArrayRecordsToFetch;

            if (null != oObjectToLoad && // there is nothing to load
                0 < uRecursiveLevel--)   // don't continue recursion
                switch (oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name)
                //all these basic types can be processed in the same since the .ToString() correctly gets the value
                case "String":
                case "Int32":
                case "Int64":
                case "UInt32":
                case "UInt64":
                case "Byte":
                case "Boolean":
                    const int iStringImageType   = 2;
                    TreeNode  tnNewNodeForObject = getNewNode(sNodeName + " = " + oObjectToLoad, "", iStringImageType,
                    if (null != tnNewNodeForObject)

                    switch (amAddMode)
                    case addMode.ObjectValue:
                        // means we are loading the value of the current object

                        Int32 iObjectImageType = 0;             // 'class' icon
                        if (oObjectToLoad.GetType().IsArray)
                        // if it is an array, dont' show it if it doesn't have any items
                            iObjectImageType = 1;             // 'array' icon
                            int iCount = ((Object[])oObjectToLoad).Length;
                            if (iCount > uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch)
                                    "The number of items in the {0}[{1}] array is bigger than the current uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch: {2}",
                                    oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name, iCount, uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch);
                            if (iCount == 0)

                        // get the name of the node and if it not set, get its value from the type name
                        String sNewNodeName = sNodeName;
                        if (sNewNodeName == "")
                            sNewNodeName = oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name;
                        if (sNewNodeName == "CommonIRDumpCommonIRClassMethodsClassMemberFunctionVariable")
                        DI.log.info("{0}   -   {1}   - {2}   ", sNewNodeName, sParentNodeName,

                        if (sParentParentNodeName != "")
                            sNewNodeName = sNewNodeName.Replace(sParentParentNodeName, "");
                        // remove parent's parent name to make it easier to read (XML Serialization objects have their parents in their name)

                        if (sParentNodeName != "")
                            sNewNodeName = sNewNodeName.Replace(sParentNodeName, "");
                        // remove parent name to make it easier to read (XML Serialization objects have their parents in their name)
                        // give the user a visual representation of how many subnodes exist in this node
                        sNewNodeName += getNumberOfSubNodes(oObjectToLoad);

                        // create a new node for this objects's data (puting the object valuer in the new TreeNode's Tag)
                        TreeNode tnNewNode = getNewNode(sNewNodeName, oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name,
                                                        iObjectImageType, oObjectToLoad);
                        if (tnNewNode != null)
                            // add it to the current tncTargetNodeCollection
                            // move the tncTargetNodeCollection pointer to the new node
                            tncTargetNodeCollection = tnNewNode.Nodes;

                        // and call addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection to add this node's properties (the iRecursiveLevel controls as sub nodes (uRecursiveLevel controls how deep this one goes)
                        addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection(oObjectToLoad, tncTargetNodeCollection,
                                                                uRecursiveLevel, sParentNodeName);


                    case addMode.ObjectProperties:
                        // we are loading the object's properties (which are usually the Xml attributes Elements
                        if (oObjectToLoad.GetType().IsArray)             // if it is an array we need to add all items
                            foreach (Object oObjectInArray in (Object[])oObjectToLoad)
                                if (0 == uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch--)             // until we reach our limit
                                // invoke loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection recursively (note how now we use addMode.ObjectValue since we only want to add this node)
//                                                loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(oObjectInArray, "", oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name,sParentNodeName, tncTargetNodeCollection, uRecursiveLevel, addMode.ObjectValue);
                                    loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(oObjectInArray, "", sParentNodeName,
                                                                   tncTargetNodeCollection, uRecursiveLevel,
                            // if it is not an array let's add all its properties to teh current TreeNode Collection
                            addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection(oObjectToLoad, tncTargetNodeCollection,
                                                                    uRecursiveLevel, sParentNodeName);

        // hack to fix the xsd creation long names (where each name contains all element names up to it (which makes it very hard to read)
/*        private void fixXsdNodeNameIssue(TreeNodeCollection tncTargetNodeCollection, String sParentText)
            if (tncTargetNodeCollection != null)
                foreach (TreeNode tnNode in tncTargetNodeCollection)
                    // DI.log.info(tnNode.Text);
                    //if (tnNode.Parent != null && tnNode.Parent.Parent != null)
                    if (sParentText != "")
                        // String sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text.Substring(0,tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text).Trim();
                        tnNode.Text = tnNode.Text.Replace(sParentText, "");
                        //if (tnNode.Parent.Parent != null)
                        //    tnNode.Text = tnNode.Text.Replace(tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text, "...parentParent...");
                    if (tnNode.Parent != null && (tnNode.Parent.Parent != null))
                        int iIndexOfBracket = tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text.IndexOf('(');
                        if (iIndexOfBracket > -1)
                            sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text.Substring(0, iIndexOfBracket).Trim();
                            sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text;
                        //    .Substring(0, tnNode.Parent.Parent.Text).Trim();
                    / *    if (tnNode.Parent != null)
                        int iIndexOfBracket = tnNode.Parent.Text.IndexOf('(');
                        if (iIndexOfBracket > -1)
                            sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text.Substring(0,iIndexOfBracket).Trim();
                            sParentText = tnNode.Parent.Text;
                    }* /
                    //  tnNode.ExpandAll();
                    fixXsdNodeNameIssue(tnNode.Nodes, sParentText);
        // recursive method to load objects in nodes
        public void loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(Object oObjectToLoad, String sNodeName, String sParentNodeName,
                                                   String sParentParentNodeName,
                                                   TreeNodeCollection tncTargetNodeCollection, UInt32 uRecursiveLevel,
                                                   addMode amAddMode)
            UInt32 uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch = uDefaultMaxArrayRecordsToFetch;

            if (null != oObjectToLoad && // there is nothing to load
                0 < uRecursiveLevel--) // don't continue recursion              
                switch (oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name)
                        //all these basic types can be processed in the same since the .ToString() correctly gets the value
                    case "String":
                    case "Int32":
                    case "Int64":
                    case "UInt32":
                    case "UInt64":
                    case "Byte":
                    case "Boolean":
                        const int iStringImageType = 2;
                        TreeNode tnNewNodeForObject = getNewNode(sNodeName + " = " + oObjectToLoad, "", iStringImageType,
                        if (null != tnNewNodeForObject)

                            switch (amAddMode)
                                case addMode.ObjectValue:
                                    // means we are loading the value of the current object                                     

                                    Int32 iObjectImageType = 0; // 'class' icon
                                    if (oObjectToLoad.GetType().IsArray)
                                        // if it is an array, dont' show it if it doesn't have any items
                                        iObjectImageType = 1; // 'array' icon
                                        int iCount = ((Object[]) oObjectToLoad).Length;
                                        if (iCount > uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch)
                                                "The number of items in the {0}[{1}] array is bigger than the current uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch: {2}",
                                                oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name, iCount, uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch);
                                        if (iCount == 0)

                                    // get the name of the node and if it not set, get its value from the type name
                                    String sNewNodeName = sNodeName;
                                    if (sNewNodeName == "")
                                        sNewNodeName = oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name;
                                    if (sNewNodeName == "CommonIRDumpCommonIRClassMethodsClassMemberFunctionVariable")
                                    DI.log.info("{0}   -   {1}   - {2}   ", sNewNodeName, sParentNodeName,

                                    if (sParentParentNodeName != "")
                                        sNewNodeName = sNewNodeName.Replace(sParentParentNodeName, "");
                                    // remove parent's parent name to make it easier to read (XML Serialization objects have their parents in their name)

                                    if (sParentNodeName != "")
                                        sNewNodeName = sNewNodeName.Replace(sParentNodeName, "");
                                    // remove parent name to make it easier to read (XML Serialization objects have their parents in their name)
                                    // give the user a visual representation of how many subnodes exist in this node
                                    sNewNodeName += getNumberOfSubNodes(oObjectToLoad);

                                    // create a new node for this objects's data (puting the object valuer in the new TreeNode's Tag)
                                    TreeNode tnNewNode = getNewNode(sNewNodeName, oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name,
                                                                    iObjectImageType, oObjectToLoad);
                                    if (tnNewNode != null)
                                        // add it to the current tncTargetNodeCollection
                                        // move the tncTargetNodeCollection pointer to the new node 
                                        tncTargetNodeCollection = tnNewNode.Nodes;

                                    // and call addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection to add this node's properties (the iRecursiveLevel controls as sub nodes (uRecursiveLevel controls how deep this one goes)
                                    addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection(oObjectToLoad, tncTargetNodeCollection,
                                                                            uRecursiveLevel, sParentNodeName);

                                case addMode.ObjectProperties:
                                    // we are loading the object's properties (which are usually the Xml attributes Elements
                                    if (oObjectToLoad.GetType().IsArray) // if it is an array we need to add all items
                                        foreach (Object oObjectInArray in (Object[]) oObjectToLoad)
                                            if (0 == uMaxArrayRecordsToFetch--) // until we reach our limit 
                                                // invoke loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection recursively (note how now we use addMode.ObjectValue since we only want to add this node)
//                                                loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(oObjectInArray, "", oObjectToLoad.GetType().Name,sParentNodeName, tncTargetNodeCollection, uRecursiveLevel, addMode.ObjectValue);
                                                loadObjectInTreeNodeCollection(oObjectInArray, "", sParentNodeName,
                                                                               tncTargetNodeCollection, uRecursiveLevel,
                                        // if it is not an array let's add all its properties to teh current TreeNode Collection
                                        addObjectPropertiesToTreeNodeCollection(oObjectToLoad, tncTargetNodeCollection,
                                                                                uRecursiveLevel, sParentNodeName);
