private void listHistory_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebBrowser webBrowser = (WebBrowser)MyProject.Forms.fMain.tcWeb.SelectedTab.Controls[0]; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local1 = null; string MemberName = "Navigate"; object[] objArray1 = new object[1]; object[] objArray2 = objArray1; int index = 0; ListBox listHistory = this.listHistory; object objectValue = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(listHistory.SelectedItem); objArray2[index] = objectValue; object[] objArray3 = objArray1; object[] Arguments = objArray3; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local2 = null; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local3 = null; bool[] flagArray = new bool[1] { true }; bool[] CopyBack = flagArray; int num = 1; NewLateBinding.LateCall((object)webBrowser, (System.Type)local1, MemberName, Arguments, (string[])local2, (System.Type[])local3, CopyBack, num != 0); if (!flagArray[0]) { return; } listHistory.SelectedItem = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(objArray3[0]); }
public override void Process(uint seed) { List <PathList> pathListList = new List <PathList>(); TerrainHeightMap heightMap = TerrainMeta.HeightMap; TerrainTopologyMap topologyMap = TerrainMeta.TopologyMap; List <Vector3> vector3List = new List <Vector3>(); for (float z = (float)TerrainMeta.Position.z; (double)z < TerrainMeta.Position.z + TerrainMeta.Size.z; z += 50f) { for (float x = (float)TerrainMeta.Position.x; (double)x < TerrainMeta.Position.x + TerrainMeta.Size.x; x += 50f) { Vector3 worldPos; ((Vector3) ref worldPos).\u002Ector(x, 0.0f, z); float num1 = (float)(double)(worldPos.y = (__Null)heightMap.GetHeight(worldPos)); if (worldPos.y > 5.0) { Vector3 normal1 = heightMap.GetNormal(worldPos); if (normal1.y > 0.00999999977648258) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2((float)normal1.x, (float)normal1.z); Vector2 normalized = ((Vector2) ref vector2).get_normalized(); vector3List.Add(worldPos); float radius = 12f; int num2 = 12; for (int index = 0; index < 10000; ++index) { ref __Null local1 = ref worldPos.x;
private void PreDraw(GameTime gameTime) { this.ValidateRenderTargets(); if (!this._usingRenderTargets || !Main.IsGraphicsDeviceAvailable) { return; } if (this._useProjectileWaves || this._useRippleWaves || (this._useCustomWaves || this._usePlayerWaves)) { for (int index = 0; index < Math.Min(this._queuedSteps, 2); ++index) { this.StepLiquids(); } } else if (this._isWaveBufferDirty || this._clearNextFrame) { GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = Main.instance.GraphicsDevice; RenderTarget2D distortionTarget = this._distortionTarget; graphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(distortionTarget); Color color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1f); graphicsDevice.Clear(color); this._clearNextFrame = false; this._isWaveBufferDirty = false; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; graphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget((RenderTarget2D)local); } this._queuedSteps = 0; }
private static float IsInRange(NPCHumanContext c, BaseMountable mountable) { Vector3 vector3 = Vector3.op_Subtraction(((Component)mountable).get_transform().get_position(), c.Position); if (vector3.y > (double)mountable.maxMountDistance) { ref __Null local = ref vector3.y;
private void FixupSpecialObject(ObjectHolder holder) { ISurrogateSelector selector = (ISurrogateSelector)null; if (holder.HasSurrogate) { ISerializationSurrogate surrogate = holder.Surrogate; object obj = surrogate.SetObjectData(holder.ObjectValue, holder.SerializationInfo, this.m_context, selector); if (obj != null) { if (!holder.CanSurrogatedObjectValueChange && obj != holder.ObjectValue) { throw new SerializationException(string.Format((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_NotCyclicallyReferenceableSurrogate"), (object)surrogate.GetType().FullName)); } holder.SetObjectValue(obj, this); } holder.m_surrogate = (ISerializationSurrogate)null; holder.SetFlags(); } else { this.CompleteISerializableObject(holder.ObjectValue, holder.SerializationInfo, this.m_context); } holder.SerializationInfo = (SerializationInfo)null; holder.RequiresSerInfoFixup = false; if (holder.RequiresValueTypeFixup && holder.ValueTypeFixupPerformed) { // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; ObjectHolder holder1 = holder; object objectValue = holder1.ObjectValue; this.DoValueTypeFixup((FieldInfo)local, holder1, objectValue); } this.DoNewlyRegisteredObjectFixups(holder); }
public override void Update(WorldMapController self) { this.mTransition = Mathf.Clamp01(this.mTransition + 1f / self.TransitionTime * Time.get_deltaTime()); float opacity = Mathf.Sin((float)((double)this.mTransition * 3.14159274101257 * 0.5)); this.mTarget.SetOpacity(opacity); self.mTransform.set_anchoredPosition(Vector2.Lerp(self.mDefaultPosition, this.mDesiredPosition, opacity)); ((Transform)self.mTransform).set_localScale(Vector2.op_Implicit(Vector2.Lerp(self.mDefaultScale, this.mDesiredScale, opacity))); self.SetRadialBlurStrength(this.mTransition); if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)self.RadialBlurEffect, (Object)null)) { // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null x = this.mTargetPosition.x; Rect rect1 = self.mTransform.get_rect(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation double width = (double)((Rect)@rect1).get_width(); float num1 = (float)(x / width + 0.5); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y = this.mTargetPosition.y; Rect rect2 = self.mTransform.get_rect(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation double height = (double)((Rect)@rect2).get_height(); float num2 = (float)(y / height + 0.5); self.RadialBlurEffect.Focus = new Vector2(num1, num2); } if ((double)this.mTransition < 1.0) { return; } self.mStateMachine.GotoState <WorldMapController.State_AreaSelect>(); }
private Texture2D CreateTexture() { if (this.entries.Count <= 0) { return((Texture2D)null); } int length = 32; int num1 = Mathf.Max(this.entries.Count, 64); this.ReleaseTexture(); this.texture = new Texture2D(length, num1, (TextureFormat)17, false, true); ((Object)this.texture).set_name("SubsurfaceProfiles"); ((UnityEngine.Texture) this.texture).set_wrapMode((TextureWrapMode)1); ((UnityEngine.Texture) this.texture).set_filterMode((FilterMode)1); Color[] pixels = this.texture.GetPixels(0); for (int index = 0; index < pixels.Length; ++index) { pixels[index] = Color.get_clear(); } Color[] target = new Color[length]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.entries.Count; ++index1) { SubsurfaceProfileData data = this.entries[index1].data; data.SubsurfaceColor = SubsurfaceProfileTexture.ColorClamp(data.SubsurfaceColor, 0.0f, 1f); data.FalloffColor = SubsurfaceProfileTexture.ColorClamp(data.FalloffColor, 0.009f, 1f); target[0] = data.SubsurfaceColor; target[0].a = (__Null)0.0; SeparableSSS.CalculateKernel(target, 1, 13, data.SubsurfaceColor, data.FalloffColor); SeparableSSS.CalculateKernel(target, 14, 9, data.SubsurfaceColor, data.FalloffColor); SeparableSSS.CalculateKernel(target, 23, 6, data.SubsurfaceColor, data.FalloffColor); int num2 = length * (num1 - index1 - 1); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 29; ++index2) { Color color = Color.op_Multiply(target[index2], new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3333333f)); ref __Null local = ref color.a;
private void SetParticleProperties() { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.m_Particles) || !((Component)this.m_Particles).get_gameObject().get_activeSelf()) { return; } float num1 = Mathf.Clamp01((float)(1.0 - (double)this.m_Master.fresnelPow / 10.0)); float num2 = this.m_Master.fadeEnd * this.spawnMaxDistance; float num3 = num2 * this.density; int num4 = (int)((double)num3 * 4.0); ParticleSystem.MainModule main = this.m_Particles.get_main(); ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve startLifetime = ((ParticleSystem.MainModule) ref main).get_startLifetime(); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startLifetime).set_mode((ParticleSystemCurveMode)3); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startLifetime).set_constantMin(4f); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startLifetime).set_constantMax(6f); ((ParticleSystem.MainModule) ref main).set_startLifetime(startLifetime); ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve startSize = ((ParticleSystem.MainModule) ref main).get_startSize(); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startSize).set_mode((ParticleSystemCurveMode)3); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startSize).set_constantMin(this.size * 0.9f); ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve) ref startSize).set_constantMax(this.size * 1.1f); ((ParticleSystem.MainModule) ref main).set_startSize(startSize); ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient startColor = ((ParticleSystem.MainModule) ref main).get_startColor(); if (this.m_Master.colorMode == ColorMode.Flat) { ((ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient) ref startColor).set_mode((ParticleSystemGradientMode)0); Color color = this.m_Master.color; ref __Null local = ref color.a;
public bool tickUpdate(GameTime time) { if (this.forceProceed) { return(true); } if (this.whichQuestion != 2 || Game1.dialogueUp) { return(!Game1.dialogueUp); } if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) { NamingMenu.doneNamingBehavior b = new NamingMenu.doneNamingBehavior(this.animalHouse.addNewHatchedAnimal); string title; if (this.animal == null) { title = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:QuestionEvent.cs.6692"); } else { title = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\Events:AnimalNamingTitle", (object)this.animal.displayType); } // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; Game1.activeClickableMenu = (IClickableMenu) new NamingMenu(b, title, (string)local); } return(false); }
private Vector2 GetPivotInSprite(Sprite sprite) { Vector2 vector2 = (Vector2)null; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)null, (Object)sprite)) { Bounds bounds1 = sprite.get_bounds(); if (((Bounds) ref bounds1).get_size().x != 0.0) { ref Vector2 local = ref vector2; Bounds bounds2 = sprite.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null x1 = ((Bounds) ref bounds2).get_center().x; Bounds bounds3 = sprite.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null x2 = ((Bounds) ref bounds3).get_size().x; double num = 0.5 - x1 / x2; local.x = (__Null)num; } Bounds bounds4 = sprite.get_bounds(); if (((Bounds) ref bounds4).get_size().y != 0.0) { ref Vector2 local = ref vector2; Bounds bounds2 = sprite.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y1 = ((Bounds) ref bounds2).get_center().y; Bounds bounds3 = sprite.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y2 = ((Bounds) ref bounds3).get_size().y; double num = 0.5 - y1 / y2; local.y = (__Null)num; }
internal static bool VerifySignature(SafeCspHandle cspHandle, SafeCspKeyHandle keyHandle, CapiNative.AlgorithmID signatureAlgorithm, CapiNative.AlgorithmID hashAlgorithm, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature) { byte[] numArray = new byte[signature.Length]; Array.Copy((Array)signature, (Array)numArray, numArray.Length); Array.Reverse((Array)numArray); using (SafeCspHashHandle hashAlgorithm1 = CapiNative.CreateHashAlgorithm(cspHandle, hashAlgorithm)) { if (hashValue.Length != CapiNative.GetHashPropertyInt32(hashAlgorithm1, CapiNative.HashProperty.HashSize)) { throw new CryptographicException(-2146893822); } CapiNative.SetHashProperty(hashAlgorithm1, CapiNative.HashProperty.HashValue, hashValue); SafeCspHashHandle hHash = hashAlgorithm1; byte[] pbSignature = numArray; int length = pbSignature.Length; SafeCspKeyHandle hPubKey = keyHandle; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; int dwFlags = 0; if (CapiNative.UnsafeNativeMethods.CryptVerifySignature(hHash, pbSignature, length, hPubKey, (string)local, dwFlags)) { return(true); } int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (lastWin32Error != -2146893818) { throw new CryptographicException(lastWin32Error); } return(false); } }
public void LBL(ref string sText) { object Instance = this._ref; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local1 = null; string MemberName = nameof(LBL); object[] objArray = new object[1] { (object)sText }; object[] Arguments = objArray; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local2 = null; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local3 = null; bool[] flagArray = new bool[1] { true }; bool[] CopyBack = flagArray; int num = 1; NewLateBinding.LateCall(Instance, (Type)local1, MemberName, Arguments, (string[])local2, (Type[])local3, CopyBack, num != 0); if (!flagArray[0]) { return; } sText = (string)Conversions.ChangeType(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(objArray[0]), typeof(string)); }
public void Register() { Bounds bounds1 = this.collider.get_bounds(); = ((Bounds) ref bounds1).get_center(); Bounds bounds2 = this.collider.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null x = ((Bounds) ref bounds2).get_extents().x; bounds2 = this.collider.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y = ((Bounds) ref bounds2).get_extents().y; double num = (double)Mathf.Max((float)x, (float)y); bounds2 = this.collider.get_bounds(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null z = ((Bounds) ref bounds2).get_extents().z; this.radius = Mathf.Max((float)num, (float)z); this.occludeeId = OcclusionCulling.RegisterOccludee(, this.radius, this.renderer.get_enabled(), this.minTimeVisible, this.isStatic, ((Component)this).get_gameObject().get_layer(), new OcclusionCulling.OnVisibilityChanged(this.OnVisibilityChanged)); if (this.occludeeId < 0) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("[OcclusionCulling] Occludee registration failed for " + ((Object)this).get_name() + ". Too many registered.")); } this.state = OcclusionCulling.GetStateById(this.occludeeId); }
public static void SampleWaves( WaterGerstner.Wave[] waves, Vector3 location, out Vector3 position, out Vector3 normal) { Vector2 vector2; ((Vector2) ref vector2).\u002Ector((float)location.x, (float)location.z); float waveTime = WaterSystem.WaveTime; Vector3 zero1 = Vector3.get_zero(); Vector3 zero2 = Vector3.get_zero(); for (uint index = 0; (long)index < (long)waves.Length; ++index) { double wi = (double)waves[(int)index].wi; float phi = waves[(int)index].phi; float wa = waves[(int)index].WA; Vector2 di = waves[(int)index].Di; float ai = waves[(int)index].Ai; float qi = waves[(int)index].Qi; double num1 = (double)Vector2.Dot(di, vector2); double num2 = wi * num1 + (double)phi * (double)waveTime; float num3 = Mathf.Sin((float)num2); float num4 = Mathf.Cos((float)num2); ref __Null local1 = ref zero1.x;
private static void InitializeModule() { // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null cameraUpdatedEvent1 = CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache2 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache2 = new UnityAction <CinemachineBrain>((object)null, __methodptr(ApplyPostFX)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field UnityAction <CinemachineBrain> fMgCache2 = CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache2; ((UnityEvent <CinemachineBrain>)cameraUpdatedEvent1).RemoveListener(fMgCache2); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null cameraUpdatedEvent2 = CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache3 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache3 = new UnityAction <CinemachineBrain>((object)null, __methodptr(ApplyPostFX)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field UnityAction <CinemachineBrain> fMgCache3 = CinemachinePostProcessing.\u003C\u003Ef__mg\u0024cache3; ((UnityEvent <CinemachineBrain>)cameraUpdatedEvent2).AddListener(fMgCache3); }
private Delegate CreateDelegateInternal(Type delegateType, object firstArgument, DelegateBindingFlags bindingFlags, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) { if (delegateType == (Type)null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("delegateType"); } RuntimeType rtType = delegateType as RuntimeType; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; if (rtType == (RuntimeType)local) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeType"), "delegateType"); } if (!rtType.IsDelegate()) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"), "delegateType"); } object firstArgument1 = firstArgument; int num = (int)bindingFlags; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type StackCrawlMark& stackMark1 = @stackMark; Delegate delegateInternal = Delegate.CreateDelegateInternal(rtType, this, firstArgument1, (DelegateBindingFlags)num, stackMark1); if (delegateInternal != null) { return(delegateInternal); } throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_DlgtTargMeth")); }
private void SetZoom(float z) { z = Mathf.Clamp(z, this.min, this.max); if ((double)z == (double)this.zoom) { return; } this.zoom = z; Rect rect1 = (((Component)this.scrollRect).get_transform() as RectTransform).get_rect(); Rect rect2 = this.scrollRect.content.get_rect(); Vector2 vector2 = Vector2.op_Multiply(((Rect) ref rect2).get_size(), this.zoom); Vector2 normalizedPosition = this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition; if (vector2.x < (double)((Rect) ref rect1).get_width()) { double width = (double)((Rect) ref rect1).get_width(); rect2 = this.scrollRect.content.get_rect(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null x = ((Rect) ref rect2).get_size().x; this.zoom = (float)(width / x); } if (vector2.y < (double)((Rect) ref rect1).get_height()) { double height = (double)((Rect) ref rect1).get_height(); rect2 = this.scrollRect.content.get_rect(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y = ((Rect) ref rect2).get_size().y; this.zoom = (float)(height / y); } ((Transform)this.scrollRect.content).set_localScale(Vector3.op_Multiply(Vector3.get_one(), this.zoom)); this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition = normalizedPosition; }
public override void Init(Sprite[] _sprite) { base.Init(_sprite); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null onValueChanged1 = this.toggleStartup[0].onValueChanged; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0 = new UnityAction <bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CInit\u003Em__0)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field UnityAction <bool> fAmCache0 = OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0; ((UnityEvent <bool>)onValueChanged1).AddListener(fAmCache0); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null onValueChanged2 = this.toggleStartup[1].onValueChanged; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache1 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache1 = new UnityAction <bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CInit\u003Em__1)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field UnityAction <bool> fAmCache1 = OptionCtrl.Etc.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache1; ((UnityEvent <bool>)onValueChanged2).AddListener(fAmCache1); }
private void AssignIndex(PhotonPlayer player) { this._indexesLUT = !((Dictionary <object, object>)"PlayerIndexes", out this._indexes) ? new Dictionary <int, int>() : this._indexes as Dictionary <int, int>; List <bool> boolList = new List <bool>((IEnumerable <bool>) new bool[]); using (Dictionary <int, int> .Enumerator enumerator = this._indexesLUT.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, int> current = enumerator.Current; boolList[current.Value] = true; } } this._indexesLUT[player.ID] = Mathf.Max(0, boolList.IndexOf(false)); Room room =; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); ((Dictionary <object, object>)hashtable).Add((object)"PlayerIndexes", (object)this._indexesLUT); Hashtable propertiesToSet = hashtable; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; int num = 0; room.SetCustomProperties(propertiesToSet, (Hashtable)local, num != 0); this.RefreshData(); }
private void Start() { this.soundData = new SoundData[6] { Manager.Config.SoundData.Master, Manager.Config.SoundData.BGM, Manager.Config.SoundData.GameSE, Manager.Config.SoundData.SystemSE, Manager.Config.SoundData.ENV, Singleton <Manager.Voice> .Instance._Config.PCM }; ((Graphic)((Selectable)this.buttonColor).get_image()).set_color(Manager.Config.GraphicData.BackColor); this.toggleShield.set_isOn(Manager.Config.GraphicData.Shield); for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { this.toggleSound[index].set_isOn(!this.soundData[index].Mute); ((Selectable)this.sliderSound[index]).set_interactable(!this.soundData[index].Mute); this.sliderSound[index].set_value((float)this.soundData[index].Volume); } // ISSUE: method pointer ((UnityEvent)this.buttonColor.get_onClick()).AddListener(new UnityAction((object)this, __methodptr(OnClickColor))); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null onValueChanged = this.toggleShield.onValueChanged; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (ConfigCtrl.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer ConfigCtrl.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0 = new UnityAction <bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CStart\u003Em__0)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field UnityAction <bool> fAmCache0 = ConfigCtrl.\u003C\u003Ef__am\u0024cache0; ((UnityEvent <bool>)onValueChanged).AddListener(fAmCache0); for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) { // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created // ISSUE: method pointer ((UnityEvent <bool>) this.togglesTexture[index].onValueChanged).AddListener(new UnityAction <bool>((object)new ConfigCtrl.\u003CStart\u003Ec__AnonStorey0() { limit = (byte)index }, __methodptr(\u003C\u003Em__0))); } for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type ConfigCtrl.\u003CStart\u003Ec__AnonStorey1 startCAnonStorey1 = new ConfigCtrl.\u003CStart\u003Ec__AnonStorey1(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field startCAnonStorey1.\u0024this = this; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field = index; // ISSUE: method pointer ((UnityEvent <bool>) this.toggleSound[index].onValueChanged).AddListener(new UnityAction <bool>((object)startCAnonStorey1, __methodptr(\u003C\u003Em__0))); // ISSUE: method pointer ((UnityEvent <float>) this.sliderSound[index].get_onValueChanged()).AddListener(new UnityAction <float>((object)startCAnonStorey1, __methodptr(\u003C\u003Em__1))); } }
private void CreateItemPreview() { if (Entity.op_Equality((Entity)this._currentPreview, (Entity)null)) { this.PreviewComplete = false; this._currentOffset = Vector3.get_Zero(); Prop prop = World.CreateProp(Model.op_Implicit(this._currnetPropHash), (Vector3)null, (Vector3)null, false, false); if (Entity.op_Equality((Entity)prop, (Entity)null)) { UI.Notify(string.Format("Failed to load prop, even after request.\nProp Name: {0}", (object)this._currnetPropHash)); this._resultProp = (Prop)null; this._preview = false; this.PreviewComplete = true; } else { ((Entity)prop).set_HasCollision(false); this._currentPreview = prop; ((Entity)this._currentPreview).set_Alpha(150); Database.PlayerPed.get_Weapons().Select((WeaponHash) - 1569615261, true); this._resultProp = (Prop)null; } } else { UiExtended.DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("Press ~INPUT_AIM~ to cancel.\nPress ~INPUT_ATTACK~ to place the item.", true); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)25); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)24); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)257); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)152); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)153); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)44); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)27); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)172); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)173); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(2, (Control)21); GameExtended.DisableWeaponWheel(); if (Game.IsDisabledControlPressed(2, (Control)25)) { ((Entity)this._currentPreview).Delete(); this._currentPreview = this._resultProp = (Prop)null; this._preview = false; this.PreviewComplete = true; ScriptEventHandler.Instance.UnregisterScript(new EventHandler(this.OnTick)); } else { Vector3 position = GameplayCamera.get_Position(); Vector3 direction = GameplayCamera.get_Direction(); RaycastResult raycastResult = World.Raycast(position, Vector3.op_Addition(position, Vector3.op_Multiply(direction, 15f)), (IntersectOptions) - 1, (Entity)Database.PlayerPed); Vector3 hitCoords = ((RaycastResult) ref raycastResult).get_HitCoords(); if (Vector3.op_Inequality(hitCoords, Vector3.get_Zero()) && (double)((Vector3) ref hitCoords).DistanceTo(Database.PlayerPosition) > 1.5) { ItemPreview.DrawScaleForms(); float num = Game.IsControlPressed(2, (Control)21) ? 1.5f : 1f; if (Game.IsControlPressed(2, (Control)152)) { Vector3 rotation = ((Entity)this._currentPreview).get_Rotation(); ref __Null local = ref rotation.Z;
public virtual bool UnregisterAssembly(Assembly assembly) { if (assembly == (Assembly)null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly"); } if (assembly.ReflectionOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_AsmLoadedForReflectionOnly")); } RuntimeAssembly runtimeAssembly = assembly as RuntimeAssembly; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; if ((Assembly)runtimeAssembly == (Assembly)local) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeAssembly")); } bool flag = true; Type[] registrableTypesInAssembly = this.GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly(assembly); int length1 = registrableTypesInAssembly.Length; string @string = runtimeAssembly.GetVersion().ToString(); for (int index = 0; index < length1; ++index) { this.CallUserDefinedRegistrationMethod(registrableTypesInAssembly[index], false); if (this.IsRegisteredAsValueType(registrableTypesInAssembly[index])) { if (!this.UnregisterValueType(registrableTypesInAssembly[index], @string)) { flag = false; } } else if (this.TypeRepresentsComType(registrableTypesInAssembly[index])) { if (!this.UnregisterComImportedType(registrableTypesInAssembly[index], @string)) { flag = false; } } else if (!this.UnregisterManagedType(registrableTypesInAssembly[index], @string)) { flag = false; } } object[] customAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute), false); int length2 = customAttributes.Length; if (flag) { for (int index = 0; index < length2; ++index) { this.UnregisterPrimaryInteropAssembly(assembly, (PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute)customAttributes[index]); } } return(registrableTypesInAssembly.Length != 0 || length2 > 0); }
public static Vector3 GetPointOnCircle(Vector3 center, float radius, float degrees) { double num1 = center.x + (double)radius * (double)Mathf.Cos(degrees * ((float)Math.PI / 180f)); float num2 = (float)(center.z + (double)radius * (double)Mathf.Sin(degrees * ((float)Math.PI / 180f))); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null y = center.y; double num3 = (double)num2; return(new Vector3((float)num1, (float)y, (float)num3)); }
internal void MarkFaultAddr(int faultAddr) { this.m_currentState = 4; int num = faultAddr; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = null; int type = 4; this.MarkHelper(num, num, (Type)local, type); }
private void TrackTurret() { if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.targetTurret, (Object)null)) { return; } Vector3 vector3 = Vector3.op_Subtraction(this.targetTurret.get_position(), this.turret.get_position()); ((Vector3) ref vector3).get_normalized(); float yaw; float pitch; this.CalculateYawPitchOffset(this.turret, this.turret.get_position(), this.targetTurret.get_position(), out yaw, out pitch); yaw = this.NormalizeYaw(yaw); float num1 = Time.get_deltaTime() * this.turretTurnSpeed; if ((double)yaw < -0.5) { this.vecTurret.y = (__Null)((this.vecTurret.y - (double)num1) % 360.0); } else if ((double)yaw > 0.5) { this.vecTurret.y = (__Null)((this.vecTurret.y + (double)num1) % 360.0); } this.turret.set_localEulerAngles(this.vecTurret); float num2 = Time.get_deltaTime() * this.cannonPitchSpeed; this.CalculateYawPitchOffset(this.mainCannon, this.mainCannon.get_position(), this.targetTurret.get_position(), out yaw, out pitch); if ((double)pitch < -0.5) { this.vecMainCannon.x = (__Null)(this.vecMainCannon.x - (double)num2); } else if ((double)pitch > 0.5) { this.vecMainCannon.x = (__Null)(this.vecMainCannon.x + (double)num2); } this.vecMainCannon.x = (__Null)(double)Mathf.Clamp((float)this.vecMainCannon.x, -55f, 5f); this.mainCannon.set_localEulerAngles(this.vecMainCannon); if ((double)pitch < -0.5) { this.vecCoaxGun.x = (__Null)(this.vecCoaxGun.x - (double)num2); } else if ((double)pitch > 0.5) { this.vecCoaxGun.x = (__Null)(this.vecCoaxGun.x + (double)num2); } this.vecCoaxGun.x = (__Null)(double)Mathf.Clamp((float)this.vecCoaxGun.x, -65f, 15f); this.coaxGun.set_localEulerAngles(this.vecCoaxGun); if (this.rocketsOpen) { float num3 = Time.get_deltaTime() * this.rocketPitchSpeed; this.CalculateYawPitchOffset(this.rocketsPitch, this.rocketsPitch.get_position(), this.targetTurret.get_position(), out yaw, out pitch); if ((double)pitch < -0.5) { ref __Null local = ref this.vecRocketsPitch.x;
public static Vector3 Denormalize(Vector3 normPos) { // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = TerrainMeta.Position.x + normPos.x * TerrainMeta.Size.x; float num1 = (float)(TerrainMeta.Position.y + normPos.y * TerrainMeta.Size.y); float num2 = (float)(TerrainMeta.Position.z + normPos.z * TerrainMeta.Size.z); double num3 = (double)num1; double num4 = (double)num2; return(new Vector3((float)local, (float)num3, (float)num4)); }
public static Vector3 Normalize(Vector3 worldPos) { // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local = (worldPos.x - TerrainMeta.Position.x) * TerrainMeta.OneOverSize.x; float num1 = (float)((worldPos.y - TerrainMeta.Position.y) * TerrainMeta.OneOverSize.y); float num2 = (float)((worldPos.z - TerrainMeta.Position.z) * TerrainMeta.OneOverSize.z); double num3 = (double)num1; double num4 = (double)num2; return(new Vector3((float)local, (float)num3, (float)num4)); }
public override void Save(BaseNetworkable.SaveInfo info) { base.Save(info); info.msg.spinnerWheel = (__Null)Pool.Get <SpinnerWheel>(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null spinnerWheel = info.msg.spinnerWheel; Quaternion rotation = this.wheel.get_rotation(); Vector3 eulerAngles = ((Quaternion) ref rotation).get_eulerAngles(); ((SpinnerWheel)spinnerWheel).spin = (__Null)eulerAngles; }
private Rectangle GetRoom(Point origin) { Point result1; bool flag1 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Left(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result1); Point result2; bool flag2 = WorldUtils.Find(origin, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Right(25), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result2); if (!flag1) { result1 = new Point(origin.X - 25, (int)origin.Y); } if (!flag2) { result2 = new Point(origin.X + 25, (int)origin.Y); } Rectangle rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation ((Rectangle)@rectangle).\u002Ector((int)origin.X, (int)origin.Y, 0, 0); if (origin.X - result1.X > result2.X - origin.X) { rectangle.X = result1.X; rectangle.Width = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>((int)(result2.X - result1.X), 15, 30); } else { rectangle.Width = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>((int)(result2.X - result1.X), 15, 30); rectangle.X = result2.X - rectangle.Width; } Point result3; bool flag3 = WorldUtils.Find(result1, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result3); Point result4; bool flag4 = WorldUtils.Find(result2, Searches.Chain((GenSearch) new Searches.Up(10), (GenCondition) new Conditions.IsSolid()), out result4); if (!flag3) { result3 = new Point((int)origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } if (!flag4) { result4 = new Point((int)origin.X, origin.Y - 10); } rectangle.Height = (__Null)Utils.Clamp <int>(Math.Max((int)(origin.Y - result3.Y), (int)(origin.Y - result4.Y)), 8, 12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local1 = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local2 = (^ local1).Y - rectangle.Height; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local1).Y = local2; return(rectangle); }
public JobSchedulerEventsService(CoreBusinessLayerPlugin parent) { this.parent = parent; JobResultsManager resultsManager = this.resultsManager; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null jobFailure = resultsManager.JobFailure; JobSchedulerEventsService schedulerEventsService = this; // ISSUE: virtual method pointer JobResultsManager.JobFailureDelegate jobFailureDelegate = new JobResultsManager.JobFailureDelegate((object)schedulerEventsService, __vmethodptr(schedulerEventsService, ProcessJobFailure)); resultsManager.JobFailure = (__Null)Delegate.Combine((Delegate)jobFailure, (Delegate)jobFailureDelegate); }