Example #1
        protected override Zp GetRecombinedResult(IList <Zp> recvList, int prime)
            // Scan recvList - if there are null elements replace them arbitrarily to Zp with zero value
            for (int i = 0; i < recvList.Count; i++)
                if (recvList[i] == null)
                    recvList[i] = new Zp(prime, 0);

            var xVlaues = new List <Zp>();
            int w       = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(prime);

            for (int i = 0; i < recvList.Count; i++)
                xVlaues.Add(new Zp(prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, i, prime)));

            // Should call Welch-Berlekamp Decoder to fix error at last stage
            var fixedShares = WelchBerlekampDecoder.Decode(xVlaues, recvList, PolynomialDeg, PolynomialDeg, prime);

            if (fixedShares == null)
                throw new Exception("There were more then polynomialDegree = " + PolynomialDeg + " Cheaters - cannot extract results.");

            return(ShamirSharing.Recombine(fixedShares, PolynomialDeg, prime, true));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a random polynomial f(x,y) and then to create from it for
        /// the i-th player two polynomials : fi(x) = f(x,w^i) and gi(y) = f(w^i,y).
        /// </summary>
        public static IList <SecretPolynomials> ShareByzantineCase(Zp secret,
                                                                   int numPlayers, int polynomDeg)
            if (numPlayers <= 4 * polynomDeg)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot use Byzantine algoritm -- numberOfPlayers <= 4*polynomDeg - " + "use regular computation instead");

            // Creating the Random Polynomial - f(x , y)
            // Note : there are (t+1)^2 coefficiet for the polynomial including the free coefficient (the secret)
            // first  row  coef are of  (x^0,x^1,x^2,...,x^t)y^0, second  row  coef are (x^0, x1,...,x^t)y^1 and so forth...
            var randomMatrix_f_xy = ZpMatrix.GetRandomMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, polynomDeg + 1, secret.Prime);

            randomMatrix_f_xy.SetMatrixCell(0, 0, secret);
            var polynomialShares = new List <SecretPolynomials>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
                var pSecret = new SecretPolynomials();
                pSecret.Fi_xPolynomial = GenerateF_i_xPolynomial(randomMatrix_f_xy, secret, i);
                pSecret.Gi_yPolynomial = GenerateG_i_yPolynomial(randomMatrix_f_xy, secret, i);
Example #3
        private IList <Zp> ConstructRxPolynomial(ShareDetails aSharesDetails,
                                                 ShareDetails bSharesDetails, ShareDetails abSharesDetails, ShareDetails rSharesDetails)
            var fax = aSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var fbx = bSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var hx  = abSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var rx  = rSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;

            var RxPolynomial = new Zp[2 * PolynomialDeg + 1];

            /* Initialize RxPolynomial coefs with zeros  */
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PolynomialDeg + 1; i++)
                RxPolynomial[i] = new Zp(Prime, 0);

            /* First calculate fax*fbx - hx */
            for (int i = 0; i < fax.Count; i++)
                Zp temp = fax[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < fax.Count; j++)
                    RxPolynomial[i + j].Add(temp.ConstMul(fbx[j]));

            /* Calculate x*rx+fax*fbx - hx*/
            for (int i = 0; i < rx.Count; i++)
                RxPolynomial[i + 1].Add(rx[i]);

            return(new List <Zp>(RxPolynomial));
Example #4
        private void ReceiveVerifications(List <VerifShareMessage> verifShares, List <ShareMsg <Zp> > inputShares)
            Zp recvShare_i = null;
            IList <Coordinate> wrongCoordinatesList = null;

            // all verif. shares must have the same state key
            var secretPoly = inputShares[verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify].Share as SecretPolynomials; // TODO: inefficient casting!

            if (verifShares[0].ReceivedGoodPoly)                                                    // had received a valid polynomial?
                recvShare_i = new Zp(secretPoly.Fi_xPolynomial[0]);
                var verifyWithList_g_j_w_i = secretPoly.calculateG_i_yValuesForVerification(NumParties, Prime);
                wrongCoordinatesList = CompareCoordianteList(verifShares, verifyWithList_g_j_w_i);
                // received a corrupted polynomials from player with ID 'playerToVerify'
                recvShare_i = new Zp(Prime, 0);

            if (verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify == Party.Id)              // am I the dealer?
                Debug.Assert(MyInputShares != null);
                HandleDealer(MyInputShares, recvShare_i);
                HandleNotDealer(verifShares[0].ReceivedGoodPoly, wrongCoordinatesList,
                                verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify, recvShare_i, secretPoly);
Example #5
        internal Zp InternalCalculate(IList <Zp> inputs)
            var values = new List <Zp>();

            foreach (Wire wire in InputWires)
                if (wire.IsInput)
                    if (inputs.Count <= wire.InputIndex)
                        throw new Exception("Input " + wire.InputIndex + " is expected - not found in the list given");

                    Debug.Assert(wire.SourceGate != null && wire.SourceGate.IsOutputReady);
                    values.Add(wire.ConstValue != null ? wire.ConstValue : wire.SourceGate.OutputValue);
            OutputValue = new Zp(values[0]);

            foreach (Zp value in values)
                                      Operation == Operation.Div && value.Value == 0 ? Operation.Mul : Operation);
Example #6
        private static Polynomial interpolatePolynomial(IList<Zp> XVlaues, IList<Zp> YVlaues, int e, int polynomDeg, int prime)
            int n = XVlaues.Count;
            if ((e < 0) || (n < 2 * e)) // cannot fix e errors if e <0 or  n < 2e.
                return null;

            var A = getWelchBerlekampMatrix(XVlaues, YVlaues, n, e, prime); // the matrix to hold the linear system we'll solve
            var b = getWelchBerlekampConstraintVector(XVlaues, YVlaues, n, e, prime);

            // coefficients of N and E as one vector
            var NE = linearSolve(A, new ZpMatrix(b, VectorType.Column), prime);

            if (NE != null)
                var N = new Zp[n - e];
                var E = new Zp[e + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < n - e; i++)
                    N[i] = new Zp(NE[i]);

                for (int i = n - e; i < n; i++)
                    E[i - (n - e)] = new Zp(NE[i]);

                // Constraint coeef - E has degree exactly e and is monic (shoudn't be zero)
                E[e] = new Zp(prime, 1);
                return (new Polynomial(new List<Zp>(N))).divideWithRemainder(new Polynomial(new List<Zp>(E)));
            return null;
Example #7
        private static Polynomial interpolatePolynomial(IList <Zp> XVlaues, IList <Zp> YVlaues, int e, int polynomDeg, int prime)
            int n = XVlaues.Count;

            if ((e < 0) || (n < 2 * e))             // cannot fix e errors if e <0 or  n < 2e.

            var A = getWelchBerlekampMatrix(XVlaues, YVlaues, n, e, prime);             // the matrix to hold the linear system we'll solve
            var b = getWelchBerlekampConstraintVector(XVlaues, YVlaues, n, e, prime);

            // coefficients of N and E as one vector
            var NE = linearSolve(A, new ZpMatrix(b, VectorType.Column), prime);

            if (NE != null)
                var N = new Zp[n - e];
                var E = new Zp[e + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < n - e; i++)
                    N[i] = new Zp(NE[i]);

                for (int i = n - e; i < n; i++)
                    E[i - (n - e)] = new Zp(NE[i]);

                // Constraint coeef - E has degree exactly e and is monic (shoudn't be zero)
                E[e] = new Zp(prime, 1);
                return((new Polynomial(new List <Zp>(N))).divideWithRemainder(new Polynomial(new List <Zp>(E))));
Example #8
        //public override void Receive(Message msg)
        //	Gate anchor, myGate;
        //	var ssmpcMsg = msg as ScalableMpcMessage;
        //	Debug.Assert(ssmpcMsg != null);

        //	switch (ssmpcMsg.StateKey.Stage)
        //	{
        //		case Stage.Input:
        //			var inputMsg = ssmpcMsg as InputMessage;

        //			// start a heavy-weight smpc with parent and sibling gates
        //			myGate = Circuit.FindGate(ssmpcMsg.StateKey.GateId);
        //			RunChildMpc(myGate.OutNodes[0], myGate, inputMsg.Data);
        //			break;

        //		case Stage.Mpc:
        //			MpcProtocol smpc;
        //			var mpcMsg = ssmpcMsg as MpcMessage;
        //			if (MpcSessions.ContainsKey(smpcMsg.StateKey))
        //				mpc = MpcSessions[mpcMsg.StateKey].Mpc;
        //			else
        //			{
        //				// I must be in the anchor gate
        //				Debug.Assert(mpcMsg.ToGateId == mpcMsg.AnchorId, "Synchronization exception: Why don't I have an session for this MPC?");

        //				// my child gate is asking me to participate in an MPC, so create an MPC protocol instance and join
        //				anchor = Circuit.FindGate(mpcMsg.AnchorId);
        //				mpc = RunAnchorMpc(anchor);
        //			}
        //			mpc.Receive(mpcMsg.InnerMessage);
        //			break;
        //	}

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a heavy-weight SMPC instance for an SMPC child gate player.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BgwProtocol RunChildMpc(Gate anchor, Gate myGate, Zp myInput)

            // find associated quorums
            var childGates = anchor.InNodes;
            var myGateId   = myGate.Id;

            var virtualIds = new List <int>(quorumsMap[anchor.QuorumIndex].Select(p => (anchor.Id << 16) + p));                         // TODO: IMPORTANT: THE ASSUMPTION HERE LIMITS ENTITY/GATE IDs TO 32768. TO INCREASE THIS LIMIT EITHER USE UINT/ULONG IDs OR CHANGE THIS CODE.

            foreach (var gate in childGates)
                foreach (var playerId in quorumsMap[gate.QuorumIndex])
                    virtualIds.Add((gate.Id << 16) + playerId);
            var myVirtualId = (myGateId << 16) + Party.Id;

            // run the protocol and keep it in a the session state
            var key = new MpcKey(myGateId, anchor.Id);

            // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            //var mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, myInput, OnMpcSend, key);

            //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
            //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
            //return mpc;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// The i-th user gets a Qj(i) List from users, each user j calculated Qj(i) - the j element in the List
        /// </summary>
        public static Zp CalculateRandomShare(Zp myShare, IList <Zp> polyUpdate)
            var newShare = new Zp(myShare);

Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a random poynomial Qj(x) ,for the j player,and creates a list of elements,
 /// such that the i-th element is Qj(i)
 /// </summary>
 public static IList<Zp> GetRandomizedSharesByzantineCase(int numPlayers,
     int polynomDeg, int prime)
     //polynomial q(x) free element must be zero so it won't effect the final result
     var polyfreeElem = new Zp(prime, 0);
     return PrimitiveShare(polyfreeElem, numPlayers, polynomDeg);
Example #11
        private bool IsMultStepShareLegal(MultStepBCaseShare recvShareFromPlayer_i, MultStepVerificationPoly recvVerifcationPolynomial)
            if (!IsRecvShareLegal(recvShareFromPlayer_i))

            var RxPolynomial = recvVerifcationPolynomial.RxPolynomial;
            Zp  Ratpoint0    = Zp.EvalutePolynomialAtPoint(RxPolynomial, new Zp(Prime, 0));

            if (!Ratpoint0.Equals(new Zp(Prime, 0)))
            int w                      = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(Prime);
            var w_InMyIndex            = new Zp(Prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, Party.Id, Prime));
            Zp  RjFromPublicPolynomial = Zp.EvalutePolynomialAtPoint(RxPolynomial, w_InMyIndex);

            Zp temp = recvShareFromPlayer_i.AShare.ConstMul(recvShareFromPlayer_i.BShare).ConstSub(recvShareFromPlayer_i.AbShare);
            Zp RjFromRecvPrivateInfo = w_InMyIndex.ConstMul(recvShareFromPlayer_i.RShare).ConstAdd(temp);

            if (!RjFromPublicPolynomial.Equals(RjFromRecvPrivateInfo))

Example #12
 public MultStepBCaseShare(Zp aShare, Zp bShare, Zp abShare, Zp rShare)
     : base(BgwShareType.MULT_STEP_BCASE)
     AShare = aShare;
     BShare = bShare;
     AbShare = abShare;
     RShare = rShare;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a random poynomial Qj(x) ,for the j player,and creates a list of elements,
        /// such that the i-th element is Qj(i)
        /// </summary>
        public static IList <Zp> GetRandomizedSharesByzantineCase(int numPlayers,
                                                                  int polynomDeg, int prime)
            //polynomial q(x) free element must be zero so it won't effect the final result
            var polyfreeElem = new Zp(prime, 0);

            return(PrimitiveShare(polyfreeElem, numPlayers, polynomDeg));
Example #14
 public MultStepBCaseShare(Zp aShare, Zp bShare, Zp abShare, Zp rShare)
     : base(BgwShareType.MULT_STEP_BCASE)
     AShare  = aShare;
     BShare  = bShare;
     AbShare = abShare;
     RShare  = rShare;
Example #15
 public Gate(GateType type, Zp quorumIndex, Common.FiniteField.Circuits.Circuit mpcCircuit)
     Debug.Assert(type == GateType.Input || mpcCircuit != null, "Only input gates do not have MPC circuit.");
     Id          = idGen++;
     Type        = type;
     QuorumIndex = quorumIndex.Value;
     MpcCircuit  = mpcCircuit;
Example #16
        private static Zp[] getWelchBerlekampConstraintVector(IList<Zp> XVlaues, IList<Zp> YVlaues, int n, int e, int prime)
            var bVector = new Zp[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                bVector[i] = new Zp(prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(XVlaues[i].Value, e, prime) * YVlaues[i].Value);

            return bVector;
Example #17
        public DkmsProtocol(Circuit circuit, AsyncParty p, IList<int> playerIds,
			Zp playerInput, int numSlots, StateKey stateKey)
            : base(p, playerIds, stateKey)
            Circuit = circuit;
            Input = playerInput;
            Prime = playerInput.Prime;
            NumSlots = numSlots;
Example #18
 public DkmsProtocol(Circuit circuit, AsyncParty p, IList <int> playerIds,
                     Zp playerInput, int numSlots, StateKey stateKey)
     : base(p, playerIds, stateKey)
     Circuit  = circuit;
     Input    = playerInput;
     Prime    = playerInput.Prime;
     NumSlots = numSlots;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a heavy-weight SMPC instance for an anchor gate player.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BgwProtocol RunAnchorMpc(Gate anchor)
            // NOTE: since in the HBC case all players have the same output, just one of them (the guy with min id) SMPCs his output to improve performance.

            // find associated quorums
            var anchorChildren = anchor.InNodes;
            var myQuorum       = quorumsMap[anchor.QuorumIndex];

            var virtualIds = new List <int>(myQuorum.Select(p => (anchor.Id << 16) + p));                       // TODO: IMPORTANT: THE ASSUMPTION HERE LIMITS ENTITY/GATE IDs TO 32768. TO INCREASE THIS LIMIT EITHER USE UINT/ULONG IDs OR CHANGE THIS CODE.

            foreach (var childGate in anchorChildren)
                foreach (var playerId in quorumsMap[childGate.QuorumIndex])
                    virtualIds.Add((childGate.Id << 16) + playerId);
            var myVirtualId = (anchor.Id << 16) + Party.Id;

            // if my id is the minimum in my quorum, then I should just SMPC with a zero, otherwise just SMPC with a random number (r_g).
            // save this random number in the session because it will be my input in next level's SMPC.
            BgwProtocol mpc;

            if (Party.Id == myQuorum.Min())
                // run the protocol and keep it in a the session state
                var key = new MpcKey(anchor.Id, anchor.Id);

                // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                //mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, new Zp(Prime), OnMpcSend, key);
                //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
                //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
                // pick a number uniformly at random (r_g)
                // this random along with other players' randoms forms a global random in the quorum.
                var randomShare = new Zp(Prime, StaticRandom.Next(0, Prime));

                // run an SMPC protocol and keep it in a session state
                var key = new MpcKey(anchor.Id, anchor.Id);

                // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                //mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, randomShare, OnMpcSend, key);
                //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
                //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
Example #20
        private static Zp[] getWelchBerlekampConstraintVector(IList <Zp> XVlaues, IList <Zp> YVlaues, int n, int e, int prime)
            var bVector = new Zp[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                bVector[i] = new Zp(prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(XVlaues[i].Value, e, prime) * YVlaues[i].Value);

Example #21
        public ByzantineBgwProtocol(AsyncParty e, Circuit circuit, ReadOnlyCollection<int> playerIds,
			Zp playerInput, StateKey stateKey)
            : base(e, circuit, playerIds, playerInput, stateKey)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            // PolynomialDeg = NumParties % 4 == 0 ? (NumParties / 4 - 1) : (NumParties / 4);
            // Mahdi: Changed to the following since n/3 - 1 of players can be dishonest.
            // degree = n - t, where t is the number of dishonest players
            PolynomialDeg = (int)Math.Floor(2 * NumParties / 3.0);
Example #22
        public ByzantineBgwProtocol(AsyncParty e, Circuit circuit, ReadOnlyCollection <int> playerIds,
                                    Zp playerInput, StateKey stateKey)
            : base(e, circuit, playerIds, playerInput, stateKey)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            // PolynomialDeg = NumParties % 4 == 0 ? (NumParties / 4 - 1) : (NumParties / 4);
            // Mahdi: Changed to the following since n/3 - 1 of players can be dishonest.
            // degree = n - t, where t is the number of dishonest players
            PolynomialDeg = (int)Math.Floor(2 * NumParties / 3.0);
Example #23
        private static IList<Zp> GenerateF_i_xPolynomial(ZpMatrix f_x_y,
			Zp secret, int playerNum)
            int w = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(secret.Prime);
            int w_i = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, playerNum, secret.Prime);

            var y_values = new int[f_x_y.ColCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < f_x_y.ColCount; i++)
                y_values[i] = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w_i, i, secret.Prime);
            return f_x_y.MulMatrixByScalarsVector(y_values).SumMatrixRows();
Example #24
        protected void ShareSecret(Zp secret, IList <int> players, DkmsKey key)
            var shares = ShamirSharing.Share(secret, players.Count, players.Count - 1);

            var shareMsgs = new List <ShareMsg <Zp> >();

            foreach (var share in shares)
                shareMsgs.Add(new ShareMsg <Zp>(new Share <Zp>(share), key));

            Send(players, shareMsgs);
Example #25
        private static IList <Zp> GenerateF_i_xPolynomial(ZpMatrix f_x_y,
                                                          Zp secret, int playerNum)
            int w   = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(secret.Prime);
            int w_i = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, playerNum, secret.Prime);

            var y_values = new int[f_x_y.ColCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < f_x_y.ColCount; i++)
                y_values[i] = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w_i, i, secret.Prime);
Example #26
        private static IList<Zp> GenerateG_i_yPolynomial(ZpMatrix f_x_y,
			Zp secret, int playerNum)
            int w = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(secret.Prime);
            int w_i = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, playerNum, secret.Prime);

            var x_values = new Zp[f_x_y.RowCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < f_x_y.RowCount; i++)
                x_values[i] = new Zp(secret.Prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w_i, i, secret.Prime));

            var tempArr = f_x_y.Times(new ZpMatrix(x_values, VectorType.Column)).ZpVector;
            return tempArr;
Example #27
 private void UpdateRecvShare(IList <SecretPolynomials> recvPublicPolysList, Zp recvSecretShare_i)
     if ((recvPublicPolysList != null))
         var newRecvSercretPoly = recvPublicPolysList[Party.Id];
         if (newRecvSercretPoly != null)
             var recvShare = newRecvSercretPoly.Fi_xPolynomial[0];
             if (recvShare != null)
                 recvSecretShare_i.Value = recvShare.Value;
Example #28
        private static Zp[] TruncateVector(Zp[] vector, int toSize)
            if (vector.Length < toSize)

            var truncVec = new Zp[toSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < toSize; i++)
                truncVec[i] = new Zp(vector[i]);

Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Each party in the new quorum needs to call this with the shares received from the old quorum to calculate its share
        /// </summary>
        public static Zp CombineReshares(IList<Zp> reshares, int newQuorumSize, int prime)
            int oldQuorumSize = reshares.Count;
            if (oldQuorumSize != newQuorumSize)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Do not support case where quorums are of different sizes");

            // Compute the first row of the inverse Vandermonde matrix
            var vandermonde = ZpMatrix.GetVandermondeMatrix(oldQuorumSize, newQuorumSize, prime);
            var vandermondeInv = vandermonde.Inverse.GetMatrixColumn(0);

            var S = new Zp(prime);
            for (var i = 0; i < newQuorumSize; i++)
                S += vandermondeInv[i] * reshares[i];

            return S;
Example #30
        private static IList <Zp> GenerateG_i_yPolynomial(ZpMatrix f_x_y,
                                                          Zp secret, int playerNum)
            int w   = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(secret.Prime);
            int w_i = NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, playerNum, secret.Prime);

            var x_values = new Zp[f_x_y.RowCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < f_x_y.RowCount; i++)
                x_values[i] = new Zp(secret.Prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w_i, i, secret.Prime));

            var tempArr = f_x_y.Times(new ZpMatrix(x_values, VectorType.Column)).ZpVector;

Example #31
        public void Init(int numPlayers, int numQuorums, int numSlots, int quorumSize, QuorumBuildingMethod qbMethod, AdversaryModel model, Zp[] inputs, int prime)
            switch (model)
                case AdversaryModel.HonestButCurious:
                    Circuit = CreateHbcCircuit(numPlayers, numQuorums, numSlots, quorumSize, prime);

                case AdversaryModel.Byzantine:
                    Circuit = CreateByzantineCircuit(numPlayers, numQuorums, numSlots, quorumSize, prime);

                    throw new Exception("Unknown adversary model.");
            base.Init(numPlayers, numQuorums, numSlots, quorumSize, qbMethod, Circuit, inputs, prime);
Example #32
        public override void Run()
            Debug.Assert(quorumsMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(Circuit.InputGates.Count == NumParties * NumSlots);

            // TODO: input must be encrypted with a random number and the random must be secret shared.
            // share my input in a random input gate (random slot) and share zero in others
            var randomSlot = StaticRandom.Next(0, NumSlots);

            for (int s = 0; s < NumSlots; s++)
                // TODO: IMPORTANT: EntityId's are assumed to be continous integers with option base 0. Not other parts of the code have this assumption.
                var gate   = Circuit.InputGates[Party.Id * NumSlots + s];
                var quorum = quorumsMap[gate.QuorumIndex];

                // in the byzantine case, we have to secret share the input among 'quorum' members but
                // here in the HBC case, we send the masked input to only one member of 'quorum' and randoms to other players.
                // These randoms form a global random, which is added to the input to mask it.
                Zp toSend;
                if (s == randomSlot)
                    toSend = Input;
                    toSend = new Zp(Prime);                             // send a zero
                int mask      = 0;
                var minPlayer = quorum.Min();
                var stateKey  = new DkmsKey(Stage.Input, gate.Id);

                foreach (var player in quorum)
                    if (player != minPlayer)
                        var rand = StaticRandom.Next(0, Prime);
                        mask += rand;
                        Send(Party.Id, player, new InputMsg(new Zp(Prime, rand), stateKey));
                Send(Party.Id, minPlayer, new InputMsg(Input + mask, stateKey));
Example #33
        //public override void loadFromByteArrayNoHeader(BitStream bs, int prime)
        //    if (bs.readBoolean())
        //        fi_x = bs.readList(prime);
        //    if (bs.readBoolean())
        //        gi_y = bs.readList(prime);

        //public override void writeToBitStreamNoHeader(BitStream bs)
        //    bs.writeBoolean(fi_x != null);
        //    if (fi_x != null)
        //        bs.writeList(fi_x);
        //    bs.writeBoolean(gi_y != null);
        //    if (gi_y != null)
        //        bs.writeList(gi_y);

        //public override byte[] writeToByteArray()
        //    var bs = new BitStream();
        //    bs.writeMessageType(MessageType.ZP_LISTS);
        //    writeToBitStreamNoHeader(bs);
        //    bs.close();
        //    return bs.ByteArray;

        public virtual IList <Zp> CalculateF_i_xValuesForPlayers(int numOfPlayers, int prime)
            int w_i, w = Zp.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(prime);

            int value;
            var f_i_xValues = new List <Zp>();

            for (int playerNum = 0; playerNum < numOfPlayers; playerNum++)
                w_i   = Zp.CalculatePower(w, playerNum, prime);
                value = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < fi_x.Count; j++)
                    value += Zp.CalculatePower(w_i, j, prime) * fi_x[j].Value;
                f_i_xValues.Add(new Zp(prime, value));

Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the shares of secret with polynomial of degree 'polynomDeg' and 'numPlayers' players.
        /// </summary>
        private static IList <Zp> Share(Zp secret, int numPlayers, int polynomDeg, bool usePrimitiveShare, out IList <Zp> coeffs)
            // send some dummy shares
            var shares = new Zp[numPlayers];
            for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
                shares[i] = new Zp(secret.Prime);
            Debug.Assert(numPlayers > polynomDeg, "Polynomial degree cannot be greater than or equal to the number of players!");

            // Create a random polynomial - f(x)
            // Note: Polynomial of degree d has d+1 coefficients
            var randomMatrix = ZpMatrix.GetRandomMatrix(1, polynomDeg + 1, secret.Prime);

            // The free variable in the Random Polynomial (i.e.	f(x)) is the secret
            randomMatrix.SetMatrixCell(0, 0, secret);

            // Polynomial coefficients
            coeffs = randomMatrix.GetMatrixRow(0);

            // Create vanderMonde matrix
            ZpMatrix vanderMonde;
            if (usePrimitiveShare)
                vanderMonde = ZpMatrix.GetPrimitiveVandermondeMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, numPlayers, secret.Prime);
                vanderMonde = ZpMatrix.GetVandermondeMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, numPlayers, secret.Prime);

            // Compute f(i) for the i-th  player
            var sharesArr = randomMatrix.Times(vanderMonde).ZpVector;
            Debug.Assert(sharesArr != null);
            Debug.Assert(sharesArr.Length == numPlayers);
Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the shared secrets of secret with polynom of degree t and numberOfPlayers players.
        /// </summary>
        public static ShareDetails DetailedShare(Zp secret,
            int numPlayers, int polynomDeg)
            if (numPlayers <= polynomDeg)
                throw new ArgumentException("Polynomial degree cannot be bigger or equal to the number of  players");

            // Creating the Random Polynomial - f(x)
            var randomMatrix = ZpMatrix.GetRandomMatrix(1, polynomDeg + 1, secret.Prime);

            // The free variable in the Random Polynomial( f(x) ) is the seceret
            randomMatrix.SetMatrixCell(0, 0, secret);

            // Create vanderMonde matrix
            var vanderMonde = ZpMatrix.GetPrimitiveVandermondeMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, numPlayers, secret.Prime);

            // Compute f(i) for the i-th  player
            var sharesArr = randomMatrix.Times(vanderMonde).ZpVector;

            var details = new ShareDetails(randomMatrix.GetMatrixRow(0), sharesArr);
            return details;
Example #36
        static void Main(string[] args)

            int quorumSize = 20;
            int degree     = quorumSize / 3;

            var secret      = new Zp(Prime, 3);
            var shareMatrix = ZpMatrix.GetIdentityMatrix(quorumSize, Prime);

            // create the initial shares
            var initalShares = ShamirSharing.Share(secret, quorumSize, degree);

            for (var i = 0; i < quorumSize; i++)
                IList <Zp> reshares = QuorumSharing.CreateReshares(initalShares[i], quorumSize, degree);

                for (var j = 0; j < quorumSize; j++)
                    shareMatrix.SetMatrixCell(j, i, reshares[j]);

            // combine the reshares
            List <Zp> finalShares = new List <Zp>();

            for (var i = 0; i < quorumSize; i++)
                Zp finalShare = QuorumSharing.CombineReshares(shareMatrix.GetMatrixRow(i), quorumSize, Prime);

            // combine the shares
            Zp final = ShamirSharing.Recombine(finalShares, degree, Prime);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Each party in the new quorum needs to call this with the shares received from the old quorum to calculate its share
        /// </summary>
        public static Zp CombineReshares(IList <Zp> reshares, int newQuorumSize, int prime)
            int oldQuorumSize = reshares.Count;

            if (oldQuorumSize != newQuorumSize)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Do not support case where quorums are of different sizes");

            // Compute the first row of the inverse Vandermonde matrix
            var vandermonde    = ZpMatrix.GetVandermondeMatrix(oldQuorumSize, newQuorumSize, prime);
            var vandermondeInv = vandermonde.Inverse.GetMatrixColumn(0);

            var S = new Zp(prime);

            for (var i = 0; i < newQuorumSize; i++)
                S += vandermondeInv[i] * reshares[i];

Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a random polynomial f(x,y) and then to create from it for
        /// the i-th player two polynomials : fi(x) = f(x,w^i) and gi(y) = f(w^i,y).
        /// </summary>
        public static IList<SecretPolynomials> ShareByzantineCase(Zp secret,
			int numPlayers, int polynomDeg)
            if (numPlayers <= 4 * polynomDeg)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot use Byzantine algoritm -- numberOfPlayers <= 4*polynomDeg - " + "use regular computation instead");

            // Creating the Random Polynomial - f(x , y)
            // Note : there are (t+1)^2 coefficiet for the polynomial including the free coefficient (the secret)
            // first  row  coef are of  (x^0,x^1,x^2,...,x^t)y^0, second  row  coef are (x^0, x1,...,x^t)y^1 and so forth...
            var randomMatrix_f_xy = ZpMatrix.GetRandomMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, polynomDeg + 1, secret.Prime);
            randomMatrix_f_xy.SetMatrixCell(0, 0, secret);
            var polynomialShares = new List<SecretPolynomials>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
                var pSecret = new SecretPolynomials();
                pSecret.Fi_xPolynomial = GenerateF_i_xPolynomial(randomMatrix_f_xy, secret, i);
                pSecret.Gi_yPolynomial = GenerateG_i_yPolynomial(randomMatrix_f_xy, secret, i);
            return polynomialShares;
Example #39
        // Mahdi's recombine method based on Lagrange interpolation for finite fields.
        public static Zp SimpleRecombine(IList <Zp> sharedSecrets, int polyDeg, int prime)
            if (sharedSecrets.Count < polyDeg)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Polynomial degree cannot be bigger or equal to the number of  shares");

            // find Lagrange basis polynomials free coefficients
            var L = new Zp[polyDeg + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < polyDeg + 1; i++)
                L[i] = new Zp(prime, 1);

            int ix = 0;

            for (var i = new Zp(prime, 1); i < polyDeg + 2; i++, ix++)
                for (var j = new Zp(prime, 1); j < polyDeg + 2; j++)
                    if (j != i)
                        var additiveInverse = j.AdditiveInverse;
                        L[ix] = L[ix] * (additiveInverse / (i + additiveInverse));                                      // note: division done in finite-field

            // find the secret by multiplying each share to the corresponding Lagrange's free coefficient
            var secret = new Zp(prime, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < polyDeg + 1; i++)
                secret = secret + (L[i] * sharedSecrets[i]);

Example #40
        static void Main(string[] args)

            int quorumSize = 20;
            int degree = quorumSize / 3;

            var secret = new Zp(Prime, 3);
            var shareMatrix = ZpMatrix.GetIdentityMatrix(quorumSize, Prime);

            // create the initial shares
            var initalShares = ShamirSharing.Share(secret, quorumSize, degree);
            for (var i = 0; i < quorumSize; i++)
                IList<Zp> reshares = QuorumSharing.CreateReshares(initalShares[i], quorumSize, degree);

                for (var j = 0; j < quorumSize; j++)
                    shareMatrix.SetMatrixCell(j, i, reshares[j]);

            // combine the reshares
            List<Zp> finalShares = new List<Zp>();
            for (var i = 0; i < quorumSize; i++)
                Zp finalShare = QuorumSharing.CombineReshares(shareMatrix.GetMatrixRow(i), quorumSize, Prime);

            // combine the shares
            Zp final = ShamirSharing.Recombine(finalShares, degree, Prime);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the shared secrets of secret with polynom of degree t and numberOfPlayers players.
        /// </summary>
        public static ShareDetails DetailedShare(Zp secret,
                                                 int numPlayers, int polynomDeg)
            if (numPlayers <= polynomDeg)
                throw new ArgumentException("Polynomial degree cannot be bigger or equal to the number of  players");

            // Creating the Random Polynomial - f(x)
            var randomMatrix = ZpMatrix.GetRandomMatrix(1, polynomDeg + 1, secret.Prime);

            // The free variable in the Random Polynomial( f(x) ) is the seceret
            randomMatrix.SetMatrixCell(0, 0, secret);

            // Create vanderMonde matrix
            var vanderMonde = ZpMatrix.GetPrimitiveVandermondeMatrix(polynomDeg + 1, numPlayers, secret.Prime);

            // Compute f(i) for the i-th  player
            var sharesArr = randomMatrix.Times(vanderMonde).ZpVector;

            var details = new ShareDetails(randomMatrix.GetMatrixRow(0), sharesArr);

Example #42
 private void ShareSimple(Zp sharedSecrets, Stage targetStage)
     Send(new ShareMsg<Zp>(new Share<Zp>(sharedSecrets), targetStage), BadPlayers);
Example #43
        private void ReceiveVerifications(List<VerifShareMessage> verifShares, List<ShareMsg<Zp>> inputShares)
            Zp recvShare_i = null;
            IList<Coordinate> wrongCoordinatesList = null;

            // all verif. shares must have the same state key
            var secretPoly = inputShares[verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify].Share as SecretPolynomials;		// TODO: inefficient casting!

            if (verifShares[0].ReceivedGoodPoly)		// had received a valid polynomial?
                recvShare_i = new Zp(secretPoly.Fi_xPolynomial[0]);
                var verifyWithList_g_j_w_i = secretPoly.calculateG_i_yValuesForVerification(NumParties, Prime);
                wrongCoordinatesList = CompareCoordianteList(verifShares, verifyWithList_g_j_w_i);
                // received a corrupted polynomials from player with ID 'playerToVerify'
                recvShare_i = new Zp(Prime, 0);

            if (verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify == Party.Id)	// am I the dealer?
                Debug.Assert(MyInputShares != null);
                HandleDealer(MyInputShares, recvShare_i);
                HandleNotDealer(verifShares[0].ReceivedGoodPoly, wrongCoordinatesList,
                    verifShares[0].PlayerToVerify, recvShare_i, secretPoly);
Example #44
        private bool IsPublicDataContradictPrivate(SecretPolynomials myRecvPolys, IList<SecretPolynomials> recvPublicPolysList, IList<PlayerNotification> recvComplaintesList, Zp myRecvShare)
            if ((recvPublicPolysList == null) || (recvPublicPolysList.Count != NumParties))
                return true;

            var myG_j_w_iValues = myRecvPolys.calculateG_i_yValuesForVerification(NumParties, Prime);
            var myF_j_w_iValues = myRecvPolys.CalculateF_i_xValuesForPlayers(NumParties, Prime);

            for (int k = 0; k < NumParties; k++)
                if ((recvComplaintesList[k] != null) && (recvComplaintesList[k].Confirmation == Confirmation.Complaint))
                    var playerKNewPolys = recvPublicPolysList[k];

                    // Check if the dealer  didn't publish all the required data or published a corrupted data
                    if (!IsSecretPolynomialsLegal(playerKNewPolys))
                        return true;

                    // Verify that the public information doesn't contradict itself - check that : f(w^k, w^k) = fk(w^k) = gk(w^k) = f(w^k, w^k)
                    var playerKNewFk_x_w_iValues = playerKNewPolys.CalculateF_i_xValuesForPlayers(NumParties, Prime);
                    var playerKNewGk_y_w_iValues = playerKNewPolys.calculateG_i_yValuesForVerification(NumParties, Prime);
                    if (!playerKNewFk_x_w_iValues[k].Equals(playerKNewGk_y_w_iValues[k]))
                        return true;

                    if (k == Party.Id)
                        // Verify that the new public polynomials equals the old polynomials
                        if (!IsSecretPolynomialsLegal(myRecvPolys) || !myRecvPolys.Equals(playerKNewPolys))
                            return true;
                        // Verify that the public information doesn't contradict the old information :
                        // f(w^j, w^k) = fk(w^j) = gj(w^k) = f(w^j, w^k) && f(w^k, w^j) = fj(w^k) = gk(w^j) = f(w^k, w^j)
                        if ((!myG_j_w_iValues[k].Equals(playerKNewFk_x_w_iValues[Party.Id])) || (!myF_j_w_iValues[k].Equals(playerKNewGk_y_w_iValues[Party.Id])))
                            return true;
            return false;
Example #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation according to GRR.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Zp ReductionRandomizationStep(Zp a, Zp b, Zp ab)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            //// performing reduction & randomization step
            ///* Create a detailed share of a,b and ab */
            //var aSharesDetails = Shamir.DetailedShare(a, NumPlayers, PolynomialDeg);
            //var bSharesDetails = Shamir.DetailedShare(b, NumPlayers, PolynomialDeg);
            //var abSharesDetails = Shamir.DetailedShare(ab, NumPlayers, PolynomialDeg);

            ///* Share a random polynomial r(x) of degree 2t-1 */
            //var rSharesDetails = Shamir.DetailedShare(
            //    new Zp(Prime, (int)(new Random(1).NextDouble() * Prime)), NumPlayers, 2 * PolynomialDeg - 1);

            //var RxPolynomial = new MultStepVerificationPoly(ConstructRxPolynomial(aSharesDetails, bSharesDetails, abSharesDetails, rSharesDetails));

            ///* Build verified shares for users */
            //var aShares = aSharesDetails.CreatedShares;
            //var bShares = bSharesDetails.CreatedShares;
            //var abShares = abSharesDetails.CreatedShares;
            //var rShares = rSharesDetails.CreatedShares;
            //var toSendmultStepShares = new List<MultStepBCaseShare>();

            //for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++)
            //    var playerShares = new MultStepBCaseShare();
            //    playerShares.AShare = aShares[i];
            //    playerShares.BShare = bShares[i];
            //    playerShares.AbShare = abShares[i];
            //    playerShares.RShare = rShares[i];
            //    toSendmultStepShares.Add(playerShares);

            ///* Send and receive shares from all players */
            //var toRecvmultStepShares = Sendable.asMultStepBCaseShares(Adapter.shareSecrets(toSendmultStepShares, Prime, BadPlayers));

            ///* Start verifying player shares and construct a list of the received shares of ab  - this list will be used to compute the regular multStep*/
            //int playerToVerify = 0;
            //var abVerifiedList = new List<Zp>();

            //foreach (var recvShareFromPlayer_i in toRecvmultStepShares)
            //    if (playerToVerify == EntityId)
            //    {
            //        // I'm the dealer
            //        // Put Rx polynomial on the bulletin board
            //        BulletinBoardProtocol.publish(RxPolynomial, BadPlayers, Adapter);

            //        // Should advertise a demo complaint on the bulletin board - I'm not complaining about myself
            //        var myDemoComplaint = new PlayerNotification(PlayerNotification.Confirmation.APPROVAL);

            //        var complaintesOnMe = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(BulletinBoardProtocol.publishAndRead(myDemoComplaint, Prime, BadPlayers, Adapter));
            //        // Build a message containing all the requested data
            //        var requstedData = new List<MultStepBCaseShare>();

            //        for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++)
            //        {
            //            if ((complaintesOnMe[i] != null) && (complaintesOnMe[i].Msg.Equals(PlayerNotification.Confirmation.COMPLAINT)))
            //            {
            //                requstedData.Add(toSendmultStepShares[i]);
            //            }
            //            else requstedData.Add(null);
            //        }
            //        var requstedDataToPublish = new MultStepBCaseShareBundle(requstedData);
            //        // Put the requested shares on the bulletin board .
            //        // Note : even if you are a cheater you should publish the real shares here otherwise you  will be considered as cheater
            //        BulletinBoardProtocol.publish(requstedDataToPublish, BadPlayers, Adapter);

            //        // Add my ab share to abShares any way
            //        abVerifiedList.Add(toSendmultStepShares[EntityId].AbShare);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        if (BadPlayers[playerToVerify])
            //        {
            //            // Mult Step - verifying player number playerToVerify share
            //            bool dealerIsCheater = false;
            //            PlayerNotification myComplaint;
            //            IList<PlayerNotification> recvComplaints;
            //            MultStepBCaseShareBundle recvPublicShares;

            //            // Get Rx polynomial of the 'playerToVerify' from bulletin board
            //            var recvVerificationPolynomial = BulletinBoardProtocol.read(playerToVerify, Prime, Adapter).asMultStepVerificationPoly();
            //            if (IsMultStepPolynomialLegal(recvVerificationPolynomial))
            //            {
            //                if (!IsMultStepShareLegal(recvShareFromPlayer_i, recvVerificationPolynomial))
            //                {
            //                    // Should prepare a massege that te dealer is a cheater
            //                    myComplaint = new PlayerNotification(PlayerNotification.Confirmation.COMPLAINT);
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    // Should prepare a massege that te dealer is not a cheater
            //                    myComplaint = new PlayerNotification(PlayerNotification.Confirmation.APPROVAL);
            //                }

            //                // Help verify complaining users shares  :
            //                // Should advertise what you thinks about the  dealer on the bulletin board
            //                recvComplaints = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(BulletinBoardProtocol.publishAndRead(myComplaint, Prime, BadPlayers, Adapter));

            //                // Get complaining players share from the bulletin board - it is now a public share
            //                recvPublicShares = BulletinBoardProtocol.read(playerToVerify, Prime, Adapter).asMultStepBCaseShareBundle();
            //                // Check that the dealer had published all the requested data and that the data is consistent

            //                IList<MultStepBCaseShare> publishedShareList = null;
            //                if (recvPublicShares != null)
            //                    publishedShareList = recvPublicShares.List;

            //                MultStepBCaseShare publishedShare;
            //                for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++)
            //                {
            //                    if ((recvComplaints[i] != null) &&
            //                        (recvComplaints[i].Msg.Equals(PlayerNotification.Confirmation.COMPLAINT)))
            //                    {
            //                        publishedShare = publishedShareList[i];
            //                        if (!IsMultStepShareLegal(publishedShare, recvVerificationPolynomial))
            //                        {
            //                            // No need to send any more complaints or aproval- the shares and the R(x) polynomial is public data
            //                            dealerIsCheater = true;
            //                            Adapter.removePlayer(playerToVerify); //don't send and receive from this player anymore...
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else  // Multistep polynomial, R(x) isn't legal
            //                dealerIsCheater = true;

            //            if (dealerIsCheater)
            //            {
            //                // Found a cheater in multiplication step. Cheater is player number playerToVerify.
            //                RemoveCheaterPlayer(playerToVerify);
            //            }
            //            else abVerifiedList.Add(recvShareFromPlayer_i.AbShare);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    playerToVerify++;

            //// Finally
            //var firstLineAtInvVanderMonde = GetMultStepCoeffsForCheaters(0); // Contains only the needed coeffs

            //// Calculate the value of the  polynomial H(x)  at i = H(i) as defined at GRR
            //var tempSecret = new Zp(Prime, 0);
            //int goodPlayerNum = NumGoodPlayers;
            //for (int i = 0; i < goodPlayerNum; i++)
            //    tempSecret.Add(abVerifiedList[i].Mul(firstLineAtInvVanderMonde[i]));
            //return tempSecret;
Example #46
        public override void Run()
            Debug.Assert(quorumsMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(Circuit.InputGates.Count == NumParties * NumSlots);

            // TODO: input must be encrypted with a random number and the random must be secret shared.
            // share my input in a random input gate (random slot) and share zero in others
            var randomSlot = StaticRandom.Next(0, NumSlots);

            for (int s = 0; s < NumSlots; s++)
                // TODO: IMPORTANT: EntityId's are assumed to be continous integers with option base 0. Not other parts of the code have this assumption.
                var gate = Circuit.InputGates[Party.Id * NumSlots + s];
                var quorum = quorumsMap[gate.QuorumIndex];

                // in the byzantine case, we have to secret share the input among 'quorum' members but
                // here in the HBC case, we send the masked input to only one member of 'quorum' and randoms to other players.
                // These randoms form a global random, which is added to the input to mask it.
                Zp toSend;
                if (s == randomSlot)
                    toSend = Input;
                    toSend = new Zp(Prime);		// send a zero

                int mask = 0;
                var minPlayer = quorum.Min();
                var stateKey = new DkmsKey(Stage.Input, gate.Id);

                foreach (var player in quorum)
                    if (player != minPlayer)
                        var rand = StaticRandom.Next(0, Prime);
                        mask += rand;
                        Send(Party.Id, player, new InputMsg(new Zp(Prime, rand), stateKey));
                Send(Party.Id, minPlayer, new InputMsg(Input + mask, stateKey));
Example #47
 public ShareMessage(BroadcastStage stage, Zp share, int k)
     : base(stage, k)
     Share = share;
Example #48
        protected virtual void HandleDealer(IList<SecretPolynomials> shareMySecrets, Zp recvSecretShare_i)
            // Should send & receive complaints on the bulletin board  1 - I'm not complaining on myself
            var myDemoComplaint = new PlayerNotification(Confirmation.Approval);

            // broadcast the complaint using BA
            //var bcaster = new SecureBroadcaster<PlayerNotification>(
            //    EntityId, myDemoComplaint, EntityIds.Except(BadPlayers).ToList().AsReadOnly(), true, Prime, Send);

            //var complaintesOnMe = SecureBroadcaster.PublishAndRead(myDemoComplaint, Prime, BadPlayers);

            //// Prepare wanted polys according to players complaintes
            //var wantedPolysList = new List<SecretPolynomials>();
            //bool recvCompOnMe = CreateWantedPolynomials(wantedPolysList, complaintesOnMe, shareMySecrets);

            //if (recvCompOnMe)
            //    // Publish wanted polynomials on the bulletin board
            //    var secretBundle = new SecretPolynomialsBundle(wantedPolysList);
            //    SecureBroadcaster.Publish(secretBundle, BadPlayers);

            //    // Should send&receive complaints on the bulletin board  2 - I'm not complaining on  myself
            //    complaintesOnMe = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(
            //        BulletinBoardProtocol.PublishAndRead(myDemoComplaint, Prime, BadPlayers));

            //    // Prepare wanted polys according to players complaintes
            //    recvCompOnMe = CreateWantedPolynomials(wantedPolysList, complaintesOnMe, shareMySecrets);

            //    if (recvCompOnMe)
            //    {
            //        // Publish wanted polynomials on the bulletin board
            //        secretBundle = new SecretPolynomialsBundle(wantedPolysList);
            //        BulletinBoardProtocol.Publish(secretBundle, BadPlayers);

            //        // Should send&receive complaints on the bulletin board  3 - I'm not complaining on  myself
            //        complaintesOnMe = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(
            //            BulletinBoardProtocol.PublishAndRead(myDemoComplaint, Prime, BadPlayers));

            //        // Count complaints number
            //        int numOfcomplaints = GetNumberOfComplaints(complaintesOnMe);

            //        if (numOfcomplaints > PolynomialDeg)
            //        {
            //            // Take the zero polynomial as my input (Not mandatodry) and throw exception
            //            recvSecretShare_i.Value = 0;
            //            throw new Exception("Other players decided that I'm a cheater  :- (  -  taking my input as zero.");
            //        }
            //    }
Example #49
        protected override Zp GetRecombinedResult(IList<Zp> recvList, int prime)
            // Scan recvList - if there are null elements replace them arbitrarily to Zp with zero value
            for (int i = 0; i < recvList.Count; i++)
                if (recvList[i] == null)
                    recvList[i] = new Zp(prime, 0);

            var xVlaues = new List<Zp>();
            int w = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(prime);

            for (int i = 0; i < recvList.Count; i++)
                xVlaues.Add(new Zp(prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, i, prime)));

            // Should call Welch-Berlekamp Decoder to fix error at last stage
            var fixedShares = WelchBerlekampDecoder.Decode(xVlaues, recvList, PolynomialDeg, PolynomialDeg, prime);
            if (fixedShares == null)
                throw new Exception("There were more then polynomialDegree = " + PolynomialDeg + " Cheaters - cannot extract results.");

            return ShamirSharing.Recombine(fixedShares, PolynomialDeg, prime, true);
Example #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a heavy-weight SMPC instance for an anchor gate player.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BgwProtocol RunAnchorMpc(Gate anchor)
            // NOTE: since in the HBC case all players have the same output, just one of them (the guy with min id) SMPCs his output to improve performance.

            // find associated quorums
            var anchorChildren = anchor.InNodes;
            var myQuorum = quorumsMap[anchor.QuorumIndex];

            var virtualIds = new List<int>(myQuorum.Select(p => (anchor.Id << 16) + p));		// TODO: IMPORTANT: THE ASSUMPTION HERE LIMITS ENTITY/GATE IDs TO 32768. TO INCREASE THIS LIMIT EITHER USE UINT/ULONG IDs OR CHANGE THIS CODE.
            foreach (var childGate in anchorChildren)
                foreach (var playerId in quorumsMap[childGate.QuorumIndex])
                    virtualIds.Add((childGate.Id << 16) + playerId);
            var myVirtualId = (anchor.Id << 16) + Party.Id;

            // if my id is the minimum in my quorum, then I should just SMPC with a zero, otherwise just SMPC with a random number (r_g).
            // save this random number in the session because it will be my input in next level's SMPC.
            BgwProtocol mpc;
            if (Party.Id == myQuorum.Min())
                // run the protocol and keep it in a the session state
                var key = new MpcKey(anchor.Id, anchor.Id);

                // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                //mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, new Zp(Prime), OnMpcSend, key);
                //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
                //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
                // pick a number uniformly at random (r_g)
                // this random along with other players' randoms forms a global random in the quorum.
                var randomShare = new Zp(Prime, StaticRandom.Next(0, Prime));

                // run an SMPC protocol and keep it in a session state
                var key = new MpcKey(anchor.Id, anchor.Id);

                // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                //mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, randomShare, OnMpcSend, key);
                //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
                //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
            return mpc;
Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation according to Ran Canetti
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunReductionRandomization(Zp ab)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            //// performing Improved reduction & randomization step
            //bool cheaterFound = true;
            //IList<Zp> recvSharesFromPlayers = null;

            //while (cheaterFound)
            //    cheaterFound = false;

            //    /* Share secret by VSS */
            //    recvSharesFromPlayers = SendInput(ab);
            //    /* Generate a t degree polynomial, hi(x) , with a  free coeef  that equals 'ab' and create share for users from it  */
            //    //List<Zp> shareResultWithPlayers = Shamir.primitiveShare(ab, numberOfPlayers , polynomialDeg);
            //    /* Send to the j-th user hi(j) and receive from every other k player hk(i)  */
            //    //recvSharesFromPlayers = shareSimple(shareResultWithPlayers);

            //    /* Check if there were some null elements - from not playing players or cheater players and put zero instead - arbitrarily */
            //    for (int i = recvSharesFromPlayers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            //    {
            //        if (recvSharesFromPlayers[i] == null)
            //            recvSharesFromPlayers[i] = new Zp(Prime, 0);

            //        if (BadPlayers.Contains(i))
            //            recvSharesFromPlayers.RemoveAt(i);
            //    }

            //    var calculationPolyCoeffs = new List<Zp>();
            //    /* Fill the first 2t+1 coeff with zero arbitrarily  */
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PolynomialDeg + 1; i++)
            //        calculationPolyCoeffs.Add(new Zp(Prime, 0));

            //    /* Perform the following iteration to calculate the 2t+1...n  coeffs of the  calculation polynomial*/
            //    for (int k = 2 * PolynomialDeg + 1; k < recvSharesFromPlayers.Count; k++)
            //    {
            //        var K_LineAtInvVanderMonde = GetMultStepCoeffsForCheaters(k);
            //        /* Calculate your share of the K-th coeff at the calculation polynomial */
            //        var myK_CoeffShare = new Zp(Prime, 0);
            //        for (int i = 0; i < recvSharesFromPlayers.Count; i++)
            //        {
            //            myK_CoeffShare.Add(recvSharesFromPlayers[i].ConstMul(K_LineAtInvVanderMonde[i]));
            //        }

            //        /* Send this to all other players so all of you could recombine the real k-th coeff  - no need to use the bulletin board */
            //        var K_CoeffShares = ShareSimple(myK_CoeffShare);
            //        /* Fix the received codeword and get the Recombined result */
            //        calculationPolyCoeffs.Add(GetRecombinedResult(K_CoeffShares, Prime));
            //    }
            //    var calculationPoly = new Polynomial(calculationPolyCoeffs);

            //    if (calculationPoly.Degree == -1)
            //    {
            //        /* No one cheated at this stage  */
            //        break;
            //    }

            //    var XValues = new List<Zp>();
            //    int w = Zp.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(Prime);
            //    for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++)
            //    {
            //        XValues.Add(new Zp(Prime, Zp.CalculatePower(w, i, Prime)));
            //    }

            //    /* Create the distorted code word */
            //    var distortedCodeword = new List<Zp>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++)
            //        distortedCodeword.Add(calculationPoly.Sample(XValues[i]));

            //    var fixedCodeword = WelchBerlekampDecoder.decode(XValues, distortedCodeword, PolynomialDeg, 2 * PolynomialDeg, Prime);
            //    // Check For exception in codeword fixing
            //    if (fixedCodeword == null)
            //    {
            //        string errorStr = "There were more then polynomialDegree = " + PolynomialDeg + " Cheaters - cannot complete  mult step.";
            //        throw new Exception(errorStr);
            //    }

            //    for (int i = 0; i < fixedCodeword.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (!BadPlayers.Contains(i) && !fixedCodeword[i].Equals(distortedCodeword[i]))
            //        {
            //            // Player Number i is a multi-step cheater!
            //            cheaterFound = true;
            //            RemoveCheaterPlayer(i);
            //            // Continue at iteration till no one will cheat
            //        }
            //    }

            ///* Finally calculate your share  - we will get here if no one had tried to cheat */
            //var firstLineAtInvVanderMonde = GetMultStepCoeffsForCheaters(0);

            ///* Calculate your share of the K-th coeff at the calculation polynomial */
            //var tempSecret = new Zp(Prime, 0);
            //for (int i = 0; i < recvSharesFromPlayers.Count; i++)
            //    tempSecret.Add(recvSharesFromPlayers[i].ConstMul(firstLineAtInvVanderMonde[i]));
            //return tempSecret;
Example #52
        //public override void Receive(Message msg)
        //    Gate anchor, myGate;
        //    var ssmpcMsg = msg as ScalableMpcMessage;
        //    Debug.Assert(ssmpcMsg != null);
        //    switch (ssmpcMsg.StateKey.Stage)
        //    {
        //        case Stage.Input:
        //            var inputMsg = ssmpcMsg as InputMessage;
        //            // start a heavy-weight smpc with parent and sibling gates
        //            myGate = Circuit.FindGate(ssmpcMsg.StateKey.GateId);
        //            RunChildMpc(myGate.OutNodes[0], myGate, inputMsg.Data);
        //            break;
        //        case Stage.Mpc:
        //            MpcProtocol smpc;
        //            var mpcMsg = ssmpcMsg as MpcMessage;
        //            if (MpcSessions.ContainsKey(smpcMsg.StateKey))
        //                mpc = MpcSessions[mpcMsg.StateKey].Mpc;
        //            else
        //            {
        //                // I must be in the anchor gate
        //                Debug.Assert(mpcMsg.ToGateId == mpcMsg.AnchorId, "Synchronization exception: Why don't I have an session for this MPC?");
        //                // my child gate is asking me to participate in an MPC, so create an MPC protocol instance and join
        //                anchor = Circuit.FindGate(mpcMsg.AnchorId);
        //                mpc = RunAnchorMpc(anchor);
        //            }
        //            mpc.Receive(mpcMsg.InnerMessage);
        //            break;
        //    }
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a heavy-weight SMPC instance for an SMPC child gate player.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BgwProtocol RunChildMpc(Gate anchor, Gate myGate, Zp myInput)

            // find associated quorums
            var childGates = anchor.InNodes;
            var myGateId = myGate.Id;

            var virtualIds = new List<int>(quorumsMap[anchor.QuorumIndex].Select(p => (anchor.Id << 16) + p));		// TODO: IMPORTANT: THE ASSUMPTION HERE LIMITS ENTITY/GATE IDs TO 32768. TO INCREASE THIS LIMIT EITHER USE UINT/ULONG IDs OR CHANGE THIS CODE.
            foreach (var gate in childGates)
                foreach (var playerId in quorumsMap[gate.QuorumIndex])
                    virtualIds.Add((gate.Id << 16) + playerId);
            var myVirtualId = (myGateId << 16) + Party.Id;

            // run the protocol and keep it in a the session state
            var key = new MpcKey(myGateId, anchor.Id);

            // Mahdi (3/25/14: Do we really need virtual ids?)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            //var mpc = new BgwProtocol(anchor.MpcCircuit, virtualIds.AsReadOnly(), myVirtualId, myInput, OnMpcSend, key);

            //mpc.MpcFinish += new FinishHandler(OnMpcFinish);
            //MpcSessions.Collect(key, new MpcSession(mpc));
            //return mpc;
Example #53
        protected void ShareSecret(Zp secret, IList<int> players, DkmsKey key)
            var shares = ShamirSharing.Share(secret, players.Count, players.Count - 1);

            var shareMsgs = new List<ShareMsg<Zp>>();
            foreach (var share in shares)
                shareMsgs.Add(new ShareMsg<Zp>(new Share<Zp>(share), key));

            Send(players, shareMsgs);
Example #54
 private void UpdateRecvShare(IList<SecretPolynomials> recvPublicPolysList, Zp recvSecretShare_i)
     if ((recvPublicPolysList != null))
         var newRecvSercretPoly = recvPublicPolysList[Party.Id];
         if (newRecvSercretPoly != null)
             var recvShare = newRecvSercretPoly.Fi_xPolynomial[0];
             if (recvShare != null)
                 recvSecretShare_i.Value = recvShare.Value;
Example #55
 public ShareMessage(BroadcastStage stage, Zp share, int k)
     : base(stage, k)
     Share = share;
Example #56
        protected virtual void HandleNotDealer(bool isOrigPolyLegal, IList<Coordinate> wrongCoordinatesList, int playerToVerify, Zp recvSecretShare_i, SecretPolynomials secretPoly_i)
            //// Step 2 - Check and advertise results to players on the bulletin board
            //var foundWrongValue1 = !isOrigPolyLegal || (wrongCoordinatesList.Count != 0);
            //var complaintValue = new PlayerNotification(foundWrongValue1 ? Confirmation.Complaint : Confirmation.Approval);

            //var recvComplaintesList = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(
            //    BulletinBoardProtocol.PublishAndRead(complaintValue, Prime, BadPlayers));

            //// Count complaints number
            //int numOfcomplaints = GetNumberOfComplaints(recvComplaintesList);

            //// Step 3 - If there is a need, receive polynomials for the complainig sides and verify it
            //// currently check only polynomials - not wrong coordinates
            //if (numOfcomplaints != 0)
            //    // Should get a list of the public polynomials from player  'playerToVerify'  -  get info from the bulletin board
            //    var sendablePolysRecv = BulletinBoardProtocol.Read(playerToVerify, Prime);

            //    IList<SecretPolynomials> recvPublicPolysList1 = null;
            //    if (sendablePolysRecv != null)
            //        recvPublicPolysList1 = sendablePolysRecv.asSecretPolynomialsBundle().List;

            //    if (foundWrongValue1)
            //        UpdateRecvShare(recvPublicPolysList1, recvSecretShare_i);

            //    bool foundWrongValue2 = (!isOrigPolyLegal) || IsPublicDataContradictPrivate(secretPoly_i, recvPublicPolysList1, recvComplaintesList, recvSecretShare_i);

            //    // Check and advertise results to players on the bulletin board
            //    complaintValue = new PlayerNotification(foundWrongValue2 ? Confirmation.Complaint : Confirmation.Approval);
            //    recvComplaintesList = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(
            //        BulletinBoardProtocol.PublishAndRead(complaintValue, Prime, BadPlayers));

            //    // Count complaints number
            //    numOfcomplaints = GetNumberOfComplaints(recvComplaintesList);

            //    // Step 4 - If there is a need, recieve polynomials for the complainig sides and verify it
            //    if (numOfcomplaints != 0)
            //    {
            //        // Should get a list of the public polynomials from player  'playerToVerify' -  get info from the bulletin board
            //        sendablePolysRecv = BulletinBoardProtocol.Read(playerToVerify, Prime);
            //        IList<SecretPolynomials> recvPublicPolysList2 = null;

            //        if (sendablePolysRecv != null)
            //            recvPublicPolysList2 = sendablePolysRecv.asSecretPolynomialsBundle().List;

            //        if (foundWrongValue2)
            //            UpdateRecvShare(recvPublicPolysList2, recvSecretShare_i);

            //        bool foundWrongValue3 = (!isOrigPolyLegal) || IsPublicDataContradictPrivate(secretPoly_i, recvPublicPolysList2, recvComplaintesList, recvSecretShare_i);
            //        foundWrongValue3 = foundWrongValue3 || IsNewPublicDataContradictOld(recvPublicPolysList1, recvPublicPolysList2);

            //        // Check and advertise results to players on the bulletin board
            //        complaintValue = new PlayerNotification(foundWrongValue3 ? Confirmation.Complaint : Confirmation.Approval);
            //        recvComplaintesList = Sendable.asPlayerNotifications(
            //            BulletinBoardProtocol.PublishAndRead(complaintValue, Prime, BadPlayers));

            //        // Count complaints number
            //        numOfcomplaints = GetNumberOfComplaints(recvComplaintesList);

            //        /* Step 5 - Check if there is more than 'polynomialDeg' complaintes or recption timeout occured  */
            //        if (numOfcomplaints > PolynomialDeg)
            //        {
            //            // Found a cheater player: playerToVerify - taking its input as zero.
            //            // Take the zero polynomial as this user input
            //            recvSecretShare_i.Value = 0;
            //            RemoveCheaterPlayer(playerToVerify); // don't send and receive from this player anymore...
            //        }
            //    }
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #57
        private IList<Zp> ConstructRxPolynomial(ShareDetails aSharesDetails,
			ShareDetails bSharesDetails, ShareDetails abSharesDetails, ShareDetails rSharesDetails)
            var fax = aSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var fbx = bSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var hx = abSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;
            var rx = rSharesDetails.RandomPolynomial;

            var RxPolynomial = new Zp[2 * PolynomialDeg + 1];
            /* Initialize RxPolynomial coefs with zeros  */
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PolynomialDeg + 1; i++)
                RxPolynomial[i] = new Zp(Prime, 0);

            /* First calculate fax*fbx - hx */
            for (int i = 0; i < fax.Count; i++)
                Zp temp = fax[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < fax.Count; j++)
                    RxPolynomial[i + j].Add(temp.ConstMul(fbx[j]));

            /* Calculate x*rx+fax*fbx - hx*/
            for (int i = 0; i < rx.Count; i++)
                RxPolynomial[i + 1].Add(rx[i]);

            return new List<Zp>(RxPolynomial);
Example #58
        private bool IsMultStepShareLegal(MultStepBCaseShare recvShareFromPlayer_i, MultStepVerificationPoly recvVerifcationPolynomial)
            if (!IsRecvShareLegal(recvShareFromPlayer_i))
                return false;

            var RxPolynomial = recvVerifcationPolynomial.RxPolynomial;
            Zp Ratpoint0 = Zp.EvalutePolynomialAtPoint(RxPolynomial, new Zp(Prime, 0));
            if (!Ratpoint0.Equals(new Zp(Prime, 0)))
                return false;
            int w = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldMinimumPrimitive(Prime);
            var w_InMyIndex = new Zp(Prime, NumTheoryUtils.ModPow(w, Party.Id, Prime));
            Zp RjFromPublicPolynomial = Zp.EvalutePolynomialAtPoint(RxPolynomial, w_InMyIndex);

            Zp temp = recvShareFromPlayer_i.AShare.ConstMul(recvShareFromPlayer_i.BShare).ConstSub(recvShareFromPlayer_i.AbShare);
            Zp RjFromRecvPrivateInfo = w_InMyIndex.ConstMul(recvShareFromPlayer_i.RShare).ConstAdd(temp);
            if (!RjFromPublicPolynomial.Equals(RjFromRecvPrivateInfo))
                return false;

            return true;
Example #59
 public UserAssignment(long bridgePseudonym, Zp bridgeShare)
     BridgePseudonym = bridgePseudonym;
     BridgeShare     = bridgeShare;
Example #60
        * Finds a solution to a system of linear equations represtented by an
        * n-by-n+1 matrix A: namely, denoting by B the left n-by-n submatrix of A
        * and by C the last column of A, finds a column vector x such that Bx=C.
        * If more than one solution exists, chooses one arbitrarily by setting some
        * values to 0.  If no solutions exists, returns false.  Otherwise, places
        * a solution into the first argument and returns true.
        * Note : matrix A changes (gets converted to row echelon form).
        private static Zp[] linearSolve(ZpMatrix A, ZpMatrix B, int prime)
            var invArray = NumTheoryUtils.GetFieldInverse(prime);
            var C = ZpMatrix.GetConcatenationMatrix(A, B);		// augmented matrix
            int n = C.RowCount;
            int[] solution = new int[n];
            int temp;

            int firstDeterminedValue = n;

            // we will be determining values of the solution
            // from n-1 down to 0.  At any given time,
            // values from firstDeterminedValue to n-1 have been
            // found. Initializing to n means
            // no values have been found yet.
            // To put it another way, the variabe firstDeterminedValue
            // stores the position of first nonzero entry in the row just examined
            // (except at initialization)

            int rank = C.Gauss();

            int[][] cContent = C.Data;

            // can start at rank-1, because below that are all zeroes
            for (int row = rank - 1; row >= 0; row--)
                // remove all the known variables from the equation
                temp = cContent[row][n];
                int col;
                for (col = n - 1; col >= firstDeterminedValue; col--)
                    temp = Zp.Modulo(temp - (cContent[row][col] * solution[col]), prime);

                // now we need to find the first nonzero coefficient in this row
                // if it exists before firstDeterminedValue
                // because the matrix is in row echelon form, the first nonzero
                // coefficient cannot be before the diagonal
                for (col = row; col < firstDeterminedValue; col++)
                    if (cContent[row][col] != 0)

                if (col < firstDeterminedValue) // this means we found a nonzero coefficient
                    // we can determine the variables in position from col to firstDeterminedValue
                    // if this loop executes even once, then the system is undertermined
                    // we arbitrarily set the undetermined variables to 0, because it make math easier
                    for (int j = col + 1; j < firstDeterminedValue; j++)
                        solution[j] = 0;

                    // Now determine the variable at the nonzero coefficient
                    //div(solution[col], temp, A.getContent()[row][col]);
                    solution[col] = temp * invArray[Zp.Modulo(cContent[row][col], prime)];
                    firstDeterminedValue = col;
                    // this means there are no nonzero coefficients before firstDeterminedValue.
                    // Because we skip all the zero rows at the bottom, the matrix is in
                    // row echelon form, and firstDeterminedValue is equal to the
                    // position of first nonzero entry in row+1 (unless it is equal to n),
                    // this means we are at a row with all zeroes except in column n
                    // The system has no solution.
                    return null;

            // set the remaining undetermined values, if any, to 0
            for (int col = 0; col < firstDeterminedValue; col++)
                solution[col] = 0;

            var ResultVec = new Zp[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ResultVec[i] = new Zp(prime, solution[i]);

            return ResultVec;