void ChangeCursor()

        cursor = columns[currentColumn][currentRow];

        LauncherInterface.selection = cursor.GetComponent <Action>().action;
    IEnumerator Start()
        // Recreate the appslist
        columns.Add(new List <GameObject> ());

        // Standard Apps
        foreach (GameObject g in standardApps)
            if (columns[columns.Count - 1].Count == 3)
                columns.Add(new List <GameObject> ());

            Vector3 appPos = new Vector3((columns.Count - 1) * 17 - 29,
                                         -(columns[columns.Count - 1].Count - 1) * 10,

            obj = null;

            if (g != developerTile)
                obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(g, appPos, Quaternion.identity);
            else if (Settings.developer)
                obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(g, appPos, Quaternion.identity);

            if (obj != null)
                columns[columns.Count - 1].Add(obj);

        // Add Stub Apps to list
        // TODO Real Apps
        for (int i = 0; i < stubApps; i++)
            if (columns[columns.Count - 1].Count == 3)
                columns.Add(new List <GameObject> ());

            Vector3 appPos = new Vector3((columns.Count - 1) * 17 - 29,
                                         -(columns[columns.Count - 1].Count - 1) * 10,

            obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(stubApp, appPos, Quaternion.identity);
            columns[columns.Count - 1].Add(obj);

        // Set Cursor Position
        currentRow    = 0;
        currentColumn = 0;
        cursor        = columns[currentColumn][currentRow];

        // Wait For Wallpaper
        while (Settings.wallpaper == null)
            yield return(null);

        // Set Wallpaper
        for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
            foreach (GameObject g in columns[i])
                g.renderer.material.SetTexture("_Wallpaper", Settings.wallpaper);