public SoundFontPresets(IReadable input) { var id = input.Read8BitChars(4); var size = input.ReadInt32LE(); if (id.ToLower() != "list") { throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Could not find pdta LIST chunk."); } var readTo = input.Position + size; id = input.Read8BitChars(4); if (id.ToLower() != "pdta") { throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. The LIST chunk is not of type pdta."); } Modulator[] presetModulators = null; Generator[] presetGenerators = null; Modulator[] instrumentModulators = null; Generator[] instrumentGenerators = null; ZoneChunk pbag = null; ZoneChunk ibag = null; PresetHeaderChunk phdr = null; InstrumentChunk inst = null; while (input.Position < readTo) { id = input.Read8BitChars(4); size = input.ReadInt32LE(); switch (id.ToLower()) { case "phdr": phdr = new PresetHeaderChunk(id, size, input); break; case "pbag": pbag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, input); break; case "pmod": presetModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, input).Modulators; break; case "pgen": presetGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, input).Generators; break; case "inst": inst = new InstrumentChunk(id, size, input); break; case "ibag": ibag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, input); break; case "imod": instrumentModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, input).Modulators; break; case "igen": instrumentGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, input).Generators; break; case "shdr": SampleHeaders = new SampleHeaderChunk(id, size, input).SampleHeaders; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Unrecognized sub chunk: " + id); } } var pZones = pbag.ToZones(presetModulators, presetGenerators); PresetHeaders = phdr.ToPresets(pZones); var iZones = ibag.ToZones(instrumentModulators, instrumentGenerators); Instruments = inst.ToInstruments(iZones); }
public SoundFontPresets(BinaryReader reader) { string id = new string(IOHelper.Read8BitChars(reader, 4)); int size = reader.ReadInt32(); if (!id.ToLower().Equals("list")) { throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Could not find pdta LIST chunk."); } long readTo = reader.BaseStream.Position + size; id = new string(IOHelper.Read8BitChars(reader, 4)); if (!id.ToLower().Equals("pdta")) { throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. The LIST chunk is not of type pdta."); } Modulator[] presetModulators = null; Generator[] presetGenerators = null; Modulator[] instrumentModulators = null; Generator[] instrumentGenerators = null; ZoneChunk pbag = null; ZoneChunk ibag = null; PresetHeaderChunk phdr = null; InstrumentChunk inst = null; while (reader.BaseStream.Position < readTo) { id = new string(IOHelper.Read8BitChars(reader, 4)); size = reader.ReadInt32(); switch (id.ToLower()) { case "phdr": phdr = new PresetHeaderChunk(id, size, reader); break; case "pbag": pbag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, reader); break; case "pmod": presetModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, reader).Modulators; break; case "pgen": presetGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, reader).Generators; break; case "inst": inst = new InstrumentChunk(id, size, reader); break; case "ibag": ibag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, reader); break; case "imod": instrumentModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, reader).Modulators; break; case "igen": instrumentGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, reader).Generators; break; case "shdr": sHeaders = new SampleHeaderChunk(id, size, reader).SampleHeaders; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Unrecognized sub chunk: " + id); } } Zone[] pZones = pbag.ToZones(presetModulators, presetGenerators); pHeaders = phdr.ToPresets(pZones); Zone[] iZones = ibag.ToZones(instrumentModulators, instrumentGenerators); insts = inst.ToInstruments(iZones); }
public SoundFontPresets(IReadable input) { var id = input.Read8BitChars(4); var size = input.ReadInt32LE(); if (id.ToLower() != "list") throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Could not find pdta LIST chunk."); var readTo = input.Position + size; id = input.Read8BitChars(4); if (id.ToLower() != "pdta") throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. The LIST chunk is not of type pdta."); Modulator[] presetModulators = null; Generator[] presetGenerators = null; Modulator[] instrumentModulators = null; Generator[] instrumentGenerators = null; ZoneChunk pbag = null; ZoneChunk ibag = null; PresetHeaderChunk phdr = null; InstrumentChunk inst = null; while (input.Position < readTo) { id = input.Read8BitChars(4); size = input.ReadInt32LE(); switch (id.ToLower()) { case "phdr": phdr = new PresetHeaderChunk(id, size, input); break; case "pbag": pbag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, input); break; case "pmod": presetModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, input).Modulators; break; case "pgen": presetGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, input).Generators; break; case "inst": inst = new InstrumentChunk(id, size, input); break; case "ibag": ibag = new ZoneChunk(id, size, input); break; case "imod": instrumentModulators = new ModulatorChunk(id, size, input).Modulators; break; case "igen": instrumentGenerators = new GeneratorChunk(id, size, input).Generators; break; case "shdr": SampleHeaders = new SampleHeaderChunk(id, size, input).SampleHeaders; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid soundfont. Unrecognized sub chunk: " + id); } } var pZones = pbag.ToZones(presetModulators, presetGenerators); PresetHeaders = phdr.ToPresets(pZones); var iZones = ibag.ToZones(instrumentModulators, instrumentGenerators); Instruments = inst.ToInstruments(iZones); }