public void BuyShieldGenerator()
        ZoneBuilding newZoneBuilding = (Instantiate(GeneratorRef) as GameObject).GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();

        newZoneBuilding.buildingType = ZoneBuildingType.ShieldGenerator;
    //--------End Weapons--------------

    //-----New Defensive ZoneBuildings-----
    public void BuyCity()
        ZoneBuilding newZoneBuilding = (Instantiate(CityRef) as GameObject).GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();

        newZoneBuilding.buildingType = ZoneBuildingType.City;
    public void BuyMissileSiloButton()
        ZoneBuilding newZoneBuilding = (Instantiate(MissileSiloRef) as GameObject).GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();

        newZoneBuilding.buildingType = ZoneBuildingType.MissileSilo;
    //-----New Weapon ZoneBuildings-----
    public void BuyLaserTurret()
        ZoneBuilding newZoneBuilding = (Instantiate(LaserTurretRef) as GameObject).GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();

        newZoneBuilding.buildingType = ZoneBuildingType.LaserTurret;
    public void BuyFactory()
        GameObject   NewObject       = (Instantiate(FactoryRef) as GameObject);
        ZoneBuilding newZoneBuilding = NewObject.GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();

        newZoneBuilding.buildingType = ZoneBuildingType.City;
 //--------End Defenses--------------
 //-----Build Objects------
 void HandleNewObject(ZoneBuilding newObj)
     // Set the object to this variable so we can display it in the Update method while the user picks a location
     PurchasedZoneBuilding          = newObj;
     PurchasedZoneBuilding.isActive = false;
     // Reset the cached list of colliders just in case they changed
     ControlledZoneColliders = new Dictionary <Collider, EarthZone>();
     // Fetch the user's controlled earth zone colliders
     foreach (EarthZone controlledZone in Earth.ControlledZones)
         ControlledZoneColliders.Add(controlledZone.GetComponent <Collider>(), controlledZone);
     // Enabled them so we can place the object
 void Update()
     if (BuildMenu.PurchasedZoneBuilding == null && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
         RaycastHit[] hitsInOrder = Physics.RaycastAll(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition)).OrderBy(h => h.distance).ToArray();
         foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitsInOrder)
             ZoneBuilding zoneBuildingHit = hit.collider.GetComponent <ZoneBuilding>();
             if (zoneBuildingHit != null)
                 DisplayItem = zoneBuildingHit;
                 CurrentlyDisplayedMenu = MenuScreen.Detail;
 void Update()
     //previews placement of new building until clicked
     if (PurchasedZoneBuilding != null)
         RaycastHit[] hitsInOrder = Physics.RaycastAll(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition)).OrderBy(h => h.distance).ToArray();
         foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitsInOrder)
             // This hit.point is the point on earth where the mouse hovers
             if (selectedZone == null && ControlledZoneColliders.Keys.Contains(hit.collider))
                 // This should only be reached once each time the user hovers over a zone
                 //Debug.Log("selected zone");
                 selectedZone = ControlledZoneColliders[hit.collider];
                 PurchasedZoneBuilding.ParentZone = selectedZone;
                 PurchasedZoneBuilding.isActive   = true;
                 // Put it in the coord space of the earthzone
                 PurchasedZoneBuilding.buildingTransform.SetParent(selectedZone.transform, true);
             else if (selectedZone != null && hit.transform.tag == "Earth" && // user is hovering over controlled zone on earth
                      ControlledZoneColliders.FirstOrDefault(key => key.Value == selectedZone).Key.bounds.Contains(hit.point)) // get the collider(key) based on the value(earthzone)
                 //Debug.Log("selecting spot");
                 // assign the up vector for the city so it the top of it faces away from earth and the bottom sits on the planet
                 PurchasedZoneBuilding.buildingTransform.up = hit.point * 2;
                 // set the position of this newly purchased building to the place where the mouse is
                 PurchasedZoneBuilding.buildingTransform.position = hit.point;
                 // If the user clicks while the newly purchased zone building is being displayed
                 if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                     PurchasedZoneBuilding = null;
                     selectedZone          = null;