Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  This method will result in a complete parsing of the EndOfCentralDirectory
        /// and CentralDirectory records (if it hasn't been done yet).
        /// After that it will check whether central directory contains the file.
        /// If it is present it will parse local fileheader, and remove their in memory
        /// representation
        /// </summary>
        internal void DeleteFile(string zipFileName)

            if (_openAccess == FileAccess.Read)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CanNotWriteInReadOnlyMode));

            // Validate parameteres
            zipFileName = ZipIOBlockManager.ValidateNormalizeFileName(zipFileName);

            if (FileExists(zipFileName)) // is it in central Directory ?
                ZipFileInfo fileInfoToBeDeleted = GetFile(zipFileName);

                //this should invalidate any outstanding collections
                // and update central directory status as appropriate

                //this should remove the local file block
                // from the blockManager's collection
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  This method will result in a complete parsing of the EndOfCentralDirectory
        /// and CentralDirectory records (if it hasn't been done yet).
        /// After that (assuming no duplicates were found). It will create in appropriate
        /// in memory Local FileHeaders and Central Directory Headers.
        /// </summary>
        internal ZipFileInfo AddFile(string zipFileName, CompressionMethodEnum compressionMethod, DeflateOptionEnum deflateOption)

            if (_openAccess == FileAccess.Read)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CanNotWriteInReadOnlyMode));

            // Validate parameteres
            zipFileName = ZipIOBlockManager.ValidateNormalizeFileName(zipFileName);

            if ((compressionMethod != CompressionMethodEnum.Stored) &&
                (compressionMethod != CompressionMethodEnum.Deflated))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("compressionMethod");

            // non-contiguous range requires more complex test
            if (deflateOption < DeflateOptionEnum.Normal || (
                    deflateOption > DeflateOptionEnum.SuperFast && deflateOption != DeflateOptionEnum.None))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("deflateOption");

            // Check for duplicates ,
            if (FileExists(zipFileName))
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AttemptedToCreateDuplicateFileName));

            // Create Local File Block through Block Manager
            ZipIOLocalFileBlock fileBlock = _blockManager.CreateLocalFileBlock(zipFileName, compressionMethod, deflateOption);

            //build new ZipFileInfo and add reference to the collection, so we can keep track of the instances of the ZipFileInfo,
            // that were given out  and invalidate any collection that was returned on GetFiles calls
            ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo(this, fileBlock);

            ZipFileInfoDictionary.Add(zipFileInfo.Name, zipFileInfo);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  This method will result in a complete parsing of the EndOfCentralDirectory
        /// and CentralDirectory records (if it hasn't been done yet).
        /// After that (assuming the file was found). It will parse the apropriate local file block
        /// header and data descriptor (if present).
        /// </summary>
        internal ZipFileInfo GetFile(string zipFileName)

            if (_openAccess == FileAccess.Write)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CanNotReadInWriteOnlyMode));

            // Validate parameteres
            zipFileName = ZipIOBlockManager.ValidateNormalizeFileName(zipFileName);

            // try to get it from the ZipFileInfo dictionary
            if (ZipFileInfoDictionary.Contains(zipFileName))
                // this ZipFileInfo was already built through AddFile or GetFile(s)
                // we have this cached
                // we need to check whether it is present in the central directory
                if (!FileExists(zipFileName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FileDoesNotExists));

                // Load Local File Block through Block Manager
                ZipIOLocalFileBlock fileBlock = _blockManager.LoadLocalFileBlock(zipFileName);

                // build new ZipFileInfo and add reference to the collection, so we can keep track of the instances of the ZipFileInfo,
                // that were given out  and invalidate any collection that was returned on GetFiles calls
                ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo(this, fileBlock);

                //this should invalidate any outstanding collections
                ZipFileInfoDictionary.Add(zipFileInfo.Name, zipFileInfo);
