void LateUpdate()
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;

        short[] rawDepthhMap = ZigInput.Depth.data;
        short[] rawLabelMap  = ZigInput.LabelMap.data;
        for (int i = cycle * emitterCount; i < (cycle + 1) * emitterCount; i++)
            for (int particleIndex = 0; particleIndex < MAX_PARTICLES_PER_PE; particleIndex++)
                if (y >= YScaled)
                Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
                int     index = x * factorX + XRes * factorY * y;
                Vector3 vec   = new Vector3(x * factorX, y * factorY, rawDepthhMap[index]);
                vec = worldSpace ? ZigInput.ConvertImageToWorldSpace(vec) : vec;
                vec = Vector3.Scale(vec, scale);

                if (onlyUsers)
                    if (rawLabelMap[index] != 0)
                        particleEmitters[i].Emit(transform.rotation * vec + transform.position, velocity, size, energy, color);
                    particleEmitters[i].Emit(transform.rotation * vec + transform.position, velocity, size, energy, color);
                x = (x + 1) % XScaled;
                y = (x == 0) ? y + 1 : y;

            if (y >= YScaled)
        cycle = (cycle + 1) % cycles;
Example #2
    internal void CalculateNormal(C5.IPriorityQueue <CloudPoint> neighbors)
        Vector avg = neighbors.Aggregate(new Vector(3), (sum, val) => sum + val.location) / (double)neighbors.Count;

        Matrix cov = ((double)1 / neighbors.Count) *
                     neighbors.Aggregate(new Matrix(3, 3),
                                         (sum, val) => sum +
                                         (val.location - avg).ToColumnMatrix() *
                                         (val.location - avg).ToRowMatrix());

        // that dude says the smallest eigenvalue is the normal
        // first column of eigenvectors is the smallest eigenvalued one
        normal = cov.EigenVectors.GetColumnVector(0);

        // orient normal toward viewpoint

        // to do this we have to push the origin into the world frame
        //v = ZigInput.ConvertImageToWorldSpace(v);
        var viewp = ZigInput.ConvertImageToWorldSpace(Vector3.zero);

        normal = ((normal * (viewp.ToVector() - this.location)) > 0 ? normal : -normal);
    public PointCloud(short[] depth, int dWidth, int dHeight,
                      Color32[] color, int cWidth, int cHeight)
        PointList = new List <CloudPoint>();

        // these are different sizes. use the depth image as the native index
        // we want to get as much depth data as possible
        this.rawColor = color;
        this.rawDepth = depth;

        this.depthX = dWidth;
        this.depthY = dHeight;
        this.colorX = cWidth;
        this.colorY = cHeight;

        // express scaling factors to take x,y positions in depth to color
        // also we are assuming that the color image is larger than the depth one
        int factorX = cWidth / dWidth;
        int factorY = cHeight / dHeight;

        for (int i = 0; i < depth.Length; i++)
            // the transform that the Zig thing provides expects coordinates in the image plane though
            if ((depth[i] == 0) || (depth[i] == -1))
                continue; // this is a garbage point
            int x = (i % dWidth) * factorX;
            int y = (i / dWidth) * factorY;
            int z = depth[i];

            Vector3 v = new Vector3(x, y, z);
            v = ZigInput.ConvertImageToWorldSpace(v);

            int cIndex = x + y * cWidth;

            PointList.Add(new CloudPoint(v.ToVector(), color[cIndex], Vector.Zeros(3)));

        depthHistogramMap = new float[MaxDepth];
        depthToColor      = new Color32[MaxDepth];
        colorizedDepth    = new Color32[depthX * depthY];


        this.R = Matrix.Create(new double[, ] {
            { 1, 0, 0 },
            { 0, 1, 0 },
            { 0, 0, 1 }
        });                       // identity rotation

        this.T = Vector.Zeros(3); // zero translation

        //Transform = new Matrix(new double[,]{{1, 0, 0, 0},
        //                                     {0, 1, 0, 0},
        //                                     {0, 0, 1, 0},
        //                                     {0, 0, 0, 1}}); // homogeneous identity