private ResourceManager() { zsc_body_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DDATA/AVATAR/LIST_MBODY.ZSC"); zsc_arms_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_MARMS.zsc"); zsc_foot_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_MFOOT.zsc"); zsc_face_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_MFACE.zsc"); zsc_hair_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_MHAIR.zsc"); zsc_cap_male = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_MCAP.zsc"); zsc_body_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WBODY.zsc"); zsc_arms_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WARMS.zsc"); zsc_foot_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WFOOT.zsc"); zsc_face_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WFACE.zsc"); zsc_hair_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WHAIR.zsc"); zsc_cap_female = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_WCAP.zsc"); zsc_back = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_BACK.zsc"); zsc_faceItem = (ZSC)loadResource("3DData/Avatar/LIST_FACEIEM.zsc"); zsc_weapon = (ZSC)loadResource("3DDATA/WEAPON/LIST_WEAPON.zsc"); zsc_subweapon = (ZSC)loadResource("3DDATA/WEAPON/LIST_SUBWPN.zsc"); stb_animation_list = (STB)loadResource("3Ddata/STB/FILE_MOTION.STB"); stb_animation_type = (STB)loadResource("3DDATA/STB/TYPE_MOTION.STB"); stb_weapon_list = (STB)loadResource("3DDATA/STB/LIST_WEAPON.STB"); stb_cap_list = (STB)loadResource("3DDATA/STB/LIST_CAP.STB"); stb_hair_list = (STB)loadResource("3DDATA/STB/LIST_HAIR.STB"); cache = new Cache(this, CACHE_SIZE); }
public ZscImporter(string path) { path = Utils.NormalizePath(path); var mapMatches = mapZsc.Match(path); var npcMatches = npcZsc.Match(path); if (npcMatches.Success) { targetPath = Utils.NormalizePath("Assets/NpcParts"); } else if (mapMatches.Success) { var baseName = mapMatches.Groups[1].Value; var dbName = mapMatches.Groups[2].Value; if (baseName == "AVATAR") { targetPath = Utils.CombinePath("Assets/CharParts", dbName); } else { targetPath = Utils.CombinePath("Assets/MapObjects", baseName, dbName); } } else { throw new System.Exception("Unexpected ZSC name..."); } zsc = new ZSC(Utils.CombinePath(dataPath, path)); }
public void Load(string ifoName, string mapFolder, ZSC dec, ZSC build, Vector2 mapPosition) { this.ifo = new IFO(); this.ifo = ContentManager.Instance().GetIFO(ifoName, mapFolder); this.decorationZSC = dec; this.buildingZSC = build; for (int i = 0; i < this.ifo.listDecorationBlock.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration.Count; j++) { int objectID = this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].objectID; Entity entity = new Entity(); for (int k = 0; k < dec.listObject[objectID].list_mesh.Count; k++) { ZMS zMS = new ZMS(; zMS.Load(ContentManager.GetRootPath() + dec.listMesh[(int)dec.listObject[objectID].list_mesh[k].mesh_id].path, ClientType.IROSE); zMS.LoadTexture(ContentManager.GetRootPath(),, dec.listMateriel[(int)dec.listObject[objectID].list_mesh[k].material_id]); zMS.ApplyZSCData(dec.listObject[objectID], k); entity.AddPart(zMS); } Vector3 position = default(Vector3); position.X = this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].position.X / 100f + 5200f; position.Y = this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].position.Y / 100f + 5200f; position.Z = this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].position.Z / 100f; Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity; matrix *= Matrix.CreateScale(this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].scale); matrix *= Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new Quaternion(this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].rotation.W, this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].rotation.X, this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].rotation.Y, this.ifo.listDecorationBlock[i].listDecoration[j].rotation.Z)); matrix *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(position); entity.ApplyTransformation(matrix); this.listEntity.Add(entity); } } for (int j = 0; j < this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding.Count; j++) { int objectID = this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].objectID; Entity entity = new Entity(); for (int k = 0; k < build.listObject[objectID].list_mesh.Count; k++) { ZMS zMS = new ZMS(; zMS.Load(ContentManager.GetRootPath() + build.listMesh[(int)build.listObject[objectID].list_mesh[k].mesh_id].path, ClientType.IROSE); zMS.LoadTexture(ContentManager.GetRootPath(),, build.listMateriel[(int)build.listObject[objectID].list_mesh[k].material_id]); zMS.ApplyZSCData(build.listObject[objectID], k); entity.AddPart(zMS); } Vector3 position = default(Vector3); position.X = this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].position.X / 100f + 5200f; position.Y = this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].position.Y / 100f + 5200f; position.Z = this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].position.Z / 100f; Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity; matrix *= Matrix.CreateScale(this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].scale); matrix *= Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new Quaternion(this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].rotation.W, this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].rotation.X, this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].rotation.Y, this.ifo.listBuildingBlock[0].listBuilding[j].rotation.Z)); matrix *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(position); entity.ApplyTransformation(matrix); this.listEntity.Add(entity); } }
private Bounds LoadObject(BodyPartType bodyPart, int id) { Bounds objectBounds = new Bounds(skeleton.transform.position,; ZSC zsc = rm.getZSC(charModel.gender, bodyPart); for (int i = 0; i < zsc.Objects[id].Models.Count; i++) { int ModelID = zsc.Objects[id].Models[i].ModelID; int TextureID = zsc.Objects[id].Models[i].TextureID; Bounds partBounds = LoadPart(bodyPart, zsc.Objects[id].Models[i].DummyIndex, zsc.Models[ModelID], zsc.Textures[TextureID].Path); objectBounds.Encapsulate(partBounds); } return(objectBounds); }
public ZSC GetZSC(string name) { ZSC result; if (!this.ZSCs.Contains(name)) { ZSC zSC = new ZSC(); zSC.Load(ContentManager.rootPath + name, ClientType.IROSE); this.ZSCs.Add(name, zSC); result = zSC; } else { result = (ZSC)this.ZSCs[name]; } return(result); }
public bool Load() { if (!m_isValid) { Debug.LogError("Cannot load patch at path " + this.m_assetDir); return(false); } // TODO: add error handling for failure to load the following files this.m_HIM = new HIM(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "/" + this.m_name + ".HIM"); this.m_TIL = new TIL(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "/" + this.m_name + ".TIL"); if (this.m_ZON == null) // load ZON if it was never passed to the patch constructor { this.m_ZON = new ZON(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "/" + this.m_assetDir.Parent.Name + ".ZON"); } this.m_IFO = new IFO(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "/" + this.m_name + ".IFO"); // parent x : 4 3 2 1 0 // original dir: .../3ddata/maps/junon/jpt01/30_30 // desired dir: .../3ddata/junon/LIST_CNST_JPT.ZSC char[] trimChars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '_' }; // TODO: use stl's to avoid this mess and be able to load luna/eldeon/oro maps string zscPath = m_assetDir.Parent.Name.ToLower().Trim(trimChars); if (zscPath.Contains("jd") || zscPath.Contains("jdt") || zscPath.Contains("jg")) { zscPath = Utils.FixPath(m_3dDataDir + "/" + m_assetDir.Parent.Parent.Name.ToUpper() + "/LIST_CNST_" + zscPath + ".ZSC"); // + m_assetDir.Parent.Name.Trim(trimChars).ToUpper() + ".ZSC"); } else { zscPath = Utils.FixPath(m_3dDataDir + "/" + m_assetDir.Parent.Parent.Name.ToUpper() + "/LIST_" + "CNST_JPT.ZSC"); // + m_assetDir.Parent.Name.Trim(trimChars).ToUpper() + ".ZSC"); } string litPath = Utils.FixPath(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "\\" + this.m_name + "\\LIGHTMAP\\BUILDINGLIGHTMAPDATA.LIT"); groundLight = Utils.FixPath(this.m_assetDir.Parent.FullName + "\\" + this.m_name + "\\" + this.m_name + "_PLANELIGHTINGMAP.DDS"); m_ZSC_Cnst = new ZSC(zscPath); m_ZSC_Deco = new ZSC(zscPath.ToLower().Replace("cnst", "deco")); m_LIT_Cnst = new LIT(litPath); m_LIT_Deco = new LIT(litPath.Replace("building", "object")); // TODO: add any new file loads here edgeVertexLookup = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >(); return(true); }
public void Load(string zonPath, string zscBuildingPath, string zscDecorationPath, string mapFolder, int minSizeX, int minSizeY, int maxSizeX, int maxSizeY) { ZON zON = ContentManager.Instance().GetZON(zonPath); ZSC zSC = ContentManager.Instance().GetZSC(zscBuildingPath); ZSC zSC2 = ContentManager.Instance().GetZSC(zscDecorationPath); this.decorationBlocks = new DecorationBlock[maxSizeX - minSizeX + 1, maxSizeY - minSizeY + 1]; this.mapBlocks = new MapBlock[maxSizeX - minSizeX + 1, maxSizeY - minSizeY + 1]; this.isView = new bool[maxSizeX - minSizeX + 1, maxSizeY - minSizeY + 1]; for (int i = minSizeX; i <= maxSizeX; i++) { for (int j = minSizeY; j <= maxSizeY; j++) { string himName = string.Concat(new object[] { i, "_", j, ".HIM" }); string tilName = string.Concat(new object[] { i, "_", j, ".TIL" }); MapBlock mapBlock = new MapBlock(; mapBlock.Load(zON, mapFolder, himName, tilName, new Vector2((float)i, (float)j)); this.mapBlocks[i - minSizeX, j - minSizeY] = mapBlock; string ifoName = string.Concat(new object[] { i, "_", j, ".IFO" }); DecorationBlock decorationBlock = new DecorationBlock(; decorationBlock.Load(ifoName, mapFolder, zSC2, zSC, new Vector2((float)i, (float)j)); this.decorationBlocks[i - minSizeX, j - minSizeY] = decorationBlock; } } this.GenerateIndice(); }
public void SetZSC(ZSC MZSC, ZSC WZSC) { this.previewControl.ClearZMS(); this.MZSC = MZSC; this.WZSC = WZSC; }