public static int longProcessMono(ZMaps conf, ZMaps inputs, ZMaps outputs) { _ZMaps test; int i = 1; while (i < 10) { ZOO_API.UpdateStatus(conf, "Step " + i, (i * 10)); Thread.Sleep(1000); i += 1; } if (inputs.TryGetValue("a", out test)) { ZMap content = test.getContent(); String test1; if (content.TryGetValue("value", out test1)) { outputs.setMapsInMaps("Result", "value", ZOO_API.Translate("Hello ") + test1 + " from the Mono .NET framework World!"); } return(ZOO_API.SERVICE_SUCCEEDED); } else { conf.setMapsInMaps("lenv", "message", "Unable to run the service"); return(ZOO_API.SERVICE_FAILED); } }
public static int HelloMono(ZMaps conf, ZMaps inputs, ZMaps outputs) { _ZMaps test; if (inputs.TryGetValue("a", out test)) { ZMap content = test.getContent(); String test1; if (content.TryGetValue("value", out test1)) { outputs.setMapsInMaps("Result", "value", ZOO_API.Translate("Hello ") + test1 + " from the Mono .NET framework World!"); } return(ZOO_API.SERVICE_SUCCEEDED); } else { conf.setMapsInMaps("lenv", "message", "Unable to run the service"); return(ZOO_API.SERVICE_FAILED); } }