public virtual void Clear() { if (m_cMyPane != null) { while (m_cMyPane.CurveList.Count != 0) { CurveItem curve = m_cMyPane.CurveList[0] as CurveItem; if (curve == null) { return; } m_cMyPane.CurveList.Remove(curve); } m_cMyPane.CurveList.TrimExcess(); if (m_alDatainGraph != null) { m_alDatainGraph.Clear(); m_alDatainGraph.TrimToSize(); } } ZGControl.ZoomOutAll(m_cMyPane); }
public virtual void Clear() { if (m_cMyPane != null) { m_cMyPane.CurveList.Clear(); if (m_alDatainGraph != null) { m_alDatainGraph.Clear(); } } ZGControl.ZoomOutAll(m_cMyPane); Invalidate(); }
public virtual void DeepCopy(GraphingBase graph) { //this allows the class to be completely self contained on a deep copy. the calling function doesn't need to //create a graph if (ZGControl == null) { CreateGraph(null); } //Fix if we're updating from a thread if (ZGControl.InvokeRequired) { ZGControl.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => DeepCopy(graph))); return; } Title = graph.Title; SetAllFonts(graph.Pane.Title.FontSpec.Family, (int)graph.Pane.Title.FontSpec.Size, (int)graph.Pane.XAxis.Title.FontSpec.Size); SetAxisTitles(graph.Pane.XAxis.Title.Text, graph.Pane.YAxis.Title.Text); Pane.CurveList = graph.Pane.CurveList.Clone(); var y = Pane.CurveList.Where(curve => curve.IsLine).Cast <LineItem>(); Pane.CurveList.Where(curve => curve.IsLine).Cast <LineItem>().IndexedForEach((curve, index) => { curve.Color = Color.Black; curve.Symbol.Type = SymbolType.None; curve.Line.Style = (DashStyle)index; curve.Line.IsAntiAlias = true; }); GraphSize = graph.GraphSize; BorderState = graph.BorderState; Pane.YAxis.Type = graph.Pane.YAxis.Type; Pane.YAxis.MinorTic.Color = graph.Pane.YAxis.MinorTic.Color; AxisChange(); Pane.YAxis.Scale.Min = graph.Pane.YAxis.Scale.Min; Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = graph.Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max; Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = graph.Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min; Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = graph.Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max; Pane.XAxis.MinorGrid.Color = Color.Transparent; Invalidate(); IsThisaDeepCopy = true; }
public void SaveEMFFile(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ZGControl.SaveAsEmf(m_cMousePos); }
public void SaveLocalEMFFile(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ZGControl.SaveAsEmf((PointF?)m_cMousePos); }
public void CopyLocalGraph(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ZGControl.CopyEmf(false, m_cMousePos); }
public void CopyMetatoClip(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ZGControl.CopyEmf(false); }