Example #1
        public static IBodyRestriction DontTwistHipRestriction(int angleThreshold = 15)
            Z3Point3D up = new Z3Point3D(0, 1, 0);

            var result = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                // Shoulders, hips and feet must be aligned
                Z3Point3D leftToRightShoulderVec = body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].GetInverted() + body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];
                Z3Point3D leftToRightHipVec = body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].GetInverted() + body.Joints[JointType.HipRight];

                Z3Point3D leftAnklePosition =
                    body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft] +
                    body.Joints[JointType.KneeLeft] +

                Z3Point3D rightAnklePosition =
                    body.Joints[JointType.HipRight] +
                    body.Joints[JointType.KneeRight] +

                Z3Point3D leftToRightAnkleVec = rightAnklePosition - leftAnklePosition;

                BoolExpr expr1 = leftToRightShoulderVec.IsAngleBetweenLessThan(leftToRightHipVec, angleThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr2 = leftToRightShoulderVec.IsAngleBetweenLessThan(leftToRightAnkleVec, angleThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr3 = leftToRightAnkleVec.IsAngleBetweenLessThan(leftToRightHipVec, angleThreshold);

                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr1, expr2, expr3);

                return expr;

            return result;
Example #2
        public static IBodyRestriction DistributeWeightRestriction(int angleThreshold = 15)
            var result = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                Z3Point3D up = new Z3Point3D(0, 1, 0);
                Z3Point3D legLeft = body.Joints[JointType.KneeLeft] + body.Joints[JointType.AnkleLeft];
                Z3Point3D legRight = body.Joints[JointType.KneeRight] + body.Joints[JointType.AnkleRight];
                Z3Point3D legsAverage = (legLeft + legRight) / 2;

                BoolExpr expr = legsAverage.IsAngleBetweenLessThan(up, angleThreshold);

                return expr;

            return result;
Example #3
        // Therapy restrictions
        public static IBodyRestriction StraightPostureRestriction(int angleThreshold = 15)
            Z3Point3D up = new Z3Point3D(0, 1, 0);

            double distanceThreshold = TrigonometryHelper.GetSine(angleThreshold);

            var result = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                BoolExpr expr = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].IsNearerThan(up, distanceThreshold);
                expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr, body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].IsNearerThan(up, distanceThreshold));
                expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr, body.Joints[JointType.Neck].IsNearerThan(up, distanceThreshold));
                expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr, body.Joints[JointType.Head].IsNearerThan(up, distanceThreshold));
                return expr;

            return result;
Example #4
        public static Z3Body CreateBodyWitness(
			Z3Body z3ConstCheckedBody,
			Model model,
			List<JointType> evaluatedJoints,
			Z3Body defaultBody)
            var witness = new Z3Body();
            var jointTypes = EnumUtil.GetValues<JointType>();
            foreach (var jointType in jointTypes)
                if (evaluatedJoints.Contains(jointType))
                    var joint = new Z3Point3D(
                        model.Evaluate(z3ConstCheckedBody.Joints[jointType].X, true) as ArithExpr,
                        model.Evaluate(z3ConstCheckedBody.Joints[jointType].Y, true) as ArithExpr,
                        model.Evaluate(z3ConstCheckedBody.Joints[jointType].Z, true) as ArithExpr);
                    witness.Joints.Add(jointType, joint);

                    var norm = model.Evaluate(z3ConstCheckedBody.Norms[jointType]) as ArithExpr;

                    // Check if norm is still an app (meaning it can be anything), then set it to be the default norm
                    if (norm.ASTKind == Z3_ast_kind.Z3_APP_AST)
                        witness.Norms.Add(jointType, defaultBody.Norms[jointType]);
                        witness.Norms.Add(jointType, norm);
                    witness.Joints.Add(jointType, defaultBody.Joints[jointType]);
                    witness.Norms.Add(jointType, defaultBody.Norms[jointType]);

            return witness;
Example #5
        public static Dictionary<JointType, Z3Point3D> CreateSyntheticJoints()
            var result = new Dictionary<JointType, Z3Point3D>();

            Z3Point3D spineBase = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Front);
            Z3Point3D spineMid = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Up);
            Z3Point3D spineShoulder = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Up);
            Z3Point3D neck = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Up);
            Z3Point3D head = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Up);

            Z3Point3D shoulderLeft = new Z3Point3D();
            shoulderLeft.X = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderLeft.Y = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderLeft.Z = Z3Math.Zero;
            Z3Point3D elbowLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D wristLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D handLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D handTipLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D thumbLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D hipLeft = new Z3Point3D();
            shoulderLeft.X = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderLeft.Y = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderLeft.Z = Z3Math.Zero;
            Z3Point3D kneeLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D ankleLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D footLeft = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);

            Z3Point3D shoulderRight = new Z3Point3D();
            shoulderRight.X = Z3Math.Real(0.7);
            shoulderRight.Y = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderRight.Z = Z3Math.Zero;
            Z3Point3D elbowRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D wristRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D handRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D handTipRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D thumbRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D hipRight = new Z3Point3D();
            shoulderRight.X = Z3Math.Real(0.7);
            shoulderRight.Y = Z3Math.Real(-0.7);
            shoulderRight.Z = Z3Math.Zero;
            Z3Point3D kneeRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D ankleRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);
            Z3Point3D footRight = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Down);

            result.Add(JointType.SpineBase, spineBase);
            result.Add(JointType.SpineMid, spineMid);
            result.Add(JointType.SpineShoulder, spineShoulder);
            result.Add(JointType.Neck, neck);
            result.Add(JointType.Head, head);
            result.Add(JointType.ShoulderLeft, shoulderLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.ElbowLeft, elbowLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.WristLeft, wristLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.HandLeft, handLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.HandTipLeft, handTipLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.ThumbLeft, thumbLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.HipLeft, hipLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.KneeLeft, kneeLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.AnkleLeft, ankleLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.FootLeft, footLeft);
            result.Add(JointType.ShoulderRight, shoulderRight);
            result.Add(JointType.ElbowRight, elbowRight);
            result.Add(JointType.WristRight, wristRight);
            result.Add(JointType.HandRight, handRight);
            result.Add(JointType.HandTipRight, handTipRight);
            result.Add(JointType.ThumbRight, thumbRight);
            result.Add(JointType.HipRight, hipRight);
            result.Add(JointType.KneeRight, kneeRight);
            result.Add(JointType.AnkleRight, ankleRight);
            result.Add(JointType.FootRight, footRight);

            return result;
Example #6
 public SetJointDirectionTransform(Z3Point3D jointToSet)
     : base(joint => jointToSet)
Example #7
        // the rotation towards a direction is limited to the directive vector of that direction
        public RotateJointTransform(int degrees, Direction direction)
            : base(joint =>
                // define current degrees
                var currentDegrees = 0.0;
                    case Direction.Right:
                    case Direction.Left:
                        currentDegrees = Math.Asin(joint.GetXValue()) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                    case Direction.Up:
                    case Direction.Down:
                        currentDegrees = Math.Asin(joint.GetYValue()) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                    case Direction.Front:
                    case Direction.Back:
                        currentDegrees = Math.Asin(joint.GetZValue()) * 180.0/Math.PI;

                // check if current degrees + input degrees is an overflow
                // which means the rotation is going towards the opposite direction 
                if (currentDegrees + degrees > 90 ||
                    currentDegrees - degrees < -90)
                    // if so, set degrees as the complement to the limit value
                    degrees = (int)(90.0 - currentDegrees);

                double cosInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetCosine(degrees);
                double sinInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetSine(degrees);

                var cos = Z3Math.Real(cosInput);
                var sin = Z3Math.Real(sinInput);
                var sinNeg = Z3Math.Real(-sinInput);

                Z3Point3D result = new Z3Point3D(joint.X, joint.Y, joint.Z);

                // The performed rotation depends on current values of X, Y and Z
                // The rotation plane and direction changes depending on the relation between the coordinates
                switch (direction)
                    case Direction.Back:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y) 
                            // then return Y
                            // else rotate Y
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Front:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y) 
                            // then return Y
                            // else rotate Y
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else if Y > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Down:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Up:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Right:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return Y
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.Y), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X))),
                            joint.Y) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Left:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return Y
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.Y), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X))),
                            joint.Y) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;


                return result;
Example #8
        public RotateJointTransform(int degrees, BodyPlaneType plane, RotationDirection rotationDirection = RotationDirection.Clockwise)
            : base(joint =>
                double cosInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetCosine(degrees);
                double sinInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetSine(degrees);

                if (rotationDirection == RotationDirection.CounterClockwise)
                    sinInput = -sinInput;

                var cos = Z3Math.Real(cosInput);
                var sin = Z3Math.Real(sinInput);
                var sinNeg = Z3Math.Real(-sinInput);

                Z3Point3D result = new Z3Point3D(joint.X, joint.Y, joint.Z);

                switch (plane)
                    case BodyPlaneType.Frontal:
                        result.Y = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z));
                        result.Z = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z));

                    case BodyPlaneType.Sagittal:
                        result.X = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y));
                        result.Y = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y));

                    case BodyPlaneType.Horizontal:
                        result.X = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z));
                        result.Z = Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z));


                return result;
Example #9
 public Z3Point3D Transform(Z3Point3D joint)
     Z3Point3D result = TransformFunc(joint);
     return result;
Example #10
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            var that = obj as JointTransform;
            Solver solver = Z3.Context.MkSolver();


            RealExpr x = Z3.Context.MkRealConst("x");
            RealExpr y = Z3.Context.MkRealConst("y");
            RealExpr z = Z3.Context.MkRealConst("z");

            Z3Point3D joint = new Z3Point3D(x, y, z);
            Z3Point3D thisJoint = this.TransformFunc(joint);
            Z3Point3D thatJoint = that.TransformFunc(joint);

            BoolExpr xEq = Z3.Context.MkEq(thisJoint.X, thatJoint.X);
            BoolExpr yEq = Z3.Context.MkEq(thisJoint.Y, thatJoint.Y);
            BoolExpr zEq = Z3.Context.MkEq(thisJoint.Z, thatJoint.Z);

            BoolExpr equalsExpr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(xEq, yEq, zEq);

            Status status = solver.Check();
            Statistics stats = solver.Statistics;

            //Console.WriteLine("EqualsExpr: " + equalsExpr);
            //Console.WriteLine("Proving: " + equalsExpr);
            //switch (status)
            //    case Status.UNKNOWN:
            //        Console.WriteLine("Unknown because:\n" + solver.ReasonUnknown);
            //        break;
            //    case Status.SATISFIABLE:
            //        throw new ArgumentException("Test Failed Expception");
            //    case Status.UNSATISFIABLE:
            //        Console.WriteLine("OK, proof:\n" + solver.Proof);
            //        break;

            bool result = false;
            if (status == Status.UNSATISFIABLE)
                result = true;


            return result;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a basic safety check to make sure we don't break any bones.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if safe</returns>
        public static IBodyRestriction DefaultSafetyRestriction()
            var result = new CompositeBodyRestriction();

            int inclinationThreshold = 45;

            // Head
            // Make sure neck is not inclinated beyond the threshold
            var head = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                Z3Point3D up = new Z3Point3D(0, 1, 0);
                BoolExpr expr1 = body.Joints[JointType.Head].IsDegreesBetweenLessThan(up, inclinationThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr2 = body.Joints[JointType.Neck].IsDegreesBetweenLessThan(up, inclinationThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr1, expr2);

                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Spine
            // Make sure spine is not inclinated beyond the threshold
            var spine = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                Z3Point3D up = new Z3Point3D(0, 1, 0);
                BoolExpr expr1 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].IsDegreesBetweenLessThan(up, inclinationThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].IsDegreesBetweenLessThan(up, inclinationThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr3 =
                    body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder], inclinationThreshold);
                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr1, expr2, expr3);

                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Shoulders
            // Make sure shoulders are not bent
            var shoulders = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                BoolExpr expr =
                    body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder], 120);

                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Elbows
            // Make sure elbows are not behind the back
            // And also that they are not on the top/back sub-space
            var elbows = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                BoolExpr exprRight1 =
                    Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                    Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].X, Z3Math.Zero)));

                BoolExpr exprRight2 =
                    Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                    Z3.Context.MkGt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Y, Z3Math.Zero)));

                BoolExpr exprLeft1 =
                    Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                    Z3.Context.MkGt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].X, Z3Math.Zero)));

                BoolExpr exprLeft2 =
                    Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                    Z3.Context.MkGt(body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Y, Z3Math.Zero)));

                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(exprLeft1, exprLeft2, exprRight1, exprRight2);

                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Wrists
            // Make sure the inclination of wrists towards the back is not higher than the inclinatin of the elbows
            // unless elbows are up or wrists are directed to torso
            // TODO

            // Hips
            // Make sure hips are aligned with the shoulders or at lest within the range
            var hips = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                Z3Point3D shouldersSum =
                    body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].GetInverted() +

                Z3Point3D hipsSum =
                    body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].GetInverted() +

                BoolExpr expr = shouldersSum.IsDegreesBetweenLessThan(hipsSum, 45);
                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Legs
            // Make sure legs are not higher than threshold
            var legs = new SimpleBodyRestriction(body =>
                BoolExpr expr1 = Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.KneeLeft].Y, Z3Math.Real(0));
                BoolExpr expr2 = Z3.Context.MkLt(body.Joints[JointType.KneeRight].Y, Z3Math.Real(0));
                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkAnd(expr1, expr2);

                return expr;
            body => { return 1.0; });

            // Ankles
            // Make sure ankles are not inclinated up more than knees
            // unless ankles are pointing back
            // TODO

            return result;
Example #12
        private static void CalcZ3CurrentAndTargetValue(
            Z3Point3D currentPoint,
            Z3Point3D startPoint,
            int degrees,
            Direction direction,
            out ArithExpr currentValue,
            out double targetValue,
            out double directionSign)
            // once it is rotating towards a direction there is a limit for the rotation
            // in this case the limit is imposed to a single component (X, Y or Z) relative to the direction
            var limitValue = Math.Sin(75 * Math.PI / 180.0);
            var radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180.0; // assigning a double for angle in radians

            // determining if the direction sign is negative
            directionSign = 1.0;
            switch (direction)
                case Direction.Down:
                case Direction.Back:
                case Direction.Left:
                    directionSign = -1.0;

            // update limit based on the direction sign
            limitValue *= directionSign;

            // start value stores the component (X, Y or Z) from the startPoint
            // determining the current and start value
            currentValue = currentPoint.X;
            var startValue = 0.0;
            switch (direction)
                case Direction.Right:
                case Direction.Left:
                    startValue = startPoint.GetXValue();
                    currentValue = currentPoint.X;
                case Direction.Up:
                case Direction.Down:
                    startValue = startPoint.GetYValue();
                    currentValue = currentPoint.Y;
                case Direction.Front:
                case Direction.Back:
                    startValue = startPoint.GetZValue();
                    currentValue = currentPoint.Z;

            double startRadians = Math.Asin(startValue);
            double targetRadians = startRadians + (directionSign * radians);
            targetValue = Math.Sin(targetRadians);

            // this first case tells that the rotation is bigger than the desired and
            // is moving the vector (targetValue) on the opposite direction
            // this rotation is not desired here because we are rotating towards a direction
            // the rotation is not a pure transform
            var targetIsLowerThanStart =
                directionSign * targetValue <
                directionSign * startValue;

            // this second case tells that the rotation exceeded the limitValue
            var targetExceedsLimit = Math.Abs(targetValue) > Math.Abs(limitValue);

            // on both cases the targetValue should be the limitValue
            if (targetIsLowerThanStart || targetExceedsLimit)
                targetValue = limitValue;
Example #13
        public RotateDirectionRestriction(JointType jointType, Z3Point3D startPoint, int degrees, Direction direction)
            : base(body =>
                ArithExpr currentValue;
                var targetValue = 0.0;
                var directionSign = 1.0;
                var currentPoint = body.Joints[jointType];
                CalcZ3CurrentAndTargetValue(currentPoint, startPoint, degrees, direction,
                    out currentValue, out targetValue, out directionSign);
                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkTrue();

                switch (direction)
                    case Direction.Right:   
                    case Direction.Up:      
                    case Direction.Front:   
                        expr = Z3.Context.MkGt(currentValue, Z3Math.Real(targetValue)); 
                    case Direction.Left:   
                    case Direction.Down:   
                    case Direction.Back:    
                        expr = Z3.Context.MkLt(currentValue, Z3Math.Real(targetValue)); break;
                return expr;
            body =>
                double currentValue;
                var targetValue = 0.0;
                var directionSign = 1.0;
                var currentPoint = body.Vectors[jointType];
                var startPointConverted = new Point3D(
                CalcCurrentAndTargetValue(currentPoint, startPointConverted, degrees, direction, 
                    out currentValue, out targetValue, out directionSign);

                var percentage = PercentageCalculator.calc(

                return percentage;
            this.JointType = jointType;
            this.Direction = direction;
            this.Degrees = degrees;
Example #14
            public static void Run()
                Z3Point3D constPoint = Z3Point3D.MkZ3Const("const"); // ("const X", "const Y", "const Z")

                Z3Point3D normalized = new Z3Point3D();

                ArithExpr higherCoord =

                normalized.X = Z3.Context.MkDiv(constPoint.X, constPoint.Y);
                normalized.Y = Z3Math.One;//Z3.Context.MkDiv(constPoint.Y, higherCoord);
                normalized.Z = Z3.Context.MkDiv(constPoint.Z, constPoint.Y);

                normalized.X = CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(normalized.X, normalized.Y, normalized.Z);
                normalized.Y = CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(normalized.Y, normalized.X, normalized.Z);
                normalized.Z = CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(normalized.Z, normalized.Y, normalized.X);

                Z3Point3D up = Z3Point3D.DirectionPoint(Direction.Up); // (0, 1, 0)
                Z3Point3D distVec = normalized - up;

                ArithExpr distance =
                    Abs(CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(distVec.X, distVec.Y, distVec.Z)),
                    Abs(CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(distVec.Y, distVec.X, distVec.Z)),
                    Abs(CalcApproximateCoordFromManhattanToEuclidianSystem(distVec.Z, distVec.Y, distVec.X)));

                BoolExpr expr = Z3.Context.MkLt(distance, Z3.Context.MkReal(1, 2));

                Solver solver = Z3.Context.MkSolver();
                Status status = solver.Check();
                Statistics stats = solver.Statistics;

                switch (status)
                    case Status.UNKNOWN:
                        Console.WriteLine("Solver check for witness returned Status.UNKNOWN because: " + solver.ReasonUnknown);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Test Failed Expception");

                    case Status.UNSATISFIABLE:
                        Console.WriteLine("There is no valid witness for " + expr);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Test Failed Expception");

                    case Status.SATISFIABLE:
                        Console.WriteLine("OK, model: " + solver.Model);
Example #15
        public RotateJointTransform(int angle, Direction direction)
            : base(joint =>
                double cosInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetCosine(angle);
                double sinInput = TrigonometryHelper.GetSine(angle);

                var cos = Z3Math.Real(cosInput);
                var sin = Z3Math.Real(sinInput);
                var sinNeg = Z3Math.Real(-sinInput);

                Z3Point3D result = new Z3Point3D(joint.X, joint.Y, joint.Z);

                // The performed rotation depends on current values of X, Y and Z
                // The rotation plane and direction changes depending on the relation between the coordinates
                switch (direction)
                    case Direction.Back:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y) 
                            // then return Y
                            // else rotate Y
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Front:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y) 
                            // then return Y
                            // else rotate Y
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Y)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else if Y > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Down:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Up:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else return X
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.X), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y))),
                            joint.X) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if X > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.X, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate clockwise
                            // else rotate counter clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.X), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Right:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return Y
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.Y), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X))),
                            joint.Y) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                    case Direction.Left:
                        result.X =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X))),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Y =
                            // if Abs(Y) >= Abs(Z)
                            // if Y > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            // else return Y
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(result.Y), Z3Math.Abs(result.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(result.Y, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Y), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X))),
                            joint.Y) as ArithExpr;

                        result.Z =
                            // if Abs(X) >= Abs(Z) 
                            // then return Z
                            // else rotate Z
                            // if Z > 0
                            // rotate counter clockwise
                            // else rotate clockwise
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(Z3Math.Abs(joint.Y), Z3Math.Abs(joint.Z)),
                            Z3.Context.MkITE(Z3.Context.MkGe(joint.Z, Z3Math.Zero),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sin, joint.X)),
                            Z3Math.Add(Z3Math.Mul(cos, joint.Z), Z3Math.Mul(sinNeg, joint.X)))) as ArithExpr;


                return result;