Example #1
 public cs0tokens(YyLexer tks)
     : base(tks)
Example #2
    void _Create()
        m_outFile.WriteLine("using System;using Tools;");
        m_tokens = new YyLexer(erh);
        string buf  = "";
        string str  = "";
        string name = "";
        string startsym;
        Nfa    nfa;
        int    p, q, max;

        Console.WriteLine("Reading Input File");
        while (!m_inFile.Eof())
            buf      = m_inFile.ReadLine();
            startsym = "YYINITIAL";
            max      = buf.Length;
            p        = 0;
            if (!White(buf, ref p, max))
            if (buf[p] == '%')
            {             // directive
                // %lexer
                if (buf.Length >= p + 6 && "%lexer".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 6)))
                    m_lexerseen = true;
                    p          += 6;
                    if (!White(buf, ref p, max))
                    q = p;
                    NonWhite(buf, ref p, max);
                    if (q != p)
                        m_outname = buf.Substring(q, p - q);
                // %encoding
                if (buf.Length >= p + 9 && "%encoding".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 9)))
                    p += 9; White(buf, ref p, max);
                    q  = p;
                    NonWhite(buf, ref p, max);
                    m_tokens.InputEncoding = buf.Substring(q, p - q);
                // %namespace
                if (buf.Length >= p + 10 && "%namespace".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 10)))
                    p += 10; White(buf, ref p, max);
                    q  = p;
                    NonWhite(buf, ref p, max);
                    m_outFile.WriteLine("namespace " + buf.Substring(q, p - q) + " {");
                    m_namespace = true;
                // %define
                if (buf.Length >= p + 7 && "%define".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 7)))
                    p += 7; White(buf, ref p, max);
                    q  = p;
                    if (!NonWhite(buf, ref p, max))
                        erh.Error(new CSToolsException(44, "Bad define"));
                    name = buf.Substring(q, p - q);
                    if (White(buf, ref p, max))
                        defines[name] = buf.Substring(p, max - p);
                // % token/node
                if (buf.Length >= p + 6 && "%token".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 6)))
                    EmitClassDefin(buf, ref p, max, m_inFile, "TOKEN", out str, out name, true);
                else if (buf.Length >= p + 5 && "%node".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 5)))
                    EmitClassDefin(buf, ref p, max, m_inFile, "NODE", out str, out name, true);
                else if (buf.Length >= p + 2 && "%{".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 2)))
                else if (buf.Length >= p + 9 && "%declare{".Equals(buf.Substring(p, 9)))
                    p        += 8;
                    m_actvars = ToBraceIfFound(ref buf, ref p, ref max, m_inFile);
                    m_actvars = m_actvars.Substring(1, m_actvars.Length - 2);
                    m_tokens.erh.Error(new CSToolsException(8, "Unknown directive " + buf.Substring(p, max - p)));
            else if (buf[p] == '<')
            {              // startstate
                q = p++;
                while (p < max && buf[p] != '>')
                if (p++ == max)
                    m_tokens.erh.Error(new CSToolsException(25, "Bad startsymbol"));
                startsym = buf.Substring(q + 1, p - q - 2);
                White(buf, ref p, max);
            q = p;           // can't simply look for nonwhite space here because embedded spaces
            GetRegex(buf, ref p, max);
            string trgx = buf.Substring(q, p - q);
            if (m_tokens.toupper)
                trgx = trgx.ToUpper();
            Regex rgx  = new Regex(this, q, trgx);
            Nfa   nfa1 = new Nfa(this, rgx);
            if (!m_startstates.Contains(startsym))
                m_startstates[startsym] = new Nfa(this);
            nfa = (Nfa)m_startstates[startsym];
            White(buf, ref p, max);
            m_actions[nfa1.m_end.m_state] = nfa1.m_end;
            // handle multiline actions enclosed in {}
            nfa1.m_end.m_sTerminal = ToBraceIfFound(ref buf, ref p, ref max, m_inFile);
            // examine action string
            if (nfa1.m_end.m_sTerminal.Length > 0 && nfa1.m_end.m_sTerminal[0] == '%')
                string tokClass, b = nfa1.m_end.m_sTerminal;
                q   = 1;
                max = b.Length;
                int n;
                for (n = 0; q < max && b[q] != ' ' && b[q] != '\t' && b[q] != '\n' && b[q] != '{' && b[q] != ':'; q++, n++) // extract the class name
                tokClass = b.Substring(1, n);                // new-style auto token construction
                object      ob    = m_tokens.tokens[tokClass];
                TokClassDef t     = (TokClassDef)ob;
                bool        isNew = (t == null);
                // check for initialisation action following %name
                string init     = b.Substring(n + 1, b.Length - n - 1);
                string bas1     = "TOKEN";
                bool   haveInit = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < init.Length; j++)
                    if (init[j] == '{')
                        haveInit = true;
                    else if (init[j] == ':')
                        bas1 = "";
                        for (; init[j] == ' ' || init[j] == '\r'; j++)
                        for (; init[j] != ' ' && init[j] != '\t' && init[j] != '{' && init[j] != '\n'; j++)
                            bas1 += init[j];
                if (isNew && tokClass != "TOKEN")
                {                                              // this token class has not been declared. Do so now
                    bool isNode = (m_tokens.tokens[bas1] != null);
                    t = new TokClassDef(this, tokClass, bas1); // updates TOKEN.tokens
                    m_outFile.WriteLine("//%{0}+{1}", tokClass, t.m_yynum);
                    m_outFile.Write("public class {0} : {1}", tokClass, bas1);
                    m_outFile.WriteLine("{ public override string yyname { get { return \"" + tokClass + "\";}}");
                    m_outFile.WriteLine("public override int yynum { get { return " + t.m_yynum + "; }}");
                    m_outFile.WriteLine(" public " + tokClass + "(Lexer yyl):base(yyl) {}}");
                if (haveInit && init.IndexOf("%except") < 0)
                    init = init.Replace("yylval", "yymval");                    // yuk: avoid the next line munging yylval
                    init = FixActions(init);
                    init = init.Replace("yymval", "yylval");
                    nfa1.m_end.m_sTerminal = "%" + NewConstructor(t, init);
        if (!m_lexerseen)
            m_tokens.erh.Error(new CSToolsException(26, "No %lexer directive detected: possibly incorrect text encoding?"));
        Console.WriteLine("Constructing DFAs");
        foreach (string s in m_startstates.Keys)
            Dfa d = new Dfa((Nfa)m_startstates[s]);
            m_tokens.starts[s] = d;
            if (d.m_actions != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: This lexer script generates an infinite token stream on bad input");
        Console.WriteLine("Output phase");
        Emit(m_actions, m_actvars, m_namespace, m_showDfa);
        Console.WriteLine("End of Create");
        object o = m_tokens.starts["YYINITIAL"];

        if (o == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Warning: No lexer");
        else if (((Dfa)o).m_actions != null) // repeat the above warning
            Console.WriteLine("Warning: This lexer script generates an infinite token stream on bad input");