private void LoadSplash() { if (splashAd == null) { YumiSplashOptions splashOptions = new YumiSplashOptionsBuilder().Build(); splashAd = new YumiSplashAd(SplashPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId, splashOptions); // add splash event splashAd.OnAdSuccessToShow += HandleSplashAdSuccssToShow; splashAd.OnAdFailedToShow += HandleSplashAdFailToShow; splashAd.OnAdClicked += HandleSplashAdClicked; splashAd.OnAdClosed += HandleSplashAdClosed; } splashAd.LoadAdAndShow(); }
void OnGUI() { // Create style for a button GUIStyle myButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(; myButtonStyle.fontSize = 25; // Load and set Font Font myFont = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/comic", typeof(Font)); myButtonStyle.font = myFont; // Set color for selected and unselected buttons myButtonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; myButtonStyle.hover.textColor = Color.white; //Yumi banner int btnWidth = (Screen.width - 40 * 2 - 10) / 2; int bannerBtnWidth = (Screen.width - 40 * 2 - 10) / 3; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 84, bannerBtnWidth, 120), "request banner", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.bannerView == null) { YumiBannerViewOptions bannerOptions = new YumiBannerViewOptionsBuilder().Build(); this.bannerView = new YumiBannerView(BannerPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId, bannerOptions); // banner add ad event this.bannerView.OnAdLoaded += HandleAdLoaded; this.bannerView.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleAdFailedToLoad; this.bannerView.OnAdClick += HandleAdClicked; } this.bannerView.LoadAd(); } //remove banner if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40 + bannerBtnWidth + 10, 84, bannerBtnWidth, 120), "hide banner", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.bannerView != null) { this.bannerView.Hide(); } } //show banner if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40 + bannerBtnWidth * 2 + 10, 84, bannerBtnWidth, 120), "show banner", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.bannerView != null) { this.bannerView.Show(); } } //Yumi interstital if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 214, btnWidth, 120), "request interstital", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.interstitialAd == null) { this.interstitialAd = new YumiInterstitialAd(InterstitialsPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId); // add interstitial event this.interstitialAd.OnAdLoaded += HandleInterstitialAdLoaded; this.interstitialAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleInterstitialAdFailedToLoad; this.interstitialAd.OnAdClicked += HandleInterstitialAdClicked; this.interstitialAd.OnAdClosed += HandleInterstitialAdClosed; this.interstitialAd.OnAdFailedToShow += HandleInterstitialAdFailedToShow; this.interstitialAd.OnAdOpening += HandleInterstitialAdOpened; this.interstitialAd.OnAdStartPlaying += HandleInterstitialAdStartPlaying; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40 + btnWidth + 10, 214, btnWidth, 120), "present interstital", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.interstitialAd.IsReady()) { this.interstitialAd.Show(); } } //Yumi video if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 344, btnWidth, 120), "Load video", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.rewardVideoAd == null) { this.rewardVideoAd = YumiRewardVideoAd.Instance; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdOpening += HandleRewardVideoAdOpened; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdStartPlaying += HandleRewardVideoAdStartPlaying; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdRewarded += HandleRewardVideoAdReward; this.rewardVideoAd.OnRewardVideoAdClosed += HandleRewardVideoAdClosed; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdLoaded += HandleRewardVideoAdLoaded; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleRewardVideoAdFailedToLoad; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdFailedToShow += HandleRewardVideoAdFailedToShow; this.rewardVideoAd.OnAdClicked += HandleRewardVideoAdClicked; } this.rewardVideoAd.LoadAd(RewardedVideoPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40 + btnWidth + 10, 344, btnWidth, 120), "play video", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.rewardVideoAd.IsReady()) { this.rewardVideoAd.Play(); } } //native if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 474, btnWidth, 120), "Show Native Scene", myButtonStyle)) { destroyAds(); SceneManager.LoadScene("YumiNativeDemoScene"); } //splash if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 594, btnWidth, 120), "Request Splash", myButtonStyle)) { if (splashAd == null) { YumiSplashOptionsBuilder builder = new YumiSplashOptionsBuilder().setAdBottomViewHeight(100); YumiSplashOptions splashOptions = new YumiSplashOptions(builder); splashAd = new YumiSplashAd(SplashPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId, splashOptions); // add splash event splashAd.OnAdSuccessToShow += HandleSplashAdSuccssToShow; splashAd.OnAdFailedToShow += HandleSplashAdFailToShow; splashAd.OnAdClicked += HandleSplashAdClicked; splashAd.OnAdClosed += HandleSplashAdClosed; } splashAd.LoadAdAndShow(); } // gdpr test if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 714, btnWidth * 2, 120), gdprBtnInfo, myButtonStyle)) { isPersonalized = !isPersonalized; if (isPersonalized) { YumiGDPRManager.Instance.UpdateNetworksConsentStatus(YumiConsentStatus.PERSONALIZED); gdprBtnInfo = "GDPR Consent Status is personalized"; } else { YumiGDPRManager.Instance.UpdateNetworksConsentStatus(YumiConsentStatus.NONPERSONALIZED); gdprBtnInfo = "GDPR Consent Status is non personalized"; } } if (YumiMediationSDKSetting.GetDebugMode) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 834, btnWidth, 120), "Call DebugCenter", myButtonStyle)) { if (this.debugCenter == null) { this.debugCenter = new YumiDebugCenter(); } //Destroy ad destroyAds(); this.debugCenter.PresentYumiMediationDebugCenter(BannerPlacementId, InterstitialsPlacementId, RewardedVideoPlacementId, NativeAdPlacementId, SplashPlacementId, ChannelId, GameVersionId); } } }