/// <summary>
        /// Appends the specified <paramref name="stream"/> to the specified <paramref name="result"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void AppendStreamToResult(GrabResult result, YouTubeStreamInfo stream)
            MediaChannels channels;

            // get iTag info
            var itagInfo = stream.iTag == null ? null : YouTubeTags.For(stream.iTag.Value);

            // extract extension from mime
            var extension = stream.Extension ?? stream.Mime?.Split('/')?.Last();

            // decide according to stream type - adaptive, or muxed
            if (stream is YouTubeMuxedStream muxedStream)
                // Muxed stream
                channels = MediaChannels.Both;
            else if (stream is YouTubeAdaptiveStream adaptiveStream)
                // Adaptive stream
                var hasVideo = itagInfo?.HasVideo ?? stream.Mime.StartsWith("video");
                channels = hasVideo ? MediaChannels.Video : MediaChannels.Audio;
                throw new NotSupportedException($"YouTube stream of type {stream.GetType()} is not implemented in {nameof(YouTubeGrabber)}.{nameof(AppendStreamToResult)}.");

            var format  = new MediaFormat(stream.Mime, extension);
            var grabbed = new GrabbedMedia(new Uri(stream.Url), null, format, channels);


            // update grabbed media iTag info
            if (itagInfo != null)
                UpdateStreamITagInfo(grabbed, itagInfo.Value);