private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Uri          ur    = new Uri("");
            YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery("");

            YouTubeFeed  videoFeed = service.Query(query);
            YouTubeEntry en        = (YouTubeEntry)videoFeed.Entries[0];

            Video          video    = request.Retrieve <Video>(new Uri("" + en.VideoId));
            Feed <Comment> comments = request.GetComments(video);
            string         cm       = "";

            foreach (Comment c in comments.Entries)
                cm += c.Content + "\n------------------------------------------\n";

            VideoInfo info = new VideoInfo();

            //Video v = request.Retrieve<Video>(videoEntryUrl);

            //Feed<Comment> comments = request.GetComments(v);

            //string cm = "";
            //foreach (Comment c in comments.Entries)
            //  cm += c.Author + c.Content + "------------------------------------------";
Example #2
        public void YouTubePageSizeTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubePageSizeTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytDevKey, this.ytUser, this.ytPwd);

            settings.PageSize = 15;
            YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed <Video> feed   = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);
            int          iCount = 0;

            // this will get you just the first 15 videos.
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries)
                f.Settings.PageSize = 5;
                Feed <Comment> list = f.GetComments(v);
                int            i    = 0;
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries)
                Assert.IsTrue(i <= 5, "the count should be smaller/equal 5");
                Assert.IsTrue(list.PageSize == -1 || list.PageSize == 5, "the returned pagesize should be 5 or -1 as well");

            Assert.AreEqual(iCount, 15, "the outer feed should count 15");
            Assert.AreEqual(feed.PageSize, 15, "outer feed pagesize should be 15");
Example #3
        public void YouTubeUnAuthenticatedRequestTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubeUnAuthenticatedRequestTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytDevKey);

            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            settings.Maximum    = 50;

            YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed <Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);

            // this will get you the first 25 videos, let's retrieve comments for the first one only
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries)
                Feed <Comment> list = f.GetComments(v);
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries)
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.AtomEntry != null);
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.Title != null);
Example #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Uri ur =
                new Uri(
            YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri);

            //order results by the number of views (most viewed first)
            query.OrderBy = "viewCount";

            //exclude restricted content from the search
            query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None;
            //string ss = YouTubeQuery.TopRatedVideo;
            //search for puppies!
            query.Query = textBox1.Text;
            query.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory("Music", QueryCategoryOperator.AND));

            YouTubeFeed  videoFeed = service.Query(query);
            YouTubeEntry en        = (YouTubeEntry)videoFeed.Entries[0];
            string       s         = en.Summary.Text;
            string       s1        = en.Media.Description.Value;

            Google.GData.YouTube.MediaGroup gr = en.Media;

            Uri            videoEntryUrl = new Uri("" + en.VideoId);
            Video          video         = request.Retrieve <Video>(videoEntryUrl);
            Feed <Comment> comments      = request.GetComments(video);
            string         cm            = "";

            foreach (Comment c in comments.Entries)
                cm += c.Content + "\n------------------------------------------\n";

            VideoInfo info = new VideoInfo();

            //Video v = request.Retrieve<Video>(videoEntryUrl);

            //Feed<Comment> comments = request.GetComments(v);

            //string cm = "";
            //foreach (Comment c in comments.Entries)
            //  cm += c.Author + c.Content + "------------------------------------------";
Example #5

        /// <summary>runs a test on the YouTube factory object</summary>
        [Test] public void YouTubeCommentRequestTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubeCommentRequestTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytDevKey, this.ytUser, this.ytPwd);
            YouTubeRequest         f        = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed <Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);

            // this will get you just the first 25 videos.
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries)
                Feed <Comment> list = f.GetComments(v);
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries)
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.AtomEntry != null);
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.Title != null);

        /// <summary>runs a test on the YouTube factory object</summary> 
        [Test] public void YouTubePageSizeTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubePageSizeTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytClient, this.ytDevKey, this.ytUser, this.ytPwd);
            settings.PageSize = 15;
            YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed<Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);
            int iCount = 0; 
            // this will get you just the first 15 videos. 
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries)
                f.Settings.PageSize = 5; 
                Feed<Comment> list = f.GetComments(v);
                int i = 0; 
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries)
                Assert.IsTrue(i <= 5, "the count should be smaller/equal 5"); 
                Assert.IsTrue(list.PageSize == -1 || list.PageSize == 5, "the returned pagesize should be 5 or -1 as well"); 

            Assert.AreEqual(iCount, 15, "the outer feed should count 15");
            Assert.AreEqual(feed.PageSize, 15, "outer feed pagesize should be 15"); 


        /// <summary>runs a test on the YouTube factory object</summary> 
        [Test] public void YouTubeUnAuthenticatedRequestTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubeUnAuthenticatedRequestTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytClient, this.ytDevKey);
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            settings.Maximum = 50; 

            YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed<Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);
            // this will get you just the first 25 videos. 
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries)
                Feed<Comment> list= f.GetComments(v);
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries)
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.AtomEntry != null);
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.Title != null);
        public void YouTubeCommentRequestTest() {
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubeCommentRequestTest");

            YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytDevKey, this.ytUser, this.ytPwd);
            YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings);

            Feed<Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular);
            // this will get you the first 25 videos, let's retrieve comments for the first one only
            foreach (Video v in feed.Entries) {
                Feed<Comment> list = f.GetComments(v);
                foreach (Comment c in list.Entries) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.AtomEntry != null);
                    Assert.IsTrue(c.Title != null);
Example #9
        private void updateCommentBw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            YouTubeRequest req = new YouTubeRequest(new YouTubeRequestSettings("YoutubeUploader", MainWindow.DEV_KEY));
            Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}", Google.GData.YouTube.YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri, videoId));
            Google.YouTube.Video newVideo = req.Retrieve<Google.YouTube.Video>(videoEntryUrl);

            Feed<Comment> comments = req.GetComments(newVideo);
            List<object> arg = new List<object>();
            e.Result = arg;