/// <summary>
 /// Gets a list of videos based on the specified <paramref name="options"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The options for the call to the API.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="IHttpResponse"/> representing the raw response.</returns>
 public IHttpResponse GetVideos(YouTubeGetVideoListOptions options)
     if (options == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
        public void UpdateYouTubePlaylistVideo(string playlistId)
            // Make sure we have a TEMP directory
            string dir = IOHelper.MapPath("~/App_Data/TEMP/YouTube/");


            // Make an initial request to get information about the playlist
            var response1 = Api.YouTube.Playlists.GetPlaylists(new YouTubeGetPlaylistListOptions
                Ids = new[] { playlistId }

            // Get a reference to the playlist (using "Single" as there should be exactly one playlist)
            var playlist = response1.Body.Items.Single();

            // Save the playlist to the disk
            JsonUtils.SaveJsonObject(dir + "Playlist_" + playlist.Id + ".json", playlist);

            // List of all video IDs
            List <string> ids = new List <string>();

            // Initialize the options for getting the playlist items
            var playlistItemsOptions = new YouTubeGetPlaylistItemListOptions(playlistId)
                // Maximum allowed value is 50
                MaxResults = 50

            int page = 0;

            while (page < 10)
                // Get the playlist items
                var response2 = Api.YouTube.PlaylistItems.GetPlaylistItems(playlistItemsOptions);

                // Append each video ID to the list
                foreach (var item in response2.Body.Items)

                // Break the loop if there are no additional pages
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response2.Body.NextPageToken))

                // Update the options with the page token
                playlistItemsOptions.PageToken = response2.Body.NextPageToken;


            // Iterate through groups of IDs (maximum 50 items per group)
            foreach (var group in ids.Where(x => !ExistsOnDiskAndIsUpToDate(x)).InGroupsOf(50))
                // Initialize the video options
                var videosOptions = new YouTubeGetVideoListOptions
                    Ids  = group.ToArray(),
                    Part = YouTubeVideoParts.Snippet + YouTubeVideoParts.ContentDetails + YouTubeVideoParts.Statistics

                // Make a request to the APi to get video information
                var res3 = Api.YouTube.Videos.GetVideos(videosOptions);

                // Iterate through the videos
                foreach (var video in res3.Body.Items)
                    // Save the video to the disk
                    string path = dir + "Video_" + video.Id + ".json";
                    JsonUtils.SaveJsonObject(path, video);

            // Load the videos from the individual files, and save them to a common file
            JsonUtils.SaveJsonArray(dir + "Playlist_" + playlistId + "_Videos.json", ids.Select(LoadYouTubeVideo).WhereNotNull());
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a list of videos based on the specified <paramref name="options"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The options for the call to the API.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="YouTubeVideoListResponse"/> representing the response.</returns>
 public YouTubeVideoListResponse GetVideos(YouTubeGetVideoListOptions options)
     return(new YouTubeVideoListResponse(Raw.GetVideos(options)));