public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { getYConsole().sendYMessage("Restarting the server"); getYServer().YStop(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Application.Current.Shutdown(); return(true); }
public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { getYConsole().sendYMessage("--------- YingHelp: Index ---------"); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, YingCommandInfo> y in getYCommandManager().getYCommands()) { getYConsole().sendYMessage($"/{y.Key}: {y.Value.getYDescribe()}"); } return(true); //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { getYConsole().sendYMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getYServer().getYService())); /*getYConsole().sendYMessage($"There are {getYServer().getYClients().Count}/20020604 players online:"); * foreach (KeyValuePair<String, YingBehavior> y in getYServer().getYClients()) * { * getYConsole().sendYMessage(y.Key + " | " + y.Value.StartTime); * }*/ return(true); }
public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { getYConsole().sendYMessage("Stopping the server"); getYServer().YStop(); getYPluginManager().YDisableAll(); Application.Current.Shutdown(); //YingApp.Main.Current.Shutdown(); return(true); }
{///tell <player> <private message ...> public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { if (YArgs.Length == 0) { return(false); } getYServer().getYService().BroadcastAsync(JsonMapper.ToJson(new YingStruct() { ytype = YingStruct.YingType.Ying, ydata = new YingStruct.YingData() { ycode = 0, ysender = YSender, ymessage = String.Join(" ", YArgs), ydata = null } }), () => { }); return(true); }
public bool onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { /*YingMail.ysend("*****@*****.**", new StreamReader(getYFiles().getYResource("Ying.yresources.yhtml.Ying.html")).ReadToEnd().Replace("{{yname}}", "烟雨城").Replace("{{ycode}}", $"zyy{Convert.ToString(getYTimeStamp())}")); * getYConsole().sendYMessage(new YingResolver.YingQQMusicResolver("").YUrl); * * * if (YArgs.Count() > 0) * { * getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().Insert(new zyy_users * { * yusername = "******", * ypassword = "******", * yopenid = "zyy6ea4d76f01544568a486e3c1aa2a5", * yemail = "*****@*****.**" * }); * * getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().Insert(new zyy_yggdrasil_profile * { * yyid = "zyy6ea4d76f01544568a486e3c1aa2a5", * yname = "Zhang Ying Ying" * }); * * getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().Insert(new zyy_yggdrasil_texture * { * yprofileId = "zyy6ea4d76f01544568a486e3c1aa2a5", * yprofileName = "Ying Ying", * yskin = "", * yskinmetadata = "STEVE", * ytimestamp = getYTimeStamp() * }); * * * * }*/ if (YArgs.Length < 1) { return(false); } else { switch (YArgs[0]) { // 0 1 2 3 case "ysettings": // Ying ysettings set ykey yvalue if (YArgs.Length == 1) { getYConsole().sendYMessage("可用的属性列表"); getYConsole().sendYMessage("键 值 描述"); getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().Table <zyy_settings>().ToList().ForEach((y) => { getYConsole().sendYMessage($"{y.ykey} {y.yvalue} {y.ydescription}"); }); } else if (YArgs.Length > 1) { if (YArgs[1] == "set") { if (YArgs.Length > 2) { getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().Table <zyy_settings>().ToList().ForEach((y) => { if (y.ykey == YArgs[2]) { getYDataBaseManager().getYConnection().InsertOrReplace(new zyy_settings { yid = y.yid, ykey = y.ykey, yvalue = YArgs[3], ydescription = y.ydescription }); } }); getYSettings(true); } } } break; default: break; } /*else * getYConsole().sendYMessage("正确用法", YingWindows.YingLogType.YWarn);*/ } return(false); }
public Boolean onYCommand(String YSender, YingCommandInfo YCommand, String YLabel, String[] YArgs) { return(false); }