private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var viewModel = new TaskManagementViewModel(); DataContext = viewModel; Yield.Call(viewModel.Activate()); }
public void UpdateYield(Yield yield) { Yield yieldUpdate = db.Yields.FirstOrDefault(y => y.idYield == yield.idYield); =; yieldUpdate.totalYield = yield.totalYield; db.SaveChanges(); }
private void HandleItemSelected(Yield yield) { if (yield == null) { return; } Navigation.PushAsync(new ReviewContentYieldJobsPage(yield.YieldId)); }
private void HandleItemSelected(Yield yield) { if (yield == null) { return; } Navigation.PushAsync(new EditYieldPage(yield.YieldId)); // selectedItemText = plant.Name; }
private static void HandleReturnValue(object returnValue) { var routine = returnValue as IEnumerable <IAction>; if (routine != null) { Yield.Call((routine)); } }
void downloadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlTextBox.Text)) { return; } Yield.Call(BackgroundDownload(new Uri(urlTextBox.Text), queueListBox.Items.Count)); }
private void HandleItemSelected(Yield yield) { if (yield == null) { return; } Navigation.PushAsync(new ReviewContentYieldJobsPage(yield.YieldId)); this.Navigation.RemovePage(this.Navigation.NavigationStack[this.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]); }
public void MetodaFibonacciVraćaNiz() { var niz = Yield.FibonacciIEnumerable(); // provjera da rezultat nije neka kolekcija Assert.IsTrue(niz.GetType().GetProperty("Count") == null && niz.GetType().GetProperty("Length") == null); Assert.AreEqual(0, niz.ElementAt(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1, niz.ElementAt(1)); Assert.AreEqual(8, niz.ElementAt(6)); }
private IEnumerator TimeUpdate(float time) { while (0 < time) { TimerText.text = TIME_MESSAGE + time; time--; yield return(Yield.WaitForSecond(1.0f)); } NextStage(); }
public EditYieldViewModel(INavigation navigation, string yieldId) { this.Navigation = navigation; Title = "Update Yield"; Plants = GetPlantNameVarieties(); Years = GetYears(); _yield = _realmInstance.Find <Yield>(yieldId); }
private static void FindForwards(Yield @short, Yield[] yields, double spotTarget) { var context = SolverContext.GetContext(); context.ClearModel(); var model = context.CreateModel(); var forwards = new Decision[yields.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < forwards.Length; i++) { model.AddDecision(forwards[i] = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, null)); } Term fwd = @short.Forward; var spotFactor = Model.Power(1d + @short.Spot / 100d, @short.Term / 252d); var diff = new Term[forwards.Length + 1]; diff[0] = 0; for (var i = 0; i < forwards.Length; i++) { var termDelta = yields[i].Term - (i == 0 ? @short.Term : yields[i - 1].Term); var forwardFactor = Model.Power(1d + forwards[i] / 100d, termDelta / 252d); spotFactor *= forwardFactor; diff[i + 1] = forwards[i] - (i == 0 ? fwd : forwards[i - 1]); } var spot = (Model.Power(spotFactor, 252d / yields.Last().Term) - 1d) * 100d; var diff2 = new Term[diff.Length - 1]; for (var i = 1; i < diff.Length; i++) { diff2[i - 1] = diff[i] - diff[i - 1]; } var diff3 = new Term[diff2.Length - 1]; for (var i = 1; i < diff2.Length; i++) { diff3[i - 1] = diff2[i] - diff2[i - 1]; } var goal = Model.Sum(Model.Abs(spot - spotTarget), Model.Abs(Model.Sum(diff3))); model.AddGoal("erro", GoalKind.Minimize, goal); context.Solve(); for (var i = 0; i < forwards.Length; i++) { yields[i].Forward = forwards[i].GetDouble(); } }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void Add(Yield y) { if (this.toggle) { this.Ying.Add(y); } else { this.Yang.Add(y); } }
private void ClearState() { if (_yield != null) { _yield.Finilize(); } _yield = new Yield(); _enumerationTask = null; _enumerationException = null; }
public static LuaTable CreateTable() { LuaTable coroutine = new LuaTable(); coroutine["create"] = new LuaInteropDelegateFunc <LuaFunction, LuaThread>(create); coroutine["resume"] = new LuaInteropDelegate(resume); coroutine["running"] = new LuaInteropDelegateFunc <LuaThread>(running); coroutine["status"] = new LuaInteropDelegateFunc <LuaThread, string>(status); coroutine["wrap"] = new LuaInteropDelegateFunc <LuaFunction, LuaValue>(wrap); coroutine["yield"] = new Yield(); return(coroutine); }
public void UpdateYield(Yield yield) { _context.Attach(yield); _context.Entry(yield).Property("NamePlant").IsModified = true; _context.Entry(yield).Property("PlantVariety").IsModified = true; _context.Entry(yield).Property("Count").IsModified = true; _context.Entry(yield).Property("YieldUnit").IsModified = true; _context.Entry(yield).Property("AdditionalInformation").IsModified = true; _context.Entry(yield).Property("WarehouseId").IsModified = true; _context.SaveChanges(); }
private void cmbRecipeYields_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstRecipeIngredients.Items.Clear(); Yield selectedYield = cmbRecipeYields.SelectedItem as Yield; if (selectedYield != null) { foreach (Ingredient ingredient in recipe.Ingredients) { lstRecipeIngredients.Items.Add(ingredient.ToString(cmbRecipeYields.SelectedIndex)); } } }
private void Dispose() { if (_iterator != null) { try { _iterator.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.WarnExceptionMethodCall(e, "Dispose"); } finally { _iterator = null; } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] Yield yield) { try { this.aIValuationsContext.Yield.Add(yield); await this.aIValuationsContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return(this.CreatedAtAction("GetMarkovState", new { id = yield.ID }, yield)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(this.BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = -2052112293; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(ExecId); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Commission.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(Currency); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + RealizedPnl.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Yield.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + YieldRedemptionDate.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Func <double> inner = () => 0.3D; Func <double> outer = () => inner(); var b1 = new Bond("bond1", face: 100, ytm: outer, T: 1, t0: 0); Console.WriteLine(b1.Ytm()); // 0.30 inner = () => 0.2D; Console.WriteLine(b1.Ytm()); // 0.20 var y = new Yield("yield2", ytm: 0.3D); var b2 = new Bond("bond2", face: 100, ytm: y.Ytm, T: 1, t0: 0); Console.WriteLine(b2.Ytm()); // 0.30 y.Ytm = 0.2D.Wrap(); Console.WriteLine(b2.Ytm()); // 0.20 Console.WriteLine(b2.ToString()); inner = 1.Wrap(); Console.WriteLine(b2.ToString()); var y1 = new Yield("yield1", 0.2D); // valid var y2 = new Yield("yield2", 1); // valid, int can implicitly cast to double var y3 = new Yield("yield3"); // valid, use default value var y4 = new Yield("yield4", y1.Ytm); // valid, use a reference of another variable var y5 = new Yield("yield5", y1.Ytm()); // valid, use a static value of another variable, won't update with y1 //var y6 = new Yield("yield6", y1); // invalid, y1 is neither a double or a Func<double> recommended supported var bond2 = new Bond("bond2", face: 100); bond2.P = 90.Wrap(); bond2.Dm = 1.7.Wrap(); bond2.Cov = 60.Wrap(); Console.Read(); }
private int GetBarYieldIndex(Yield barYield) { switch (barYield) { case Yield.Random: return(0); case Yield.Bar1: return(1); case Yield.Bar2: return(2); case Yield.Bar3: return(3); } return(0); }
private static int RunAndCopy(ref IList <Yield> target, ref IList <Yield> source) { int count = 0; target.Clear(); foreach (Yield y in source) { Yield result = y.Invoke(); if (null != result) { target.Add(result); count++; } } return(count); }
private Task <CalcCropsViewModel> GetCropAsync(string fldName) { CalcCropsViewModel mvm = new CalcCropsViewModel(); mvm.cropList = new List <DisplayCrop>(); List <FieldCrop> fldCrops = _ud.GetFieldCrops(fldName); foreach (var m in fldCrops) { Crop cp = new Crop(); Yield yld = new Yield(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.cropOther)) { cp.cropname = m.cropOther + "*"; yld = _sd.GetYield(1); } else { cp = _sd.GetCrop(Convert.ToInt32(m.cropId)); yld = _sd.GetYield(cp.yieldcd); } if (m.coverCropHarvested.HasValue) { cp.cropname = m.coverCropHarvested.Value ? cp.cropname + "(harvested)" : cp.cropname; } DisplayCrop dm = new DisplayCrop() { fldNm = fldName, cropId = Convert.ToInt32(, cropName = cp.cropname, yield = m.yield.ToString() + " tons/ac (" + yld.yielddesc + ")", reqN = (m.reqN * -1).ToString(), reqP = (m.reqP2o5 * -1).ToString(), reqK = (m.reqK2o * -1).ToString(), remN = (m.remN * -1).ToString(), remP = (m.remP2o5 * -1).ToString(), remK = (m.remK2o * -1).ToString() }; mvm.cropList.Add(dm); } return(Task.FromResult(mvm)); }
/// <summary> /// Read mining beacon sheet. /// </summary> public static Dictionary <MineInfoKey, GlobalMineInfo> ReadMineSheet() { string[][] miningSheet = ReadSheet("mines.txt"); if (miningSheet == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <MineInfoKey, GlobalMineInfo> infoRecords = new Dictionary <MineInfoKey, GlobalMineInfo>(miningSheet.GetLength(0)); // Read rows for (int i = 0; i < miningSheet.GetLength(0); ++i) { string[] row = miningSheet[i]; // Skip rows that don't contain enough data (probably empty line) if (row.Length < 7) { continue; } string strYield = row[0]; // Yield int nVariant = ReadInt(row[1]); // Variant int initialYield = ReadInt(row[2]); // Initial_Yield_% int peakTruck = ReadInt(row[3]); // Peak_Truck int peakYield = ReadInt(row[4]); // Peak_Yield_% int minTruck = ReadInt(row[5]); // Min_Truck int minYield = ReadInt(row[6]); // Min_Yield_% Yield yield = Yield.Bar3; switch (strYield) { case "High": yield = Yield.Bar3; break; case "Med": yield = Yield.Bar2; break; case "Low": yield = Yield.Bar1; break; } Variant variant = (Variant)nVariant; infoRecords[new MineInfoKey(yield, variant)] = new GlobalMineInfo(yield, variant, initialYield, peakTruck, peakYield, minTruck, minYield); } return(infoRecords); }
public List <Yield> GetYields() { JArray array = (JArray)rss["agri"]["nmp"]["yields"]["yield"]; var yields = new List <Yield>(); foreach (var r in array) { var yield = new Yield { Id = Convert.ToInt32(r["id"].ToString()), YieldDesc = r["yielddesc"].ToString() }; yields.Add(yield); } return(yields); }
// POST api/<controller> public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] Yield yield) { try { Context.Amounts.Add(new Yield() { Name = yield.Name, Quantity = yield.Quantity, MetricUnit = yield.MetricUnit }); Context.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, true)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ExceptionMessageHelper.GetErrorMessage(ex))); } }
public bool AddYield(int idCow, double yieldMilk, DateTime?date = null) { try { DateTime dateYield; dateYield = (date ?? DateTime.Now); dateYield = new DateTime(dateYield.Year, dateYield.Month, dateYield.Day); //Verifica se a vaca existe Cow cowValid = repoCow.GetCow(idCow); if (cowValid != null) { Lactation currentLact = cowValid.lactations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.finished == false); Yield yieldDay = currentLact.yields.FirstOrDefault(y => == dateYield.Year && == dateYield.Month && == dateYield.Day); if (yieldDay == null) { //Insere os dados na lactação corrente Yield yield = new Yield { idLactation = currentLact.idLactation, totalYield = yieldMilk, date = dateYield, dayLactation = (int)(dateYield - currentLact.dateBirth).TotalDays }; repoCow.AddYield(yield); } else { //Altera a produção do dia atual somando a quantidade informada yieldDay.totalYield += yieldMilk; repoCow.UpdateYield(yieldDay); } return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { //throw; } return(false); }
//функция для инициирования валидации private void validate() { int x1 = 0; flag = false; Initial_investment_amount += " "; flag = true; x1 = Initial_investment_amount.Length - 1; Initial_investment_amount = Initial_investment_amount.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; Yield += " "; flag = true; x1 = Yield.Length - 1; Yield = Yield.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; Capitalization += " "; flag = true; x1 = Capitalization.Length - 1; Capitalization = Capitalization.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; Addon_amount += " "; flag = true; x1 = Addon_amount.Length - 1; Addon_amount = Addon_amount.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; Number_of_additions += " "; flag = true; x1 = Number_of_additions.Length - 1; Number_of_additions = Number_of_additions.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; Total_investment_term += " "; flag = true; x1 = Total_investment_term.Length - 1; Total_investment_term = Total_investment_term.Substring(0, x1); flag = false; }
} // % public GlobalMineInfo( Yield yield, Variant variant, int initialYield, int peakTruck, int peakYield, int minTruck, int minYield ) { MineYield = yield; MineVariant = variant; InitialYield = initialYield; PeakTruck = peakTruck; PeakYield = peakYield; MinTruck = minTruck; MinYield = minYield; }
public virtual Differences VisitYield(Yield yield1, Yield yield2){ Differences differences = new Differences(yield1, yield2); if (yield1 == null || yield2 == null){ if (yield1 != yield2) differences.NumberOfDifferences++; else differences.NumberOfSimilarities++; return differences; } Yield changes = (Yield)yield2.Clone(); Yield deletions = (Yield)yield2.Clone(); Yield insertions = (Yield)yield2.Clone(); Differences diff = this.VisitExpression(yield1.Expression, yield2.Expression); if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); return differences;} changes.Expression = diff.Changes as Expression; deletions.Expression = diff.Deletions as Expression; insertions.Expression = diff.Insertions as Expression; Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes.Expression && diff.Deletions == deletions.Expression && diff.Insertions == insertions.Expression); differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences; differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities; if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){ differences.Changes = null; differences.Deletions = null; differences.Insertions = null; }else{ differences.Changes = changes; differences.Deletions = deletions; differences.Insertions = insertions; } return differences; }
public override Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield){ if (Yield == null) return null; if (this.iteratorEntryPoints == null) return null; object[] trys = this.currentTryStatements.ToArray(); StatementList statements = new StatementList(); Block result = new Block(statements); if (Yield.Expression == null) statements.Add(this.VisitReturn(new Return(Literal.False, Yield.SourceContext))); else{ Statement astat = new AssignmentStatement(new MemberBinding(this.currentThisParameter, this.currentIteratorValue), this.VisitExpression(Yield.Expression)); astat.SourceContext = Yield.SourceContext; statements.Add(astat); Expression index = new Literal(this.iteratorEntryPoints.Count, SystemTypes.Int32); statements.Add(new AssignmentStatement(new MemberBinding(this.currentThisParameter, this.currentIteratorEntryPoint), index)); statements.Add(this.VisitReturn(new Return(new Literal(true, SystemTypes.Boolean)))); } Block blockAfterReturn = new Block(); statements.Add(blockAfterReturn); Block blockAfterHandlers = new Block(new StatementList()); for (int i = trys.Length; i-- > 0; ) { Try t = (Try)trys[i]; //this.AddExceptionHandlers(t, this.currentExceptionBlock, blockAfterReturn, blockAfterHandlers); } statements.Add(blockAfterHandlers); this.iteratorEntryPoints.Add(blockAfterHandlers); for (int i = trys.Length; i-- > 0; ){ //TODO: all but the outermost finally block should itself be a try-finally Try t = (Try)trys[i]; blockAfterHandlers.Statements.Add(this.VisitBlock(t.Finally.Block)); } this.currentExceptionBlock = new Block(); return result; }
public virtual Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield1, Yield Yield2) { if (Yield1 == null) return null; if (Yield2 == null) Yield1.Expression = this.VisitExpression(Yield1.Expression, null); else Yield1.Expression = this.VisitExpression(Yield1.Expression, Yield2.Expression); return Yield1; }
public override Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield) { if (Yield == null) return null; return base.VisitYield((Yield)Yield.Clone()); }
public override Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield){ if (Yield == null) return null; Expression e = Yield.Expression = this.VisitExpression(Yield.Expression); if (e == null) return Yield; TypeNode eType = e.Type; if (eType == null) return Yield; TypeNode elemType = this.typeSystem.GetStreamElementType(eType, this.TypeViewer); if (eType is TupleType) elemType = eType; TypeNode rType = this.currentMethod.ReturnType; if (rType == null){ //REVIEW: what happens when rType is null because of an earlier error? this.currentMethod.ReturnType = new StreamTypeExpression(new TypeUnionExpression(new TypeNodeList(elemType))); }else if (rType is StreamTypeExpression) ((TypeUnionExpression)((StreamTypeExpression)rType).ElementType).Types.Add(elemType); return Yield; }
public virtual object Visit (Yield yieldStatement) { return null; }
void case_983() #line 6552 "cs-parser.jay" { Error_SyntaxError (yyToken); var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-3+yyTop]; string s = lt.Value; if (s != "yield"){ report.Error (1003, lt.Location, "; expected"); } else if (yyVals[-1+yyTop] == null) { report.Error (1627, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]), "Expression expected after yield return"); } else if (lang_version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1){ FeatureIsNotAvailable (lt.Location, "iterators"); } current_block.Explicit.RegisterIteratorYield (); yyVal = new Yield ((Expression) yyVals[-1+yyTop], lt.Location); lbag.AddStatement (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])); }
public override Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield) { if (Yield == null) return null; if (this.currentFinallyClause != null) { this.HandleError(Yield, Error.BadFinallyLeave); return null; } if (this.insideCatchClause) { this.HandleError(Yield, Error.CannotYieldFromCatchClause); return null; } if (this.returnNode != null) { this.HandleError(this.returnNode, Error.ReturnNotAllowed); this.returnNode = null; } if (this.currentMethod == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return null; } if (Yield.Expression == null) { this.yieldNode = Yield; return Yield; } Expression e = Yield.Expression = this.VisitExpression(Yield.Expression); if (e == null) return null; TypeNode returnType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(this.currentMethod.ReturnType); if (returnType == null) return null; if (returnType.Template != SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable && returnType.Template != SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerator && returnType != SystemTypes.IEnumerable && returnType != SystemTypes.IEnumerator) { this.HandleError(Yield, Error.WrongReturnTypeForIterator, this.GetMethodSignature(this.currentMethod), this.GetTypeName(returnType)); return null; } this.yieldNode = Yield; TypeNode eType = e.Type; TypeNode elemType; if (returnType == SystemTypes.IEnumerable || returnType == SystemTypes.IEnumerator) elemType = SystemTypes.Object; else elemType = this.typeSystem.GetStreamElementType(returnType, this.TypeViewer); Expression testCoercion = this.typeSystem.TryImplicitCoercion(e, elemType, this.TypeViewer); if (testCoercion != null || eType is TupleType || elemType == SystemTypes.Object) Yield.Expression = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(e, elemType, this.TypeViewer); else { e = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(e, returnType, this.TypeViewer); Local loc = new Local(elemType); ForEach forEach = new ForEach(); forEach.TargetVariable = loc; forEach.TargetVariableType = loc.Type; forEach.SourceEnumerable = this.VisitEnumerableCollection(new Local(returnType), loc.Type); ((CollectionEnumerator)forEach.SourceEnumerable).Collection = e; forEach.Body = new Block(new StatementList(new Yield(loc))); forEach.ScopeForTemporaryVariables = new BlockScope(this.currentMethod.Scope, forEach.Body); return forEach; } return Yield; }
public override Expression VisitComprehension(Comprehension comprehension) { if (comprehension == null) return null; if ((this.insideMethodContract || this.insideInvariant) && this.currentMethod != null && this.currentMethod.DeclaringType != null && this.currentMethod.DeclaringType is ClosureClass) { // for now we don't allow comprehensions that end up creating closures in contracts because we aren't // able to deserialize them for cross-assembly inheritance and for static verification this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.GeneralComprehensionsNotAllowedInMethodContracts); return null; } if (comprehension.BindingsAndFilters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < comprehension.BindingsAndFilters.Count; i++) { Expression bindingOrFilter = comprehension.BindingsAndFilters[i]; ComprehensionBinding comprehensionBinding = bindingOrFilter as ComprehensionBinding; if (comprehensionBinding != null) { comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType = this.VisitTypeReference(comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType); comprehensionBinding.TargetVariable = this.VisitTargetExpression(comprehensionBinding.TargetVariable); comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType = this.VisitTypeReference(comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType); comprehensionBinding.SourceEnumerable = this.VisitEnumerableCollection(comprehensionBinding.SourceEnumerable, comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType); if (comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType != null) { if (comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType.IsValueType) { this.HandleError(comprehensionBinding, Error.AsMustHaveReferenceType, this.GetTypeName(comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType)); return null; } else if (!this.GetTypeView(comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType).IsAssignableTo(comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType)) { this.HandleError(comprehensionBinding, Error.ImpossibleCast, this.GetTypeName(comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType), this.GetTypeName(comprehensionBinding.AsTargetVariableType)); return null; } } if (comprehensionBinding.TargetVariableType == null) { return null; //REVIEW: does Normalizer care about this being non null. Perhaps it should check for it and fail gracefully. //If so, there is no neeed to stop the error checking this abruptly } } else { // it should be a filter comprehension.BindingsAndFilters[i] = this.VisitBooleanExpression(bindingOrFilter); if (comprehension.BindingsAndFilters[i] == null) { // then something went wrong, bail out and null out this entire comprehension return null; } } } } comprehension.Elements = this.VisitExpressionList(comprehension.Elements); if (comprehension.Elements == null) return null; TypeNode comprehensionType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(comprehension.Type); if (comprehensionType == null) return null; TypeNode eltType = null; if (comprehension.nonEnumerableTypeCtor == null) { // then this comprehension is within a quantifier // the elements need to be of the type the quantifier consumes if (comprehensionType.TemplateArguments ==null || comprehensionType.TemplateArguments.Count ==0) { this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.NoSuchType, this.GetTypeName(comprehensionType)); return null; } if (comprehensionType.Template != SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable || comprehensionType.TemplateArguments == null || comprehensionType.TemplateArguments.Count != 1) { return null; //Resolver failed, bail out } eltType = comprehensionType.TemplateArguments[0]; } else { // this comprehension is within a "new T{...}" expression. // the resolver put the unified type that was computed for the elements into a temporary place // so that the type of the comprehension could be modified to be T since it took the place of // the construct node that had been representing the "new T{...}" expression. // if (comprehension.Type.Template != SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable || // comprehension.Type.TemplateArguments == null || comprehension.Type.TemplateArguments.Length != 1){ // return null; //Resolver failed, bail out // } if (comprehension.TemporaryHackToHoldType == null) { return null; } TypeNode temp = TypeNode.StripModifiers(comprehension.TemporaryHackToHoldType); if (temp.Template != SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable || temp.TemplateArguments == null || temp.TemplateArguments.Count != 1) { return null; //Resolver failed, bail out } eltType = temp.TemplateArguments[0]; } if (eltType == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return null; } for (int i = 0, n = comprehension.Elements.Count; i < n; i++) { Expression e = comprehension.Elements[i]; if (e == null) continue; comprehension.Elements[i] = e = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(e, eltType, this.TypeViewer); if (e == null) return null; //REVIEW: Normalizer should not rely on these elements not being null, so why not just continue? } if (comprehension.nonEnumerableTypeCtor == null) { if (!this.insideMethodContract && !this.insideAssertOrAssume && !this.insideQuantifier) { this.yieldNode = new Yield(); // } } else { InstanceInitializer c = comprehension.nonEnumerableTypeCtor as InstanceInitializer; if (c != null) { if (c.DeclaringType != null && c.DeclaringType.IsAbstract) { if (c.DeclaringType.IsSealed) this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.ConstructsAbstractSealedClass, this.GetTypeName(c.DeclaringType)); else this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.ConstructsAbstractClass, this.GetTypeName(c.DeclaringType)); } else if (this.NotAccessible(c)) { this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.MemberNotVisible, this.GetMemberSignature(c)); return null; } this.CheckForObsolesence(comprehension, c); if (this.NotAccessible(comprehension.AddMethod)) { this.HandleError(comprehension, Error.MemberNotVisible, this.GetMethodSignature(comprehension.AddMethod)); return null; } this.CheckForObsolesence(comprehension, comprehension.AddMethod); } } return comprehension; }
public override MethodContract VisitMethodContract(MethodContract contract) { if (contract == null) return null; // don't visit contract.DeclaringMethod // don't visit contract.OverriddenMethods bool savedInsideMethodContract = this.insideMethodContract; bool savedUnsafe = this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode; this.insideMethodContract = true; Yield savedYield = this.yieldNode; Method method = contract.DeclaringMethod; insidePureContract = method.IsPure || method.IsConfined || method.IsStateIndependent; if (method != null) { this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode = method.IsUnsafe; if (contract.Ensures != null && contract.Ensures.Count > 0) { TrivialHashtable /*TypeNode*/ throwsSet = new TrivialHashtable(); for (int i = 0, n = contract.Ensures.Count; i < n; i++) { EnsuresExceptional e = contract.Ensures[i] as EnsuresExceptional; if (e == null) continue; if (e.Inherited) continue; if (e.Type == null) continue; if (!this.GetTypeView(e.Type).IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.ICheckedException)) { this.HandleError(e, Error.UncheckedExceptionInThrowsClause, this.GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType) + "." + method.Name.ToString()); contract.Ensures[i] = null; } if (throwsSet[e.Type.UniqueKey] != null) { this.HandleError(method, Error.DuplicateThrowsType, this.GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType) + "." + method.Name.ToString()); contract.Ensures[i] = null; } else { throwsSet[e.Type.UniqueKey] = e.Type; } } } contract.Requires = this.VisitRequiresList(contract.Requires); InstanceInitializer ctor = this.currentMethod as InstanceInitializer; bool savedMayReferenceThisAndBase = this.MayReferenceThisAndBase; if (ctor != null) { // method contracts are visited as part of visiting the methods to which they // are attached. So their ability to reference "this" is usually the same as // the method's ability. But the postcondition of a ctor can mention instance // variables. this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = true; } bool savedInsideEnsures = this.insideEnsures; this.insideEnsures = true; contract.Ensures = this.VisitEnsuresList(contract.Ensures); this.insideEnsures = savedInsideEnsures; this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = savedMayReferenceThisAndBase; bool savedInsideModifies = this.insideModifies; this.insideModifies = true; contract.Modifies = this.VisitExpressionList(contract.Modifies); this.insideModifies = savedInsideModifies; //if (method.IsVirtual) { // // use FindNearest..., can't rely on method.OverriddenMethod since it might not be set further up the chain // Method overridden = method.DeclaringType.FindNearestOverriddenMethod(method); // if (overridden != null) { // this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(overridden, method); // } // for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { // Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; // this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(ifaceMethod, method); // } // for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { // Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; // this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(ifaceMethod, method); // } //} } this.insideMethodContract = savedInsideMethodContract; this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode = savedUnsafe; this.yieldNode = savedYield; return contract; }
public override Method VisitMethod(Method method) { if (method == null) return null; if (method.IsNormalized) return method; this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = !(method is InstanceInitializer) || method.DeclaringType == null || method.DeclaringType.IsValueType; if (method.Name != null && method.Name.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.Finalize.UniqueIdKey && method.HasCompilerGeneratedSignature && method.DeclaringType is Class && ((Class)method.DeclaringType).IsAbstractSealedContainerForStatics) this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.DestructorInAbstractSealedClass); method.Attributes = this.VisitAttributeList(method.Attributes, method); method.ReturnAttributes = this.VisitAttributeList(method.ReturnAttributes); method.SecurityAttributes = this.VisitSecurityAttributeList(method.SecurityAttributes); if ((method.ReturnType == SystemTypes.DynamicallyTypedReference || method.ReturnType == SystemTypes.ArgIterator) && (this.currentOptions == null || !this.currentOptions.NoStandardLibrary) ) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.CannotReturnTypedReference, this.GetTypeName(method.ReturnType)); method.ReturnType = SystemTypes.Object; } if (method.Body != null) { if (method.DeclaringType is Interface && !method.IsStatic) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.InterfaceMemberHasBody, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); method.Body = null; } else if (method.IsAbstract) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.AbstractHasBody, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); method.Body = null; } } else if (!method.IsAbstract && !method.IsExtern && !this.isCompilingAContractAssembly) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.ConcreteMissingBody, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); return null; } else if (method.TemplateParameters != null && method.TemplateParameters.Count > 0 && !this.useGenerics) { SourceContext ctx = method.TemplateParameters[0].SourceContext; ctx.EndPos = method.TemplateParameters[method.TemplateParameters.Count-1].SourceContext.EndPos; Debug.Assert(ctx.EndPos >= ctx.StartPos); Node n = new UnaryExpression(); n.SourceContext = ctx; if (method.DeclaringType is Interface) this.HandleError(n, Error.AbstractInterfaceMethod); else this.HandleError(n, Error.AbstractMethodTemplate); return null; } BlockScope savedCurrentFinallyClause = this.currentFinallyClause; Method savedCurrentMethod = this.currentMethod; Return savedReturnNode = this.returnNode; Yield savedYieldNode = this.yieldNode; this.currentFinallyClause = null; this.currentMethod = method; this.returnNode = null; this.yieldNode = null; MethodScope scope = method.Scope; this.CheckForDuplicateDeclarations(scope); if ((this.currentPreprocessorDefinedSymbols != null && this.currentPreprocessorDefinedSymbols.ContainsKey("DefaultExposeBlocks")) && !method.IsStatic && !(method is InstanceInitializer) && method.DeclaringType is Class && !method.IsAbstract && method.CciKind == CciMemberKind.Regular && method.ApplyDefaultContract) { This thisOb = method.ThisParameter; MethodCall thisIsExposable = new MethodCall( new MemberBinding(null, SystemTypes.Guard.GetMethod(Identifier.For("FrameIsExposable"), SystemTypes.Object, SystemTypes.Type)), new ExpressionList(thisOb, new UnaryExpression(new Literal(method.DeclaringType, SystemTypes.Type), NodeType.Typeof, OptionalModifier.For(SystemTypes.NonNullType, SystemTypes.Type))), NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Boolean, method.Body.SourceContext); Assumption assumption = new Assumption(thisIsExposable); Expose expose = new Expose(NodeType.Write); expose.SourceContext = method.Body.SourceContext; expose.Instance = thisOb; expose.Body = method.Body; if (this.currentOptions != null && this.currentOptions.DisableGuardedClassesChecks) method.Body = new Block(new StatementList(assumption, expose)); else method.Body = new Block(new StatementList(expose)); } #region Check contract rules for all interface methods and base methods this method implements/overrides bool ok = true; if (method.IsVirtual && !method.IsCompilerControlled) { // use FindNearest..., can't rely on method.OverriddenMethod since it might not be set further up the chain Method overridden = method.DeclaringType.FindNearestOverriddenMethod(method); if (overridden != null) { ok &= this.CheckContractRules(overridden, method, method.DeclaringType); } for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; ok &= this.CheckContractRules(ifaceMethod, method, method.DeclaringType); } for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; ok &= this.CheckContractRules(ifaceMethod, method, method.DeclaringType); } } #endregion #region Contract Inheritance for method overrides and interface implementations (do this somewhere else?) // This needs to be done here (and not in VisitMethodContract) because method might not even have a contract if (method.IsVirtual && ok && !method.IsCompilerControlled) { // use FindNearest..., can't rely on method.OverriddenMethod since it might not be set further up the chain Method overridden = method.DeclaringType.FindNearestOverriddenMethod(method); // FindNearestOverriddenMethod doesn't care if method is "new" or an "override", so explicity test IsVirtual property MethodContract cumulativeContract = method.Contract == null ? new MethodContract(method) : method.Contract; bool somethingWasCopied = false; while (overridden != null && overridden.IsVirtual) { if (overridden.Contract != null) { cumulativeContract.CopyFrom(overridden.Contract); somethingWasCopied = true; break; } overridden = overridden.DeclaringType.FindNearestOverriddenMethod(overridden); } // Can inherit from at most one interface method bool ifaceContractWasCopied = false; for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; if (ifaceMethod == null) continue; if (ifaceMethod.Contract != null) { if (ifaceContractWasCopied) { this.HandleError(method, Error.RequiresNotAllowedInInterfaceImplementation, this.GetMethodSignature(ifaceMethod)); break; } cumulativeContract.CopyFrom(ifaceMethod.Contract); somethingWasCopied = true; ifaceContractWasCopied = true; } } for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) { Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods[i]; if (ifaceMethod == null) continue; if (ifaceMethod.Contract != null) { if (ifaceContractWasCopied) { this.HandleError(method, Error.RequiresNotAllowedInInterfaceImplementation, this.GetMethodSignature(ifaceMethod)); break; } cumulativeContract.CopyFrom(ifaceMethod.Contract); somethingWasCopied = true; ifaceContractWasCopied = true; } } if (method.Contract == null && somethingWasCopied) { // otherwise it was already copied into the method's contract method.Contract = cumulativeContract; } } #endregion // For checked exceptions, the actual exceptions thrown must be a subset of the allowed exceptions TypeNodeList aes = new TypeNodeList(); if (method.Contract != null && method.Contract.Ensures != null) { for (int i = 0, n = method.Contract.Ensures.Count; i < n; i++) { EnsuresExceptional ee = method.Contract.Ensures[i] as EnsuresExceptional; if (ee == null || ee.Inherited) continue; aes.Add(ee.Type); } } TypeNodeList saveAllowedExceptions = this.allowedExceptions; this.allowedExceptions = aes; // don't check method body of proxy methods. Method result = (method is ProxyMethod) ? method : base.VisitMethod(method); this.allowedExceptions = saveAllowedExceptions; if (this.yieldNode != null && TypeNode.StripModifiers(method.ReturnType) is Interface) { StatementList statements = new StatementList(1); TypeNode elementType = SystemTypes.Object; Interface stype = (Interface)TypeNode.StripModifiers(method.ReturnType); if (stype.TemplateArguments != null && stype.TemplateArguments.Count == 1) elementType = stype.TemplateArguments[0]; Class state = scope.ClosureClass; elementType = scope.FixTypeReference(elementType); state.Flags |= TypeFlags.Abstract; //So that no complaints are given about missing methods added by Normalizer state.Interfaces = new InterfaceList(5); state.Interfaces.Add(SystemTypes.IEnumerable); state.Interfaces.Add((Interface)SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerator.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType)); state.Interfaces.Add(SystemTypes.IEnumerator); state.Interfaces.Add(SystemTypes.IDisposable); state.Interfaces.Add((Interface)SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType)); //Add these methods so that Normalizer can find them even when reference to iterator is forward Method moveNext = new Method(state, null, StandardIds.MoveNext, null, SystemTypes.Boolean, null); moveNext.CallingConvention = CallingConventionFlags.HasThis; moveNext.Flags = MethodFlags.Public|MethodFlags.Virtual; moveNext.Body = new Block(new StatementList()); state.Members.Add(moveNext); Method getCurrent = new Method(state, null, StandardIds.getCurrent, null, elementType, null); getCurrent.CallingConvention = CallingConventionFlags.HasThis; getCurrent.Flags = MethodFlags.Public|MethodFlags.Virtual|MethodFlags.SpecialName; getCurrent.Body = new Block(new StatementList()); state.Members.Add(getCurrent); Return ret = new Return(new ConstructIterator(state, method.Body, elementType, state)); if (method.Name.SourceContext.Document != null) { ret.SourceContext = method.SourceContext; ret.SourceContext.EndPos = method.Name.SourceContext.EndPos; Debug.Assert(ret.SourceContext.EndPos >= ret.SourceContext.StartPos); } statements.Add(ret); method.Body = new Block(statements); method.Body.Scope = new BlockScope(scope, method.Body); } if (method.IsStatic && method.IsVirtual && !method.IsSpecialName) { method.Flags &= ~MethodFlags.Static; this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.StaticNotVirtual, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); } if (!method.OverridesBaseClassMember) { if (method.NodeType == NodeType.InstanceInitializer || !method.IsSpecialName) { if (!(method.DeclaringType is Interface) && !(method.DeclaringType is DelegateNode)) { if (this.IsLessAccessible(method.ReturnType, method)) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.ReturnTypeLessAccessibleThanMethod, this.GetTypeName(method.ReturnType), this.GetMethodSignature(method)); this.HandleRelatedError(method.ReturnType); } this.CheckParameterTypeAccessibility(method.Parameters, method); } } else { if (method.Name != null && Checker.OperatorName[method.Name.UniqueIdKey] != null) { if (this.IsLessAccessible(method.ReturnType, method)) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.ReturnTypeLessAccessibleThanOperator, this.GetTypeName(method.ReturnType), this.GetMethodSignature(method)); this.HandleRelatedError(method.ReturnType); } this.CheckParameterTypeAccessibility(method.Parameters, method); } } } if (!method.IsSpecialName) { TypeNodeList implementedTypes = method.ImplementedTypes; if (implementedTypes != null) { InterfaceList declaringTypeInterfaces = this.GetTypeView(method.DeclaringType).Interfaces; for (int i = 0, n = implementedTypes.Count; i < n; i++) { Interface iface = implementedTypes[i] as Interface; if (iface == null) continue; if (!this.IsAllowedAsImplementedType(declaringTypeInterfaces, iface)) { Node offendingNode = method.ImplementedTypeExpressions[i]; this.HandleError(offendingNode, Error.ContainingTypeDoesNotImplement, this.GetMethodSignature(method), this.GetTypeName(iface)); this.HandleRelatedError(iface); implementedTypes = null; break; } } } MethodList implementedMethods = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods; for (int i = 0, n = implementedTypes == null ? 0 : implementedTypes.Count; i < n; i++) { Interface iface = implementedTypes[i] as Interface; if (iface == null) continue; Method m = implementedMethods == null ? null : implementedMethods[i]; if (m == null) { this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.InterfaceMemberNotFound, this.GetMemberSignature(method), this.GetTypeName(iface)); this.HandleRelatedError(iface); } else if (m.IsSpecialName) this.HandleError(method.Name, Error.CannotExplicitlyImplementAccessor, this.GetMethodSignature(method), this.GetMethodSignature(m)); } } if ((method.Flags & MethodFlags.PInvokeImpl) != 0) { Error e = Error.None; if (this.shadowedAssembly != null) { // Make sure this method has a counterpart in the shadowed method TypeNode type = this.GetCorrespondingShadowedTypeNode(method.DeclaringType); if (type == null) { this.HandleError(method.DeclaringType, Error.TypeMissingInShadowedAssembly, this.GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType)); } else { int numParams = method.Parameters == null ? 0 : method.Parameters.Count; TypeNode[] types = new TypeNode[numParams]; for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { types[i] = this.GetCorrespondingShadowedTypeNode(TypeNode.StripModifiers(method.Parameters[i].Type)); } if (this.GetTypeView(type).GetMethod(method.Name, types) == null) { this.HandleError(method, Error.MethodMissingInShadowedAssembly, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); } } } else if (this.isCompilingAContractAssembly) e = Error.None; else if (method.Body != null) e = Error.PInvokeHasBody; else if (method.IsAbstract) e = Error.AbstractAndExtern; else if (method.PInvokeImportName == null || method.PInvokeModule == null) { if (method.Attributes == null || method.Attributes.Count == 0) e = Error.PInvokeWithoutModuleOrImportName; else method.Flags &= ~MethodFlags.PInvokeImpl; } if (e != Error.None) this.HandleError(method.Name, e, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); } if (method.IsPropertySetter && (method.IsPure || method.IsConfined || method.IsStateIndependent)) { this.HandleError(method, Error.MemberCannotBeAnnotatedAsPure, this.GetMethodSignature(method)); } this.currentFinallyClause = savedCurrentFinallyClause; this.currentMethod = savedCurrentMethod; this.returnNode = savedReturnNode; this.yieldNode = savedYieldNode; return result; }
internal static expr Convert(Compiler.Ast.Expression expr, expr_context ctx) { expr ast; if (expr is ConstantExpression) ast = Convert((ConstantExpression)expr); else if (expr is NameExpression) ast = new Name((NameExpression)expr, ctx); else if (expr is UnaryExpression) ast = new UnaryOp((UnaryExpression)expr); else if (expr is BinaryExpression) ast = Convert((BinaryExpression)expr); else if (expr is AndExpression) ast = new BoolOp((AndExpression)expr); else if (expr is OrExpression) ast = new BoolOp((OrExpression)expr); else if (expr is CallExpression) ast = new Call((CallExpression)expr); else if (expr is ParenthesisExpression) return Convert(((ParenthesisExpression)expr).Expression); else if (expr is LambdaExpression) ast = new Lambda((LambdaExpression)expr); else if (expr is ListExpression) ast = new List((ListExpression)expr, ctx); else if (expr is TupleExpression) ast = new Tuple((TupleExpression)expr, ctx); else if (expr is DictionaryExpression) ast = new Dict((DictionaryExpression)expr); else if (expr is ListComprehension) ast = new ListComp((ListComprehension)expr); else if (expr is GeneratorExpression) ast = new GeneratorExp((GeneratorExpression)expr); else if (expr is MemberExpression) ast = new Attribute((MemberExpression)expr, ctx); else if (expr is YieldExpression) ast = new Yield((YieldExpression)expr); else if (expr is ConditionalExpression) ast = new IfExp((ConditionalExpression)expr); else if (expr is IndexExpression) ast = new Subscript((IndexExpression)expr, ctx); else if (expr is SliceExpression) ast = new Slice((SliceExpression)expr); else if (expr is BackQuoteExpression) ast = new Repr((BackQuoteExpression)expr); else throw new ArgumentTypeException("Unexpected expression type: " + expr.GetType()); ast.GetSourceLocation(expr); return ast; }
public virtual Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield){ if (Yield == null) return null; Yield.Expression = this.VisitExpression(Yield.Expression); return Yield; }
public override object Visit (Yield yieldStatement) { var result = new YieldReturnStatement (); var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (yieldStatement); result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (yieldStatement.loc), YieldReturnStatement.YieldKeywordRole), YieldReturnStatement.YieldKeywordRole); if (location != null) result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), YieldReturnStatement.ReturnKeywordRole), YieldReturnStatement.ReturnKeywordRole); if (yieldStatement.Expr != null) result.AddChild ((Expression)yieldStatement.Expr.Accept (this), Roles.Expression); if (location != null && location.Count > 1) result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon); return result; }
public virtual void VisitYield(Yield Yield) { if (Yield == null) return; this.VisitExpression(Yield.Expression); }
public virtual Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield, Yield changes, Yield deletions, Yield insertions){ this.UpdateSourceContext(Yield, changes); if (Yield == null) return changes; if (changes != null){ if (deletions == null || insertions == null) Debug.Assert(false); else{ } }else if (deletions != null) return null; return Yield; }
public override Statement VisitYield(Yield Yield) { throw new ApplicationException("unimplemented"); }