//--- (end of YDataSet class start)
        //--- (YDataSet definitions)
        //--- (end of YDataSet definitions)
        //--- (YDataSet implementation)

         * <summary>
         *   Returns the unique hardware identifier of the function who performed the measures,
         *   in the form <c>SERIAL.FUNCTIONID</c>.
         * <para>
         *   The unique hardware identifier is composed of the
         *   device serial number and of the hardware identifier of the function
         *   (for example <c>THRMCPL1-123456.temperature1</c>)
         * </para>
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <returns>
         *   a string that uniquely identifies the function (ex: <c>THRMCPL1-123456.temperature1</c>)
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns  <c>YDataSet.HARDWAREID_INVALID</c>.
         * </para>
        public virtual string get_hardwareId()