public static IBufferedCipher GetCipher( string algorithm) { if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("algorithm"); } algorithm = Platform.ToUpperInvariant(algorithm); { string aliased = (string)algorithms[algorithm]; if (aliased != null) { algorithm = aliased; } } IBasicAgreement iesAgreement = null; if (algorithm == "IES") { iesAgreement = new DHBasicAgreement(); } else if (algorithm == "ECIES") { iesAgreement = new ECDHBasicAgreement(); } if (iesAgreement != null) { return(new BufferedIesCipher( new IesEngine( iesAgreement, new Kdf2BytesGenerator( new Sha1Digest()), new HMac( new Sha1Digest())))); } if (Platform.StartsWith(algorithm, "PBE")) { if (Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-CBC")) { if (algorithm == "PBEWITHSHA1ANDDES-CBC") { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEngine()))); } else if (algorithm == "PBEWITHSHA1ANDRC2-CBC") { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); } else if (Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND2-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC", "PBEWITHSHAAND3-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEdeEngine()))); } else if (Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC2-CBC", "PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC2-CBC")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); } } else if (Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-BC") || Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-OPENSSL")) { if (Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHAAND192BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHAAND256BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND128BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND192BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHMD5AND128BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL", "PBEWITHMD5AND192BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL", "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine()))); } } } string[] parts = algorithm.Split('/'); IBlockCipher blockCipher = null; IAsymmetricBlockCipher asymBlockCipher = null; IStreamCipher streamCipher = null; string algorithmName = parts[0]; { string aliased = (string)algorithms[algorithmName]; if (aliased != null) { algorithmName = aliased; } } CipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm; try { cipherAlgorithm = (CipherAlgorithm)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherAlgorithm), algorithmName); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } switch (cipherAlgorithm) { case CipherAlgorithm.AES: blockCipher = new AesFastEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.ARC4: streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.BLOWFISH: blockCipher = new BlowfishEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAMELLIA: blockCipher = new CamelliaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAST5: blockCipher = new Cast5Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAST6: blockCipher = new Cast6Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.DES: blockCipher = new DesEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.DESEDE: blockCipher = new DesEdeEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.ELGAMAL: asymBlockCipher = new ElGamalEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.GOST28147: blockCipher = new Gost28147Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.HC128: streamCipher = new HC128Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.HC256: streamCipher = new HC256Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.IDEA: blockCipher = new IdeaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.NOEKEON: blockCipher = new NoekeonEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC4: case CipherAlgorithm.PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC4: streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC2: blockCipher = new RC2Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC5: blockCipher = new RC532Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC5_64: blockCipher = new RC564Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC6: blockCipher = new RC6Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL: blockCipher = new RijndaelEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RSA: asymBlockCipher = new RsaBlindedEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SALSA20: streamCipher = new Salsa20Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SEED: blockCipher = new SeedEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SERPENT: blockCipher = new SerpentEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SKIPJACK: blockCipher = new SkipjackEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TEA: blockCipher = new TeaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_256: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_256); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_512: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_512); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_1024: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_1024); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TNEPRES: blockCipher = new TnepresEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TWOFISH: blockCipher = new TwofishEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.VMPC: streamCipher = new VmpcEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.VMPC_KSA3: streamCipher = new VmpcKsa3Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.XTEA: blockCipher = new XteaEngine(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } if (streamCipher != null) { if (parts.Length > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Modes and paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } return(new BufferedStreamCipher(streamCipher)); } bool cts = false; bool padded = true; IBlockCipherPadding padding = null; IAeadBlockCipher aeadBlockCipher = null; if (parts.Length > 2) { if (streamCipher != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } string paddingName = parts[2]; CipherPadding cipherPadding; if (paddingName == "") { cipherPadding = CipherPadding.RAW; } else if (paddingName == "X9.23PADDING") { cipherPadding = CipherPadding.X923PADDING; } else { try { cipherPadding = (CipherPadding)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherPadding), paddingName); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } switch (cipherPadding) { case CipherPadding.NOPADDING: padded = false; break; case CipherPadding.RAW: break; case CipherPadding.ISO10126PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO10126D2PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO10126_2PADDING: padding = new ISO10126d2Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ISO7816_4PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO9797_1PADDING: padding = new ISO7816d4Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ISO9796_1: case CipherPadding.ISO9796_1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new ISO9796d1Encoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.OAEP: case CipherPadding.OAEPPADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHMD5ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new MD5Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA1ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_1ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha1Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA224ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_224ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha224Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA256ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_256ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha256Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA384ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_384ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha384Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA512ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_512ANDMGF1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha512Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.PKCS1: case CipherPadding.PKCS1PADDING: asymBlockCipher = new Pkcs1Encoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.PKCS5: case CipherPadding.PKCS5PADDING: case CipherPadding.PKCS7: case CipherPadding.PKCS7PADDING: padding = new Pkcs7Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.TBCPADDING: padding = new TbcPadding(); break; case CipherPadding.WITHCTS: cts = true; break; case CipherPadding.X923PADDING: padding = new X923Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ZEROBYTEPADDING: padding = new ZeroBytePadding(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } string mode = ""; if (parts.Length > 1) { mode = parts[1]; int di = GetDigitIndex(mode); string modeName = di >= 0 ? mode.Substring(0, di) : mode; try { CipherMode cipherMode = modeName == "" ? CipherMode.NONE : (CipherMode)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherMode), modeName); switch (cipherMode) { case CipherMode.ECB: case CipherMode.NONE: break; case CipherMode.CBC: blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CCM: aeadBlockCipher = new CcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CFB: { int bits = (di < 0) ? 8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize() : int.Parse(mode.Substring(di)); blockCipher = new CfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, bits); break; } case CipherMode.CTR: blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CTS: cts = true; blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.EAX: aeadBlockCipher = new EaxBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.GCM: aeadBlockCipher = new GcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.GOFB: blockCipher = new GOfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.OCB: aeadBlockCipher = new OcbBlockCipher(blockCipher, CreateBlockCipher(cipherAlgorithm)); break; case CipherMode.OFB: { int bits = (di < 0) ? 8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize() : int.Parse(mode.Substring(di)); blockCipher = new OfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, bits); break; } case CipherMode.OPENPGPCFB: blockCipher = new OpenPgpCfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.SIC: if (blockCipher.GetBlockSize() < 16) { throw new ArgumentException("Warning: SIC-Mode can become a twotime-pad if the blocksize of the cipher is too small. Use a cipher with a block size of at least 128 bits (e.g. AES)"); } blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } if (aeadBlockCipher != null) { if (cts) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("CTS mode not valid for AEAD ciphers."); } if (padded && parts.Length > 2 && parts[2] != "") { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Bad padding specified for AEAD cipher."); } return(new BufferedAeadBlockCipher(aeadBlockCipher)); } if (blockCipher != null) { if (cts) { return(new CtsBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (padding != null) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher, padding)); } if (!padded || blockCipher.IsPartialBlockOkay) { return(new BufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (asymBlockCipher != null) { return(new BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher(asymBlockCipher)); } throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); }
public static IBufferedCipher GetCipher( string algorithm) { if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("algorithm"); } algorithm = algorithm.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string aliased = (string)algorithms[algorithm]; if (aliased != null) { algorithm = aliased; } IBasicAgreement iesAgreement = null; if (algorithm == "IES") { iesAgreement = new DHBasicAgreement(); } else if (algorithm == "ECIES") { iesAgreement = new ECDHBasicAgreement(); } if (iesAgreement != null) { return(new BufferedIesCipher( new IesEngine( iesAgreement, new Kdf2BytesGenerator( new Sha1Digest()), new HMac( new Sha1Digest())))); } if (algorithm.StartsWith("PBE")) { switch (algorithm) { case "PBEWITHSHAAND2-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC": case "PBEWITHSHAAND3-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC": return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEdeEngine()))); case "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC2-CBC": case "PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC2-CBC": return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); case "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHSHAAND192BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHSHAAND256BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHSHA256AND128BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHSHA256AND192BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC": case "PBEWITHMD5AND128BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL": case "PBEWITHMD5AND192BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL": case "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL": return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine()))); case "PBEWITHSHA1ANDDES-CBC": return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEngine()))); case "PBEWITHSHA1ANDRC2-CBC": return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher( new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); } } string[] parts = algorithm.Split('/'); IBlockCipher blockCipher = null; IAsymmetricBlockCipher asymBlockCipher = null; IStreamCipher streamCipher = null; switch (parts[0]) { case "AES": blockCipher = new AesFastEngine(); break; case "ARC4": streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case "BLOWFISH": blockCipher = new BlowfishEngine(); break; case "CAMELLIA": blockCipher = new CamelliaEngine(); break; case "CAST5": blockCipher = new Cast5Engine(); break; case "CAST6": blockCipher = new Cast6Engine(); break; case "DES": blockCipher = new DesEngine(); break; case "DESEDE": blockCipher = new DesEdeEngine(); break; case "ELGAMAL": asymBlockCipher = new ElGamalEngine(); break; case "GOST28147": blockCipher = new Gost28147Engine(); break; case "HC128": streamCipher = new HC128Engine(); break; case "HC256": streamCipher = new HC256Engine(); break; #if INCLUDE_IDEA case "IDEA": blockCipher = new IdeaEngine(); break; #endif case "NOEKEON": blockCipher = new NoekeonEngine(); break; case "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC4": case "PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC4": streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case "RC2": blockCipher = new RC2Engine(); break; case "RC5": blockCipher = new RC532Engine(); break; case "RC5-64": blockCipher = new RC564Engine(); break; case "RC6": blockCipher = new RC6Engine(); break; case "RIJNDAEL": blockCipher = new RijndaelEngine(); break; case "RSA": asymBlockCipher = new RsaBlindedEngine(); break; case "SALSA20": streamCipher = new Salsa20Engine(); break; case "SEED": blockCipher = new SeedEngine(); break; case "SERPENT": blockCipher = new SerpentEngine(); break; case "SKIPJACK": blockCipher = new SkipjackEngine(); break; case "TEA": blockCipher = new TeaEngine(); break; case "TWOFISH": blockCipher = new TwofishEngine(); break; case "VMPC": streamCipher = new VmpcEngine(); break; case "VMPC-KSA3": streamCipher = new VmpcKsa3Engine(); break; case "XTEA": blockCipher = new XteaEngine(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } if (streamCipher != null) { if (parts.Length > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Modes and paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } return(new BufferedStreamCipher(streamCipher)); } bool cts = false; bool padded = true; IBlockCipherPadding padding = null; IAeadBlockCipher aeadBlockCipher = null; if (parts.Length > 2) { if (streamCipher != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } switch (parts[2]) { case "NOPADDING": padded = false; break; case "": case "RAW": break; case "ISO10126PADDING": case "ISO10126D2PADDING": case "ISO10126-2PADDING": padding = new ISO10126d2Padding(); break; case "ISO7816-4PADDING": case "ISO9797-1PADDING": padding = new ISO7816d4Padding(); break; case "ISO9796-1": case "ISO9796-1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new ISO9796d1Encoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case "OAEP": case "OAEPPADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case "OAEPWITHMD5ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new MD5Digest()); break; case "OAEPWITHSHA1ANDMGF1PADDING": case "OAEPWITHSHA-1ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha1Digest()); break; case "OAEPWITHSHA224ANDMGF1PADDING": case "OAEPWITHSHA-224ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha224Digest()); break; case "OAEPWITHSHA256ANDMGF1PADDING": case "OAEPWITHSHA-256ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha256Digest()); break; case "OAEPWITHSHA384ANDMGF1PADDING": case "OAEPWITHSHA-384ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha384Digest()); break; case "OAEPWITHSHA512ANDMGF1PADDING": case "OAEPWITHSHA-512ANDMGF1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymBlockCipher, new Sha512Digest()); break; case "PKCS1": case "PKCS1PADDING": asymBlockCipher = new Pkcs1Encoding(asymBlockCipher); break; case "PKCS5": case "PKCS5PADDING": case "PKCS7": case "PKCS7PADDING": // NB: Padding defaults to Pkcs7Padding already break; case "TBCPADDING": padding = new TbcPadding(); break; case "WITHCTS": cts = true; break; case "X9.23PADDING": case "X923PADDING": padding = new X923Padding(); break; case "ZEROBYTEPADDING": padding = new ZeroBytePadding(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } string mode = ""; if (parts.Length > 1) { mode = parts[1]; int di = GetDigitIndex(mode); string modeName = di >= 0 ? mode.Substring(0, di) : mode; switch (modeName) { case "": case "ECB": case "NONE": break; case "CBC": blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "CCM": aeadBlockCipher = new CcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "CFB": { int bits = (di < 0) ? 8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize() : int.Parse(mode.Substring(di)); blockCipher = new CfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, bits); break; } case "CTR": blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "CTS": cts = true; blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "EAX": aeadBlockCipher = new EaxBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "GCM": aeadBlockCipher = new GcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "GOFB": blockCipher = new GOfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "OFB": { int bits = (di < 0) ? 8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize() : int.Parse(mode.Substring(di)); blockCipher = new OfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, bits); break; } case "OPENPGPCFB": blockCipher = new OpenPgpCfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case "SIC": if (blockCipher.GetBlockSize() < 16) { throw new ArgumentException("Warning: SIC-Mode can become a twotime-pad if the blocksize of the cipher is too small. Use a cipher with a block size of at least 128 bits (e.g. AES)"); } blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } if (aeadBlockCipher != null) { if (cts) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("CTS mode not valid for AEAD ciphers."); } if (padded && parts.Length > 1 && parts[2] != "") { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Bad padding specified for AEAD cipher."); } return(new BufferedAeadBlockCipher(aeadBlockCipher)); } if (blockCipher != null) { if (cts) { return(new CtsBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (!padded || blockCipher.IsPartialBlockOkay) { return(new BufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (padding != null) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher, padding)); } return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (asymBlockCipher != null) { return(new BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher(asymBlockCipher)); } throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); }
/// <summary> /// Build the engine /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">SymmetricBlockAlgorithm enum, algorithm name</param> /// <returns>IBlockCipher with the algorithm Engine</returns> internal IBlockCipher getCipherEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm algorithm) { IBlockCipher engine = null; switch (algorithm) { case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.AES: engine = new AesEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.BLOWFISH: engine = new BlowfishEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.CAMELLIA: engine = new CamelliaEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.CAST5: engine = new Cast5Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.CAST6: engine = new Cast6Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DES: engine = new DesEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.TRIPLEDES: engine = new DesEdeEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_128: engine = new Dstu7624Engine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_128, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_256: engine = new Dstu7624Engine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_256, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_512: engine = new Dstu7624Engine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.DSTU7624_512, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.GOST28147: engine = new Gost28147Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.NOEKEON: engine = new NoekeonEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RC2: engine = new RC2Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RC532: engine = new RC532Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RC564: engine = new RC564Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RC6: engine = new RC6Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_128: engine = new RijndaelEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_128, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_160: engine = new RijndaelEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_160, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_192: engine = new RijndaelEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_192, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_224: engine = new RijndaelEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_224, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_256: engine = new RijndaelEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL_256, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.SEED: engine = new SeedEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.SERPENT: engine = new SerpentEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.SKIPJACK: engine = new SkipjackEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.SM4: engine = new SM4Engine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.TEA: engine = new TeaEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_256: engine = new ThreefishEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_256, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_512: engine = new ThreefishEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_512, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_1024: engine = new ThreefishEngine(SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getBlockSize(SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.THREEFISH_1024, this.error)); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.TWOFISH: engine = new TwofishEngine(); break; case SymmetricBlockAlgorithm.XTEA: engine = new XteaEngine(); break; default: this.error.setError("SB020", "Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); break; } return(engine); }
public override void Decode(byte[] data) { if (this.Info == null) { throw new DecodeException("File info must be set before decoding binary file."); } var dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); this.Info.CompressionType = (CompressionType)dataReader.ReadByte(); var dataLength = dataReader.ReadInt32BigEndian(); // Total length includes already read bytes and the extra bytes read because of compression var totalLength = (this.Info.CompressionType == CompressionType.None ? 5 : 9) + dataLength; // Decrypt the data if a key is given if (this.Info.EncryptionKey != null) { var xtea = new XteaEngine(); xtea.Init(false, new KeyParameter(this.Info.EncryptionKey)); var decrypted = new byte[totalLength]; xtea.ProcessBlock(dataReader.ReadBytes(totalLength), 5, decrypted, 0); dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(decrypted)); } // Check if we should decompress the data or not if (this.Info.CompressionType == CompressionType.None) { this.Info.UncompressedSize = dataLength; this.Data = dataReader.ReadBytes(dataLength); } else { // Decompress the data this.Info.CompressedSize = dataLength; this.Info.UncompressedSize = dataReader.ReadInt32BigEndian(); var compressedBytes = dataReader.ReadBytes(dataLength); var uncompressedBytes = new byte[this.Info.UncompressedSize.Value]; switch (this.Info.CompressionType) { case CompressionType.Bzip2: // Add the bzip2 header as it is missing from the cache for whatever reason var bzipCompressedBytes = new byte[compressedBytes.Length + 4]; bzipCompressedBytes[0] = (byte)'B'; bzipCompressedBytes[1] = (byte)'Z'; bzipCompressedBytes[2] = (byte)'h'; bzipCompressedBytes[3] = (byte)'1'; Array.Copy(compressedBytes, 0, bzipCompressedBytes, 4, compressedBytes.Length); using (var bzip2Stream = new BZip2InputStream(new MemoryStream(bzipCompressedBytes))) { var readBzipBytes = bzip2Stream.Read(uncompressedBytes, 0, this.Info.UncompressedSize.Value); if (readBzipBytes != this.Info.UncompressedSize) { throw new DecodeException("Uncompressed container data length does not match obtained length."); } } break; case CompressionType.Gzip: using (var gzipStream = new GZipInputStream(new MemoryStream(compressedBytes))) { var readGzipBytes = gzipStream.Read(uncompressedBytes, 0, this.Info.UncompressedSize.Value); if (readGzipBytes != this.Info.UncompressedSize) { throw new DecodeException("Uncompressed container data length does not match obtained length."); } } break; case CompressionType.Lzma: using (var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(compressedBytes)) using (var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(uncompressedBytes)) { var lzmaDecoder = new SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Decoder(); lzmaDecoder.Code(compressedStream, uncompressedStream, compressedStream.Length, -1, null); if (uncompressedStream.Length != this.Info.UncompressedSize) { throw new DecodeException("Uncompressed container data length does not match obtained length."); } uncompressedBytes = uncompressedStream.ToArray(); } break; default: throw new DecodeException("Invalid compression type given."); } this.Data = uncompressedBytes; } // Update and verify obtained info // Read and verify the version of the file var versionRead = false; if (dataReader.BaseStream.Length - dataReader.BaseStream.Position >= 2) { var version = dataReader.ReadUInt16BigEndian(); if (this.Info.Version != null) { // The version is truncated to 2 bytes, so only the least significant 2 bytes are compared var truncatedInfoVersion = (int)(ushort)this.Info.Version; if (version != truncatedInfoVersion) { throw new DecodeException($"Obtained version part ({version}) did not match expected ({truncatedInfoVersion})."); } } else { // Set obtained version if previously unset this.Info.Version = version; } versionRead = true; } // Calculate and verify CRC // CRC excludes the version of the file added to the end // There is no way to know if the CRC is zero or unset var crcHasher = new Crc32(); crcHasher.Update(data.Take(data.Length - (versionRead ? 2 : 0)).ToArray()); var crc = (int)crcHasher.Value; if (this.Info.Crc != null && crc != this.Info.Crc) { throw new DecodeException($"Calculated checksum (0x{crc:X}) did not match expected (0x{this.Info.Crc:X})."); } this.Info.Crc = crc; // Calculate and verify the whirlpool digest var whirlpoolHasher = new WhirlpoolDigest(); whirlpoolHasher.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length - (versionRead ? 2 : 0)); var whirlpoolDigest = new byte[whirlpoolHasher.GetDigestSize()]; whirlpoolHasher.DoFinal(whirlpoolDigest, 0); if (this.Info.WhirlpoolDigest != null && !whirlpoolDigest.SequenceEqual(this.Info.WhirlpoolDigest)) { throw new DecodeException("Calculated whirlpool digest did not match expected."); } this.Info.WhirlpoolDigest = whirlpoolDigest; if (dataReader.BaseStream.Position < dataReader.BaseStream.Length) { throw new DecodeException($"Input data not fully consumed while decoding binary file. {dataReader.BaseStream.Length - dataReader.BaseStream.Position} bytes remain."); } }
public static IBufferedCipher GetCipher(string algorithm) { //IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0469: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0495: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_07f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("algorithm"); } algorithm = Platform.ToUpperInvariant(algorithm); string text = (string)algorithms.get_Item((object)algorithm); if (text != null) { algorithm = text; } IBasicAgreement basicAgreement = null; if (algorithm == "IES") { basicAgreement = new DHBasicAgreement(); } else if (algorithm == "ECIES") { basicAgreement = new ECDHBasicAgreement(); } if (basicAgreement != null) { return(new BufferedIesCipher(new IesEngine(basicAgreement, new Kdf2BytesGenerator(new Sha1Digest()), new HMac(new Sha1Digest())))); } if (Platform.StartsWith(algorithm, "PBE")) { if (Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-CBC")) { if (algorithm == "PBEWITHSHA1ANDDES-CBC") { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEngine()))); } if (algorithm == "PBEWITHSHA1ANDRC2-CBC") { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); } if (Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND2-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC", "PBEWITHSHAAND3-KEYTRIPLEDES-CBC")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new DesEdeEngine()))); } if (Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC2-CBC", "PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC2-CBC")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()))); } } else if ((Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-BC") || Platform.EndsWith(algorithm, "-OPENSSL")) && Strings.IsOneOf(algorithm, "PBEWITHSHAAND128BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHAAND192BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHAAND256BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND128BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND192BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC", "PBEWITHMD5AND128BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL", "PBEWITHMD5AND192BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL", "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL")) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine()))); } } string[] array = algorithm.Split(new char[1] { '/' }); IBlockCipher blockCipher = null; IAsymmetricBlockCipher asymmetricBlockCipher = null; IStreamCipher streamCipher = null; string text2 = array[0]; string text3 = (string)algorithms.get_Item((object)text2); if (text3 != null) { text2 = text3; } CipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm; try { cipherAlgorithm = (CipherAlgorithm)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherAlgorithm), text2); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } switch (cipherAlgorithm) { case CipherAlgorithm.AES: blockCipher = new AesFastEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.ARC4: streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.BLOWFISH: blockCipher = new BlowfishEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAMELLIA: blockCipher = new CamelliaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAST5: blockCipher = new Cast5Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.CAST6: blockCipher = new Cast6Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.DES: blockCipher = new DesEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.DESEDE: blockCipher = new DesEdeEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.ELGAMAL: asymmetricBlockCipher = new ElGamalEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.GOST28147: blockCipher = new Gost28147Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.HC128: streamCipher = new HC128Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.HC256: streamCipher = new HC256Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.IDEA: blockCipher = new IdeaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.NOEKEON: blockCipher = new NoekeonEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.PBEWITHSHAAND128BITRC4: case CipherAlgorithm.PBEWITHSHAAND40BITRC4: streamCipher = new RC4Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC2: blockCipher = new RC2Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC5: blockCipher = new RC532Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC5_64: blockCipher = new RC564Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RC6: blockCipher = new RC6Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RIJNDAEL: blockCipher = new RijndaelEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.RSA: asymmetricBlockCipher = new RsaBlindedEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SALSA20: streamCipher = new Salsa20Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SEED: blockCipher = new SeedEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SERPENT: blockCipher = new SerpentEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.SKIPJACK: blockCipher = new SkipjackEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TEA: blockCipher = new TeaEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_256: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(256); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_512: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(512); break; case CipherAlgorithm.THREEFISH_1024: blockCipher = new ThreefishEngine(1024); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TNEPRES: blockCipher = new TnepresEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TWOFISH: blockCipher = new TwofishEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.VMPC: streamCipher = new VmpcEngine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.VMPC_KSA3: streamCipher = new VmpcKsa3Engine(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.XTEA: blockCipher = new XteaEngine(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } if (streamCipher != null) { if (array.Length > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Modes and paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } return(new BufferedStreamCipher(streamCipher)); } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = true; IBlockCipherPadding blockCipherPadding = null; IAeadBlockCipher aeadBlockCipher = null; if (array.Length > 2) { if (streamCipher != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Paddings not used for stream ciphers"); } string text4 = array[2]; CipherPadding cipherPadding; if (text4 == "") { cipherPadding = CipherPadding.RAW; } else if (text4 == "X9.23PADDING") { cipherPadding = CipherPadding.X923PADDING; } else { try { cipherPadding = (CipherPadding)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherPadding), text4); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } switch (cipherPadding) { case CipherPadding.NOPADDING: flag2 = false; break; case CipherPadding.ISO10126PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO10126D2PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO10126_2PADDING: blockCipherPadding = new ISO10126d2Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ISO7816_4PADDING: case CipherPadding.ISO9797_1PADDING: blockCipherPadding = new ISO7816d4Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ISO9796_1: case CipherPadding.ISO9796_1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new ISO9796d1Encoding(asymmetricBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.OAEP: case CipherPadding.OAEPPADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHMD5ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new MD5Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA1ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_1ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new Sha1Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA224ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_224ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new Sha224Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA256ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_256ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new Sha256Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA384ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_384ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new Sha384Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA512ANDMGF1PADDING: case CipherPadding.OAEPWITHSHA_512ANDMGF1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new OaepEncoding(asymmetricBlockCipher, new Sha512Digest()); break; case CipherPadding.PKCS1: case CipherPadding.PKCS1PADDING: asymmetricBlockCipher = new Pkcs1Encoding(asymmetricBlockCipher); break; case CipherPadding.PKCS5: case CipherPadding.PKCS5PADDING: case CipherPadding.PKCS7: case CipherPadding.PKCS7PADDING: blockCipherPadding = new Pkcs7Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.TBCPADDING: blockCipherPadding = new TbcPadding(); break; case CipherPadding.WITHCTS: flag = true; break; case CipherPadding.X923PADDING: blockCipherPadding = new X923Padding(); break; case CipherPadding.ZEROBYTEPADDING: blockCipherPadding = new ZeroBytePadding(); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); case CipherPadding.RAW: break; } } string text5 = ""; if (array.Length > 1) { text5 = array[1]; int digitIndex = GetDigitIndex(text5); string text6 = ((digitIndex >= 0) ? text5.Substring(0, digitIndex) : text5); try { switch ((text6 == "") ? CipherMode.NONE : ((CipherMode)Enums.GetEnumValue(typeof(CipherMode), text6))) { case CipherMode.CBC: blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CCM: aeadBlockCipher = new CcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CFB: { int bitBlockSize = ((digitIndex < 0) ? (8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize()) : int.Parse(text5.Substring(digitIndex))); blockCipher = new CfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, bitBlockSize); break; } case CipherMode.CTR: blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.CTS: flag = true; blockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.EAX: aeadBlockCipher = new EaxBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.GCM: aeadBlockCipher = new GcmBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.GOFB: blockCipher = new GOfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.OCB: aeadBlockCipher = new OcbBlockCipher(blockCipher, CreateBlockCipher(cipherAlgorithm)); break; case CipherMode.OFB: { int blockSize = ((digitIndex < 0) ? (8 * blockCipher.GetBlockSize()) : int.Parse(text5.Substring(digitIndex))); blockCipher = new OfbBlockCipher(blockCipher, blockSize); break; } case CipherMode.OPENPGPCFB: blockCipher = new OpenPgpCfbBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; case CipherMode.SIC: if (blockCipher.GetBlockSize() < 16) { throw new ArgumentException("Warning: SIC-Mode can become a twotime-pad if the blocksize of the cipher is too small. Use a cipher with a block size of at least 128 bits (e.g. AES)"); } blockCipher = new SicBlockCipher(blockCipher); break; default: throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); case CipherMode.ECB: case CipherMode.NONE: break; } } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); } } if (aeadBlockCipher != null) { if (flag) { throw new SecurityUtilityException("CTS mode not valid for AEAD ciphers."); } if (flag2 && array.Length > 2 && array[2] != "") { throw new SecurityUtilityException("Bad padding specified for AEAD cipher."); } return(new BufferedAeadBlockCipher(aeadBlockCipher)); } if (blockCipher != null) { if (flag) { return(new CtsBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (blockCipherPadding != null) { return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher, blockCipherPadding)); } if (!flag2 || blockCipher.IsPartialBlockOkay) { return(new BufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } return(new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(blockCipher)); } if (asymmetricBlockCipher != null) { return(new BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher(asymmetricBlockCipher)); } throw new SecurityUtilityException("Cipher " + algorithm + " not recognised."); }