Example #1
		private void Clear ()
			currentToken = new XmlTokenInfo (this);
			cursorToken = currentToken;
			currentAttribute = -1;
			currentAttributeValue = -1;
			attributeCount = 0;

			readState = ReadState.Initial;

			depth = 0;
			elementDepth = 0;
			depthUp = false;

			popScope = allowMultipleRoot = false;
			elementNameStackPos = 0;

			isStandalone = false;
			returnEntityReference = false;
			entityReferenceName = String.Empty;

			nameLength = 0;
			nameCapacity = initialNameCapacity;
			useProceedingLineInfo = false;

			currentState = XmlNodeType.None;

			readCharsInProgress = false;
Example #2
		// The leading '<' has already been consumed.
		private void ReadStartTag ()
			if (currentState == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
				throw NotWFError ("Multiple document element was detected.");
			currentState = XmlNodeType.Element;

			nsmgr.PushScope ();

			currentLinkedNodeLineNumber = line;
			currentLinkedNodeLinePosition = column;

			string prefix, localName;
			string name = ReadName (out prefix, out localName);
			if (currentState == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
				throw NotWFError ("document has terminated, cannot open new element");

			bool isEmptyElement = false;

			ClearAttributes ();

			SkipWhitespace ();
			if (XmlChar.IsFirstNameChar (PeekChar ()))
				ReadAttributes (false);
			cursorToken = this.currentToken;

			// fill namespaces
			for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
				attributeTokens [i].FillXmlns ();
			for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
				attributeTokens [i].FillNamespace ();

			// quick name check
			if (namespaces)
				for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
					if (attributeTokens [i].Prefix == "xmlns" &&
						attributeTokens [i].Value == String.Empty)
						throw NotWFError ("Empty namespace URI cannot be mapped to non-empty prefix.");

			for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
				for (int j = i + 1; j < attributeCount; j++)
					if (Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].Name, attributeTokens [j].Name) ||
						(Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].LocalName, attributeTokens [j].LocalName) &&
						Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].NamespaceURI, attributeTokens [j].NamespaceURI)))
						throw NotWFError ("Attribute name and qualified name must be identical.");

			if (PeekChar () == '/') {
				Advance ('/');
				isEmptyElement = true;
				popScope = true;
			else {
				depthUp = true;
				PushElementName (name, localName, prefix);
			parserContext.PushScope ();

			Expect ('>');

			SetProperties (
				XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType
				name, // name
				prefix, // prefix
				localName, // name
				isEmptyElement, // isEmptyElement
				null, // value
				false // clearAttributes
			if (prefix.Length > 0)
				currentToken.NamespaceURI = LookupNamespace (prefix, true);
			else if (namespaces)
				currentToken.NamespaceURI = nsmgr.DefaultNamespace;

			if (namespaces) {
				if (NamespaceURI == null)
					throw NotWFError (String.Format ("'{0}' is undeclared namespace.", Prefix));
				try {
					for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
						MoveToAttribute (i);
						if (NamespaceURI == null)
							throw NotWFError (String.Format ("'{0}' is undeclared namespace.", Prefix));
				} finally {
					MoveToElement ();

			for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
				if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].Prefix, XmlNamespaceManager.PrefixXml))
				string aname = attributeTokens [i].LocalName;
				string value = attributeTokens [i].Value;
				switch (aname) {
				case "base":
					if (this.resolver != null) {
						Uri buri =
							BaseURI != String.Empty ?
							new Uri (BaseURI) : null;
						// xml:base="" without any base URI -> pointless. However there are
						// some people who use such xml:base. Seealso bug #608391.
						if (buri == null && String.IsNullOrEmpty (value))
						Uri uri = resolver.ResolveUri (
							buri, value);
						parserContext.BaseURI =
							uri != null ?
							uri.ToString () :
						parserContext.BaseURI = value;
				case "lang":
					parserContext.XmlLang = value;
				case "space":
					switch (value) {
					case "preserve":
						parserContext.XmlSpace = XmlSpace.Preserve;
					case "default":
						parserContext.XmlSpace = XmlSpace.Default;
						throw NotWFError (String.Format ("Invalid xml:space value: {0}", value));

			if (IsEmptyElement)
				CheckCurrentStateUpdate ();
Example #3
		private void IncrementAttributeValueToken ()
			if (attributeValueTokens.Length == currentAttributeValue) {
				XmlTokenInfo [] newArray = new XmlTokenInfo [attributeValueTokens.Length * 2];
				attributeValueTokens.CopyTo (newArray, 0);
				attributeValueTokens = newArray;
			if (attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue] == null)
				attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue] = new XmlTokenInfo (this);
			currentAttributeValueToken = attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue];
			currentAttributeValueToken.Clear ();
Example #4
		private void SetTokenProperties (
			XmlTokenInfo token,
			XmlNodeType nodeType,
			string name,
			string prefix,
			string localName,
			bool isEmptyElement,
			string value,
			bool clearAttributes)
			token.NodeType = nodeType;
			token.Name = name;
			token.Prefix = prefix;
			token.LocalName = localName;
			token.IsEmptyElement = isEmptyElement;
			token.Value = value;
			this.elementDepth = depth;

			if (clearAttributes)
				ClearAttributes ();