Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of principals (users or groups) who have permissions to act on a SCO,
        /// principal, or account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="aclId">*Required.
        /// The ID of a SCO, account, or principal
        /// that a principal has permission to act
        /// on. The acl-id is a sco-id, principalid,
        /// or account-id in other calls.</param>
        /// <param name="principalId">Optional.
        /// The ID of a user or group who has a
        /// permission (even if Denied or not set) to
        /// act on a SCO, an account, or another principal.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Optional filtering parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <PermissionInfo> GetPermissionsInfo(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string aclId, string principalId, string filter)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("permissions-info", String.Format("acl-id={0}&principal-id={1}&filter-definition={2}", aclId, principalId, filter));

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <PermissionInfo> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            IEnumerable <XElement> list;

                IEnumerable <XElement> nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//permissions/principal");
                list = nodeData as IList <XElement> ?? nodeData;
            catch (Exception ex)

            resultStatus.Result = list.Select(itemInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <PermissionInfo>(itemInfo.CreateReader()));

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a complete list of users and groups, including primary groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="groupId">The group identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="filterBy">Optional filtering parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <PrincipalListItem> GetPrincipalList(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string groupId, string filterBy)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("principal-list", String.Format("group-id={0}&{1}", groupId, filterBy));

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <PrincipalListItem> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            IEnumerable <XElement> list;

                IEnumerable <XElement> nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//principal-list/principal");
                list = nodeData as IList <XElement> ?? nodeData;
            catch (Exception ex)

            resultStatus.Result = list.Select(itemInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <PrincipalListItem>(itemInfo.CreateReader()));

Example #3
        public static async Task <ApiStatusWithSco> ScoGenericOperation(AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, Sco sco, string operation)
            var response = ApiStatusWithSco.FromApiStatus(await adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest(operation, Helpers.StructToQueryString(sco, true)));

            if (response.Code != StatusCodes.OK || response.ResultDocument == null)

            XElement scoNode = response.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//sco");

            if (scoNode == null)

                response.Sco         = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Sco>(scoNode.CreateReader());
                response.Sco.FullUrl = adobeConnectXmlApi.ResolveFullUrl(response.Sco.UrlPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Code           = StatusCodes.Invalid;
                response.SubCode        = StatusSubCodes.Format;
                response.InnerException = ex;

                throw ex.InnerException;

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides information about the folders relevant to the current user. These include a Folder for
        /// the user’s current meetings, a Folder for the user’s Content, as well as folders above them in the
        /// navigation hierarchy.
        /// To determine the URL of a SCO, concatenate the url-path returned by sco-info, scocontents,
        /// or sco-expanded-contents with the domain-Name returned by sco-shortcuts.
        /// For example, you can concatenate these two strings:
        /// - http://test.server.com (the domain-Name returned by sco-shortcuts)
        /// - /f2006123456/ (the url-path returned by sco-info, sco-contents, or scoexpanded-contents)
        /// The result is this URL: http://test.server.com/f2006123456/
        /// You can also call sco-contents with the sco-id of a Folder returned by sco-shortcuts to
        /// see the contents of the Folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <ScoShortcut> GetSCOshortcuts(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("sco-shortcuts", null);

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <ScoShortcut> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            IEnumerable <XElement> list;

                IEnumerable <XElement> nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//shortcuts/sco");
                list = nodeData as IList <XElement> ?? nodeData;
            catch (Exception ex)

            resultStatus.Result = list.Select(itemInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <ScoShortcut>(itemInfo.CreateReader()));

Example #5
        public static async Task <EnumerableResultStatus <Sco> > GetFolderContents(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string folderId)
            var s = await adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("sco-contents", String.Format("sco-id={0}", folderId));

            var result = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <Sco> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            var scoList = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//sco");

            if (scoList == null)

            result.Result = scoList.Select(scoNode =>
                var sco     = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Sco>(scoNode.CreateReader());
                sco.FullUrl = adobeConnectXmlApi.ResolveFullUrl(sco.UrlPath);

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides information about each event the current user has attended or is scheduled to attend.
        /// The user can be either a Host or a participant in the event. The events returned are those in the
        /// user’s my-events Folder.
        /// To obtain information about all events on your Enterprise Server or in your Enterprise Hosted
        /// account, call sco-shortcuts to get the sco-id of the events Folder. Then, call scocontents
        /// with the sco-id to list all events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <EventInfo> ReportMyEvents(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("report-my-events", null);

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <EventInfo> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            IEnumerable <XElement> list;

                IEnumerable <XElement> nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//my-events/event");
                list = nodeData as IList <XElement> ?? nodeData;
            catch (Exception ex)

            resultStatus.Result = list.Select(itemInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <EventInfo>(itemInfo.CreateReader(), new XmlRootAttribute("event")));

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information about principal-to-SCO transactions on your server or in your hosted account.
        /// A transaction is an instance of one principal visiting one SCO. The SCO can be an Acrobat
        /// Connect Professional Meeting, Course, document, or any Content on the server.
        /// Note: this call to report-bulk-consolidated-transactions, with filter-Type=Meeting, returns only
        /// users who logged in to the Meeting as participants, not users who entered the Meeting as guests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="filterBy">optional 'filter by' params</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <TransactionInfo> Report_ConsolidatedTransactions(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string filterBy)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("report-bulk-consolidated-transactions", filterBy);

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <TransactionInfo> >(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            IEnumerable <XElement> list;

                IEnumerable <XElement> nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElements("//row");
                list = nodeData as IList <XElement> ?? nodeData;
            catch (Exception ex)

            resultStatus.Result = list.Select(itemInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <TransactionInfo>(itemInfo.CreateReader(), new XmlRootAttribute("row")));

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides information about a SCO on Connect Enterprise. The object can have any valid
        /// SCO Type. See Type for a list of the allowed SCO types.
        /// The response includes the account the SCO belongs to, the dates it was created and last
        /// modified, the owner, the URL that reaches it, and other data. For some types of SCOs, the
        /// response also includes information about a template from which this SCO was created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="scoId">Meeting id</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="EnumerableResultStatus{T}" />
        /// </returns>
        public static MeetingDetailStatus GetMeetingDetail(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string scoId)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("sco-info", String.Format("sco-id={0}", scoId));

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <MeetingDetailStatus>(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

                XElement nodeData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//sco");

                if (nodeData == null || !nodeData.HasElements)

                resultStatus.Result         = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <MeetingDetail>(nodeData.CreateReader(), new XmlRootAttribute("sco"));
                resultStatus.Result.FullUrl = adobeConnectXmlApi.ResolveFullUrl(resultStatus.Result.UrlPath);

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates metadata for a SCO, or updates existing metadata describing a SCO.
        /// Call sco-update to create metadata only for SCOs that represent Content, including
        /// meetings. You also need to upload Content files with either sco-upload or Connect Enterprise Manager.
        /// You must provide a folder-id or a sco-id, but not both. If you pass a folder-id, scoupdate
        /// creates a new SCO and returns a sco-id. If the SCO already exists and you pass a
        /// sco-id, sco-update updates the metadata describing the SCO.
        /// After you create a new SCO with sco-update, call permissions-update to specify which
        /// users and groups can access it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="ApiStatus" />
        /// </returns>
        internal ApiStatus ScoUpdate(MeetingUpdateItem meetingUpdateItem, out MeetingDetail meetingDetail)
            meetingDetail = null;

            if (meetingUpdateItem == null)

            string cmdParams = Helpers.StructToQueryString(meetingUpdateItem, true);

            ApiStatus s = this.ProcessApiRequest("sco-update", cmdParams);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            //notice: no '/sco' will be returned during update
            XElement meetingDetailNode = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//sco");

            if (meetingDetailNode == null)

                meetingDetail         = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <MeetingDetail>(meetingDetailNode.CreateReader());
                meetingDetail.FullUrl = this.ResolveFullUrl(meetingDetail.UrlPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                s.Code           = StatusCodes.Invalid;
                s.SubCode        = StatusSubCodes.Format;
                s.InnerException = ex;

                //rollback: delete the meeting
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meetingDetail.ScoId))

                throw ex.InnerException;

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides information about one principal, either a user or a group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="principalId">The principal identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="PrincipalInfo" />
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">principalId</exception>
        public static PrincipalInfoStatus GetPrincipalInfo(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, string principalId)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(principalId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("principalId");

            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("principal-info", String.Format("principal-id={0}", principalId));

            var principalInfoStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <PrincipalInfoStatus>(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            var principalInfo = new PrincipalInfo();

                XElement contactData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//contact");

                if (contactData != null)
                    principalInfo.Contact = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Contact>(contactData.CreateReader());

                XElement preferencesData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//preferences");

                if (preferencesData != null)
                    principalInfo.Preferences = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Preferences>(preferencesData.CreateReader());

                XElement principalData = s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//principal");

                if (principalData != null)
                    principalInfo.PrincipalData = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Principal>(principalData.CreateReader());
            catch (Exception ex)

            principalInfoStatus.Result = principalInfo;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or updates a user or group. The user or group (that is, the principal) is created or
        /// updated in the same account as the user making the call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <param name="principalSetup"><see cref="PrincipalSetup" /></param>
        /// <param name="principal"><see cref="Principal" /></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="ApiStatus" />
        /// </returns>
        public static async Task <ApiStatusWithPrincipal> PrincipalUpdate(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi, PrincipalSetup principalSetup)
            string cmdParams = Helpers.StructToQueryString(principalSetup, true);

            ApiStatusWithPrincipal s = ApiStatusWithPrincipal.FromApiStatus(await adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("principal-update", cmdParams));

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

            s.Principal = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <Principal>(s.ResultDocument.XPathSelectElement("//principal").CreateReader());

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of all rooms
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks This function facilates the need to return the list of all
        /// urls/rooms for admin view
        /// <returns><see cref="List<List<bool>>"/>List of List of strings {}</returns>
        public static EnumerableResultStatus <MeetingItem> GetSharedList(AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi)
            var sharedMeetings = adobeConnectXmlApi.GetMeetingShortcuts().Result.FirstOrDefault <ScoShortcut>();

            var scoId = (sharedMeetings as ScoShortcut).ScoId;

            var expandedContents = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("sco-expanded-contents", String.Format("sco-id={0}&filter-type=meeting", scoId));

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <EnumerableResultStatus <MeetingItem> >(expandedContents);

            var folder = expandedContents.ResultDocument.Descendants("sco").Where(p => p.Attribute("folder-id").Value == scoId);

            resultStatus.Result = folder.Select(meeting => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <MeetingItem>(meeting.CreateReader(), new XmlRootAttribute("sco")));

Example #13
        internal IEnumerable <MeetingItem> PreProcessMeetingItems(IEnumerable <XElement> list, XmlRootAttribute xmlRootAttribute)
            IEnumerable <MeetingItem> meetingItems = list.Select(meetingInfo => XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <MeetingItem>(meetingInfo.CreateReader(), xmlRootAttribute));

            foreach (var meetingItem in meetingItems)
                //NOTE: if Folder =>  date-begin is null
                meetingItem.Duration = meetingItem.DateEnd.Subtract(meetingItem.DateBegin);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meetingItem.UrlPath))
                    Uri uri = new Uri(this.settings.ServiceURL);
                    meetingItem.FullUrl = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped) + meetingItem.UrlPath;

                yield return(meetingItem);
        public void QuotaEntity_CanSerializeAndDeserialize()
            QuotaInfo qi = new QuotaInfo()
                QuotaList = new List <Quota> {
                    new Quota {
                        AclId = 1, Limit = 2, QuotaId = "tstquota", SoftLimit = 4, Used = 5
                    new Quota {
                        AclId = 5, Limit = 6, QuotaId = "tstquota2", SoftLimit = 7, Used = 8

            string s = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.ToXML(qi);

            QuotaInfo r = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <QuotaInfo>(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(qi.QuotaList.First().AclId, r.QuotaList.First().AclId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of concurrent Meeting participants you can have is determined by your Adobe Connect license.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adobeConnectXmlApi">The adobe connect XML API.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="QuotaInfoStatus" />
        /// </returns>
        public static QuotaInfoStatus Report_Quotas(this AdobeConnectXmlAPI adobeConnectXmlApi)
            ApiStatus s = adobeConnectXmlApi.ProcessApiRequest("report-quotas", String.Empty);

            var resultStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <QuotaInfoStatus>(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

                resultStatus.Result = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <QuotaInfo>(s.ResultDocument.Descendants("report-quotas").FirstOrDefault().CreateReader());
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void QuotaEntity_CanDeserialize()
            QuotaInfo qi = new QuotaInfo()
                QuotaList = new List <Quota> {
                    new Quota {
                        AclId = 838570243, Limit = 2, QuotaId = "tstquota", SoftLimit = 4, Used = 5, DateBegin = new DateTime(2009, 03, 31, 08, 07, 59, 180, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                    new Quota {
                        AclId = 5, Limit = 6, QuotaId = "tstquota2", SoftLimit = 7, Used = 8

            string s = "<report-quotas> <quota acl-id=\"838570243\" quota-id=\"download-quota\" used=\"0\" limit=\"10\" soft-limit=\"10\">  <date-begin>2009-03-31T10:07:59.180+02:00</date-begin>   <date-end>3000-01-01T01:00:00.537+01:00</date-end>   </quota></report-quotas>";

            QuotaInfo r = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <QuotaInfo>(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(qi.QuotaList.First().AclId, r.QuotaList.First().AclId);
            Assert.AreEqual(qi.QuotaList.First().DateBegin, r.QuotaList.First().DateBegin);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information about currently logged in user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <see cref="UserInfo" />
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <UserInfoStatus> GetUserInfo()
            ApiStatus s = await this.ProcessApiRequest("common-info", null);

            var userInfoStatus = Helpers.WrapBaseStatusInfo <UserInfoStatus>(s);

            if (s.Code != StatusCodes.OK || s.ResultDocument == null)

                var userInfo = XmlSerializerHelpersGeneric.FromXML <UserInfo>(s.ResultDocument.Descendants("user").FirstOrDefault().CreateReader());
                userInfoStatus.Result = userInfo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex.InnerException;