public static int LoadCount() { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode node; XmlNodeReader reader; doc.Load("Emails.xml"); node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Count"); reader = new XmlNodeReader(node); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "I": { string s = (string)reader.ReadString(); return((int)Convert.ToInt64(s)); break; } } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Loading of emails.xml has failed!!!"); } return(0); }
public void NodeReaderReadStringWithEmptyXml() { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); var nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlDoc); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { nodeReader.ResolveEntity(); }); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, nodeReader.ReadString()); }
public virtual NvdlValidatorGenerator CreateGenerator(NvdlValidate validate, string schemaType, NvdlConfig config) { this.validate = validate; this.schema_type = schemaType; this.config = config; XmlReader schema = null; // FIXME: we need a bit more strict check. if (schemaType.Length < 5 || !schemaType.EndsWith("xml") || Char.IsLetter(schemaType, schemaType.Length - 4)) { return(null); } string schemaUri = validate.SchemaUri; XmlElement schemaBody = validate.SchemaBody; if (schemaUri != null) { if (schemaBody != null) { throw new NvdlCompileException("Both 'schema' attribute and 'schema' element are specified in a 'validate' element.", validate); } schema = GetSchemaXmlStream(schemaUri, config, validate); } else if (validate.SchemaBody != null) { XmlReader r = new XmlNodeReader(schemaBody); r.MoveToContent(); r.Read(); // Skip "schema" element r.MoveToContent(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { schema = r; } else { schema = GetSchemaXmlStream(r.ReadString(), config, validate); } } if (schema == null) { return(null); } return(CreateGenerator(schema, config)); }
public static void Main() { XmlNodeReader reader = null; try { //Create and load the XML document. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<book>" + "<title>Pride And Prejudice</title>" + "<price>19.95</price>" + "<misc/>" + "</book>"); //Load the XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(doc); //Parse the XML and display the text content of each of the elements. while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.IsStartElement()) { if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}/>", reader.Name); } else { Console.Write("<{0}> ", reader.Name); reader.Read(); //Read the start tag. if (reader.IsStartElement()) //Handle nested elements. { Console.Write("\r\n<{0}>", reader.Name); } Console.WriteLine(reader.ReadString()); //Read the text content of the element. } } } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }
public void NodeReaderReadStringWithEntityXml() { string fst = "<!ENTITY fst 'Sample String'>]>"; string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root[<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>" + fst; string xml = dtd + "<root>&fst;</root>"; XmlNodeReader nodeReader = NodeReaderTestHelper.CreateNodeReader(xml); Assert.True(nodeReader.Read()); //DTD Read Assert.True(nodeReader.Read()); //Root Element Read Assert.Equal("root", nodeReader.Name); Assert.True(nodeReader.Read()); //EntityReference Read Assert.Equal(ReadState.Interactive, nodeReader.ReadState); Assert.Equal(XmlNodeType.EntityReference, nodeReader.NodeType); nodeReader.ResolveEntity(); Assert.True(nodeReader.CanResolveEntity); Assert.Equal("Sample String", nodeReader.ReadString()); }
PmlElement ReadNodes(XmlNodeReader node, PmlElement data, string path = "", string elementName = "") { while (node.Read()) { if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { string type = node.GetAttribute("type"); // Directory element if ((type ?? string.Empty).Equals("dir", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ReadNodes(node, data, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? string.Empty : (path + "/")) + node.Name, node.Name); } // Link element else if ((type ?? string.Empty).Equals("link", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string linkPath = node.GetAttribute("path"); PmlElement linkedElement; if (!_loadedElements.TryGetValue(linkPath, out linkedElement)) { linkedElement = Load(linkPath); } data.Add((path + "/" + node.Name).ToLower(), linkedElement.GetStringValue(node.GetAttribute("data"))); } // Common data element else { data.Add((path + "/" + node.Name).ToLower(), node.ReadString()); } } else if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (node.Name.Equals(elementName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } } } return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 执行Procedure /// </summary> /// <param name="commandText">Procedure名称</param> /// <param name="parameters">参数列表</param> public override void ExecuteProcedure(string commandText, ref ArrayList parameters) { OpenConnection(); using (SqlCommand command = (SqlCommand)this.Connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = commandText; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; object[] parameterValues = new object[parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { SqlParameter para = new SqlParameter(); para.ParameterName = ((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Name; para.SqlDbType = CSharpType2SqlType(((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Type); if (((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Length != 0) { para.Size = ((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Length; } else { para.Size = 100; } if (((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Direction != DirectionType.Input) { para.Direction = (ParameterDirection)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ParameterDirection), System.Enum.GetName(typeof(DirectionType), ((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Direction)); } else { para.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; } para.Value = ((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Value; parameterValues[i] = para; command.Parameters.Add(para); } if (this.Transaction != null) { command.Transaction = (SqlTransaction)this.Transaction; } #if DEBUG DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; string sqlText = this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues); #endif try { //2006/09/12 新增 读取配置文件Log日志文件 XmlDocument xmldoc = null; XmlNodeReader xr = null; try { string constr = ""; if (!this.AllowSQLLog && this.SQLLogConnectString == String.Empty) { xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.Load(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "\\dblog.xml"); xr = new XmlNodeReader(xmldoc); while (xr.Read()) { if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "BS") { this.AllowSQLLog = (xr.ReadString() == "false" ? false : true); } if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "Constr") { this.SQLLogConnectString = xr.ReadString(); } } } if (this.AllowSQLLog && this.SQLLogConnectString != String.Empty) { //Laws Lu,2007/04/03 Log executing user //db.dblog1(constr,this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText,parameterValues); //db.dblog1(this.SQLLogConnectString, this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues), this.ExecuteUser); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.Message); } finally { if (xr != null) { xr.Close(); } if (xmldoc != null) { xmldoc.Clone(); } } command.ExecuteNonQuery(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Direction != DirectionType.Input) { ((ProcedureParameter)parameters[i]).Value = ((SqlParameter)parameterValues[i]).Value; } } #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif } catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException e) { //Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif if (e.ErrorCode == -2147217873) { //ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$ERROR_DATA_ALREADY_EXIST", e); ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } else { ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } } catch (Exception e) { //Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } finally { //Laws Lu,2006/12/20 修改如果自动关闭为True并且不在Transaction中时才会自动关闭Connection if (this.Transaction == null && AutoCloseConnection == true) { CloseConnection(); } } } }
public override void Execute(string commandText, string[] parameters, Type[] parameterTypes, object[] parameterValues) { OpenConnection(); using (OracleCommand command = (OracleCommand)this.Connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = this.changeParameterPerfix(commandText); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { if (parameterValues[i].ToString() == string.Empty) { parameterValues[i] = DBNull.Value; } command.Parameters.Add(parameters[i], CSharpType2OracleType(parameterTypes[i])).Value = parameterValues[i]; // command.CommandText = ChangeParameterPerfix(command.CommandText, parameters[i]); } if (this.Transaction != null) { // command.Transaction = (OracleTransaction)this.Transaction; } DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(); try { //2006/09/12 新增 读取配置文件Log日志文件 XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); string constr = ""; xmldoc.Load(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "\\dblog.xml"); XmlNodeReader xr = new XmlNodeReader(xmldoc); while (xr.Read()) { if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "BS") { ProgramBool = xr.ReadString(); } if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "Constr") { constr = xr.ReadString(); } } if (ProgramBool == "true") { db.dblog1(constr, this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); } command.ExecuteNonQuery(); //修改 在Debug模式下不允许Log日志文件 #if DEBUG dtStart = DateTime.Now; Log.Info("************StartDateTime:" + dtStart.ToString() + "," + dtStart.Millisecond); Log.Info(" Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #endif #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = dtEnd - dtStart; Log.Info("************EndDateTime:" + dtEnd.ToString() + "," + dtEnd.Millisecond + "*********" + "Cost: " + ts.Seconds + ":" + ts.Milliseconds); #endif } catch (Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException e) { //added by @20130311 Log.Error(e.StackTrace); //end added Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = dtEnd - dtStart; Log.Info("************EndDateTime:" + dtEnd.ToString() + "," + dtEnd.Millisecond + "*********" + "Cost: " + ts.Seconds + ":" + ts.Milliseconds); #endif } catch (Exception e) { //added by @20130311 Log.Error(e.StackTrace); //end added Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = dtEnd - dtStart; Log.Info("************EndDateTime:" + dtEnd.ToString() + "," + dtEnd.Millisecond + "*********" + "Cost: " + ts.Seconds + ":" + ts.Milliseconds); #endif ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } finally { if (this.Transaction == null) { CloseConnection(); } } } }
protected bool SetValue(string name, XmlNodeReader reader, ref bool hasAlreadyMoveToNext) { hasAlreadyMoveToNext = false; if (name == null || name.Length < 1) { return(false); } try { PropertyInfo pi = this.GetType().GetProperty(name); Type type = pi.PropertyType; if (XObjectHelper.IsXObjectType(type)) { object theproperty = this.GetType().InvokeMember(name, /*BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |*/ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, this, new object[] { }); if (theproperty == null && reader.IsEmptyElement == false) { theproperty = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName); this.GetType().InvokeMember(name, /*BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |*/ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, this, new object[] { theproperty }); } if (theproperty != null) { XObjectHelper.XBaseType.InvokeMember("InnerLoad", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, theproperty, new object[] { reader, name }); return(true); } } if (XObjectHelper.IsXObjectCollectionType(type)) { object thecollection = this.GetType().InvokeMember(name, /*BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |*/ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, this, new object[] { }); if (thecollection == null && reader.IsEmptyElement == false) { thecollection = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName); this.GetType().InvokeMember(name, /*BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |*/ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, this, new object[] { thecollection }); } if (thecollection != null) { XObjectHelper.XBaseType.InvokeMember("InnerLoad", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, thecollection, new object[] { reader, name }); return(true); } } if (type == typeof(string)) { object[] olist = pi.GetCustomAttributes(XObjectHelper.XRawXmlStringAttributeType, false); if (olist != null && olist.Length > 0) { XRawXmlStringAttribute a = olist[0] as XRawXmlStringAttribute; if (a != null && a.EnableRawXmlString) { string rawXmlString = reader.ReadInnerXml(); hasAlreadyMoveToNext = true; return(SetValueEx(name, rawXmlString)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(" + name + ") " + e.ToString()); XObjectManager.NotifyException(this, e); return(false); } return(SetValueEx(name, reader.ReadString())); }
public static void On_Load() { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode node; XmlNodeReader reader; doc.Load("Emails.xml"); int count = (int)LoadCount(); ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Account" + i.ToString()); reader = new XmlNodeReader(node); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "Name": { string s = (string)reader.ReadString(); keys.Add(s); break; } } } } ArrayList vals = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Email" + i.ToString()); reader = new XmlNodeReader(node); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "E": { string s = (string)reader.ReadString(); vals.Add(s); break; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { string key = (string)keys[i]; string val = (string)vals[i]; Emails.Add(key, val); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Loading of emails.xml has failed!!!"); } }
public override RetornoTransmitir LerRetorno(FrgNFSe nota, XmlDocument xmlResposta) { var sucesso = false; var cancelamento = false; var numeroNF = ""; var numeroRPS = ""; DateTime?dataEmissaoRPS = null; var situacaoRPS = ""; var codigoVerificacao = ""; var protocolo = ""; long numeroLote = nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.FNumeroLote; var descricaoProcesso = ""; var descricaoErro = ""; var area = EnumAreaLeitura.Nenhum; var codigoErroOuAlerta = ""; var _EnumRespostaRPS = EnumRespostaRPS.Nenhum; var linkImpressaoAux = string.Empty; var numNF = nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.FNumeroLote.ToString(); using (XmlReader x = new XmlNodeReader(xmlResposta)) { while (x.Read()) { if (x.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && area != EnumAreaLeitura.Erro) { switch (_EnumRespostaRPS) { case EnumRespostaRPS.Nenhum: #region "EnumRespostaRPS" { switch (x.Name.ToString().ToLower()) { case "retorno": // Consultar RPS _EnumRespostaRPS = EnumRespostaRPS.ConsultarNfseRpsResposta; break; } break; } #endregion "EnumRespostaRPS" case EnumRespostaRPS.EnviarLoteRpsResposta: { switch (x.Name.ToString().ToLower()) { case "protocolo": protocolo = x.ReadString(); sucesso = true; break; case "listamensagemretorno": case "mensagemretorno": area = EnumAreaLeitura.Erro; break; } break; } case EnumRespostaRPS.ConsultarNfseRpsResposta: { switch (x.Name.ToString().ToLower()) { case "codigo": if (x.ReadString().ToLower().Contains("sucesso")) { sucesso = true; } else { area = EnumAreaLeitura.Erro; } break; case "numero_nfse": if (numeroNF.Equals("")) { numeroNF = x.ReadString(); } else if (numeroRPS.Equals("")) { numeroRPS = x.ReadString(); //long.TryParse(numeroRPS, out numeroLote); } break; case "data_nfse": DateTime emissao; DateTime.TryParse(x.ReadString(), out emissao); dataEmissaoRPS = emissao; break; case "situacao_codigo_nfse": if (x.ReadString().Equals("2")) { sucesso = true; situacaoRPS = "C"; } break; case "datahoracancelamento": if (cancelamento) { sucesso = true; situacaoRPS = "C"; } break; case "cod_verificador_autenticidade": codigoVerificacao = x.ReadString(); break; case "link_nfse": linkImpressaoAux = x.ReadString(); break; case "listamensagemretorno": case "mensagemretorno": area = EnumAreaLeitura.Erro; break; } break; } case EnumRespostaRPS.CancelarNfseResposta: { switch (x.Name.ToString().ToLower()) { case "cancelamento": cancelamento = true; break; case "datahoracancelamento": if (cancelamento) { sucesso = true; situacaoRPS = "C"; } break; case "numero": if (numeroNF.Equals("")) { numeroNF = x.ReadString(); } else if (numeroRPS.Equals("")) { numeroRPS = x.ReadString(); //long.TryParse(numeroRPS, out numeroLote); } break; case "listamensagemretorno": case "mensagemretorno": area = EnumAreaLeitura.Erro; break; } break; } } } #region Erro if (area == EnumAreaLeitura.Erro) { if (x.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && x.Name == "codigo") { codigoErroOuAlerta = x.ReadString(); } else if (x.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && x.Name == "mensagem") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descricaoErro)) { descricaoErro = string.Concat("[", codigoErroOuAlerta, "] ", x.ReadString()); codigoErroOuAlerta = ""; } else { descricaoErro = string.Concat(descricaoErro, "\n", "[", codigoErroOuAlerta, "] ", x.ReadString()); codigoErroOuAlerta = ""; } } else if (x.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && x.Name == "correcao") { var correcao = x.ReadString().ToString().Trim() ?? ""; if (correcao != "") { descricaoErro = string.Concat(descricaoErro, " ( Sugestão: " + correcao + " ) "); } } } #endregion Erro } x.Close(); } var dhRecbto = ""; var error = ""; var success = ""; if (dataEmissaoRPS != null && dataEmissaoRPS.Value != null) { nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.DataEmissaoRps = dataEmissaoRPS.Value; nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.DataEmissao = dataEmissaoRPS.Value; dhRecbto = dataEmissaoRPS.Value.ToString(); } var xMotivo = descricaoErro != "" ? string.Concat(descricaoProcesso, "[", descricaoErro, "]") : descricaoProcesso; if ((sucesso && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(numeroNF)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numNF) && Generico.MesmaNota(numeroNF, numNF) && situacaoRPS != "")) { sucesso = true; success = "Sucesso"; } else { var msgRetornoAux = xMotivo; if ((msgRetornoAux.Contains("O numero do lote do contribuinte informado, já existe.") || msgRetornoAux.Contains("O número do lote do contribuinte informado, já existe.")) && msgRetornoAux.Contains("Protocolo:")) { var protocoloAux = msgRetornoAux.Substring(msgRetornoAux.LastIndexOf("Protocolo: ") + 10); protocoloAux = Generico.RetornarApenasNumeros(protocoloAux); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(protocoloAux)) { protocolo = protocoloAux; xMotivo = String.Empty; } } error = xMotivo; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xMotivo)) { if (protocolo != "") { error = "Não foi possível finalizar a transmissão. Aguarde alguns minutos e execute um consulta para finalizar a operação. Protocolo gerado: " + protocolo.ToString().Trim(); } else { error = "Não foi possível finalizar a transmissão. Tente novamente mais tarde ou execute uma consulta."; } } } var cStat = ""; var xml = ""; if (sucesso && situacaoRPS != "C") { cStat = "100"; nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.FStatus = EnumNFSeRPSStatus.srNormal; xMotivo = "NFSe Normal"; } else if (sucesso && situacaoRPS == "C") { cStat = "101"; nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.FStatus = EnumNFSeRPSStatus.srCancelado; xMotivo = "NFSe Cancelada"; } //if (cStat == "100" || cStat == "101") //{ //var xmlRetorno = nota.MontarXmlRetorno(nota, numeroNF, protocolo); xml = xmlResposta.OuterXml; //} return(new RetornoTransmitir(error, success) { chave = numeroNF != "" && numeroNF != "0" ? GerarChaveNFSe(nota.Documento.TDFe.TPrestador.FIdentificacaoPrestador.FEmitIBGEUF, nota.Documento.TDFe.Tide.DataEmissaoRps, nota.Documento.TDFe.TPrestador.FCnpj, numeroNF, 56) : "", cStat = cStat, xMotivo = xMotivo, numero = numeroNF, nProt = protocolo, xml = xml, digVal = codigoVerificacao, NumeroLote = numeroLote, NumeroRPS = numeroRPS, DataEmissaoRPS = dataEmissaoRPS, dhRecbto = dhRecbto, CodigoRetornoPref = codigoErroOuAlerta, LinkImpressao = linkImpressaoAux }); }
//从Xml Element(association)得到相应 Association private Association GetAssociation(XmlNodeReader node) { int dep = node.Depth; Association a = new Association(); //取得关联名 string associationName = node.GetAttribute("name").Trim(); if (associationName == null || associationName == "") { throw new PlException("Association定义错误:关联未设置 name!"); } while (node.Read() && node.Depth > dep) { //若该Node是Element类型 if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { string elementName = node.Name; switch (elementName) { case "fromClass": a.FromClass = node.ReadString().Trim(); //未找到名为:FromClass的类的Map信息 if (classMaps[a.FromClass] == null) { string err = "关联" + associationName + "的FromClass:" + a.FromClass + "未找到Map信息!"; throw new PlException(err); } break; case "toClass": a.ToClass = node.ReadString().Trim(); //未找到名为:ToClass的类的Map信息 if (classMaps[a.ToClass] == null) { string err = "关联" + associationName + "的ToClass:" + a.ToClass + "未找到Map信息!"; throw new PlException(err); } break; case "cardinality": string t = node.ReadString().Trim(); if (t == "oneToMany") { a.Cardinality = CardinalityTypes.OneToMany; } else { if (t == "oneToOne") { a.Cardinality = CardinalityTypes.OneToOne; } else { throw new PlException(associationName + "中不能识别的Cardinality定义!"); } } break; case "target": a.Target = node.ReadString().Trim(); break; case "retrieveAutomatic": if (node.ReadString().Trim() == "true") { a.RetrieveAutomatic = true; } break; case "deleteAutomatic": if (node.ReadString().Trim() == "true") { a.DeleteAutomatic = true; } break; case "saveAutomatic": if (node.ReadString().Trim() == "true") { a.SaveAutomatic = true; } break; case "fromAttribute": a.FromAttribute = node.ReadString().Trim(); break; case "toAttribute": a.ToAttribute = node.ReadString().Trim(); break; default: throw new PlException("associationName" + "中不能识别定义:" + elementName); } } } if (a.Cardinality == CardinalityTypes.None) { throw new PlException(associationName + "关联中cardinality属性未设置!"); } return(a); }
/// <summary> /// 执行SQL语句,并返回影响行数 /// </summary> /// <param name="commandText">SQL语句</param> /// <param name="parameters">参数名称列表</param> /// <param name="parameterTypes">参数类型列表</param> /// <param name="parameterValues">参数值列表</param> /// <returns>影响行数</returns> public override int ExecuteWithReturn(string commandText, string[] parameters, Type[] parameterTypes, object[] parameterValues) { int iReturn = 0; OpenConnection(); using (OleDbCommand command = (OleDbCommand)this.Connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = this.changeParameterPerfix(commandText); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { command.Parameters.Add(parameters[i], CSharpType2OleDbType(parameterTypes[i])).Value = parameterValues[i]; // command.CommandText = ChangeParameterPerfix(command.CommandText, parameters[i]); } if (this.Transaction != null) { command.Transaction = (OleDbTransaction)this.Transaction; } #if DEBUG DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; string sqlText = this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues); #endif try { //2006/09/12 新增 读取配置文件Log日志文件 XmlDocument xmldoc = null; XmlNodeReader xr = null; try { string constr = ""; if (!this.AllowSQLLog && this.SQLLogConnectString == String.Empty) { xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.Load(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "\\dblog.xml"); xr = new XmlNodeReader(xmldoc); while (xr.Read()) { if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "BS") { this.AllowSQLLog = (xr.ReadString() == "false" ? false : true); } if (xr.GetAttribute("name") == "Constr") { constr = xr.ReadString(); } } } if (this.AllowSQLLog && this.SQLLogConnectString != String.Empty) { //Laws Lu,2007/04/03 Log executing user //db.dblog1(constr,this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText,parameterValues); db.dblog1(this.SQLLogConnectString, this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues), this.ExecuteUser); } } catch (Exception ex) { //added by @20130311 Log.Error(ex.StackTrace); //end added Log.Error(ex.Message); } finally { if (xr != null) { xr.Close(); } if (xmldoc != null) { xmldoc.Clone(); } } iReturn = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif } catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException e) { //added by @20130311 Log.Error(e.StackTrace); //end added Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif if (e.ErrorCode == -2147217873) { //ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$ERROR_DATA_ALREADY_EXIST", e); ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } else { ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } } catch (Exception e) { //added by @20130311 Log.Error(e.StackTrace); //end added Log.Error(e.Message + " Parameter SQL:" + this.spellCommandText(command.CommandText, parameterValues)); #if DEBUG DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; RecordLog("Execute SQL", sqlText, dtStart, dtEnd); #endif ExceptionManager.Raise(this.GetType(), "$Error_Command_Execute", e); } finally { //Laws Lu,2006/12/20 修改如果自动关闭为True并且不在Transaction中时才会自动关闭Connection if (this.Transaction == null && AutoCloseConnection == true) { //CloseConnection(); } } return(iReturn); } }