Example #1
 public void Parse(XmlNodeEx node, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     segmentDuration    = (uint)(node.GetAttributeFloat("segmentDuration") * 1000);
     fragmentDuration   = (uint)(node.GetAttributeFloat("fragmentDuration") * 1000);
     maxForwardFetches  = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("maxForwardFetches");
     maxBackwardFetches = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("maxBackwardFetches");
Example #2
        public void Parse(XmlNodeEx node, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
            id  = node.GetAttributeStr("id", F4MUtils.GLOBAL_ELEMENT_ID);
            url = node.GetAttributeStr("url");
            url = URL.getAbsoluteUrl(baseURL, url);

            int majorVersion = F4MUtils.getVersion(node).Major;

            if (majorVersion <= 1)
                beginOffset    = System.Math.Max(0, node.GetAttributeInt("beginOffset"));
                endOffset      = System.Math.Max(0, node.GetAttributeInt("endOffset"));
                windowDuration = -1;
            else     // F4M 2.0
                windowDuration = node.GetAttributeInt("windowDuration");
                if (windowDuration == 0)
                    windowDuration = -1;

            offline = node.GetAttributeBoolean("offline");
Example #3
 public void Parse(XmlNodeEx node, string rootURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     id             = idPrefix + node.GetAttributeStr("id", F4MUtils.GLOBAL_ELEMENT_ID);
     type           = node.GetAttributeStr("type"); // SHALL be “spliceOut”
     time           = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("time");
     duration       = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("duration");
     programId      = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("programId");
     availNum       = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("availNum");
     availsExpected = (uint)node.GetAttributeInt("availsExpected");
Example #4
        public void Parse(XmlNodeEx nodeDRM, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
            id = idPrefix + nodeDRM.GetAttributeStr("id", F4MUtils.GLOBAL_ELEMENT_ID);

            url = nodeDRM.GetAttributeStr("url");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                // DRM Metadata - we may make this load on demand in the future.
                url = URL.getAbsoluteUrl(baseURL, url);
                data = nodeDRM.GetOwnData();
Example #5
 public BestEffortFetchInfo(XmlNodeEx node, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     Parse(node, baseURL, idPrefix);
Example #6
 public Cue(XmlNodeEx node, string rootURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     Parse(node, rootURL, idPrefix);
Example #7
        private void GetManifestAndSelectMedia(string manifestUrl, int nestedBitrate = 0, int level = 0)
            if (level > MAX_LEVEL_NESTED_MANIFESTS)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Maximum nesting level reached of multi-level manifests.");

            XmlNodeEx xmlManifest = LoadXml(manifestUrl);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl))
                baseUrl = URL.ExtractBaseUrl(manifestUrl);

            // parse the manifest
            manifest = new Manifest(xmlManifest, baseUrl, "", nestedBitrate);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.baseURL))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not found <c:Magenta>baseURL</c> value in manifest or in parameter <c:White>--urlbase</c>.");

            if (manifest.media.Count < 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No media entry found in the manifest");

            Program.DebugLog("Manifest entries:\n");
            Program.DebugLog(String.Format(" {0,-8}{1}", "Bitrate", "URL"));

            // TEST for alternate selection
            if (testalt)

            // Quality selection
            selectedMedia = QualitySelectionForMedia(manifest.media, ref avaliableBitrates, level < 1);

            // Quality selection for alternative media
            selectedMediaAlt = QualitySelectionForMedia(manifest.alternativeMedia, ref avaliableAlt, level < 1, true);

            if (selectedMedia == null)
                selectedMedia = manifest.media[0];

            // check for multi-level manifest
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedMedia.href))
                string nestedManifestUrl = URL.getAbsoluteUrl(manifest.baseURL, selectedMedia.href);
                baseUrl       = URL.ExtractBaseUrl(nestedManifestUrl);
                nestedBitrate = selectedMedia.bitrate;
                selectedMedia = null;
                GetManifestAndSelectMedia(nestedManifestUrl, nestedBitrate, level + 1);

            string sQuality = selectedMedia.bitrate.ToString();
            int    n        = Math.Max(0, avaliableBitrates.IndexOf(sQuality));

            avaliableBitrates = avaliableBitrates.Replace(" " + sQuality + " ", " <c:Cyan>" + sQuality + "</c> ");
            Program.Message("Quality Selection:");
            Program.Message("Available:" + avaliableBitrates);
            Program.Message("Selected : <c:Cyan>" + sQuality.PadLeft(n + sQuality.Length - 1));
            if (manifest.alternativeMedia.Count > 0)
                Program.Message("Alternatives:" + avaliableAlt);
                if (selectedMediaAlt != null)
                    string label = selectedMediaAlt.label;
                    n            = avaliableAlt.IndexOf(label);
                    avaliableAlt = avaliableAlt.Replace(" " + label + " ", " <c:Cyan>" + label + "</c> ");
                    Program.Message("Selected    : <c:Cyan>" + label.PadLeft(n + label.Length - 1));
                    // get bootstrap for media from manifest by id
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedMediaAlt.bootstrapInfo?.id) && (selectedMediaAlt.bootstrapInfo.data == null))
                        selectedMediaAlt.bootstrapInfo = manifest.bootstrapInfos.Find(i => i.id == selectedMediaAlt.bootstrapInfo.id);

            // get bootstrap for media from manifest by id
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedMedia.bootstrapInfo?.id) && (selectedMedia.bootstrapInfo.data == null))
                selectedMedia.bootstrapInfo = manifest.bootstrapInfos.Find(i => i.id == selectedMedia.bootstrapInfo.id);

            if (selectedMedia.bootstrapInfo == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No bootstrapInfo for selected media entry");

            if (!Program.fproxy)
                HTTP.notUseProxy = true;

            // Use embedded auth information when available
            int idx = selectedMedia.url.IndexOf('?');

            if (idx > 0)
                auth = selectedMedia.url.Substring(idx);
                selectedMedia.url = selectedMedia.url.Substring(0, idx);

            if (selectedMedia.metadata != null)
                FLVFile.onMetaData = new FLVTagScriptBody(selectedMedia.metadata);

            selectedMedia.AfterUpdateBootstrap += Media_AfterUpdateBootstrap;


            if (selectedMedia.Bootstrap.live)
                Program.Message("<c:Magenta>[Live stream]");

            if (selectedMediaAlt == selectedMedia)
                selectedMediaAlt = null;

            if (selectedMediaAlt != null)
                selectedMediaAlt.alternate = true;
                // Use embedded auth information when available
                idx = selectedMediaAlt.url.IndexOf('?');
                if (idx > 0)
                    auth = selectedMediaAlt.url.Substring(idx);
                    selectedMediaAlt.url = selectedMediaAlt.url.Substring(0, idx);
                selectedMediaAlt.AfterUpdateBootstrap += Media_AfterUpdateBootstrap;

Example #8
 // Constructor
 public DVRInfo(XmlNodeEx node, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     Parse(node, baseURL, idPrefix);
Example #9
 public DRMAdditionalHeader(XmlNodeEx node, string baseURL = "", string idPrefix = "")
     Parse(node, baseURL, idPrefix);
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Encodes the specified text into an XML format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The text to decode.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns decoded value.</returns>
 public static string Encode(string text)
     return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? EncodeNullValue : XmlNodeEx.XmlTextEncode(text));