Example #1
        private void OpChange(int i, int j, XmlDiffOperation changeOp, int cost)
            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "*");
            _forestDist[i, j]._editScript = new EditScriptChange(i, j, changeOp, _forestDist[i - 1, j - 1]._editScript.GetClosedScript(i - 1, j - 1));
            _forestDist[i, j]._cost       = cost;
Example #2
// Constructor
        internal DiffgramChangeNode(XmlDiffNode sourceNode, XmlDiffNode targetNode, XmlDiffOperation op, ulong operationID)
            : base(operationID)
            Debug.Assert(sourceNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(targetNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(XmlDiff.IsChangeOperation(op) || op == XmlDiffOperation.ChangeAttr);

            _sourceNode = sourceNode;
            _targetNode = targetNode;
            _op         = op;
Example #3
 internal EditScriptChange(
     int sourceIndex,
     int targetIndex,
     XmlDiffOperation changeOp,
     EditScript next)
     : base(next)
     this._sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
     this._targetIndex = targetIndex;
     this._changeOp    = changeOp;
Example #4
// Constructor
        internal EditScriptChange(int sourceIndex, int targetIndex, XmlDiffOperation changeOp, EditScript next)
            : base(next)
            Debug.Assert(sourceIndex > 0);
            Debug.Assert(targetIndex > 0);

            _sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
            _targetIndex = targetIndex;
            _changeOp    = changeOp;
Example #5
 internal DiffgramChangeNode(
     XmlDiffNode sourceNode,
     XmlDiffNode targetNode,
     XmlDiffOperation op,
     ulong operationID)
     : base(operationID)
     this._sourceNode = sourceNode;
     this._targetNode = targetNode;
     this._op         = op;
Example #6
        private void ComputeTreeDistance(int sourcePos, int targetPos)
            int sourcePosLeft = _sourceNodes[sourcePos].Left;
            int targetPosLeft = _targetNodes[targetPos].Left;
            int i, j;

            // init borders of _forestDist array
            EditScriptAddOpened    esAdd    = new EditScriptAddOpened(targetPosLeft, EmptyEditScript);
            EditScriptRemoveOpened esRemove = new EditScriptRemoveOpened(sourcePosLeft, EmptyEditScript);

            _forestDist[sourcePosLeft - 1, targetPosLeft - 1]._cost       = 0;
            _forestDist[sourcePosLeft - 1, targetPosLeft - 1]._editScript = EmptyEditScript;

            for (i = sourcePosLeft; i <= sourcePos; i++)
                _forestDist[i, targetPosLeft - 1]._cost       = (i - sourcePosLeft + 1) * OperationCost[(int)XmlDiffOperation.Remove];
                _forestDist[i, targetPosLeft - 1]._editScript = esRemove;
            for (j = targetPosLeft; j <= targetPos; j++)
                _forestDist[sourcePosLeft - 1, j]._cost       = (j - targetPosLeft + 1) * OperationCost[(int)XmlDiffOperation.Add];
                _forestDist[sourcePosLeft - 1, j]._editScript = esAdd;

            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "\nForest distance (" + sourcePos + "," + targetPos + "):\n");
            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "       0    ");
            for (j = targetPosLeft; j <= targetPos; j++)
                Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, j + "    ");
            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "\n   ");
            for (j = targetPosLeft - 1; j <= targetPos; j++)
                Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "*****");
            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "\n0  *   0   ");
            for (j = targetPosLeft; j <= targetPos; j++)
                Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "-" + _forestDist[sourcePosLeft - 1, j]._cost + "   ");
            Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "\n");

            // compute the inside of _forestDist array
            for (i = sourcePosLeft; i <= sourcePos; i++)
                Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, i + "  *  |" + _forestDist[i, targetPosLeft - 1]._cost + "   ");

                for (j = targetPosLeft; j <= targetPos; j++)
                    int sourceCurLeft = _sourceNodes[i].Left;
                    int targetCurLeft = _targetNodes[j].Left;

                    int removeCost = _forestDist[i - 1, j]._cost + OperationCost[(int)XmlDiffOperation.Remove];
                    int addCost    = _forestDist[i, j - 1]._cost + OperationCost[(int)XmlDiffOperation.Add];

                    if (sourceCurLeft == sourcePosLeft && targetCurLeft == targetPosLeft)
                        XmlDiffOperation changeOp = _sourceNodes[i].GetDiffOperation(_targetNodes[j], _xmlDiff);

                        Debug.Assert(XmlDiff.IsChangeOperation(changeOp) ||
                                     changeOp == XmlDiffOperation.Match ||
                                     changeOp == XmlDiffOperation.Undefined);

                        if (changeOp == XmlDiffOperation.Match)
                            // identical nodes matched
                            OpNodesMatch(i, j);
                            int changeCost = _forestDist[i - 1, j - 1]._cost + OperationCost[(int)changeOp];

                            if (changeCost < addCost)
                                // operation 'change'
                                if (changeCost < removeCost)
                                    OpChange(i, j, changeOp, changeCost);
                                // operation 'remove'
                                    OpRemove(i, j, removeCost);
                                // operation 'add'
                                if (addCost < removeCost)
                                    OpAdd(i, j, addCost);
                                // operation 'remove'
                                    OpRemove(i, j, removeCost);

                        _treeDist[i, j]._cost       = _forestDist[i, j]._cost;
                        _treeDist[i, j]._editScript = _forestDist[i, j]._editScript.GetClosedScript(i, j);;
                        int m = sourceCurLeft - 1;
                        int n = targetCurLeft - 1;

                        if (m < sourcePosLeft - 1)
                            m = sourcePosLeft - 1;
                        if (n < targetPosLeft - 1)
                            n = targetPosLeft - 1;

                        // cost of concatenating of the two edit scripts
                        int compoundEditCost = _forestDist[m, n]._cost + _treeDist[i, j]._cost;

                        if (compoundEditCost < addCost)
                            if (compoundEditCost < removeCost)
                                // copy script
                                if (_treeDist[i, j]._editScript == EmptyEditScript)
                                    Debug.Assert(_treeDist[i, j]._cost == 0);
                                    OpCopyScript(i, j, m, n);
                                // concatenate scripts
                                    OpConcatScripts(i, j, m, n);
                            // operation 'remove'
                                OpRemove(i, j, removeCost);
                            // operation 'add'
                            if (addCost < removeCost)
                                OpAdd(i, j, addCost);
                            // operation 'remove'
                                OpRemove(i, j, removeCost);
                    Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, _forestDist[i, j]._cost + "   ");
                Trace.WriteIf(XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "\n");
 private void OpChange( int i, int j, XmlDiffOperation changeOp, int cost )
     #if DEBUG
     Trace.WriteIf( XmlDiff.T_ForestDistance.Enabled, "*" );
     _forestDist[ i, j ]._editScript = new EditScriptChange( i, j, changeOp, _forestDist[ i-1, j-1 ]._editScript.GetClosedScript( i-1, j-1 ) );
     _forestDist[ i, j ]._cost = cost;
Example #8
 static internal bool IsChangeOperationOnAttributesOnly( XmlDiffOperation op )
     return (int)op >= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr1 &&
            (int)op <= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr3;
Example #9
// Static methods
    static internal bool IsChangeOperation( XmlDiffOperation op )
        return ( (int)op >= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName ) &&
               ( (int)op <= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeDTD );
Example #10
 internal static bool IsChangeOperationOnAttributesOnly(XmlDiffOperation op)
     return(op >= XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr1 && op <= XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr3);
Example #11
 internal static bool IsChangeOperation(XmlDiffOperation op)
     return(op >= XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName && op <= XmlDiffOperation.ChangeDTD);
        private void WalkTreeOnChangeNode( DiffgramParentOperation diffParent, XmlDiffNode sourceNode, XmlDiffNode targetNode, XmlDiffOperation op )
            Debug.Assert( sourceNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Element && targetNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Element );

            DiffgramChangeNode changeOp = new DiffgramChangeNode( sourceNode, targetNode, op, 0 );
            if ( sourceNode.HasChildNodes || targetNode.HasChildNodes ) {
            WalkTreeGenerateDiffgramMatch( changeOp, (XmlDiffParentNode) sourceNode, (XmlDiffParentNode) targetNode );
            diffParent.InsertAtEnd( changeOp );
        private void WalkTreeOnChangeElement( DiffgramParentOperation diffParent, XmlDiffElement sourceElement, XmlDiffElement targetElement, XmlDiffOperation op )
            DiffgramParentOperation diffOp;

            if ( XmlDiff.IsChangeOperationOnAttributesOnly( op ) ) {
            diffOp = new DiffgramPosition( sourceElement );
            ulong opid = 0;
            if ( !_xmlDiff.IgnoreNamespaces && sourceElement.LocalName == targetElement.LocalName)
                opid = GetNamespaceChangeOpid( sourceElement.NamespaceURI, sourceElement.Prefix,
                                               targetElement.NamespaceURI, targetElement.Prefix );

            Debug.Assert( (int)op >= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName &&
                          (int)op <= (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr3 );

            diffOp = new DiffgramChangeNode( sourceElement, targetElement, XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName, opid );

            GenerateChangeDiffgramForAttributes( diffOp, sourceElement, targetElement );

            if ( sourceElement.HasChildNodes || targetElement.HasChildNodes ) {
            WalkTreeGenerateDiffgramMatch( diffOp, sourceElement, targetElement );

            diffParent.InsertAtEnd( diffOp );
        // Constructor
        internal DiffgramChangeNode( XmlDiffNode sourceNode, XmlDiffNode targetNode, XmlDiffOperation op, ulong operationID )
            : base(operationID)
            Debug.Assert( sourceNode != null );
            Debug.Assert( targetNode != null );
            Debug.Assert( XmlDiff.IsChangeOperation( op ) || op == XmlDiffOperation.ChangeAttr);

            _sourceNode = sourceNode;
            _targetNode = targetNode;
            _op = op;
// Constructor
    internal EditScriptChange( int sourceIndex, int targetIndex, XmlDiffOperation changeOp, EditScript next )
        : base( next )
        Debug.Assert( sourceIndex > 0 );
        Debug.Assert( targetIndex > 0 );
        Debug.Assert( XmlDiff.IsChangeOperation( changeOp) );

        _sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
        _targetIndex = targetIndex;
        _changeOp = changeOp;
 private void OpChange(int i, int j, XmlDiffOperation changeOp, int cost)
     this._forestDist[i, j]._editScript = new EditScriptChange(i, j, changeOp, this._forestDist[i - 1, j - 1]._editScript.GetClosedScript(i - 1, j - 1));
     this._forestDist[i, j]._cost       = cost;