internal static bool IsProcessingInstructionName(string name) { if (name == null) { return(false); } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position >= nameLength) { return(false); } if (position < nameLength && !xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar(name[position])) { return(false); } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(name[position])) { position++; } while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position < nameLength) { return(false); } if (nameLength == 3 && (name[0] == CharX || name[0] == Charx) && (name[1] == CharM || name[1] == Charm) && (name[2] == CharL || name[2] == Charl) ) { return(false); } return(true); }
internal static bool IsProcessingInstructionName(string name) { if (name == null) { return(false); } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position >= nameLength) { return(false); } int len = ValidateNames.ParseNCName(name, position); if (len == 0) { return(false); } position += len; while (position < nameLength && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position < nameLength) { return(false); } if (nameLength == 3 && (name[0] == CharX || name[0] == Charx) && (name[1] == CharM || name[1] == Charm) && (name[2] == CharL || name[2] == Charl) ) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void SkipSpace() { while (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(curChar)) { NextChar(); } }
private string Normalize(XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator) { string str1; if (argList.Count > 0) { str1 = argList[0].Evaluate(nodeIterator).ToString(); } else { str1 = nodeIterator.Current.Value; } str1 = XmlConvertEx.TrimString(str1); int count = 0; StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); bool FirstSpace = true; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (count < str1.Length) { if (!xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(str1[count])) { FirstSpace = true; str2.Append(str1[count]); } else if (FirstSpace) { FirstSpace = false; str2.Append(' '); } count++; } return(str2.ToString()); }
private void SkipSpace() { while (_xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(this.CurrentChar) && NextChar()) { ; } }
void SkipSpace() { while (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(this.CurerntChar) && NextChar()) { ; } }
private void SkipSpace() { if (XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(CurrentChar)) { SkipKnownSpace(); } }
private string Normalize(XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator) { string str; if (this.argList.Count > 0) { str = this.argList[0].Evaluate(nodeIterator).ToString(); } else { str = nodeIterator.Current.Value; } str = XmlConvert.TrimString(str); int num = 0; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); bool flag = true; XmlCharType instance = XmlCharType.Instance; while (num < str.Length) { if (!instance.IsWhiteSpace(str[num])) { flag = true; builder.Append(str[num]); } else if (flag) { flag = false; builder.Append(' '); } num++; } return(builder.ToString()); }
private void SkipKnownSpace() { Debug.Assert(XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(CurrentChar)); while (NextChar() && XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(CurrentChar)) { ; } }
private static unsafe void Decode(char *pChars, char *pCharsEndPos, byte *pBytes, byte *pBytesEndPos, ref bool hasHalfByteCached, ref byte cachedHalfByte, out int charsDecoded, out int bytesDecoded) { #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(pCharsEndPos - pChars >= 0); Debug.Assert(pBytesEndPos - pBytes >= 0); #endif char * pChar = pChars; byte * pByte = pBytes; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (pChar < pCharsEndPos && pByte < pBytesEndPos) { byte halfByte; char ch = *pChar++; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { halfByte = (byte)(ch - 'a' + 10); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { halfByte = (byte)(ch - 'A' + 10); } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { halfByte = (byte)(ch - '0'); } else if (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) { continue; } else { throw new XmlException(SR.Xml_InvalidBinHexValue, new string(pChars, 0, (int)(pCharsEndPos - pChars))); } if (hasHalfByteCached) { *pByte++ = (byte)((cachedHalfByte << 4) + halfByte); hasHalfByteCached = false; } else { cachedHalfByte = halfByte; hasHalfByteCached = true; } } bytesDecoded = (int)(pByte - pBytes); charsDecoded = (int)(pChar - pChars); }
private static string AppendLineInfoMessage(string message, ISourceLineInfo?lineInfo) { if (lineInfo != null) { string fileName = SourceLineInfo.GetFileName(lineInfo.Uri !); string lineInfoMessage = CreateMessage(SR.Xml_ErrorFilePosition, fileName, lineInfo.Start.Line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), lineInfo.Start.Pos.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (lineInfoMessage != null && lineInfoMessage.Length > 0) { if (message.Length > 0 && !XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(message[message.Length - 1])) { message += " "; } message += lineInfoMessage; } } return(message); }
internal static bool IsProcessingInstructionName(string?name) { if (name == null) { return(false); } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; while (position < nameLength && XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position >= nameLength) { return(false); } int len = ValidateNames.ParseNCName(name, position); if (len == 0) { return(false); } position += len; while (position < nameLength && XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(name[position])) { position++; } if (position < nameLength) { return(false); } if (nameLength == 3 && name.StartsWith("xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private string Normalize(XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator) { string value; if (_argList.Count > 0) { value = _argList[0].Evaluate(nodeIterator).ToString() !; } else { Debug.Assert(nodeIterator.Current != null); value = nodeIterator.Current.Value; } int modifyPos = -1; char[] chars = value.ToCharArray(); bool firstSpace = false; // Start false to trim the beginning XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; for (int comparePos = 0; comparePos < chars.Length; comparePos++) { if (!xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(chars[comparePos])) { firstSpace = true; modifyPos++; chars[modifyPos] = chars[comparePos]; } else if (firstSpace) { firstSpace = false; modifyPos++; chars[modifyPos] = ' '; } } // Trim end if (modifyPos > -1 && chars[modifyPos] == ' ') { modifyPos--; } return(new string(chars, 0, modifyPos + 1)); }
// Replaces \r\n, \n, \r and \t with single space (0x20) and then removes spaces // at the beggining and and the end of the string and replaces sequences of spaces // with a single space. public static string NonCDataNormalize(string value) { int len = value.Length; if (len <= 0) { return(string.Empty); } int startPos = 0; StringBuilder norValue = null; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[startPos])) { startPos++; if (startPos == len) { return(" "); } } int i = startPos; while (i < len) { if (!xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[i])) { i++; continue; } int j = i + 1; while (j < len && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[j])) { j++; } if (j == len) { if (norValue == null) { return(value.Substring(startPos, i - startPos)); } else { norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); return(norValue.ToString()); } } if (j > i + 1 || value[i] != 0x20) { if (norValue == null) { norValue = new StringBuilder(len); } norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); norValue.Append((char)0x20); startPos = j; i = j; } else { i++; } } if (norValue != null) { if (startPos < i) { norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); } return(norValue.ToString()); } else { if (startPos > 0) { return(value.Substring(startPos, len - startPos)); } else { return(value); } } }
// This method trims whitespaces from the beginnig and the end of the string and cached writer events internal void Trim() { // if only one string value -> trim the write spaces directly if (_singleStringValue != null) { _singleStringValue = XmlConvert.TrimString(_singleStringValue); return; } // trim the string in StringBuilder string valBefore = _stringValue.ToString(); string valAfter = XmlConvert.TrimString(valBefore); if (valBefore != valAfter) { _stringValue = new StringBuilder(valAfter); } // trim the beginning of the recorded writer events XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; int i = _firstItem; while (i == _firstItem && i <= _lastItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _firstItem++; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvert.TrimStringStart((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); int endIndex = bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count; while (bufChunk.index < endIndex && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index])) { bufChunk.index++; bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.index == endIndex) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; } i++; } // trim the end of the recorded writer events i = _lastItem; while (i == _lastItem && i >= _firstItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _lastItem--; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvert.TrimStringEnd((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); while (bufChunk.count > 0 && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count - 1])) { bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.count == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; } i--; } }
private unsafe void Decode(char *pChars, char *pCharsEndPos, byte *pBytes, byte *pBytesEndPos, out int charsDecoded, out int bytesDecoded) { #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(pCharsEndPos - pChars >= 0); Debug.Assert(pBytesEndPos - pBytes >= 0); #endif // walk hex digits pairing them up and shoving the value of each pair into a byte byte * pByte = pBytes; char * pChar = pChars; int b = _bits; int bFilled = _bitsFilled; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; while (pChar < pCharsEndPos && pByte < pBytesEndPos) { char ch = *pChar; // end? if (ch == '=') { break; } pChar++; // ignore white space if (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) { continue; } int digit; if (ch > 122 || (digit = s_mapBase64[ch]) == Invalid) { throw new XmlException(SR.Xml_InvalidBase64Value, new string(pChars, 0, (int)(pCharsEndPos - pChars))); } b = (b << 6) | digit; bFilled += 6; if (bFilled >= 8) { // get top eight valid bits *pByte++ = (byte)((b >> (bFilled - 8)) & 0xFF); bFilled -= 8; if (pByte == pBytesEndPos) { goto Return; } } } if (pChar < pCharsEndPos && *pChar == '=') { bFilled = 0; // ignore padding chars do { pChar++; } while (pChar < pCharsEndPos && *pChar == '='); // ignore whitespace after the padding chars if (pChar < pCharsEndPos) { do { if (!xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(*pChar++)) { throw new XmlException(SR.Xml_InvalidBase64Value, new string(pChars, 0, (int)(pCharsEndPos - pChars))); } } while (pChar < pCharsEndPos); } } Return: _bits = b; _bitsFilled = bFilled; bytesDecoded = (int)(pByte - pBytes); charsDecoded = (int)(pChar - pChars); }
void SkipSpace() { while (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(curChar) && NextChar()) { } }
public static string NormalizeSpace(string value) { XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; StringBuilder sb = null; int idx, idxStart = 0, idxSpace = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < value.Length; idx++) { if (xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[idx])) { if (idx == idxStart) { // Previous character was a whitespace character, so discard this character idxStart++; } else if (value[idx] != ' ' || idxSpace == idx) { // Space was previous character or this is a non-space character if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length); } else { sb.Append(' '); } // Copy non-space characters into string builder if (idxSpace == idx) { sb.Append(value, idxStart, idx - idxStart - 1); } else { sb.Append(value, idxStart, idx - idxStart); } idxStart = idx + 1; } else { // Single whitespace character doesn't cause normalization, but mark its position idxSpace = idx + 1; } } } if (sb == null) { // Check for string that is entirely composed of whitespace if (idxStart == idx) { return(string.Empty); } // If string does not end with a space, then it must already be normalized if (idxStart == 0 && idxSpace != idx) { return(value); } sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length); } else if (idx != idxStart) { sb.Append(' '); } // Copy non-space characters into string builder if (idxSpace == idx) { sb.Append(value, idxStart, idx - idxStart - 1); } else { sb.Append(value, idxStart, idx - idxStart); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public void Write(char[] array, int offset, int count) { if (null == array) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array)); } if (0 > offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset)); } if (0 > count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count)); } if (count > array.Length - offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count)); } if (_cacheAttrValue) { _attrValue.Append(array, offset, count); } int endPos = offset + count; int i = offset; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { int startPos = i; //unsafe //{ while (i < endPos && _xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar(ch = array[i])) { i++; } //} if (startPos < i) { _textWriter.Write(array, startPos, i - startPos); } if (i == endPos) { break; } switch (ch) { case (char)0x9: _textWriter.Write(ch); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if (_inAttribute) { WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } else { _textWriter.Write(ch); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl("lt"); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl("gt"); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl("amp"); break; case '\'': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("apos"); } else { _textWriter.Write('\''); } break; case '"': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("quot"); } else { _textWriter.Write('"'); } break; default: if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < endPos) { WriteSurrogateChar(array[++i], ch); } else { throw new Exception("throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xml_SurrogatePairSplit);"); } } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw new Exception("throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch)"); } else { Debug.Assert((ch < 0x20 && !_xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) || (ch > 0xFFFD)); WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } break; } i++; } }