public static void OutputVS2008(string vs2008Prj, List <VirtualDirection> target) { XmlDocument dst_doc = new XmlDocument(); dst_doc.Load(vs2008Prj); XmlElement dst_root = dst_doc.DocumentElement; Dictionary <string, List <XmlElement> > fileConfigs = new Dictionary <string, List <XmlElement> >(); XmlNodeList fileList = dst_root.GetElementsByTagName("File"); foreach (XmlNode node in fileList) { XmlAttribute attr = node.Attributes["RelativePath"]; string n = attr.ToString(); foreach (XmlNode cn in node.ChildNodes) { if (cn.Name == "FileConfiguration") { if (!fileConfigs.ContainsKey(n)) { fileConfigs[n] = new List <XmlElement>(); } fileConfigs[n].Add(cn as XmlElement); } } } XmlNodeList filesRootList = dst_root.GetElementsByTagName("Files"); XmlNode root = filesRootList[0]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //修改2008 的工程 XmlNodeList virtualNodeList = dst_root.GetElementsByTagName("Filter"); while (virtualNodeList.Count > 0) { XmlNode node = virtualNodeList.Item(0); node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } foreach (VirtualDirection sub in target) { CreateVS2008XmlNode(sub, root, dst_doc, fileConfigs); } dst_doc.Save(vs2008Prj); }
public static void UpdateConfigs() { if (StationID != "Server") // if station ID is not server do this { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); // Store configuration file locations to variables string IPAConfig = IPA.Inst_Dir + @"\Support\configuration.xml"; string DVRConfig = DVR.Inst_Dir + @"\Support\configuration.xml"; string XBCAConfig = XBCA.Inst_Dir + @"\Support\xbox_controller_app_config.xml"; // Update IPA Configuration xml xml.Load(IPAConfig); XmlNode sensor = xml.SelectSingleNode("//Sensor[@id=\"M1\"]/IsLegacy"); sensor.InnerText = "false"; XmlNode identity = xml.SelectSingleNode("//Identity[@Id=\"IdentityConfig\"]/StationId"); identity.InnerText = StationID; XmlNode server = xml.SelectSingleNode("//SA2S_Client[@Id=\"SA2SClientConfig\"]/LocalIp"); server.InnerText = StationIP.ToString(); XmlNode mapPath = xml.SelectSingleNode("//MapPath[@Id=\"MapPathConfig\"]/MapPath"); mapPath.InnerText = @"E:\1.NAVPLAN^E:\1.World_DTED_Lv1^E:\2.NORTHCOM^E:\2_CENTCOM_OIF^E:\2_NORTHCOM_Partial^E:\3_CentCom_OEF^E:\4_JSOTFFVW^E:\4_JSOTFP^E:\6.World_TLM^E:\ForceX_AreaMaps^E:\Nashville Maps"; // Setup IPA video config for the corresponding workstation if (StationID != "OP1") { // Disable video streams one, two and three on the laptop stations XmlNode vidOne = xml.SelectSingleNode("//VideoSettingsCollection/Videos[@Id=\"MTS-A VIC SD DC\"]/IsActive"); vidOne.InnerText = "false"; XmlNode vidTwo = xml.SelectSingleNode("//VideoSettingsCollection/Videos[@Id=\"MX20 VIC SD DC\"]/IsActive"); vidTwo.InnerText = "false"; XmlNode vidThree = xml.SelectSingleNode("//VideoSettingsCollection/Videos[@Id=\"MX20 VIC HD DC\"]/IsActive"); vidThree.InnerText = "false"; } xml.Save(IPAConfig); // Save xml changes to original source file // Update DVR Configuration xml xml.Load(DVRConfig); server = xml.SelectSingleNode("//SA2S_Client[@Id=\"SA2SClientConfig\"]/LocalIp"); server.InnerText = StationIP.ToString(); xml.Save(DVRConfig); // Save xml changes to original source file // Update XBCA Configuration xml xml.Load(XBCAConfig); XmlNode element = xml.SelectSingleNode("//sensor_type"); element.InnerText = "MTS-A (Common)"; xml.Save(XBCAConfig); // Save xml changes to original source file } else // If station ID is the server do this { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); // Store configuration file location to variable string IPASConfig = IPAS.Inst_Dir + @"\Master Configs\IPAS.PRI.config.xml"; xml.Load(IPASConfig); XmlNode node = xml.SelectSingleNode(@"\base_configuration\config_section\base_config_section"); // node = xml.base_configuration.config_sections.base_config_section; // Create new filter node for 200NM filter foreach (XmlElement section in node) { XmlAttribute attr = section.GetAttributeNode("ID"); if (attr.ToString() == "Filters") { // Add a new item to the filters base_config_section XmlElement filterItem = xml.CreateElement("item"); filterItem.SetAttribute("type", "ForceX.Framework.sob.filters.FilterSob, ForceX.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); section.AppendChild(filterItem); // Add a filter node to the section_items node XmlElement filter = xml.CreateElement("filter"); filter.SetAttribute("id", "SCG.VQ1234-200nm"); filterItem.AppendChild(filter); // Add the following nodes to the new filter node XmlElement itemId = xml.CreateElement("ItemId"); XmlNode itemIdText = xml.CreateTextNode("SCG.VQ1234"); itemId.AppendChild(itemIdText); filter.AppendChild(itemId); XmlElement customId = xml.CreateElement("CustomId"); XmlNode customIdText = xml.CreateTextNode("false"); customId.AppendChild(customIdText); filter.AppendChild(customId); XmlElement Caption = xml.CreateElement("Caption"); filter.AppendChild(Caption); XmlElement radiusValue = xml.CreateElement("radiusValue"); XmlNode radiusValueText = xml.CreateTextNode("200"); radiusValue.AppendChild(radiusValueText); filter.AppendChild(radiusValue); XmlElement distanceUnits = xml.CreateElement("distanceUnits"); XmlNode distanceUnitsText = xml.CreateTextNode("NauticalMiles"); distanceUnits.AppendChild(distanceUnitsText); filter.AppendChild(distanceUnits); XmlElement altitudeCeiling = xml.CreateElement("altitudeCeiling"); XmlNode altitudeCeilingText = xml.CreateTextNode("50000"); altitudeCeiling.AppendChild(altitudeCeilingText); filter.AppendChild(altitudeCeiling); XmlElement altitudeFloor = xml.CreateElement("altitudeFloor"); XmlNode altitudeFloorText = xml.CreateTextNode("1000"); altitudeFloor.AppendChild(altitudeFloorText); filter.AppendChild(altitudeFloor); XmlElement sources = xml.CreateElement("sources"); filter.AppendChild(sources); XmlElement Active = xml.CreateElement("Active"); XmlNode ActiveText = xml.CreateTextNode("false"); Active.AppendChild(ActiveText); filter.AppendChild(Active); XmlElement usedOn = xml.CreateElement("usedOn"); filter.AppendChild(usedOn); filterItem.AppendChild(filter); xml.Save(IPASConfig); // Save xml changes to original source file } } } }
private string GetVPNDefaultGateway(string LocalConfigFile) { // Setup a <List> of IP addresses as we dont know how many PPP interfaces the users will have active. List <string> VpnIPAddresses = new List <string>(); int IPaddressCount = 0; //Loop through network interfaces present on the system (both Physical and virtual) foreach (NetworkInterface NetInterface in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { //Test if Interface is a PPP adaptor (VPN Adaptor) if (NetInterface.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Ppp) { foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation ip in NetInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses) { //Test if we have an IPv4 address returned to us if (ip.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { //Add Interface to <List> and increment the count. Console.WriteLine("Found potential IP an address for VPN Tunnel : {0}", ip.Address.ToString()); VpnIPAddresses.Add(ip.Address.ToString()); IPaddressCount++; } } } } Console.WriteLine("Found {0} PPP Interface IP Address(es)...", IPaddressCount.ToString()); if (IPaddressCount < 1) { //No VPN Sessiosn found, we cannot continue. Console.WriteLine("VPN has not been dialed - Please Dial VPN before attempting to set static routes."); return(null); } XmlDocument VpnconfigDoc = new XmlDocument(); VpnconfigDoc.Load(LocalConfigFile); XmlNodeList DefaultGateways = VpnconfigDoc.SelectNodes("/VPN/DefaultGateways/DefaultGateway"); foreach (string VPNIPaddress in VpnIPAddresses) { foreach (XmlNode DefaultGateway in DefaultGateways) { XmlAttribute VpnSubnetLower = DefaultGateway.Attributes["VPNSubnetLower"]; XmlAttribute VpnSubnetUpper = DefaultGateway.Attributes["VPNSubnetUpper"]; XmlAttribute DG = DefaultGateway.Attributes["DefaultGateway"]; XmlAttribute SubnetDescription = DefaultGateway.Attributes["SubnetDescription"]; Console.WriteLine("Checking to see if assigned VPN falls inside the range {0} - {1}", VpnSubnetLower.Value.ToString(), VpnSubnetUpper.Value.ToString()); //Check that the address we have assigned from VPN DHCP server falls in one of the defined subnet ranges - First one wins. IPAddress AssignedVPNAddress = IPAddress.Parse(VPNIPaddress); IPAddress LowerVPNSubnet = IPAddress.Parse(VpnSubnetLower.Value.ToString()); IPAddress UpperVPNSubnet = IPAddress.Parse(VpnSubnetUpper.Value.ToString()); //Cast Lower and upper ends of subnet into Byte-arrays so we can enumerate each Octet-group byte[] lowerAddressBytes = LowerVPNSubnet.GetAddressBytes(); byte[] upperAddressBytes = UpperVPNSubnet.GetAddressBytes(); //Check that we're working with two of the same IP Types (IPv4/IPv6) - If not; there's no point in continuing if (AssignedVPNAddress.AddressFamily != LowerVPNSubnet.AddressFamily) { Console.WriteLine("Assigned VPN address does not fall in same Address Family (IPv4/IPv6)."); return(null); } else { if (TestIPInRange(AssignedVPNAddress, LowerVPNSubnet, UpperVPNSubnet)) { Console.WriteLine("Assigned VPN IP Address falls inside Pre-defined range ({0}) - Setting Default Gateway to {1}", SubnetDescription.ToString(), DG.Value.ToString()); return(DG.Value.ToString()); } } } } //Default Return return(null); }