static void Main(string[] args) { string functionResult = ""; XayaWrapper wrapper = new XayaWrapper(dPath, host_s, gamehostport_s, ref functionResult, CallbackFunctions.initialCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.forwardCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.backwardCallbackResult); Console.WriteLine(functionResult); Console.ReadLine(); wrapper.Connect(dPath, FLAGS_xaya_rpc_url, gamehostport_s, chainType.ToString(), storageType, "mv", dPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\database\\", dPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\glogs\\"); Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ReadLine(); }
// This BackgroundWorker thread is for launching XAYAWrapper private void LaunchWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // Clean up the log files from the last session. This is from glog in libxayagame. string path = dataPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\glogs\\"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dataPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\glogs\\"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } } // Set the URL for libxayagame/XAYAWrapper RPC calls. FLAGS_xaya_rpc_url = ConstructRpcUrl(Properties.Settings.Default.Username, Properties.Settings.Default.Password, Properties.Settings.Default.Host, Properties.Settings.Default.Port); // Get a guaranteed free port. gameHostPort = GetAvailablePort(gameHostPort); // Launch the wrapper in a BackgroundWorker thread. string result = string.Empty; wrapper = new XayaWrapper(dataPath, // The path to the game's executable file. Properties.Settings.Default.Host, // The host, e.g. localhost or gameHostPort.ToString(), // The game host port. Can be any free port. ref result, // An error or success message. CallbackFunctions.initialCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.forwardCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.backwardCallbackResult); // This is a blocking operation, so it must run in it's own thread. result = wrapper.Connect(dataPath, // The path to the game's executable file. FLAGS_xaya_rpc_url, // The URL for RPC calls. gameHostPort.ToString(), // The game host port. Can be any free port. "0", // Which network to use: Mainnet, Testnet, or Regtestnet. "memory", // The storage type: memory, sqlite, or lmdb. "helloworld", // The name of the game in the 'g/' namespace. dataPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\database\\", // Path to the database folder, e.g. SQLite. dataPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\glogs\\"); // Path to glog output folder. }
IEnumerator DaemonAsync() { string functionResult = ""; wrapper = new XayaWrapper(dPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\", MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.host_s, MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.gamehostport_s, ref functionResult, CallbackFunctions.initialCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.forwardCallbackResult, CallbackFunctions.backwardCallbackResult); yield return(Ninja.JumpToUnity); Debug.Log(functionResult); yield return(Ninja.JumpBack); functionResult = wrapper.Connect(FLAGS_xaya_rpc_url, MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.gamehostport_s, MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.chain_s.ToString(), MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.GetStorageString(MoveGUIAndGameController.Instance.storage_s), "mv", dPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\database\\", dPath + "\\..\\XayaStateProcessor\\glogs\\"); yield return(Ninja.JumpToUnity); Debug.Log(functionResult); yield return(Ninja.JumpBack); Debug.Log("Check if fatal?"); CheckIfFatalError(); }