private static void DeserializeArcTo(BinaryReader br, byte firstByte, StreamGeometryContext sc)
            Point          point;
            Size           size = new Size();
            double         rotationAngle;
            bool           isStroked;
            bool           isSmoothJoin;
            bool           isLargeArc;
            SweepDirection sweepDirection;

            DeserializePointAndTwoBools(br, firstByte, out point, out isStroked, out isSmoothJoin);

            // Read the packed byte for isLargeArd & sweepDirection.

            // Pack isLargeArc & sweepDirection into a signle byte.
            byte packedByte = br.ReadByte();

            isLargeArc = ((packedByte & LowNibble) != 0);

            sweepDirection = BoolToSweep(((packedByte & HighNibble) != 0));

            size.Width    = XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br);
            size.Height   = XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br);
            rotationAngle = XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br);

            sc.ArcTo(point, size, rotationAngle, isLargeArc, sweepDirection, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        public override void ArcTo(Point point, Size size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, SweepDirection sweepDirection, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin)
            SerializePointAndTwoBools(ParserGeometryContextOpCodes.ArcTo, point, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);

            // Pack isLargeArc & sweepDirection into a single byte.
            byte packMe = 0;

            if (isLargeArc)
                packMe = LowNibble;

            if (sweepDirection)
            if (SweepToBool(sweepDirection))
                packMe |= HighNibble;


            // Write out Size & Rotation Angle.
            XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, size.Width);
            XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, size.Height);
            XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, rotationAngle);
        /// <summary>
        /// QuadraticBezierTo - append a QuadraticBezierTo to the current figure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Stored as [PointAndTwoBools] [Number] [Number]
        /// </remarks>
        public override void QuadraticBezierTo(Point point1, Point point2, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin)
            SerializePointAndTwoBools(ParserGeometryContextOpCodes.QuadraticBezierTo, point1, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);

            XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, point2.X);
            XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, point2.Y);
 private void SerializeDouble(double value, bool isScaledInt, int scaledIntValue)
     if (isScaledInt)
         XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, value);
 private static Double DeserializeDouble(BinaryReader br, bool isScaledInt)
     if (isScaledInt)
        private static void DeserializeQuadraticBezierTo(BinaryReader br, byte firstByte, StreamGeometryContext sc)
            Point point1;
            Point point2 = new Point();
            bool  isStroked;
            bool  isSmoothJoin;

            DeserializePointAndTwoBools(br, firstByte, out point1, out isStroked, out isSmoothJoin);

            point2.X = XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br);
            point2.Y = XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br);

            sc.QuadraticBezierTo(point1, point2, isStroked, isSmoothJoin);
        // SerializeListOfPointsAndTwoBools
        // Binary format is :
        //  <Byte+OpCode> <Count> <Number1> ... <NumberN>
        //      <Byte+OpCode> := OpCode + bool1 + bool2
        //      <Count> := int32
        //      <NumberN> := <SerializationFloatType.ScaledInteger+Integer> | <SerializationFloatTypeForSpecialNumbers> | <SerializationFloatType.Double+Double>
        private void SerializeListOfPointsAndTwoBools(ParserGeometryContextOpCodes opCode, IList <Point> points, bool bool1, bool bool2)
            // Pack the two bools into one byte
            Byte packedByte = PackByte(opCode, bool1, bool2);


            // Write the count.

            // Write out all the Points
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, points[i].X);
                XamlSerializationHelper.WriteDouble(_bw, points[i].Y);
        // SerializePointAndTwoBools
        // Binary format is :
        //  <Byte+OpCode> <Number1> <Number2>
        //      Where :
        //          <Byte+OpCode> := OpCode + bool1 + bool2 + isScaledIntegerX + isScaledIntegerY
        //          <NumberN> := <ScaledInteger> | <SerializationFloatTypeForSpecialNumbers> | <SerializationFloatType.Double+Double>
        //          <SerializationFloatTypeForSpecialNumbers> := <SerializationFloatType.Zero> | <SerializationFloatType.One> | <SerializationFloatType.MinusOne>
        //          <SerializationFloatType.Double+Double> := <SerializationFloatType.Double> <Double>
        // By packing the flags for isScaledInteger into the first byte - we save 2 extra bytes per number for the common case.
        // As a result - most LineTo's (and other operations) will be stored in 9 bytes.
        //               Some LineTo's will be 6 (or even sometimes 3)
        //               Max LineTo will be 19 (two doubles).
        private void SerializePointAndTwoBools(ParserGeometryContextOpCodes opCode,
                                               Point point,
                                               bool bool1,
                                               bool bool2)
            int  intValueX = 0;
            int  intValueY = 0;
            bool isScaledIntegerX, isScaledIntegerY;

            isScaledIntegerX = XamlSerializationHelper.CanConvertToInteger(point.X, ref intValueX);
            isScaledIntegerY = XamlSerializationHelper.CanConvertToInteger(point.Y, ref intValueY);

            _bw.Write(PackByte(opCode, bool1, bool2, isScaledIntegerX, isScaledIntegerY));

            SerializeDouble(point.X, isScaledIntegerX, intValueX);
            SerializeDouble(point.Y, isScaledIntegerY, intValueY);
Example #9
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework.
        internal static object DeserializeFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            // Get the size.
            uint count = reader.ReadUInt32();

            PointCollection collection = new PointCollection((int)count);

            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Point point = new Point(


Example #10
        private static IList <Point> DeserializeListOfPointsAndTwoBools(BinaryReader br, Byte firstByte, out bool bool1, out bool bool2)
            int           count;
            IList <Point> points;
            Point         point;

            // Pack the two bools into one byte
            UnPackBools(firstByte, out bool1, out bool2);

            count = br.ReadInt32();

            points = new List <Point>(count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                point = new Point(XamlSerializationHelper.ReadDouble(br),


 // Token: 0x06002278 RID: 8824 RVA: 0x000AB5E4 File Offset: 0x000A97E4
 public override bool ConvertStringToCustomBinary(BinaryWriter writer, string stringValue)
     return(XamlSerializationHelper.SerializeVector3D(writer, stringValue));
 /// <summary>
 ///   Convert a string into a compact binary representation and write it out
 ///   to the passed BinaryWriter.
 /// </summary>
 public override bool ConvertStringToCustomBinary(
     BinaryWriter writer,             // Writer into the baml stream
     string stringValue)              // String to convert
     return(XamlSerializationHelper.SerializePoint3D(writer, stringValue));