Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// BASEGRID
        /// Returns a localization hash table.
        /// For each observation point, calculate the gaussian distance to all other points in the model grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exchangeItemId">The exchange ID string</param>
        /// <param name="observationCount">The number of observation points</param>
        /// <param name="locDistance">The localization distance (for Gaussian distance)</param>
        /// <param name="xpos">array of observation X coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="ypos">array of observation Y coordinates</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double[][] GetLocalized2D(string exchangeItemId, int observationCount, double locDistance, double[] xpos, double[] ypos)
            double[][] localized2D = new double[observationCount][];

            var mshe = base.WMEngine;
            // BASEGRID
            int n = mshe.Grid.ElementCount;

            IDictionary <int, ISpatialDefine> modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);

            for (int obsC = 0; obsC < observationCount; obsC++)
                localized2D[obsC] = new double[n];
                IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], 0);
                if (XYZGeometryTools.IsPointInModelPlain(obsPoint, modelCoord, false))
                    for (int i = 0; i < modelCoord.Count; i++)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(obsPoint.Layer) == modelCoord[i].Layer)
                            double distanceC = XYZGeometryTools.CalculatePointToPointDistance2D(modelCoord[i].MidPoint, obsPoint);
                            localized2D[obsC][i] = normalCooefs(distanceC, locDistance);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// For 3D SZ (hydraulic head).
        /// Returns a localization hash table.
        /// For each observation point, calculate the gaussian distance to all other points in the model grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exchangeItemId">The exchange ID string</param>
        /// <param name="observationCount">The number of observation points</param>
        /// <param name="locDistance">The localization distance (for Gaussian distance)</param>
        /// <param name="xpos">array of observation X coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="ypos">array of observation Y coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="layer">array of observation Z heights (layer in the model)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double[][] GetLocalized3DSZ(string exchangeItemId, int observationCount, double locDistance, double[] xpos, double[] ypos, int[] layer)
            double[][] localized2D = new double[observationCount][];

            var mshe = base.WMEngine;

            IDictionary <int, ISpatialDefine> modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);

            // SZGrid
            int n = modelCoord.Count;

            for (int obsC = 0; obsC < observationCount; obsC++)
                // int countNormalizedCheck = 0;

                localized2D[obsC] = new double[n];
                IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], 0);
                if (XYZGeometryTools.IsPointInModelPlain(obsPoint, modelCoord, true))
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        double distanceC = XYZGeometryTools.CalculatePointToPointDistance2D(modelCoord[i].MidPoint,
                        double normalized = normalCooefs(distanceC, locDistance);

                        if (normalized > 0.001)
                            localized2D[obsC][i] = normalized;
                            //countNormalizedCheck = countNormalizedCheck + 1;

                //Console.WriteLine("Number of normalized for observation:{0} is {1}", obsC,countNormalizedCheck);
Example #3
        private void ModelCoordinatesSZ(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions, ref IList <int> modelIndices, int starti, int lasti)
            //IList<int> modelIndexCorrespondingToObss = new List<int>();

            Full3DGrid grid = WMEngine.SzGrid;

            IXYLayerPoint lowerleft  = new XYLayerPoint(grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(0, 0), grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(0, 0), 0);
            IXYLayerPoint upperright = new XYLayerPoint(grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(0, 2), grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(0, 2), 0);

            double dx = upperright.X - lowerleft.X;
            double dy = upperright.Y - lowerleft.Y;

            int nz = WMEngine.SzGrid.NumberOfNodesPerColumn;

            // First vertical from layer 0 to topo, then horizontal grid one by one. speficy the right location(order)  mod by DZ
            int nElements = WMEngine.SzGrid.ElementCount;
            IDictionary <int, ISpatialDefine> modelEntities = new Dictionary <int, ISpatialDefine>(nElements * nz);

            for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i += nz)
                //int zLayer = Convert.ToInt32(i % nz);
                // Points in Polygon are defined as LL, LR, UR, UL  (l/l = lower/left, u = upper, r = right )
                // Finds the mid x and mid y point in the polygon (assuming rectangular grid)
                double LLx = grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(i, 0);
                double LLy = grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(i, 0);
                double URx = LLx + dx;
                double URy = LLy + dy;

                for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++)
                    modelEntities.Add((nz - j - 1) * nElements / nz + i / nz, new SpatialDefine(new XYLayerPoint(LLx, LLy, j), new XYLayerPoint(URx, URy, j), GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ));

            double[] xpos   = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
            double[] ypos   = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
            double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;

            // For each observation index in DFS file
            for (int i = starti; i <= lasti; i++)
                IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[i], ypos[i], Convert.ToInt32(height[i]));

                int modelIdex = XYZGeometryTools.ModelIndexWherePointIsLocated(obsPoint, modelEntities);
                if (modelIdex > 0)

                     * if (!modelIndices.Contains(modelIdex))
                     * {
                     *  modelIndices.Add(modelIdex);
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  throw new Exception("More than one observation for same model index");
                     * }
Example #4
        public double[] getObservedValues(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions)
            String[] keys     = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
            String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
            double[] xpos     = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
            double[] ypos     = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
            double[] height   = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;

            int observationCount = observationDescriptions.ObservationCount;
            int nObs             = quantity.Length; // same as observationCount?

            // The heights should be specified in an array of integers representing the layer. Check if the values are indeed integers or close to integers before converting
            // the array of doubles to an array of integers.
            for (int i = 0; i < height.Length; i++)
                if (double.IsNaN(height[i]))
                    height[i] = 0.0;
            const double tolerance = 1e-5;

            int[] layer = new int[observationCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < observationCount; i++)
                layer[i] = Convert.ToInt32(height[i]);
                if (Math.Abs(layer[i] - height[i]) > tolerance)
                    throw new Exception("The height specified in the observation was not an integer. Observation \n");

            // An array of model values corresponding to the observation points.
            double[] Hx = new double[nObs];

            for (int obsC = 0; obsC < nObs; obsC++)
                // Set exchangeItem that corresponds to EntityID (no conversion yet)
                String exchangeItemId;
                if (quantity[obsC].Equals("Head", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    exchangeItemId = "head elevation in saturated zone,SZ3DGrid";
                else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SoilMoisture", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    exchangeItemId = "water content in unsaturated zone,WMUZ3DGrid";
                else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SurfaceTemperature", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    exchangeItemId = "Surface temperature (effective),BaseGrid";
                else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZVerticalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    exchangeItemId = "SZ vertical conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid";
                else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZHorizontalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    exchangeItemId = "SZ horizontal conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid";
                    throw new Exception("Cannot (yet) handle obversvations of quantity (" + quantity[obsC] + ")");

                IDictionary <int, ISpatialDefine> modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);
                IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], layer[obsC]);

                int modelVariableIndex = XYZGeometryTools.ModelIndexWherePointIsLocated(obsPoint, modelCoord);

                if (modelVariableIndex >= 0)
                    Hx[obsC] = GetModelValue(exchangeItemId, modelVariableIndex);
                    throw new Exception("The observation point was NOT in the model grid! For Point: (" + xpos[obsC].ToString() + "," + ypos[obsC].ToString() + "," + layer[obsC].ToString() + ") \n");