Example #1
        public void TestAddParagraphsToFootnote()
            // Add a run to the first paragraph:

            XWPFParagraph p1 = footnote.CreateParagraph();


            // Create a second paragraph:

            XWPFParagraph p = footnote.CreateParagraph();

            Assert.IsNotNull(p, "Paragraph is null");

            XWPFDocument docIn = XWPFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(docOut);

            XWPFFootnote testFootnote = docIn.GetFootnoteByID(footnoteId);


            Assert.AreEqual(2, testFootnote.GetParagraphs().Count);
            XWPFParagraph testP1 = testFootnote.GetParagraphs()[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(p1Text, testP1.Text);

            XWPFParagraph testP2 = testFootnote.GetParagraphs()[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(p2Text, testP2.Text);

            // The first paragraph added using CreateParagraph() should
            // have the required footnote reference added to the first
            // run.

            // Verify that we have a footnote reference in the first paragraph and not
            // in the second paragraph.

            XWPFRun r1 = testP1.Runs[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(r1.GetCTR().GetFootnoteRefList().Count > 0, "No footnote reference in testP1");
            Assert.IsNotNull(r1.GetCTR().GetFootnoteRefArray(0), "No footnote reference in testP1");

            XWPFRun r2 = testP2.Runs[0];

            Assert.IsNotNull(r2, "Expected a run in testP2");
            Assert.IsTrue(r2.GetCTR().GetFootnoteRefList().Count == 0, "Found a footnote reference in testP2");