protected override string Render()
            dynamic xt = new XTemplate(Layout.IntranetControllerView);

            xt.UserName     = this.Context.Engine.GetSession().User.Description;
            xt.TemplateName = this.Model.ViewMapper.TridionTemplate.Title;

            xt.TemplateTypeName = this.Model.ViewMapper.TridionTemplate is ComponentTemplate
                ? "component template"
                : "page template";

            xt.ErrorMessage             = this.Model.ViewMapper.Success ? "Oops, view not found!" : "Oops, invalid template name!";
            xt.ControllerTypeName       = this.Model.GetType().Name;
            xt.ViewFullTypeName         = this.Model.ViewMapper.ViewFullTypeName;
            xt.ProjectNamespace         = this.Model.ViewMapper.ProjectRootNamespace;
            xt.TemplateNameRegexPattern = this.Model.ViewMapper.TemplateNameRegexPattern;
            xt.Parse(!this.Model.ViewMapper.Success ? "root.invalidTemplateName" : "root.viewNotFound");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Model.ProjectDocumentationUrl))
                xt.ProjectDocumentationUrl = this.Model.ProjectDocumentationUrl;

        protected override string Render()
            // Instantiates a new XTemplate object with a parameter which is the
            // content of the embedded file XTemplateExample1View.html. The content
            // of this file is exposed by the resources file Layout through the property
            // Layout.XTemplateExample1View

            XTemplate xt = new XTemplate(Layout.XTemplateExample1View);

            // Assigns User.Description to variable {UserName}.
            // Assigns DateTime.Now.ToString("D") to variable {CurrentDate}.

            xt.Assign("UserName", this.Model.Session.User.Description);
            xt.Assign("CurrentDate", DateTime.Now.ToString("D"));

            // Parses the "administrator" block, if the current user is Administrator.

            if (this.Model.Session.User.IsSystemAdministrator)
                // Assigns value "God" to variable {Role}.

                xt.Assign("Role", "Root");

                // Block "administrator" is a child block of the "root" block.
                // The "root" block is the most outer block, which is a special
                // block. You don't have to explicitly specify the "root" block
                // in the markup.

                // The given block name for the .Parse() method has to be a fully
                // qualified block name. In this case "root.administrator".


            /* *******************************
            * Calling the .ToString() method without parameter returns the parsed "root" block
            * and is equal to the following two statements:
            * xt.Parse("root");
            * xt.ToString("root");
            * Or the following statement:
            * xt.ToString("root");
            ******************************* */
