public BoundingBox Transform(XMMatrix m)
            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Example #2
        public static XMVector FresnelTerm(XMVector cosIncidentAngle, XMVector refractionIndex)
            Debug.Assert(!XMVector4.IsInfinite(cosIncidentAngle), "Reviewed");

            //// Result = 0.5f * (g - c)^2 / (g + c)^2 * ((c * (g + c) - 1)^2 / (c * (g - c) + 1)^2 + 1) where
            //// c = CosIncidentAngle
            //// g = sqrt(c^2 + RefractionIndex^2 - 1)

            XMVector g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(refractionIndex, refractionIndex, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);

            g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, cosIncidentAngle, g);
            g = g.Abs().Sqrt();

            XMVector s = XMVector.Add(g, cosIncidentAngle);
            XMVector d = XMVector.Subtract(g, cosIncidentAngle);

            XMVector v0 = XMVector.Multiply(d, d);
            XMVector v1 = XMVector.Multiply(s, s).Reciprocal();

            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf, v0);
            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(v0, v1);

            XMVector v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, s, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);
            XMVector v3 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, d, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            v2 = XMVector.Multiply(v2, v2);
            v3 = XMVector.Multiply(v3, v3);
            v3 = v3.Reciprocal();
            v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v2, v3, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            return(XMVector.Multiply(v0, v2).Saturate());
        public BoundingBox Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(rotation), "Reviewed");

            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector vectorScale = XMVector.Replicate(scale);

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Example #4
        public static XMVector Unproject(
            XMVector v,
            float viewportX,
            float viewportY,
            float viewportWidth,
            float viewportHeight,
            float viewportMinZ,
            float viewportMaxZ,
            XMMatrix projection,
            XMMatrix view,
            XMMatrix world)
            XMVector d = XMVector.FromFloat(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            XMVector scale = new XMVector(viewportWidth * 0.5f, -viewportHeight * 0.5f, viewportMaxZ - viewportMinZ, 1.0f);

            scale = scale.Reciprocal();

            XMVector offset = new XMVector(-viewportX, -viewportY, -viewportMinZ, 0.0f);

            offset = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(scale, offset, d);

            XMMatrix transform = XMMatrix.Multiply(world, view);

            transform = XMMatrix.Multiply(transform, projection);
            transform = transform.Inverse();

            XMVector result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v, scale, offset);

            return(XMVector3.TransformCoord(result, transform));
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector boxCenter  = box.Center;
            XMVector boxExtents = box.Extents;

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            XMVector offset = boxCenter - v_center;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], offset);
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(c);

                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Example #6
        public static XMVector Project(
            XMVector v,
            float viewportX,
            float viewportY,
            float viewportWidth,
            float viewportHeight,
            float viewportMinZ,
            float viewportMaxZ,
            XMMatrix projection,
            XMMatrix view,
            XMMatrix world)
            float halfViewportWidth  = viewportWidth * 0.5f;
            float halfViewportHeight = viewportHeight * 0.5f;

            XMVector scale  = new XMVector(halfViewportWidth, -halfViewportHeight, viewportMaxZ - viewportMinZ, 0.0f);
            XMVector offset = new XMVector(viewportX + halfViewportWidth, viewportY + halfViewportHeight, viewportMinZ, 0.0f);

            XMMatrix transform = XMMatrix.Multiply(world, view);

            transform = XMMatrix.Multiply(transform, projection);

            XMVector result = XMVector3.TransformCoord(v, transform);

            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(result, scale, offset);

Example #7
        public static XMVector RotationRollPitchYawFromVector(XMVector angles)
            XMVector sign       = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
            XMVector halfAngles = XMVector.Multiply(angles, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf);

            XMVector sinAngles;
            XMVector cosAngles;

            halfAngles.SinCos(out sinAngles, out cosAngles);

            XMVector p0 = new XMVector(sinAngles.X, cosAngles.X, cosAngles.X, cosAngles.X);
            XMVector y0 = new XMVector(cosAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y);
            XMVector r0 = new XMVector(cosAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z);
            XMVector p1 = new XMVector(cosAngles.X, sinAngles.X, sinAngles.X, sinAngles.X);
            XMVector y1 = new XMVector(sinAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y);
            XMVector r1 = new XMVector(sinAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z);

            XMVector q1 = XMVector.Multiply(p1, sign);
            XMVector q0 = XMVector.Multiply(p0, y0);

            q1 = XMVector.Multiply(q1, y1);
            q0 = XMVector.Multiply(q0, r0);

            return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(q1, r1, q0));
        public static XMVector RefractV(XMVector incident, XMVector normal, XMVector refractionIndex)
            //// Result = RefractionIndex * Incident - Normal * (RefractionIndex * dot(Incident, Normal) +
            //// sqrt(1 - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1 - dot(Incident, Normal) * dot(Incident, Normal))))

            XMVector zero = XMVector.Zero;
            XMVector incidentDotNormal = XMVector4.Dot(incident, normal);

            // R = 1.0f - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1.0f - IDotN * IDotN)
            XMVector r = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(incidentDotNormal, incidentDotNormal, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            r = XMVector.Multiply(r, refractionIndex);
            r = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(r, refractionIndex, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector4.LessOrEqual(r, zero))
                // Total internal reflection
                // R = RefractionIndex * IDotN + sqrt(R)
                r = r.Sqrt();
                r = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(refractionIndex, incidentDotNormal, r);

                // Result = RefractionIndex * Incident - Normal * R
                XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(refractionIndex, incident);
                result = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(normal, r, result);

        public static XMVector TransformNormal(XMVector v, XMMatrix m)
            XMVector y = XMVector.SplatY(v);
            XMVector x = XMVector.SplatX(v);

            XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(y, ((XMVector *)&m)[1]);

            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(x, ((XMVector *)&m)[0], result);

        public static XMVector TransformCoord(XMVector v, XMMatrix m)
            XMVector y = XMVector.SplatY(v);
            XMVector x = XMVector.SplatX(v);

            XMVector result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(y, ((XMVector *)&m)[1], ((XMVector *)&m)[3]);

            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(x, ((XMVector *)&m)[0], result);

            XMVector w = XMVector.SplatW(result);

            return(XMVector.Divide(result, w));
Example #11
        public static XMVector Transform(XMVector v, XMMatrix m)
            XMVector z = XMVector.SplatZ(v);
            XMVector y = XMVector.SplatY(v);
            XMVector x = XMVector.SplatX(v);

            XMVector result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(z, ((XMVector *)&m)[2], ((XMVector *)&m)[3]);

            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(y, ((XMVector *)&m)[1], result);
            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(x, ((XMVector *)&m)[0], result);

Example #12
        public static XMVector SlerpV(XMVector q0, XMVector q1, XMVector t)
            Debug.Assert(t.Y == t.X && t.Z == t.X && t.W == t.X, "Reviewed");

            //// Result = Q0 * sin((1.0 - t) * Omega) / sin(Omega) + Q1 * sin(t * Omega) / sin(Omega)

            XMVector oneMinusEpsilon = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f - 0.00001f, 1.0f - 0.00001f, 1.0f - 0.00001f, 1.0f - 0.00001f);

            XMVector cosOmega = XMQuaternion.Dot(q0, q1);
            XMVector zero     = XMVector.Zero;
            XMVector control  = XMVector.Less(cosOmega, zero);
            XMVector sign     = XMVector.Select(XMGlobalConstants.One, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne, control);

            cosOmega = XMVector.Multiply(cosOmega, sign);
            control  = XMVector.Less(cosOmega, oneMinusEpsilon);

            XMVector sinOmega = XMVector
                                .NegativeMultiplySubtract(cosOmega, cosOmega, XMGlobalConstants.One)

            XMVector omega = XMVector.ATan2(sinOmega, cosOmega);

            XMVector signMask = XMVector.SignMask;
            XMVector v01      = XMVector.ShiftLeft(t, zero, 2);

            signMask = XMVector.ShiftLeft(signMask, zero, 3);
            v01      = XMVector.XorInt(v01, signMask);
            v01      = XMVector.Add(XMGlobalConstants.IdentityR0, v01);

            XMVector invSinOmega = sinOmega.Reciprocal();

            XMVector s0 = XMVector
                          .Multiply(v01, omega)

            s0 = XMVector.Multiply(s0, invSinOmega);
            s0 = XMVector.Select(v01, s0, control);

            XMVector s1 = XMVector.SplatY(s0);

            s0 = XMVector.SplatX(s0);
            s1 = XMVector.Multiply(s1, sign);

            XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(q0, s0);

            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(q1, s1, result);

        public XMFloat3[] GetCorners()
            XMFloat3[] corners = new XMFloat3[BoundingBox.CornerCount];

            // Load the box
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corners[i] = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);

Example #14
        public static XMVector IntersectLine(XMVector p, XMVector linePoint1, XMVector linePoint2)
            XMVector v1 = XMVector3.Dot(p, linePoint1);
            XMVector v2 = XMVector3.Dot(p, linePoint2);
            XMVector d  = XMVector.Subtract(v1, v2);

            XMVector vt = XMPlane.DotCoord(p, linePoint1);

            vt = XMVector.Divide(vt, d);

            XMVector point = XMVector.Subtract(linePoint2, linePoint1);

            point = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(point, vt, linePoint1);

            XMVector control = XMVector.NearEqual(d, XMGlobalConstants.Zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon);

            return(XMVector.Select(point, XMGlobalConstants.QNaN, control));
Example #15
        public static void IntersectPlane(out XMVector linePoint1, out XMVector linePoint2, XMVector p1, XMVector p2)
            XMVector v1       = XMVector3.Cross(p2, p1);
            XMVector lengthSq = XMVector3.LengthSquare(v1);
            XMVector v2       = XMVector3.Cross(p2, v1);
            XMVector p1W      = XMVector.SplatW(p1);
            XMVector point    = XMVector.Multiply(v2, p1W);
            XMVector v3       = XMVector3.Cross(v1, p1);
            XMVector p2W      = XMVector.SplatW(p2);

            point = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v3, p2W, point);

            XMVector lineP1 = XMVector.Divide(point, lengthSq);
            XMVector lineP2 = XMVector.Add(lineP1, v1);

            XMVector control = XMVector.LessOrEqual(lengthSq, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon);

            linePoint1 = XMVector.Select(lineP1, XMGlobalConstants.QNaN, control);
            linePoint2 = XMVector.Select(lineP2, XMGlobalConstants.QNaN, control);
Example #16
        private static XMVector HueToClr(XMVector p, XMVector q, XMVector h)
            XMVector oneSixth  = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f);
            XMVector twoThirds = XMVector.FromFloat(2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f);

            XMVector t = h;

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, XMGlobalConstants.Zero))
                t = XMVector.Add(t, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector3.Greater(t, XMGlobalConstants.One))
                t = XMVector.Subtract(t, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, oneSixth))
                // p + (q - p) * 6 * t
                XMVector t1 = XMVector.Subtract(q, p);
                XMVector t2 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.Six, t);
                return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(t1, t2, p));

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf))

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, twoThirds))
                // p + (q - p) * 6 * (2/3 - t)
                XMVector t1 = XMVector.Subtract(q, p);
                XMVector t2 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.Six, XMVector.Subtract(twoThirds, t));
                return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(t1, t2, p));

        public static XMVector IntersectLine(XMVector line1Point1, XMVector line1Point2, XMVector line2Point1, XMVector line2Point2)
            XMVector v1 = XMVector.Subtract(line1Point2, line1Point1);
            XMVector v2 = XMVector.Subtract(line2Point2, line2Point1);
            XMVector v3 = XMVector.Subtract(line1Point1, line2Point1);

            XMVector c1 = XMVector2.Cross(v1, v2);
            XMVector c2 = XMVector2.Cross(v2, v3);

            XMVector result;
            XMVector zero = XMVector.Zero;

            if (XMVector2.NearEqual(c1, zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                if (XMVector2.NearEqual(c2, zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                    // Coincident
                    result = XMGlobalConstants.Infinity;
                    // Parallel
                    result = XMGlobalConstants.QNaN;
                //// Intersection point = Line1Point1 + V1 * (C2 / C1)

                XMVector scale = c1.Reciprocal();
                scale = XMVector.Multiply(c2, scale);

                result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v1, scale, line1Point1);

        private void Collide()
            // test collisions between objects and frustum
            this.secondarySpheres[0].Collision       = this.primaryFrustum.Contains(this.secondarySpheres[0].Sphere);
            this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[0].Collision = this.primaryFrustum.Contains(this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[0].Box);
            this.secondaryAABoxes[0].Collision       = this.primaryFrustum.Contains(this.secondaryAABoxes[0].Box);
            this.secondaryTriangles[0].Collision     = this.primaryFrustum.Contains(this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointA, this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointB, this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointC);

            // test collisions between objects and aligned box
            this.secondarySpheres[1].Collision       = this.primaryAABox.Contains(this.secondarySpheres[1].Sphere);
            this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[1].Collision = this.primaryAABox.Contains(this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[1].Box);
            this.secondaryAABoxes[1].Collision       = this.primaryAABox.Contains(this.secondaryAABoxes[1].Box);
            this.secondaryTriangles[1].Collision     = this.primaryAABox.Contains(this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointA, this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointB, this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointC);

            // test collisions between objects and oriented box
            this.secondarySpheres[2].Collision       = this.primaryOrientedBox.Contains(this.secondarySpheres[2].Sphere);
            this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[2].Collision = this.primaryOrientedBox.Contains(this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[2].Box);
            this.secondaryAABoxes[2].Collision       = this.primaryOrientedBox.Contains(this.secondaryAABoxes[2].Box);
            this.secondaryTriangles[2].Collision     = this.primaryOrientedBox.Contains(this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointA, this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointB, this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointC);

            // test collisions between objects and ray
            float fDistance = -1.0f;
            float d;

            if (this.secondarySpheres[3].Sphere.Intersects(
                    out d))
                this.secondarySpheres[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                fDistance = d;
                this.secondarySpheres[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Disjoint;

            if (this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[3].Box.Intersects(
                    out d))
                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                fDistance = d;
                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Disjoint;

            if (this.secondaryAABoxes[3].Box.Intersects(
                    out d))
                this.secondaryAABoxes[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                fDistance = d;
                this.secondaryAABoxes[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Disjoint;

            if (TriangleTest.Intersects(
                    out d))
                this.secondaryTriangles[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                fDistance = d;
                this.secondaryTriangles[3].Collision = ContainmentType.Disjoint;

            // If one of the ray intersection tests was successful, fDistance will be positive.
            // If so, compute the intersection location and store it in g_RayHitResultBox.
            if (fDistance > 0)
                // The primary ray's direction is assumed to be normalized.
                XMVector hitLocation = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(

                BoundingBox box = this.rayHitResultBox.Box;
                box.Center = hitLocation;
                this.rayHitResultBox.Box = box;

                this.rayHitResultBox.Collision = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                this.rayHitResultBox.Collision = ContainmentType.Disjoint;