/// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.CatenateArrayItems(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, string, string, bool)"/>
		/// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be catenated.</param>
		/// <param name="schemaNS">
		/// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
		/// the empty string.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="arrayName">
		/// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
		/// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
		/// be a simple string value.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="separator">
		/// The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated
		/// string. Defaults to &quot;; &quot;, ASCII semicolon and space
		/// (U+003B, U+0020).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="quotes">
		/// The characters to be used as quotes around array items that
		/// contain a separator. Defaults to &apos;&quot;&apos;
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="allowCommas">Option flag to control the catenation.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the string containing the catenated array items.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
		public static string CatenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string separator, string quotes, bool allowCommas)
			if (separator == null || separator.Length == 0)
				separator = "; ";
			if (quotes == null || quotes.Length == 0)
				quotes = "\"";
			XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp;
			XMPNode arrayNode = null;
			XMPNode currItem = null;
			// Return an empty result if the array does not exist, 
			// hurl if it isn't the right form.
			XMPPath arrayPath = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNS, arrayName);
			arrayNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), arrayPath, false, null);
			if (arrayNode == null)
				return string.Empty;
				if (!arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArray() || arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArrayAlternate())
					throw new XMPException("Named property must be non-alternate array", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
			// Make sure the separator is OK.
			// Make sure the open and close quotes are a legitimate pair.
			char openQuote = quotes[0];
			char closeQuote = CheckQuotes(quotes, openQuote);
			// Build the result, quoting the array items, adding separators.
			// Hurl if any item isn't simple.
			StringBuilder catinatedString = new StringBuilder();
			for (Iterator it = arrayNode.IterateChildren(); it.HasNext(); )
				currItem = (XMPNode)it.Next();
				if (currItem.GetOptions().IsCompositeProperty())
					throw new XMPException("Array items must be simple", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
				string str = ApplyQuotes(currItem.GetValue(), openQuote, closeQuote, allowCommas);
				if (it.HasNext())
			return catinatedString.ToString();
        public virtual void XxeTestFromString()
            String  metadataToParse = MessageFormatUtil.Format(XMP_WITH_XXE, XXE_FILE_PATH);
            XMPMeta xmpMeta         = XMPMetaParser.Parse(metadataToParse, null);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(EXPECTED_SERIALIZED_XMP, XMPMetaFactory.SerializeToString(xmpMeta, null));
        public virtual void XxeTestFromByteBuffer()
            String  metadataToParse = MessageFormatUtil.Format(XMP_WITH_XXE, XXE_FILE_PATH);
            XMPMeta xmpMeta         = XMPMetaParser.Parse(metadataToParse.GetBytes(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8), null);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(EXPECTED_SERIALIZED_XMP, XMPMetaFactory.SerializeToString(xmpMeta, null));
Example #4
        /// <exception cref="iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void SetXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta)
            SerializeOptions serializeOptions = new SerializeOptions();

            SetXmpMetadata(xmpMeta, serializeOptions);
Example #5
        public virtual void CreatePdfTest()
            String fileName = "xmp_metadata.pdf";
            // step 1
            PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(destinationFolder + "xmp_metadata.pdf"));
            Document    document    = new Document(pdfDocument);
            // step 2
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            XMPMeta xmp = XMPMetaFactory.Create();

            xmp.AppendArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "subject", new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY), "Hello World",
            xmp.AppendArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "subject", new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY), "XMP & Metadata"
                                , null);
            xmp.AppendArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "subject", new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY), "Metadata", null
            // step 4
            document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));
            // step 5
            CompareTool ct = new CompareTool();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(ct.CompareXmp(destinationFolder + fileName, sourceFolder + "cmp_" + fileName
                                                        , true));
Example #6
        /// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.AppendProperties(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, bool, bool)"/>
        /// <param name="source">The source XMP object.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination XMP object.</param>
        /// <param name="doAllProperties">Do internal properties in addition to external properties.</param>
        /// <param name="replaceOldValues">Replace the values of existing properties.</param>
        /// <param name="deleteEmptyValues">Delete destination values if source property is empty.</param>
        /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
        public static void AppendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta destination, bool doAllProperties, bool replaceOldValues, bool deleteEmptyValues)
            XMPMetaImpl src  = (XMPMetaImpl)source;
            XMPMetaImpl dest = (XMPMetaImpl)destination;

            for (Iterator it = src.GetRoot().IterateChildren(); it.HasNext();)
                XMPNode sourceSchema = (XMPNode)it.Next();
                // Make sure we have a destination schema node
                XMPNode destSchema    = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(dest.GetRoot(), sourceSchema.GetName(), false);
                bool    createdSchema = false;
                if (destSchema == null)
                    destSchema = new XMPNode(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceSchema.GetValue(), new PropertyOptions().SetSchemaNode(true));
                    createdSchema = true;
                // Process the source schema's children.
                for (Iterator ic = sourceSchema.IterateChildren(); ic.HasNext();)
                    XMPNode sourceProp = (XMPNode)ic.Next();
                    if (doAllProperties || !Utils.IsInternalProperty(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceProp.GetName()))
                        AppendSubtree(dest, sourceProp, destSchema, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues);
                if (!destSchema.HasChildren() && (createdSchema || deleteEmptyValues))
                    // Don't create an empty schema / remove empty schema.
Example #7
 /// <param name="xmp">Asserts that xmp is compatible to <code>XMPMetaImpl</code>.s</param>
 private static void AssertImplementation(XMPMeta xmp)
     if (!(xmp is XMPMetaImpl))
         throw new NotSupportedException("The serializing service works only" + "with the XMPMeta implementation of this library");
Example #8
 public virtual XMPMeta GetXMPMeta()
     if (_xmpMeta == null)
         _xmpMeta = new XMPMetaImpl();
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 private void ProcessXmpDateTag(XMPMeta meta, XmpDirectory directory, string schemaNS, string propName, int tagType)
     Sharpen.Calendar cal = meta.GetPropertyCalendar(schemaNS, propName);
     if (cal != null)
         directory.SetDate(tagType, cal.GetTime());
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
 /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
 /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property. This is special case code to migrate
 /// that into dc:rights['x-default']. The rules:
 /// <pre>
 /// 1. If there is no dc:rights array, or an empty array -
 /// Create one with dc:rights['x-default'] set from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
 /// 2. If there is a dc:rights array but it has no x-default item -
 /// Create an x-default item as a copy of the first item then apply rule #3.
 /// 3. If there is a dc:rights array with an x-default item,
 /// Look for a double linefeed in the value.
 /// A. If no double linefeed, compare the x-default value to the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// A1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
 /// A2. Otherwise, append a double linefeed and
 /// the xmpDM:copyright value to the x-default value.
 /// B. If there is a double linefeed, compare the trailing text to the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// B1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
 /// B2. Otherwise, replace the trailing x-default text with the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// 4. In all cases, delete the xmpDM:copyright property.
 /// </pre>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xmp">the metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="dmCopyright">the "dm:copyright"-property</param>
 private static void MigrateAudioCopyright(XMPMeta xmp, XMPNode dmCopyright)
         XMPNode dcSchema = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(((XMPMetaImpl)xmp).GetRoot(), XMPConst
                                                        .NS_DC, true);
         String  dmValue       = dmCopyright.GetValue();
         String  doubleLF      = "\n\n";
         XMPNode dcRightsArray = XMPNodeUtils.FindChildNode(dcSchema, "dc:rights", false);
         if (dcRightsArray == null || !dcRightsArray.HasChildren())
             // 1. No dc:rights array, create from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
             dmValue = doubleLF + dmValue;
             xmp.SetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, dmValue, null
             int xdIndex = XMPNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT);
             if (xdIndex < 0)
                 // 2. No x-default item, create from the first item.
                 String firstValue = dcRightsArray.GetChild(1).GetValue();
                 xmp.SetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, firstValue
                                      , null);
                 xdIndex = XMPNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT);
             // 3. Look for a double linefeed in the x-default value.
             XMPNode defaultNode  = dcRightsArray.GetChild(xdIndex);
             String  defaultValue = defaultNode.GetValue();
             int     lfPos        = defaultValue.IndexOf(doubleLF);
             if (lfPos < 0)
                 // 3A. No double LF, compare whole values.
                 if (!dmValue.Equals(defaultValue))
                     // 3A2. Append the xmpDM:copyright to the x-default
                     // item.
                     defaultNode.SetValue(defaultValue + doubleLF + dmValue);
                 // 3B. Has double LF, compare the tail.
                 if (!defaultValue.Substring(lfPos + 2).Equals(dmValue))
                     // 3B2. Replace the x-default tail.
                     defaultNode.SetValue(defaultValue.JSubstring(0, lfPos + 2) + dmValue);
         // 4. Get rid of the xmpDM:copyright.
     catch (XMPException)
Example #11
        // EMPTY
        /// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.CatenateArrayItems(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, string, string, bool)"/>
        /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be catenated.</param>
        /// <param name="schemaNS">
        /// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
        /// the empty string.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="arrayName">
        /// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
        /// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
        /// be a simple string value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="separator">
        /// The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated
        /// string. Defaults to &quot;; &quot;, ASCII semicolon and space
        /// (U+003B, U+0020).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="quotes">
        /// The characters to be used as quotes around array items that
        /// contain a separator. Defaults to &apos;&quot;&apos;
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allowCommas">Option flag to control the catenation.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string containing the catenated array items.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
        public static string CatenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string separator, string quotes, bool allowCommas)
            if (separator == null || separator.Length == 0)
                separator = "; ";
            if (quotes == null || quotes.Length == 0)
                quotes = "\"";
            XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl   = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp;
            XMPNode     arrayNode = null;
            XMPNode     currItem  = null;
            // Return an empty result if the array does not exist,
            // hurl if it isn't the right form.
            XMPPath arrayPath = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNS, arrayName);

            arrayNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), arrayPath, false, null);
            if (arrayNode == null)
                if (!arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArray() || arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArrayAlternate())
                    throw new XMPException("Named property must be non-alternate array", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
            // Make sure the separator is OK.
            // Make sure the open and close quotes are a legitimate pair.
            char openQuote  = quotes[0];
            char closeQuote = CheckQuotes(quotes, openQuote);
            // Build the result, quoting the array items, adding separators.
            // Hurl if any item isn't simple.
            StringBuilder catinatedString = new StringBuilder();

            for (Iterator it = arrayNode.IterateChildren(); it.HasNext();)
                currItem = (XMPNode)it.Next();
                if (currItem.GetOptions().IsCompositeProperty())
                    throw new XMPException("Array items must be simple", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
                string str = ApplyQuotes(currItem.GetValue(), openQuote, closeQuote, allowCommas);
                if (it.HasNext())
Example #12
 internal static void AppendMetadataToInfo(byte[] xmpMetadata, PdfDocumentInfo info)
     if (xmpMetadata != null)
         try {
             XMPMeta     meta  = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromBuffer(xmpMetadata);
             XMPProperty title = meta.GetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Title, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT
             if (title != null)
             String author = FetchArrayIntoString(meta, XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Creator);
             if (author != null)
             // We assume that pdf:keywords has precedence over dc:subject
             XMPProperty keywords = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Keywords);
             if (keywords != null)
                 String keywordsStr = FetchArrayIntoString(meta, XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Subject);
                 if (keywordsStr != null)
             XMPProperty subject = meta.GetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Description, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, XMPConst
             if (subject != null)
             XMPProperty creator = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.CreatorTool);
             if (creator != null)
             XMPProperty producer = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Producer);
             if (producer != null)
                 info.Put(PdfName.Producer, new PdfString(producer.GetValue(), PdfEncodings.UNICODE_BIG));
             XMPProperty trapped = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Trapped);
             if (trapped != null)
                 info.SetTrapped(new PdfName(trapped.GetValue()));
         catch (XMPException) {
Example #13
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 private static void ProcessXmpTags(XmpDirectory directory, XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     // store the XMPMeta object on the directory in case others wish to use it
     // read all the tags and send them to the directory
     // I've added some popular tags, feel free to add more tags
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLensInfo, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLens, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagCameraSerialNumber, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFirmware, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagMake, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagModel, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagExposureTime, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagExposureProgram, FmtInt);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagApertureValue, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFNumber, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFocalLength, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagShutterSpeed, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagDatetimeOriginal);
     ProcessXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagDatetimeDigitized);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagRating, FmtDouble);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLabel, FmtString);
     // this requires further research
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:title", XmpDirectory.TAG_TITLE, FMT_STRING);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagSubject, FmtStringArray);
     // processXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:date", XmpDirectory.TAG_DATE);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:type", XmpDirectory.TAG_TYPE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:description", XmpDirectory.TAG_DESCRIPTION, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:relation", XmpDirectory.TAG_RELATION, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:coverage", XmpDirectory.TAG_COVERAGE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:creator", XmpDirectory.TAG_CREATOR, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:publisher", XmpDirectory.TAG_PUBLISHER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:contributor", XmpDirectory.TAG_CONTRIBUTOR, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:rights", XmpDirectory.TAG_RIGHTS, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:format", XmpDirectory.TAG_FORMAT, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:identifier", XmpDirectory.TAG_IDENTIFIER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:language", XmpDirectory.TAG_LANGUAGE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:audience", XmpDirectory.TAG_AUDIENCE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:provenance", XmpDirectory.TAG_PROVENANCE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:rightsHolder", XmpDirectory.TAG_RIGHTS_HOLDER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:instructionalMethod", XmpDirectory.TAG_INSTRUCTIONAL_METHOD,
     // FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualMethod", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_METHOD, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualPeriodicity", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_PERIODICITY,
     // FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualPolicy", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_POLICY, FMT_STRING);
     for (XMPIterator iterator = xmpMeta.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext();)
         XMPPropertyInfo propInfo = (XMPPropertyInfo)iterator.Next();
         string          path     = propInfo.GetPath();
         string          value    = propInfo.GetValue();
         if (path != null && value != null)
             directory.AddProperty(path, value);
Example #14
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see com.itextpdf.pdfa.PdfADocument#addCustomMetadataExtensions(com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.XMPMeta)
 protected override void AddCustomMetadataExtensions(XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     try {
         AddZugferdRdfDescription(xmpMeta, zugferdConformanceLevel);
     catch (XMPException e) {
         ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Zugferd.ZugferdDocument));
         logger.Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.EXCEPTION_WHILE_UPDATING_XMPMETADATA, e);
Example #15
        private byte[] RemoveAlwaysDifferentEntries(byte[] cmpBytes)
            XMPMeta xmpMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromBuffer(cmpBytes);

            XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.CreateDate, true, true);
            XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.ModifyDate, true, true);
            XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.MetadataDate, true, true);
            XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Producer, true, true);
            cmpBytes = XMPMetaFactory.SerializeToBuffer(xmpMeta, new SerializeOptions(SerializeOptions.SORT));
Example #16
        /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
        private static void ProcessXmpDateTag([NotNull] XMPMeta meta, [NotNull] XmpDirectory directory, int tagType)
            string schemaNS = XmpDirectory._tagSchemaMap.Get(tagType);
            string propName = XmpDirectory._tagPropNameMap.Get(tagType);

            Sharpen.Calendar cal = meta.GetPropertyCalendar(schemaNS, propName);
            if (cal != null)
                directory.SetDate(tagType, cal.GetTime());
Example #17
 public virtual void MetadataReadingInEncryptedDoc()
     PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sourceFolder + "encryptedWithPlainMetadata.pdf", new ReaderProperties().SetPassword
     PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(reader);
     XMPMeta xmpMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromBuffer(doc.GetXmpMetadata());
     XMPProperty creatorToolXmp = xmpMeta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, "CreatorTool");
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("iText 7", creatorToolXmp.GetValue());
        /// <exception cref="iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPException"/>
        private static void AppendArrayItemIfDoesNotExist(XMPMeta meta, String ns, String arrayName, String value)
            int currentCnt = meta.CountArrayItems(ns, arrayName);

            for (int i = 0; i < currentCnt; i++)
                XMPProperty item = meta.GetArrayItem(ns, arrayName, i + 1);
                if (value.Equals(item.GetValue()))
            meta.AppendArrayItem(ns, arrayName, new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ORDERED), value, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of
        /// <see cref="Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata"/>
        /// .
        /// <p/>
        /// The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Extract(string xmpString, Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata metadata)
            XmpDirectory directory = metadata.GetOrCreateDirectory <XmpDirectory>();

                XMPMeta xmpMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromString(xmpString);
                ProcessXmpTags(directory, xmpMeta);
            catch (XMPException e)
                directory.AddError("Error processing XMP data: " + e.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Asserts that the xmp object is of this implemention
 /// (
 /// <see cref="XMPMetaImpl"/>
 /// ).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">the XMP object</param>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">A wrong implentaion is used.</exception>
 public static void AssertImplementation(XMPMeta xmp)
     if (xmp == null)
         throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
         if (!(xmp is XMPMetaImpl))
             throw new XMPException("The XMPMeta-object is not compatible with this implementation", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
Example #21
 protected override void AddCustomMetadataExtensions(XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     if (this.IsTagged())
         try {
             XMPMeta taggedExtensionMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromString(PdfAXMPUtil.PDF_UA_EXTENSION);
             XMPUtils.AppendProperties(taggedExtensionMeta, xmpMeta, true, false);
         catch (XMPException exc) {
             ILogger logger = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Pdfa.PdfADocument));
             logger.Error(LogMessageConstant.EXCEPTION_WHILE_UPDATING_XMPMETADATA, exc);
 /// <summary>
 /// Asserts that the xmp object is of this implemention
 /// (
 /// <see cref="XMPMetaImpl"/>
 /// ).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">the XMP object</param>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">A wrong implentaion is used.</exception>
 public static void AssertImplementation(XMPMeta xmp)
     if (xmp == null)
         throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
         if (!(xmp is XMPMetaImpl))
             throw new XMPException("The XMPMeta-object is not compatible with this implementation", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
Example #23
 protected override void UpdateXmpMetadata()
     try {
         XMPMeta xmpMeta = UpdateDefaultXmpMetadata();
         xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.PART, checker.GetConformanceLevel().GetPart());
         xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.CONFORMANCE, checker.GetConformanceLevel().GetConformance
     catch (XMPException e) {
         ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Pdfa.PdfADocument));
         logger.Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.EXCEPTION_WHILE_UPDATING_XMPMETADATA, e);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of
        /// <see cref="Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata"/>
        /// .
        /// <p>
        /// The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Extract([NotNull] string xmpString, [NotNull] Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata metadata)
            XmpDirectory directory = new XmpDirectory();

                XMPMeta xmpMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromString(xmpString);
                ProcessXmpTags(directory, xmpMeta);
            catch (XMPException e)
                directory.AddError("Error processing XMP data: " + e.Message);
            if (!directory.IsEmpty())
Example #25
 protected override void UpdateXmpMetadata()
     try {
         XMPMeta xmpMeta = UpdateDefaultXmpMetadata();
         xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.PART, checker.GetConformanceLevel().GetPart());
         xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.CONFORMANCE, checker.GetConformanceLevel().GetConformance
         if (this.IsTagged())
             XMPMeta taggedExtensionMeta = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromString(PdfAXMPUtil.PDF_UA_EXTENSION);
             XMPUtils.AppendProperties(taggedExtensionMeta, xmpMeta, true, false);
     catch (XMPException e) {
         ILogger logger = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Pdfa.PdfADocument));
         logger.Error(LogMessageConstant.EXCEPTION_WHILE_UPDATING_XMPMETADATA, e);
Example #26
        /// <summary>Adds the ZUGFeRD RDF description.</summary>
        /// <param name="xmpMeta">the xmp meta</param>
        /// <param name="zugferdConformanceLevel">the zugferd conformance level</param>
        /// <exception cref="iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPException">the XMP exception</exception>
        private void AddZugferdRdfDescription(XMPMeta xmpMeta, ZugferdConformanceLevel zugferdConformanceLevel)
            switch (zugferdConformanceLevel)
            case ZugferdConformanceLevel.ZUGFeRDBasic:
            case ZugferdConformanceLevel.ZUGFeRDComfort:
            case ZugferdConformanceLevel.ZUGFeRDExtended: {
                // fallthrough
                // fallthrough
                XMPMeta taggedExtensionMetaComfort = XMPMetaFactory.ParseFromString(GetZugferdExtension(zugferdConformanceLevel
                XMPUtils.AppendProperties(taggedExtensionMetaComfort, xmpMeta, true, false);

            default: {
Example #27
 public virtual void SetXMPMeta([NotNull] XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     _xmpMeta = xmpMeta;
         int valueCount = 0;
         for (Iterator i = _xmpMeta.Iterator(); i.HasNext();)
             XMPPropertyInfo prop = (XMPPropertyInfo)i.Next();
             if (prop.GetPath() != null)
                 //System.out.printf("%s = %s\n", prop.getPath(), prop.getValue());
         SetInt(TagXmpValueCount, valueCount);
     catch (XMPException)
Example #28
        /// <summary>Serializes the XmpDirectory component of <code>Metadata</code> into an <code>OutputStream</code></summary>
        /// <param name="os">Destination for the xmp data</param>
        /// <param name="data">populated metadata</param>
        /// <returns>serialize success</returns>
        public static bool Write(OutputStream os, Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata data)
            XmpDirectory dir = data.GetFirstDirectoryOfType <XmpDirectory>();

            if (dir == null)
            XMPMeta meta = dir.GetXMPMeta();

                SerializeOptions so = new SerializeOptions().SetOmitPacketWrapper(true);
                XMPMetaFactory.Serialize(meta, os, so);
            catch (XMPException e)
        public static iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfAConformanceLevel GetConformanceLevel(XMPMeta meta)
            XMPProperty conformanceXmpProperty = null;
            XMPProperty partXmpProperty        = null;

            try {
                conformanceXmpProperty = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.CONFORMANCE);
                partXmpProperty        = meta.GetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDFA_ID, XMPConst.PART);
            catch (XMPException) {
            if (conformanceXmpProperty == null || partXmpProperty == null)
                String conformance = conformanceXmpProperty.GetValue();
                String part        = partXmpProperty.GetValue();
                return(GetConformanceLevel(part, conformance));
Example #30
        /// <exception cref="iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPException"/>
        private static String FetchArrayIntoString(XMPMeta meta, String ns, String arrayName)
            int           keywordsCnt = meta.CountArrayItems(ns, arrayName);
            StringBuilder sb          = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < keywordsCnt; i++)
                XMPProperty curKeyword = meta.GetArrayItem(ns, arrayName, i + 1);
                if (sb == null)
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        sb.Append("; ");
            return(sb != null?sb.ToString() : null);
		/// <summary>
		/// see
		/// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.SeparateArrayItems(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, string, Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.PropertyOptions, bool)"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be updated.</param>
		/// <param name="schemaNS">
		/// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
		/// the empty string.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="arrayName">
		/// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
		/// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
		/// be a simple string value.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="catedStr">The string to be separated into the array items.</param>
		/// <param name="arrayOptions">Option flags to control the separation.</param>
		/// <param name="preserveCommas">Flag if commas shall be preserved</param>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
		public static void SeparateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string catedStr, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, bool preserveCommas)
			if (catedStr == null)
				throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
			XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp;
			// Keep a zero value, has special meaning below.
			XMPNode arrayNode = SeparateFindCreateArray(schemaNS, arrayName, arrayOptions, xmpImpl);
			// Extract the item values one at a time, until the whole input string is done.
			string itemValue;
			int itemStart;
			int itemEnd;
			int nextKind = UckNormal;
			int charKind = UckNormal;
			char ch = (char) 0;
			char nextChar = (char) 0;
			itemEnd = 0;
			int endPos = catedStr.Length;
			while (itemEnd < endPos)
				// Skip any leading spaces and separation characters. Always skip commas here.
				// They can be kept when within a value, but not when alone between values.
				for (itemStart = itemEnd; itemStart < endPos; itemStart++)
					ch = catedStr[itemStart];
					charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch);
					if (charKind == UckNormal || charKind == UckQuote)
				if (itemStart >= endPos)
				if (charKind != UckQuote)
					// This is not a quoted value. Scan for the end, create an array
					// item from the substring.
					for (itemEnd = itemStart; itemEnd < endPos; itemEnd++)
						ch = catedStr[itemEnd];
						charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch);
						if (charKind == UckNormal || charKind == UckQuote || (charKind == UckComma && preserveCommas))
							if (charKind != UckSpace)
								if ((itemEnd + 1) < endPos)
									ch = catedStr[itemEnd + 1];
									nextKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch);
									if (nextKind == UckNormal || nextKind == UckQuote || (nextKind == UckComma && preserveCommas))
						// Anything left?
					// Have multiple spaces, or a space followed by a
					// separator.
					itemValue = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(catedStr, itemStart, itemEnd);
					// Accumulate quoted values into a local string, undoubling
					// internal quotes that
					// match the surrounding quotes. Do not undouble "unmatching"
					// quotes.
					char openQuote = ch;
					char closeQuote = GetClosingQuote(openQuote);
					// Skip the opening quote;
					itemValue = string.Empty;
					for (itemEnd = itemStart; itemEnd < endPos; itemEnd++)
						ch = catedStr[itemEnd];
						charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch);
						if (charKind != UckQuote || !IsSurroundingQuote(ch, openQuote, closeQuote))
							// This is not a matching quote, just append it to the
							// item value.
							itemValue += ch;
							// This is a "matching" quote. Is it doubled, or the
							// final closing quote?
							// Tolerate various edge cases like undoubled opening
							// (non-closing) quotes,
							// or end of input.
							if ((itemEnd + 1) < endPos)
								nextChar = catedStr[itemEnd + 1];
								nextKind = ClassifyCharacter(nextChar);
								nextKind = UckSemicolon;
								nextChar = (char)unchecked((int)(0x3B));
							if (ch == nextChar)
								// This is doubled, copy it and skip the double.
								itemValue += ch;
								// Loop will add in charSize.
								if (!IsClosingingQuote(ch, openQuote, closeQuote))
									// This is an undoubled, non-closing quote, copy it.
									itemValue += ch;
									// This is an undoubled closing quote, skip it and
									// exit the loop.
				// Add the separated item to the array. 
				// Keep a matching old value in case it had separators.
				int foundIndex = -1;
				for (int oldChild = 1; oldChild <= arrayNode.GetChildrenLength(); oldChild++)
					if (itemValue.Equals(arrayNode.GetChild(oldChild).GetValue()))
						foundIndex = oldChild;
				XMPNode newItem = null;
				if (foundIndex < 0)
					newItem = new XMPNode(XMPConstConstants.ArrayItemName, itemValue, null);
 /// <summary>Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a string.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a string. <em>Note:</em> Encoding
 /// is ignored when serializing to a string.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xmp">a metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Options to control the serialization (see
 /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.SerializeOptions"/>
 /// ).
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Returns a string containing the serialized RDF.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">on serializsation errors.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static string SerializeToString(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
     return XMPSerializerHelper.SerializeToString((XMPMetaImpl)xmp, options);
		public virtual void SetXMPMeta(XMPMeta xmpMeta)
			_xmpMeta = xmpMeta;
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
		private void ProcessXmpDateTag(XMPMeta meta, XmpDirectory directory, string schemaNS, string propName, int tagType)
			Sharpen.Calendar cal = meta.GetPropertyCalendar(schemaNS, propName);
			if (cal != null)
				directory.SetDate(tagType, cal.GetTime());
Example #35
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 private static void ProcessXmpTags(XmpDirectory directory, XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     // store the XMPMeta object on the directory in case others wish to use it
     // read all the tags and send them to the directory
     // I've added some popular tags, feel free to add more tags
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLensInfo, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLens, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagCameraSerialNumber, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFirmware, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagMake, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagModel, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagExposureTime, FmtString);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagExposureProgram, FmtInt);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagApertureValue, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFNumber, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagFocalLength, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagShutterSpeed, FmtRational);
     ProcessXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagDatetimeOriginal);
     ProcessXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagDatetimeDigitized);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagRating, FmtDouble);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagLabel, FmtString);
     // this requires further research
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:title", XmpDirectory.TAG_TITLE, FMT_STRING);
     ProcessXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, XmpDirectory.TagSubject, FmtStringArray);
     // processXmpDateTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:date", XmpDirectory.TAG_DATE);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:type", XmpDirectory.TAG_TYPE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:description", XmpDirectory.TAG_DESCRIPTION, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:relation", XmpDirectory.TAG_RELATION, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:coverage", XmpDirectory.TAG_COVERAGE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:creator", XmpDirectory.TAG_CREATOR, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:publisher", XmpDirectory.TAG_PUBLISHER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:contributor", XmpDirectory.TAG_CONTRIBUTOR, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:rights", XmpDirectory.TAG_RIGHTS, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:format", XmpDirectory.TAG_FORMAT, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:identifier", XmpDirectory.TAG_IDENTIFIER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:language", XmpDirectory.TAG_LANGUAGE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:audience", XmpDirectory.TAG_AUDIENCE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:provenance", XmpDirectory.TAG_PROVENANCE, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:rightsHolder", XmpDirectory.TAG_RIGHTS_HOLDER, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:instructionalMethod", XmpDirectory.TAG_INSTRUCTIONAL_METHOD,
     // FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualMethod", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_METHOD, FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualPeriodicity", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_PERIODICITY,
     // FMT_STRING);
     // processXmpTag(xmpMeta, directory, Schema.DUBLIN_CORE_SPECIFIC_PROPERTIES, "dc:accrualPolicy", XmpDirectory.TAG_ACCRUAL_POLICY, FMT_STRING);
     for (XMPIterator iterator = xmpMeta.Iterator(); iterator.HasNext(); )
         XMPPropertyInfo propInfo = (XMPPropertyInfo)iterator.Next();
         string path = propInfo.GetPath();
         string value = propInfo.GetValue();
         if (path != null && value != null)
             directory.AddProperty(path, value);
Example #36
 public virtual XMPMeta GetXMPMeta()
     if (_xmpMeta == null)
         _xmpMeta = new XMPMetaImpl();
     return _xmpMeta;
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into an <code>OutputStream</code>
 /// with default options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">a metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="out">an <code>OutputStream</code> to write the serialized RDF to.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">on serializsation errors.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void Serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream @out)
     Serialize(xmp, @out, null);
 /// <summary>Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a byte buffer.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">a metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Options to control the serialization (see
 /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.SerializeOptions"/>
 /// ).
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Returns a byte buffer containing the serialized RDF.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">on serializsation errors.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static sbyte[] SerializeToBuffer(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
     return XMPSerializerHelper.SerializeToBuffer((XMPMetaImpl)xmp, options);
 /// <summary>
 /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
 /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
 /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property. This is special case code to migrate
 /// that into dc:rights['x-default']. The rules:
 /// <pre>
 /// 1. If there is no dc:rights array, or an empty array -
 /// Create one with dc:rights['x-default'] set from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
 /// 2. If there is a dc:rights array but it has no x-default item -
 /// Create an x-default item as a copy of the first item then apply rule #3.
 /// 3. If there is a dc:rights array with an x-default item,
 /// Look for a double linefeed in the value.
 /// A. If no double linefeed, compare the x-default value to the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// A1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
 /// A2. Otherwise, append a double linefeed and
 /// the xmpDM:copyright value to the x-default value.
 /// B. If there is a double linefeed, compare the trailing text to the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// B1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
 /// B2. Otherwise, replace the trailing x-default text with the xmpDM:copyright value.
 /// 4. In all cases, delete the xmpDM:copyright property.
 /// </pre>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xmp">the metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="dmCopyright">the "dm:copyright"-property</param>
 private static void MigrateAudioCopyright(XMPMeta xmp, XMPNode dmCopyright)
         XMPNode dcSchema = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(((XMPMetaImpl)xmp).GetRoot(), XMPConstConstants.NsDc, true);
         string dmValue = dmCopyright.GetValue();
         string doubleLF = "\n\n";
         XMPNode dcRightsArray = XMPNodeUtils.FindChildNode(dcSchema, "dc:rights", false);
         if (dcRightsArray == null || !dcRightsArray.HasChildren())
             // 1. No dc:rights array, create from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
             dmValue = doubleLF + dmValue;
             xmp.SetLocalizedText(XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", string.Empty, XMPConstConstants.XDefault, dmValue, null);
             int xdIndex = XMPNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XMPConstConstants.XDefault);
             if (xdIndex < 0)
                 // 2. No x-default item, create from the first item.
                 string firstValue = dcRightsArray.GetChild(1).GetValue();
                 xmp.SetLocalizedText(XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", string.Empty, XMPConstConstants.XDefault, firstValue, null);
                 xdIndex = XMPNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XMPConstConstants.XDefault);
             // 3. Look for a double linefeed in the x-default value.
             XMPNode defaultNode = dcRightsArray.GetChild(xdIndex);
             string defaultValue = defaultNode.GetValue();
             int lfPos = defaultValue.IndexOf(doubleLF);
             if (lfPos < 0)
                 // 3A. No double LF, compare whole values.
                 if (!dmValue.Equals(defaultValue))
                     // 3A2. Append the xmpDM:copyright to the x-default
                     // item.
                     defaultNode.SetValue(defaultValue + doubleLF + dmValue);
                 // 3B. Has double LF, compare the tail.
                 if (!Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(defaultValue, lfPos + 2).Equals(dmValue))
                     // 3B2. Replace the x-default tail.
                     defaultNode.SetValue(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(defaultValue, 0, lfPos + 2) + dmValue);
         // 4. Get rid of the xmpDM:copyright.
     catch (XMPException)
 /// <summary><p>Append properties from one XMP object to another.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <p>Append properties from one XMP object to another.
 /// <p>XMPUtils#appendProperties was created to support the File Info dialog's Append button, and
 /// has been been generalized somewhat from those specific needs. It appends information from one
 /// XMP object (source) to another (dest). The default operation is to append only external
 /// properties that do not already exist in the destination. The flag
 /// <code>doAllProperties</code> can be used to operate on all properties, external and internal.
 /// The flag <code>replaceOldValues</code> option can be used to replace the values
 /// of existing properties. The notion of external
 /// versus internal applies only to top level properties. The keep-or-replace-old notion applies
 /// within structs and arrays as described below.
 /// <ul>
 /// <li>If <code>replaceOldValues</code> is true then the processing is restricted to the top
 /// level properties. The processed properties from the source (according to
 /// <code>doAllProperties</code>) are propagated to the destination,
 /// replacing any existing values.Properties in the destination that are not in the source
 /// are left alone.
 /// <li>If <code>replaceOldValues</code> is not passed then the processing is more complicated.
 /// Top level properties are added to the destination if they do not already exist.
 /// If they do exist but differ in form (simple/struct/array) then the destination is left alone.
 /// If the forms match, simple properties are left unchanged while structs and arrays are merged.
 /// <li>If <code>deleteEmptyValues</code> is passed then an empty value in the source XMP causes
 /// the corresponding destination XMP property to be deleted. The default is to treat empty
 /// values the same as non-empty values. An empty value is any of a simple empty string, an array
 /// with no items, or a struct with no fields. Qualifiers are ignored.
 /// </ul>
 /// <p>The detailed behavior is defined by the following pseudo-code:
 /// <blockquote>
 /// <pre>
 /// appendProperties ( sourceXMP, destXMP, doAllProperties,
 /// replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues ):
 /// for all source schema (top level namespaces):
 /// for all top level properties in sourceSchema:
 /// if doAllProperties or prop is external:
 /// appendSubtree ( sourceNode, destSchema, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues )
 /// appendSubtree ( sourceNode, destParent, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues ):
 /// if deleteEmptyValues and source value is empty:
 /// delete the corresponding child from destParent
 /// else if sourceNode not in destParent (by name):
 /// copy sourceNode's subtree to destParent
 /// else if replaceOld:
 /// delete subtree from destParent
 /// copy sourceNode's subtree to destParent
 /// else:
 /// // Already exists in dest and not replacing, merge structs and arrays
 /// if sourceNode and destNode forms differ:
 /// return, leave the destNode alone
 /// else if form is a struct:
 /// for each field in sourceNode:
 /// AppendSubtree ( sourceNode.field, destNode, replaceOldValues )
 /// else if form is an alt-text array:
 /// copy new items by "xml:lang" value into the destination
 /// else if form is an array:
 /// copy new items by value into the destination, ignoring order and duplicates
 /// </pre>
 /// </blockquote>
 /// <p><em>Note:</em> appendProperties can be expensive if replaceOldValues is not passed and
 /// the XMP contains large arrays. The array item checking described above is n-squared.
 /// Each source item is checked to see if it already exists in the destination,
 /// without regard to order or duplicates.
 /// <p>Simple items are compared by value and "xml:lang" qualifier, other qualifiers are ignored.
 /// Structs are recursively compared by field names, without regard to field order. Arrays are
 /// compared by recursively comparing all items.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="source">The source XMP object.</param>
 /// <param name="dest">The destination XMP object.</param>
 /// <param name="doAllProperties">Do internal properties in addition to external properties.</param>
 /// <param name="replaceOldValues">Replace the values of existing properties.</param>
 /// <param name="deleteEmptyValues">Delete destination values if source property is empty.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void AppendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta dest, bool doAllProperties, bool replaceOldValues, bool deleteEmptyValues)
     XMPUtilsImpl.AppendProperties(source, dest, doAllProperties, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues);
 /// <summary>Create a single edit string from an array of strings.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be catenated.</param>
 /// <param name="schemaNS">
 /// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
 /// the empty string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="arrayName">
 /// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
 /// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
 /// be a simple string value.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="separator">
 /// The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated
 /// string. Defaults to &quot;; &quot;, ASCII semicolon and space
 /// (U+003B, U+0020).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quotes">
 /// The characters to be used as quotes around array items that
 /// contain a separator. Defaults to &apos;&quot;&apos;
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="allowCommas">Option flag to control the catenation.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the string containing the catenated array items.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static string CatenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string separator, string quotes, bool allowCommas)
     return XMPUtilsImpl.CatenateArrayItems(xmp, schemaNS, arrayName, separator, quotes, allowCommas);
 /// <summary>Remove multiple properties from an XMP object.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Remove multiple properties from an XMP object.
 /// RemoveProperties was created to support the File Info dialog's Delete
 /// button, and has been been generalized somewhat from those specific needs.
 /// It operates in one of three main modes depending on the schemaNS and
 /// propName parameters:
 /// <ul>
 /// <li> Non-empty <code>schemaNS</code> and <code>propName</code> - The named property is
 /// removed if it is an external property, or if the
 /// flag <code>doAllProperties</code> option is true. It does not matter whether the
 /// named property is an actual property or an alias.
 /// <li> Non-empty <code>schemaNS</code> and empty <code>propName</code> - The all external
 /// properties in the named schema are removed. Internal properties are also
 /// removed if the flag <code>doAllProperties</code> option is set. In addition,
 /// aliases from the named schema will be removed if the flag <code>includeAliases</code>
 /// option is set.
 /// <li> Empty <code>schemaNS</code> and empty <code>propName</code> - All external properties in
 /// all schema are removed. Internal properties are also removed if the
 /// flag <code>doAllProperties</code> option is passed. Aliases are implicitly handled
 /// because the associated actuals are internal if the alias is.
 /// </ul>
 /// It is an error to pass an empty <code>schemaNS</code> and non-empty <code>propName</code>.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the properties to be removed.</param>
 /// <param name="schemaNS">
 /// Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be
 /// removed.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="propName">Optional path expression for the property to be removed.</param>
 /// <param name="doAllProperties">
 /// Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in
 /// addition to external properties.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="includeAliases">
 /// Option flag to control the deletion:
 /// Include aliases in the "named schema" case above.
 /// <em>Note:</em> Currently not supported.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void RemoveProperties(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string propName, bool doAllProperties, bool includeAliases)
     XMPUtilsImpl.RemoveProperties(xmp, schemaNS, propName, doAllProperties, includeAliases);
 /// <summary>Separate a single edit string into an array of strings.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="schemaNS">
 /// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
 /// the empty string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="arrayName">
 /// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
 /// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
 /// be a simple string value.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="catedStr">The string to be separated into the array items.</param>
 /// <param name="arrayOptions">Option flags to control the separation.</param>
 /// <param name="preserveCommas">Flag if commas shall be preserved</param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void SeparateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string catedStr, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, bool preserveCommas)
     XMPUtilsImpl.SeparateArrayItems(xmp, schemaNS, arrayName, catedStr, arrayOptions, preserveCommas);
 /// <summary>Alias without the new option <code>deleteEmptyValues</code>.</summary>
 /// <param name="source">The source XMP object.</param>
 /// <param name="dest">The destination XMP object.</param>
 /// <param name="doAllProperties">Do internal properties in addition to external properties.</param>
 /// <param name="replaceOldValues">Replace the values of existing properties.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void AppendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta dest, bool doAllProperties, bool replaceOldValues)
     AppendProperties(source, dest, doAllProperties, replaceOldValues, false);
 /// <summary>Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into an <code>OutputStream</code>.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmp">a metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Options to control the serialization (see
 /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.SerializeOptions"/>
 /// ).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="out">an <code>OutputStream</code> to write the serialized RDF to.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">on serializsation errors.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static void Serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream @out, SerializeOptions options)
     XMPSerializerHelper.Serialize((XMPMetaImpl)xmp, @out, options);
		/// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, bool, bool)"/>
		/// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the properties to be removed.</param>
		/// <param name="schemaNS">
		/// Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be
		/// removed.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="propName">Optional path expression for the property to be removed.</param>
		/// <param name="doAllProperties">
		/// Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in
		/// addition to external properties.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="includeAliases">
		/// Option flag to control the deletion: Include aliases in the
		/// "named schema" case above.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">If metadata processing fails</exception>
		public static void RemoveProperties(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string propName, bool doAllProperties, bool includeAliases)
			XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp;
			if (propName != null && propName.Length > 0)
				// Remove just the one indicated property. This might be an alias,
				// the named schema might not actually exist. So don't lookup the
				// schema node.
				if (schemaNS == null || schemaNS.Length == 0)
					throw new XMPException("Property name requires schema namespace", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
				XMPPath expPath = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNS, propName);
				XMPNode propNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), expPath, false, null);
				if (propNode != null)
					if (doAllProperties || !Utils.IsInternalProperty(expPath.GetSegment(XMPPath.StepSchema).GetName(), expPath.GetSegment(XMPPath.StepRootProp).GetName()))
						XMPNode parent = propNode.GetParent();
						if (parent.GetOptions().IsSchemaNode() && !parent.HasChildren())
							// remove empty schema node
				if (schemaNS != null && schemaNS.Length > 0)
					// Remove all properties from the named schema. Optionally include
					// aliases, in which case
					// there might not be an actual schema node.
					// XMP_NodePtrPos schemaPos;
					XMPNode schemaNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), schemaNS, false);
					if (schemaNode != null)
						if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schemaNode, doAllProperties))
					if (includeAliases)
						// We're removing the aliases also. Look them up by their
						// namespace prefix.
						// But that takes more code and the extra speed isn't worth it.
						// Lookup the XMP node
						// from the alias, to make sure the actual exists.
						XMPAliasInfo[] aliases = XMPMetaFactory.GetSchemaRegistry().FindAliases(schemaNS);
						for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
							XMPAliasInfo info = aliases[i];
							XMPPath path = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(info.GetNamespace(), info.GetPropName());
							XMPNode actualProp = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), path, false, null);
							if (actualProp != null)
								XMPNode parent = actualProp.GetParent();
					// Remove all appropriate properties from all schema. In this case
					// we don't have to be
					// concerned with aliases, they are handled implicitly from the
					// actual properties.
					for (Iterator it = xmpImpl.GetRoot().IterateChildren(); it.HasNext(); )
						XMPNode schema = (XMPNode)it.Next();
						if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schema, doAllProperties))
Example #47
 public virtual void SetXMPMeta([NotNull] XMPMeta xmpMeta)
     _xmpMeta = xmpMeta;
         int valueCount = 0;
         for (Iterator i = _xmpMeta.Iterator(); i.HasNext(); )
             XMPPropertyInfo prop = (XMPPropertyInfo)i.Next();
             if (prop.GetPath() != null)
                 //System.out.printf("%s = %s\n", prop.getPath(), prop.getValue());
         SetInt(TagXmpValueCount, valueCount);
     catch (XMPException)
		/// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.AppendProperties(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, bool, bool)"/>
		/// <param name="source">The source XMP object.</param>
		/// <param name="destination">The destination XMP object.</param>
		/// <param name="doAllProperties">Do internal properties in addition to external properties.</param>
		/// <param name="replaceOldValues">Replace the values of existing properties.</param>
		/// <param name="deleteEmptyValues">Delete destination values if source property is empty.</param>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception>
		public static void AppendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta destination, bool doAllProperties, bool replaceOldValues, bool deleteEmptyValues)
			XMPMetaImpl src = (XMPMetaImpl)source;
			XMPMetaImpl dest = (XMPMetaImpl)destination;
			for (Iterator it = src.GetRoot().IterateChildren(); it.HasNext(); )
				XMPNode sourceSchema = (XMPNode)it.Next();
				// Make sure we have a destination schema node
				XMPNode destSchema = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(dest.GetRoot(), sourceSchema.GetName(), false);
				bool createdSchema = false;
				if (destSchema == null)
					destSchema = new XMPNode(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceSchema.GetValue(), new PropertyOptions().SetSchemaNode(true));
					createdSchema = true;
				// Process the source schema's children.			
				for (Iterator ic = sourceSchema.IterateChildren(); ic.HasNext(); )
					XMPNode sourceProp = (XMPNode)ic.Next();
					if (doAllProperties || !Utils.IsInternalProperty(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceProp.GetName()))
						AppendSubtree(dest, sourceProp, destSchema, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues);
				if (!destSchema.HasChildren() && (createdSchema || deleteEmptyValues))
					// Don't create an empty schema / remove empty schema.
Example #49
 /// <summary>Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a string.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a string. <em>Note:</em> Encoding
 /// is ignored when serializing to a string.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xmp">a metadata object</param>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Options to control the serialization (see
 /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.SerializeOptions"/>
 /// ).
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Returns a string containing the serialized RDF.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="XMPException">on serializsation errors.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
 public static string SerializeToString(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
     return(XMPSerializerHelper.SerializeToString((XMPMetaImpl)xmp, options));
		// UTF-8
		/// <summary>The actual serialization.</summary>
		/// <param name="xmp">the metadata object to be serialized</param>
		/// <param name="out">outputStream the output stream to serialize to</param>
		/// <param name="options">the serialization options</param>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">If case of wrong options or any other serialization error.</exception>
		public virtual void Serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream @out, SerializeOptions options)
				outputStream = new CountOutputStream(@out);
				writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, options.GetEncoding());
				this.xmp = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp;
				this.options = options;
				this.padding = options.GetPadding();
				writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, options.GetEncoding());
				// serializes the whole packet, but don't write the tail yet 
				// and flush to make sure that the written bytes are calculated correctly
				string tailStr = SerializeAsRDF();
				// adds padding
				// writes the tail
			catch (IOException)
				throw new XMPException("Error writing to the OutputStream", XMPErrorConstants.Unknown);
Example #51
        /// <exception cref="iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPException"/>
        internal static void AppendDocumentInfoToMetadata(PdfDocumentInfo info, XMPMeta xmpMeta)
            PdfDictionary docInfo = info.GetPdfObject();

            if (docInfo != null)
                PdfName   key;
                PdfObject obj;
                String    value;
                foreach (PdfName pdfName in docInfo.KeySet())
                    key = pdfName;
                    obj = docInfo.Get(key);
                    if (obj == null)
                    if (obj.IsString())
                        value = ((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString();
                        if (obj.IsName())
                            value = ((PdfName)obj).GetValue();
                    if (PdfName.Title.Equals(key))
                        xmpMeta.SetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Title, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, value);
                        if (PdfName.Author.Equals(key))
                            foreach (String v in iText.IO.Util.StringUtil.Split(value, ",|;"))
                                if (v.Trim().Length > 0)
                                    AppendArrayItemIfDoesNotExist(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Creator, v.Trim(), PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ORDERED
                            if (PdfName.Subject.Equals(key))
                                xmpMeta.SetLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Description, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, XMPConst.X_DEFAULT, value
                                if (PdfName.Keywords.Equals(key))
                                    foreach (String v in iText.IO.Util.StringUtil.Split(value, ",|;"))
                                        if (v.Trim().Length > 0)
                                            AppendArrayItemIfDoesNotExist(xmpMeta, XMPConst.NS_DC, PdfConst.Subject, v.Trim(), PropertyOptions.ARRAY);
                                    xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Keywords, value);
                                    if (PdfName.Creator.Equals(key))
                                        xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.CreatorTool, value);
                                        if (PdfName.Producer.Equals(key))
                                            xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Producer, value);
                                            if (PdfName.CreationDate.Equals(key))
                                                xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.CreateDate, PdfDate.GetW3CDate(value));
                                                if (PdfName.ModDate.Equals(key))
                                                    xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, PdfConst.ModifyDate, PdfDate.GetW3CDate(value));
                                                    if (PdfName.Trapped.Equals(key))
                                                        xmpMeta.SetProperty(XMPConst.NS_PDF, PdfConst.Trapped, value);
 /// <param name="xmp">Asserts that xmp is compatible to <code>XMPMetaImpl</code>.s</param>
 private static void AssertImplementation(XMPMeta xmp)
     if (!(xmp is XMPMetaImpl))
         throw new NotSupportedException("The serializing service works only" + "with the XMPMeta implementation of this library");
		/// <summary>Reads an property value with given namespace URI and property name.</summary>
		/// <remarks>Reads an property value with given namespace URI and property name. Add property value to directory if exists</remarks>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/>
		private void ProcessXmpTag(XMPMeta meta, XmpDirectory directory, string schemaNS, string propName, int tagType, int formatCode)
			string property = meta.GetPropertyString(schemaNS, propName);
			if (property == null)
			switch (formatCode)
				case FmtRational:
					string[] rationalParts = property.Split("/", 2);
					if (rationalParts.Length == 2)
							Rational rational = new Rational((long)float.Parse(rationalParts[0]), (long)float.Parse(rationalParts[1]));
							directory.SetRational(tagType, rational);
						catch (FormatException)
							directory.AddError(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("Unable to parse XMP property %s as a Rational.", propName));
						directory.AddError("Error in rational format for tag " + tagType);

				case FmtInt:
						directory.SetInt(tagType, Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(property));
					catch (FormatException)
						directory.AddError(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("Unable to parse XMP property %s as an int.", propName));

				case FmtDouble:
						directory.SetDouble(tagType, double.Parse(property));
					catch (FormatException)
						directory.AddError(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("Unable to parse XMP property %s as an double.", propName));

				case FmtString:
					directory.SetString(tagType, property);

					directory.AddError(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("Unknown format code %d for tag %d", formatCode, tagType));
Example #54
        /// <summary>
        /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
        /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property. This is special case code to migrate
        /// that into dc:rights['x-default']. The rules:
        /// <pre>
        /// 1. If there is no dc:rights array, or an empty array -
        ///    Create one with dc:rights['x-default'] set from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
        /// 2. If there is a dc:rights array but it has no x-default item -
        ///    Create an x-default item as a copy of the first item then apply rule #3.
        /// 3. If there is a dc:rights array with an x-default item, 
        ///    Look for a double linefeed in the value.
        ///     A. If no double linefeed, compare the x-default value to the xmpDM:copyright value.
        ///         A1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
        ///         A2. Otherwise, append a double linefeed and 
        ///             the xmpDM:copyright value to the x-default value.
        ///     B. If there is a double linefeed, compare the trailing text to the xmpDM:copyright value.
        ///         B1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
        ///         B2. Otherwise, replace the trailing x-default text with the xmpDM:copyright value.
        /// 4. In all cases, delete the xmpDM:copyright property.
        /// </pre>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmp"> the metadata object </param>
        /// <param name="dmCopyright"> the "dm:copyright"-property </param>
        private static void MigrateAudioCopyright(XMPMeta xmp, XmpNode dmCopyright) {
            try {
                XmpNode dcSchema = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(((XmpMetaImpl) xmp).Root, XmpConst.NS_DC, true);

                string dmValue = dmCopyright.Value;
                const string doubleLf = "\n\n";

                XmpNode dcRightsArray = XmpNodeUtils.FindChildNode(dcSchema, "dc:rights", false);

                if (dcRightsArray == null || !dcRightsArray.HasChildren()) {
                    // 1. No dc:rights array, create from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
                    dmValue = doubleLf + dmValue;
                    xmp.SetLocalizedText(XmpConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XmpConst.X_DEFAULT, dmValue, null);
                else {
                    int xdIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XmpConst.X_DEFAULT);

                    if (xdIndex < 0) {
                        // 2. No x-default item, create from the first item.
                        string firstValue = dcRightsArray.GetChild(1).Value;
                        xmp.SetLocalizedText(XmpConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XmpConst.X_DEFAULT, firstValue, null);
                        xdIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XmpConst.X_DEFAULT);

                    // 3. Look for a double linefeed in the x-default value.
                    XmpNode defaultNode = dcRightsArray.GetChild(xdIndex);
                    string defaultValue = defaultNode.Value;
                    int lfPos = defaultValue.IndexOf(doubleLf);

                    if (lfPos < 0) {
                        // 3A. No double LF, compare whole values.
                        if (!dmValue.Equals(defaultValue)) {
                            // 3A2. Append the xmpDM:copyright to the x-default
                            // item.
                            defaultNode.Value = defaultValue + doubleLf + dmValue;
                    else {
                        // 3B. Has double LF, compare the tail.
                        if (!defaultValue.Substring(lfPos + 2).Equals(dmValue)) {
                            // 3B2. Replace the x-default tail.
                            defaultNode.Value = defaultValue.Substring(0, lfPos + 2) + dmValue;

                // 4. Get rid of the xmpDM:copyright.
            catch (XmpException) {
                // Don't let failures (like a bad dc:rights form) stop other
                // cleanup.