public ImageCarouselCanvas(Arguments args) { this.CloseOnClick = true; this.Container = new Canvas { Width = DefaultWidth, Height = DefaultHeight }; //var r = new Rectangle //{ // Fill = Brushes.Red, // Opacity = 0.05 //}; //r.SizeTo(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); //r.AttachTo(this); //this.Container.Background = Brushes.Transparent; //this.Container.Background = Brushes.Red; var y = 0; var s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); var images = new List<XImage>(); #region AddImages Func<Image, XImage> Add = i => { y += 32; var n = new XImage { Image = i, Opacity = 0, Radius = 72 }; RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(i, BitmapScalingMode.Fant); images.Add(n); i.Opacity = 0; i.AttachTo(this); return n; }; args.AddImages(Add); #endregion var size = 64; Action<DispatcherTimer> AtAnimation = delegate { }; // .net is fast, but js will be slow :) var randomphase = Math.PI * 2 * new Random().NextDouble(); #region AtIntervalWithTimer var AnimationTimer = (1000 / 50).AtIntervalWithTimer( t => { var ms = s.ElapsedMilliseconds; var i = 0; AtAnimation(t); // using for each must be the last thing in a method // because .leave operator currently cannot be understood by jsc foreach (var item_ in images) { var item = item_.Image; var phase = Math.PI * 2 * i / images.Count + randomphase; var cos = Math.Cos(step * ms + phase); var sin = Math.Sin(step * ms + phase); var z1margin = 0.7; var z1 = (cos + (1 + z1margin)) / (2 + z1margin); var z2margin = 1.0; var z2 = (cos + (1 + z2margin)) / (2 + z2margin); item.Opacity = z1 * item_.Opacity; item.SizeTo(size * z2, size * z2); item.MoveTo( -sin * item_.Radius + (DefaultWidth + args.ImageDefaultWidth * 0.3) / 2 //+ jsc.ImageDefaultWidth + cos * item_.Radius - size * z2 * 0.5 , sin * item_.Radius + (DefaultHeight + args.ImageDefaultHeight * 0.3) / 2 //+ jsc.ImageDefaultHeight - size * z2 * 0.5 ); Canvas.SetZIndex(item, Convert.ToInt32(z1 * 1000)); i++; } } ); #endregion var logo = args.CreateCenterImage(); #region WaitAndAppear Action<int, double, Action<double>> WaitAndAppear = (delay, step__, set_Opacity) => { var a = 0.0; set_Opacity(a); delay.AtDelay( delegate { (1000 / 30).AtIntervalWithTimer( t => { a += step__; if (a > 1) { set_Opacity(1); t.Stop(); return; } set_Opacity(a); } ); } ); }; #endregion WaitAndAppear(200, 0.07, n => logo.Opacity = n); SattelitesHidden = false; ShowSattelites(images, WaitAndAppear); ShowSattelitesAgain = delegate { if (!SattelitesHidden) return; SattelitesHidden = false; if (AtSattelitesShownAgain != null) AtSattelitesShownAgain(); foreach (var item__ in images.ToArray()) { var item = item__; WaitAndAppear(0, StepSpeedToToggleSattelites, n => item.Opacity = n); } }; Canvas.SetZIndex(logo, 500); logo.AttachTo(this).MoveTo( (DefaultWidth - args.ImageDefaultWidth) / 2, (DefaultHeight - args.ImageDefaultHeight) / 2 ); var logo_hit = new Rectangle { Fill = Brushes.Red, Opacity = 0 }; Canvas.SetZIndex(logo_hit, 501); logo_hit.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; logo_hit.AttachTo(this).MoveTo( (DefaultWidth - args.ImageDefaultWidth) / 2, (DefaultHeight - args.ImageDefaultHeight) / 2 ); logo_hit.SizeTo(args.ImageDefaultWidth, args.ImageDefaultHeight); #region MouseLeftButtonUp logo_hit.MouseLeftButtonUp += delegate { if (AtLogoClick != null) AtLogoClick(); //new Uri("").NavigateTo(this.Container); if (CloseOnClick) { Close(); logo_hit.Orphanize(); } }; #endregion #region HideSattelites this.HideSattelites = delegate { SattelitesHidden = true; Action TriggerClose = () => AtAnimation = t => { if (images.Any(k => k.Opacity > 0)) return; t.Stop(); if (AtClose != null) AtClose(); }; AtAnimation = t => { if (images.Any(k => k.Opacity < 1)) return; foreach (var item__ in images.ToArray()) { var item = item__; var NextDelay = 1; if (!DisableTimerShutdown) NextDelay = 1 + 1000.Random(); WaitAndAppear(NextDelay, StepSpeedToToggleSattelites, n => item.Opacity = 1 - n); } if (DisableTimerShutdown) { AtAnimation = delegate { }; } else TriggerClose(); }; }; #endregion this.Close = delegate { WaitAndAppear(1, 0.12, n => logo.Opacity = 1 - n); HideSattelites(); }; }
/// <summary> /// Makes the specified image to the current graphics object. /// </summary> string Realize(XImage image) { BeginPage(); BeginGraphicMode(); RealizeTransform(); // The transparency set for a brush also applies to images. Set opacity to 100% so image will be drawn without transparency. _gfxState.RealizeNonStrokeTransparency(1, _colorMode); XForm form = image as XForm; return form != null ? GetFormName(form) : GetImageName(image); }
/// <summary> /// Implements the interface because the primary function is internal. /// </summary> string IContentStream.GetImageName(XImage image) { return(GetImageName(image)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a report of a single picture. /// </summary> /// <param name="picture"></param> public void CreateReport(IPictureViewModel picture) { var report = new PdfDocument(); var page = report.AddPage(); var filename = picture.FileName + $"_Report{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.pdf"; var gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); if (!File.Exists(picture.FilePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } var image = XImage.FromFile(picture.FilePath); // Print Headline var font = new XFont("Times New Roman", 20, XFontStyle.Regular); XRect rect = new XRect(20, 20, page.Width - 20, 220); gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.White, rect); gfx.DrawString(picture.FileName, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopCenter); // Print Image gfx.DrawImage(image, page.Width / 6, 50, page.Width / 1.5, page.Height / 3); // Print EXIF double infoYCoord = (rect.Y + page.Width / 1.8); double infoHeight = (page.Height - (rect.Height + page.Height / 3)) / 2; // Get Height that has already been used and only take half of it string exifContent = string.Format("{0}\n" + "{1}: {2}\n" + "{3}: {4}\n" + "{5}: {6}\n" + "{7}: {8}\n" + "{9}: {10}\n" + "{11}: {12}\n" + "{13}: {14}\n" + "{15}: {16}", "EXIF", "Make", picture.EXIF.Make, "FNumber", picture.EXIF.FNumber, "ExposureTime", picture.EXIF.ExposureTime, "ISOValue", picture.EXIF.ISOValue, "ISORating", picture.EXIF.ISORating, "Flash", picture.EXIF.Flash, "ExposureProgram", picture.EXIF.ExposureProgram, "Exp.Pro.Resource", picture.EXIF.ExposureProgramResource ); font = new XFont("Times New Roman", 14, XFontStyle.Regular); rect = new XRect(60, infoYCoord, page.Width / 2 - 20, infoHeight); XTextFormatter tf = new XTextFormatter(gfx); tf.DrawString(exifContent, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft); // Print IPTC string iptcContent = string.Format("{0}\n" + "{1}: {2}\n" + "{3}: {4}\n" + "{5}: {6}\n" + "{7}: {8}\n" + "{9}: {10}\n", "IPTC", "Keywords", picture.IPTC.Keywords, "ByLine", picture.IPTC.ByLine, "CopyrightNotice", picture.IPTC.CopyrightNotice, "Headline", picture.IPTC.Headline, "Caption", picture.IPTC.Caption); rect = new XRect(page.Width / 2 + 50, infoYCoord, page.Width / 2 - 20, infoHeight); tf.DrawString(iptcContent, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft); // Print Photographer string photographerContent = string.Format("{0}\n" + "{1}: {2}\n" + "{3}: {4}\n" + "{5}: {6}\n", "Photographer", "Full name", picture.Photographer.FirstName + " " + picture.Photographer.LastName, "Birthday", picture.Photographer.BirthDay.ToString(), "Notes", picture.Photographer.Notes); rect = new XRect(60, infoYCoord + 10 * 14, page.Width - 100, infoHeight); tf.DrawString(photographerContent, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft); report.Save(GlobalInformation.ReportPath + "\\" + filename); }
// ----- DrawImage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point point); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF point); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point[] destPoints); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle rect); //public void DrawImage(Image image, RectangleF rect); //public void DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y); //public void DrawImage(Image image, float x, float y); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point[] destPoints, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, RectangleF destRect, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, float x, float y, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point[] destPoints, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr); //public void DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y, int width, int height); //public void DrawImage(Image image, float x, float y, float width, float height); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point[] destPoints, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, float srcX, float srcY, float srcWidth, float srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Point[] destPoints, Rectangle srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback, int callbackData); //public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback, int callbackData); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, float srcX, float srcY, float srcWidth, float srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, float srcX, float srcY, float srcWidth, float srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs, DrawImageAbort callback); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs, DrawImageAbort callback, IntPtr callbackData); //public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, float srcX, float srcY, float srcWidth, float srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes public void DrawImage(XImage image, double x, double y, double width, double height) { string name = Realize(image); if (!(image is XForm)) { if (this.gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 -{3:0.####} {0:0.####} {4:0.####} cm {5} Do Q\n", x, y, width, height, y + height, name); } else { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 {3:0.####} {0:0.####} {1:0.####} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, width, height, name); } } else { BeginPage(); XForm form = (XForm)image; form.Finish(); PdfFormXObject pdfForm = Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form); double cx = width / image.PointWidth; double cy = height / image.PointHeight; if (cx != 0 && cy != 0) { if (this.gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 -{3:0.####} {0:0.####} {4:0.####} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n", x, y, cx, cy, y + height, name); } else { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 {3:0.####} {0:0.####} {1:0.####} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, cx, cy, name); } } } }
public Archivo GenerarPDF(int Numero_Prestamo, TipoPDF tipoPDF, int Anno, int Porcentaje, string Fila, bool Forzar = false) { bool BanProc = false; bool NoAplica = false; ConstanciasPDFData DatosPDF; Archivo ArchivoConstancia; DatosPDF.sNumeroId = ""; DatosPDF.sCurp = ""; DatosPDF.sNombreCom = ""; DatosPDF.sNombres = ""; DatosPDF.sPrimerAp = ""; DatosPDF.sSegundoAp = ""; DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURA = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoBar = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoMun = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoSec = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigodep = ""; DatosPDF.sCP = ""; DatosPDF.sUbicacionFisGa = ""; DatosPDF.scodigobarrioga = ""; DatosPDF.scodigomuniga = ""; DatosPDF.scodigosectorga = ""; DatosPDF.scodigodepga = ""; DatosPDF.scpga = ""; DatosPDF.sNombreComCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sNombresCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sPrimerApCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sSegundoApCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sNumeroIdCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCurpCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURACoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoBarCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoMunCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoSecCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCodigoDepCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sCpCoa = ""; DatosPDF.sINTNOMDEV = ""; DatosPDF.sINTNOMPAG = ""; DatosPDF.sINTREAL = ""; DatosPDF.sMONTOCRED = ""; DatosPDF.sMONTOCRED_C2 = ""; DatosPDF.sINTNOMDEV_C2 = ""; DatosPDF.sINTNOMPAG_C2 = ""; DatosPDF.sINTREAL_C2 = ""; DatosPDF.sMES_INI = ""; DatosPDF.sMES_FIN = ""; DatosPDF.sCVE_MONEDA = ""; DatosPDF.sEjercicio = ""; DatosPDF.sjudicial = ""; DatosPDF.sBaseJit = ""; DatosPDF.sIntNomPag = ""; DatosPDF.sEstado = ""; DatosPDF.RFC_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.RazonSoc_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.Calle_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.NoExt_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.NoInt_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.Col_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.CD_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.CP_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.Edo_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.NomRep_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.RFCRep_Emp = ""; DatosPDF.CURPRep_Emp = ""; if (Anno < 2008 || Anno > 2012) { ArchivoConstancia.Datos = null; ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = "Año fuera de los parámetros: " + Anno.ToString(); return(ArchivoConstancia); } //OperacionesBD.HerramientasOracle tool = new OperacionesBD.HerramientasOracle(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Usuario"], // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Pass"], // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"], // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Service"], // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"], // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Protocol"]); clsDatos tool = new clsDatos(); Doc theDoc = new Doc(); DataTable Registros = new DataTable(); BanProc = false; string sHTML = string.Empty; string sSQL = string.Empty; ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = ""; //ArchivoConstancia.ProcesoCorrecto = false; ArchivoConstancia.Datos = null; tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo); if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sNumeroId = Registros.Rows[0]["NUMERO_IDENTIFICACION"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCurp = Registros.Rows[0]["CURP"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sNombreCom = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_COMPLETO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sNombres = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRES"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sPrimerAp = Registros.Rows[0]["PRIMER_APELLIDO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sSegundoAp = Registros.Rows[0]["SEGUNDO_APELLIDO"].ToString(); BanProc = true; } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } if (!BanProc) { RegistraError("GenerarPDF", "Proceso interrumpido", "Se detiene proceso para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + " por no cumplir todas las validaciones correspondientes. Punto de revisión: Constancias_DatosDeClienteXPrestamo", Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); BanProc = false; tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo); if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURA = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMENCLATURA"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoBar = Registros.Rows[0]["CODIGO_BARRIO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoMun = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_MUN"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoSec = Registros.Rows[0]["DESCRIPCION"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigodep = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_DEP"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCP = Registros.Rows[0]["CODIGO_POSTAL"].ToString(); BanProc = true; } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } if (!BanProc) { RegistraError("GenerarPDF", "Proceso interrumpido", "Se detiene proceso para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + " por no cumplir todas las validaciones correspondientes. Punto de revisión: Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamo", Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); BanProc = false; tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo); if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sUbicacionFisGa = Registros.Rows[0]["UBICACION_FISICA"].ToString(); DatosPDF.scodigobarrioga = Registros.Rows[0]["COLONIA"].ToString(); DatosPDF.scodigomuniga = Registros.Rows[0]["MUNICIPIO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.scodigosectorga = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_SECTOR"].ToString(); DatosPDF.scodigodepga = Registros.Rows[0]["ESTADO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.scpga = Registros.Rows[0]["CODIGO_POSTAL"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sEstado = Registros.Rows[0]["ESTADO_PRESTAMO"].ToString(); BanProc = true; } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } if (!BanProc) { RegistraError("GenerarPDF", "Proceso interrumpido", "Se detiene proceso para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + " por no cumplir todas las validaciones correspondientes. Punto de revisión: Constancias_DireccionGarantiaXPrestamo", Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_DatosDeCoacreditadoXPrestamo); //No es un requerimiento obligatorio obtener estos datos if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sNombreComCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_COMPLETO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sNombresCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRES"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sPrimerApCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["PRIMER_APELLIDO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sSegundoApCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["SEGUNDO_APELLIDO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sNumeroIdCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NUMERO_IDENTIFICACION"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCurpCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["CURP"].ToString(); } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeCoacreditadoXPrestamo", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeCoacreditadoXPrestamo", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamoXCoacreditado); //No es un requerimiento obligatorio obtener estos datos if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURACoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMENCLATURA"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoBarCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["CODIGO_BARRIO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoMunCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_MUN"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoSecCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["DESCRIPCION"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCodigoDepCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["NOMBRE_DEP"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCpCoa = Registros.Rows[0]["CODIGO_POSTAL"].ToString(); } else { RegistraError("Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamoXCoacreditado", "Error en consulta Constancias_DatosDeGarantiaXPrestamoXCoacreditado", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } string direccionGar = ""; string[] valoresGar = null; Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); BanProc = false; tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); if (Forzar) { Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_HSCConstancias.Replace("@@Anno", Anno.ToString()).Replace("AND Imprimir = 'S'", "")); } else { if (Anno > 2008) { Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_HSCConstancias.Replace("@@Anno", Anno.ToString())); } else if (Anno == 2008) { Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_HSCConstancias.Replace("@@Anno", Anno.ToString()).Replace("AND Imprimir = 'S'", "")); } } if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { DatosPDF.sIntNomPag = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTNOMPAG"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTNOMDEV = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTNOMDEV"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTNOMPAG = Registros.Rows[0]["INTNOMPAG"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sMONTOCRED = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["MONTOCRED"].ToString())).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTREAL = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTREAL"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sMONTOCRED_C2 = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["MONTOCRED"].ToString())).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTNOMDEV_C2 = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTNOMDEV"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTNOMPAG_C2 = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTNOMPAG"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sINTREAL_C2 = (Convert.ToDecimal(Registros.Rows[0]["INTREAL"].ToString()) * Porcentaje / 100).ToString("###,###,##0.00"); DatosPDF.sMES_INI = Registros.Rows[0]["MES_INI"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sMES_FIN = Registros.Rows[0]["MES_FIN"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sCVE_MONEDA = Registros.Rows[0]["CVE_MONEDA"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sEjercicio = Registros.Rows[0]["EJERCICIO"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sjudicial = Registros.Rows[0]["JUDICIAL"].ToString(); DatosPDF.sBaseJit = Registros.Rows[0]["BASEJIT"].ToString(); direccionGar = Registros.Rows[0]["DIRECCION_GAR"].ToString().Trim(); valoresGar = direccionGar.Split('?'); if (valoresGar.Length == 6 && (DatosPDF.sEstado != "1" && DatosPDF.sEstado != "6" && DatosPDF.sEstado != "9")) { DatosPDF.sUbicacionFisGa = valoresGar[0]; DatosPDF.scodigobarrioga = valoresGar[1]; DatosPDF.scodigomuniga = valoresGar[2]; DatosPDF.scodigosectorga = valoresGar[3]; DatosPDF.scodigodepga = valoresGar[4]; DatosPDF.scpga = valoresGar[5]; } BanProc = true; } else { RegistraError("Constancias_HSCConstancias", "Error en consulta Constancias_HSCConstancias", "Préstamo:" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + ". Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { Registros = new DataTable(); tool.LimpiaParametros(); BanProc = false; tool.CreaParametro("@Numero_Prestamo", Numero_Prestamo, SqlDbType.Int); if (Anno > 2008) { Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error.Replace("@@Anno", Anno.ToString())); } else if (Anno == 2008) { Registros = tool.EjecutaLectura(Scripts.Constancias_HSCConstancias2_Error.Replace("@@Anno", Anno.ToString())); } if (Registros != null && Registros.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Registros.TableName != "Error") { if (Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() != "") { RegistraError("Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "Error en consulta Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() + ". Préstamo: " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } else { RegistraError("Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "Error en consulta Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { RegistraError("Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "Error en consulta Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } } else { RegistraError("Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "Error en consulta Constancias_HSCConstancias_Error", "No se obtuvieron los datos para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } NoAplica = false; //Cambiar a true si se desea que en caso de no tener datos se genere con la leyenda: ESTE CRÉDITO NO TIENE CONSTANCIA DE DEDUCIBILIDAD PARA ESTE EJERCICIO } if (!BanProc && !NoAplica) { RegistraError("GenerarPDF", "Proceso interrumpido", "Se detiene proceso para el préstamo " + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + " por no cumplir todas las validaciones correspondientes. Punto de revisión: Constancias_HSCConstancias", Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } theDoc.TopDown = true; theDoc.Units = "mm"; theDoc.Font = theDoc.AddFont("Arial"); theDoc.TextStyle.LineSpacing = 1.1; theDoc.TextStyle.CharSpacing = -.1; //********************************************************TITULO theDoc.Rect.String = "55 11 200 25"; sHTML += "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += "CONSTANCIA ANUAL DE INTERESES DEVENGADOS Y PAGADOS DE CREDITOS<br>"; sHTML += "HIPOTECARIOS DESTINADOS A CASA HABITACIÓN"; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); XImage theImg2 = new XImage(); theImg2.SetFile(Server.MapPath("Images") + "/logo azul small.jpg"); //ODES theDoc.Rect.Bottom = 30; theDoc.Rect.Left = 10; theDoc.Rect.Width = 33.7; theDoc.Rect.Height = 20.3; theDoc.AddImageObject(theImg2, false); theDoc.Rect.String = "55 21 200 35"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='1' face='Arial'>"; sHTML += "La presente Constancia se emite de conformidad con lo establecido en los articulos 176 fracción IV y 227 de la Ley del<br>"; sHTML += "Impuesto Sobre la Renta y del reglamento de la Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta, respectivamente."; sHTML += "</font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); //PERIODO Y CREDITO theDoc.Rect.String = "134 30 200 60"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += "Periodo que ampara la Constancia<br>"; sHTML += "<b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "134 35 200 40"; theDoc.FrameRect(2, 2); sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'>"; sHTML += "Mes Inicial / Mes Final / Ejercicio <br>"; sHTML += "</font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "140 41 155 48"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += DatosPDF.sMES_INI; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "195 41 140 48"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += DatosPDF.sMES_FIN; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "205 41 170 48"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += DatosPDF.sEjercicio; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "100 55 200 60"; theDoc.Color.String = "255 255 255"; theDoc.Color.String = "0 0 0"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='2' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += "No. de Prestamo"; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "134 60 200 65"; theDoc.FrameRect(2, 2); theDoc.Color.String = "0 0 0"; sHTML = "<p align='center'><font size='3' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += Numero_Prestamo.ToString(); sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); //DATOS DEL DEUDOR theDoc.Rect.String = "10 39 205 162"; theDoc.TextStyle.Size = 2.5; string sNomenc1 = ""; string sNomenc2 = ""; int iLen = 0; if ((int)tipoPDF == 1) { sHTML = DatosPDF.sNombres + ' ' + DatosPDF.sPrimerAp + ' ' + DatosPDF.sSegundoAp; sNomenc1 = DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURA; } else { sNomenc1 = DatosPDF.sNOMENCLATURACoa; sHTML = DatosPDF.sNombreComCoa; } theDoc.AddText(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "10 43 205 162"; theDoc.TextStyle.Size = 2.5; theDoc.TextStyle.Bold = false; if (sNomenc1.Length > 75) { iLen = sNomenc1.IndexOf(" ", 60); if (iLen >= 0) { sNomenc2 = sNomenc1.Substring(iLen, sNomenc1.Length - iLen).Trim(); sNomenc1 = sNomenc1.Substring(0, iLen); } } sHTML = sNomenc1 + "<br>"; if (sNomenc2 != "") { sHTML += sNomenc2 + "<br>"; } if ((int)tipoPDF == 1) { sHTML += DatosPDF.sCodigoBar + "<br>"; sHTML += DatosPDF.sCodigoMun + ", " + DatosPDF.sCodigoSec + "<br>"; sHTML += DatosPDF.sCodigodep + " " + ". 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Error: " + Registros.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Fila, Numero_Prestamo.ToString()); } if (!BanProc) { theDoc.TopDown = true; theDoc.Units = "mm"; theDoc.Font = theDoc.AddFont("Arial"); theDoc.TextStyle.LineSpacing = 1.1; theDoc.TextStyle.CharSpacing = -.1; //TITULO theDoc.Rect.String = "16 180 200 25"; sHTML += "<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><p align='center'><font size='38' face='Arial'><b>"; sHTML += "ESTE CRÉDITO NO TIENE CONSTANCIA <br>"; sHTML += "DE DEDUCIBILIDAD PARA ESTE EJERCICIO"; sHTML += "</b></font></p>"; theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); //byte[] theData = theDoc.GetData(); //theDoc.Save(fbd01.SelectedPath + "\\" + Numero_Prestamo.ToString() + "_" + Anno.ToString() + ".pdf"); ArchivoConstancia.Datos = theDoc.GetData(); ArchivoConstancia.MsjError = Errores; return(ArchivoConstancia); } sHTML = DatosPDF.RFC_Emp + " "; theDoc.AddText(sHTML); theDoc.Rect.String = "17 155 205 300"; theDoc.TextStyle.Size = 3; theDoc.TextStyle.Bold = true; string sNomenc3 = ""; string sNomenc4 = ""; int iLen1 = 0; sNomenc3 = DatosPDF.RazonSoc_Emp; if (sNomenc3.Length > 75) { iLen1 = sNomenc3.IndexOf(" ", 65); sNomenc4 = sNomenc3.Substring(iLen1, sNomenc3.Length - iLen1).Trim(); sNomenc3 = sNomenc3.Substring(0, iLen1); } sHTML = sNomenc3 + "<br>"; if (sNomenc4 != "") { sHTML += sNomenc4 + "<br>"; } theDoc.AddHtml(sHTML); theDoc.TextStyle.LineSpacing = 1.1; theDoc.TextStyle.WordSpacing = 0; theDoc.Rect.String = "17 168 205 262"; theDoc.TextStyle.Size = 3; sHTML = DatosPDF.Calle_Emp + " No." + DatosPDF.NoExt_Emp + ", " + DatosPDF.NoInt_Emp + "<br>"; sHTML += "Col. 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public static extern int XInitImage(ref XImage image);
/// <summary> /// Makes the specified image to the current graphics object. /// </summary> string Realize(XImage image) { BeginPage(); BeginGraphic(); RealizeTransform(); string imageName; if (image is XForm) imageName = GetFormName(image as XForm); else imageName = GetImageName(image); return imageName; }
private void CreateOnePage(int plateNumber, ref int nextPartToPrintIndex, PdfPage pdfPage) { ImageBuffer plateInventoryImage = new ImageBuffer((int)(300 * 8.5), 300 * 11, 32, new BlenderBGRA()); Graphics2D plateGraphics = plateInventoryImage.NewGraphics2D(); double currentlyPrintingHeightPixels = PrintTopOfPage(plateInventoryImage, plateGraphics); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(PageMarginPixels.Left, currentlyPrintingHeightPixels); double tallestHeight = 0; List <PartImage> partsOnLine = new List <PartImage>(); while (nextPartToPrintIndex < partImagesToPrint.Count) { ImageBuffer image = partImagesToPrint[nextPartToPrintIndex].image; tallestHeight = Math.Max(tallestHeight, image.Height); if (partsOnLine.Count > 0 && offset.x + image.Width > plateInventoryImage.Width - PageMarginPixels.Right) { if (partsOnLine.Count == 1) { plateGraphics.Render(partsOnLine[0].image, plateInventoryImage.Width / 2 - partsOnLine[0].image.Width / 2, offset.y - tallestHeight); } else { foreach (PartImage partToDraw in partsOnLine) { plateGraphics.Render(partToDraw.image, partToDraw.xOffset, offset.y - tallestHeight); } } offset.x = PageMarginPixels.Left; offset.y -= (tallestHeight + PartPaddingPixels * 2); tallestHeight = 0; partsOnLine.Clear(); if (offset.y - image.Height < PageMarginPixels.Bottom) { break; } } else { partImagesToPrint[nextPartToPrintIndex].xOffset = offset.x; partsOnLine.Add(partImagesToPrint[nextPartToPrintIndex]); //plateGraphics.Render(image, offset.x, offset.y - image.Height); offset.x += image.Width + PartPaddingPixels * 2; nextPartToPrintIndex++; } } // print the last line of parts foreach (PartImage partToDraw in partsOnLine) { plateGraphics.Render(partToDraw.image, partToDraw.xOffset, offset.y - tallestHeight); } TypeFacePrinter printer = new TypeFacePrinter(string.Format("{0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathAndFileToSaveTo)), 32, justification: Justification.Center); printer.Origin = new Vector2(plateGraphics.DestImage.Width / 2, 110); plateGraphics.Render(printer, RGBA_Bytes.Black); printer = new TypeFacePrinter(string.Format("Page {0}", plateNumber), 28, justification: Justification.Center); printer.Origin = new Vector2(plateGraphics.DestImage.Width / 2, 60); plateGraphics.Render(printer, RGBA_Bytes.Black); string applicationUserDataPath = ApplicationDataStorage.ApplicationUserDataPath; string folderToSavePrintsTo = Path.Combine(applicationUserDataPath, "data", "temp", "plateImages"); string jpegFileName = Path.Combine(folderToSavePrintsTo, plateNumber.ToString() + ".jpeg"); if (!Directory.Exists(folderToSavePrintsTo)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderToSavePrintsTo); } ImageIO.SaveImageData(jpegFileName, plateInventoryImage); XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(pdfPage); XImage jpegImage = XImage.FromFile(jpegFileName); //double width = jpegImage.PixelWidth * 72 / jpegImage.HorizontalResolution; //double height = jpegImage.PixelHeight * 72 / jpegImage. .HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(jpegImage, 0, 0, pdfPage.Width, pdfPage.Height); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string fileName = "ticket.pdf"; fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D").ToUpper() + ".pdf"; PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); document.Info.Title = "FACTURA DE VENTA"; document.Info.Author = ""; document.Info.Subject = ""; document.Info.Keywords = "Other Words"; double marginLeft = 42.52; double marginRight = 42.52; double marginTop = 42.52; double cuadrito = 14.173228346457; LayoutHelper helper = new LayoutHelper(document, marginTop, XUnit.FromCentimeter(29.7 - 2.5)); string logoPath = @"C:\Users\gusvo\Desktop\logo.jpg"; logoPath = @"C:\Users\Alejandro Sierra\Desktop\logo.png"; XImage image = XImage.FromFile(logoPath); marginTop = helper.GetLinePosition(XUnit.FromCentimeter(29.7 - 2.5)); //Debug control Debug.WriteLine("marginTop= " + marginTop.ToString()); helper.Gfx.DrawImage(image, marginLeft, marginTop, 200, 100); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Plum, 4.7); string[] company = { "Supermercado el dorado", "Direccion: Cra 90 bis #76-51", "Telefono: 3212261759", "ID: 1016072267", "Correo: [email protected]" }; string[] head = { "FACTURA DE VENTA", DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortDateString(), "#FACT-11111" }; string[] client = { "Cliente: Gustavo Alejandro Sierra", "Correo: [email protected]", "Telefono: 3212261759", "ID: 1016072267", "Direccion: Cra 90 bis #76-51" }; // Create a font XFont fontCompany = new XFont("Arial", 8, XFontStyle.Regular); XFont fontClient = new XFont("Arial", 8, XFontStyle.Regular); XFont fontHead = new XFont("Arial", 11, XFontStyle.Regular); XFont fontFooter = new XFont("Arial", 11, XFontStyle.Regular); //fact head double headHeight = marginTop; // Draw the HEADtext for (int i = 0; i < head.Length; i++) { helper.Gfx.DrawString(head[i], fontHead, head.Length == i + 1 ? XBrushes.Gray : XBrushes.Black, new XRect(helper.Page.Width - helper.Page.Width / 3, marginTop, helper.Page.Width / 3 - marginLeft, headHeight), XStringFormats.CenterRight); headHeight += 30; } int clientNameHeight = 110; // Draw the CLIENTtext for (int i = 0; i < client.Length; i++) { clientNameHeight += 8; helper.Gfx.DrawString(client[i], fontClient, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft, clientNameHeight, 306, clientNameHeight), XStringFormats.CenterLeft); } int companyMarginHeight = 110; // Draw the COMPANYtext for (int i = 0; i < company.Length; i++) { companyMarginHeight += 8; helper.Gfx.DrawString(company[i], fontCompany, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(helper.Page.Width - helper.Page.Width / 3, companyMarginHeight, 306, companyMarginHeight), XStringFormats.CenterLeft); } XFont fontSubTitle = new XFont("Arial", 11, XFontStyle.Bold); //Draw the GridDetails string[] gridTitles = { "Referencia", "Producto", "Tasa de impuesto", "Precio unitario", "Cant.", "Total" }; string[] gridMovementsTitles = { "Referencia", "Producto", "Tasa de impuesto", "Precio unitario", "Cant.", "Total" }; string[] list1 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list2 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list3 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list4 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list5 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list6 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list7 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list8 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list9 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; string[] list10 = new string[3] { "$20.000", "Pago parcial", "26/10/2020" }; List <string[]> movementDetails = new List <string[]>() { list1, list2, list3, list4, list5, list6, list7, list8 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 , list9, list10, list1, list10, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3, list3 }; XFont fontGrid = new XFont("Arial", 9, XFontStyle.Bold); XPen penRect = new XPen(XColors.DarkGray, 0.25); helper.Gfx.DrawRectangle(penRect, XBrushes.WhiteSmoke, marginLeft, helper.Page.Height / 3, helper.Page.Width - (marginLeft * 2), 2 * cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Valor Movimiento", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft, helper.Page.Height / 3, 10 * cuadrito, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Descripcion", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect((helper.Page.Width - (2 * marginLeft)) / 3, helper.Page.Height / 3, 20 * cuadrito, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Fecha Movimiento", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(helper.Page.Width - (helper.Page.Width - (2 * marginLeft)) / 3, helper.Page.Height / 3, 10 * cuadrito, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); XFont fontMovement = new XFont("Arial", 9, XFontStyle.Regular); double[] movementMarginLeft = { marginLeft, (helper.Page.Width - (2 * marginLeft)) / 3, helper.Page.Width - (helper.Page.Width - (2 * marginLeft)) / 3 }; double[] movementSpacing = { 10 * cuadrito, 20 * cuadrito, 10 * cuadrito }; double spacingMovement = 2 * cuadrito + (helper.Page.Height / 3); foreach (var item in movementDetails) { for (int j = 0; j < item.Length; j++) { if (spacingMovement + cuadrito > helper.Page.Height - marginTop) { XUnit top = helper.GetLinePosition(XUnit.FromCentimeter(29.7 - 2.5)); Debug.WriteLine("TOP " + j + " " + top.ToString() + ", spacingMovement: " + spacingMovement); spacingMovement = top; } helper.Gfx.DrawString(item[j], fontMovement, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(movementMarginLeft[j], spacingMovement, movementSpacing[j], cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, movementMarginLeft[j], spacingMovement, movementMarginLeft[j], spacingMovement + cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingMovement, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingMovement + cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginLeft, spacingMovement, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingMovement); } spacingMovement += cuadrito; helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginLeft, spacingMovement, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingMovement); } spacingMovement += cuadrito; helper.Gfx.DrawRectangle(penRect, XBrushes.WhiteSmoke, marginLeft, spacingMovement, helper.Page.Width - (marginLeft * 2), 2 * cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Ref", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft, spacingMovement, 50, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Producto", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50, spacingMovement, 300, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Precio", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50, spacingMovement, 70, cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Unitario", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50, spacingMovement + cuadrito, 70, cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("Cant.", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70, spacingMovement, 50, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString("SubTotal", fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70 + 50, spacingMovement, 55, 2 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); XFont fontDetails = new XFont("Arial", 9, XFontStyle.Regular); string[] product1 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "50.000" }; string[] product2 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product3 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "1.000.000" }; string[] product4 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product5 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "26.850" }; string[] product6 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product7 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product8 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "122.680" }; string[] product9 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product10 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product11 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2680" }; string[] product12 = { "0001", "COCA COLA ZERO", "2680", "1", "2.680.899" }; double[] gridmarginLeft = { marginLeft, marginLeft + 50, marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50, marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70, marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70 + 50 }; double[] gridSpacing = { 50, 300, 70, 50, 55 }; string[] totals = { "$580.000", "Envio gratis", "$0", "$0", "$680", "$1.200.000" }; List <string[]> products = new List <string[]>() { product1, product2, product3, product3, product3, product3, product3, product3, product3, product4, product5, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12, product6, product7, product8, product9, product10, product11, product12 }; double spacingProducts = 2 * cuadrito + spacingMovement; foreach (var item in products) { for (int i = 0; i < item.Length; i++) { if (spacingProducts + cuadrito > helper.Page.Height - marginTop) { XUnit top = helper.GetLinePosition(XUnit.FromCentimeter(29.7 - 2.5)); spacingProducts = top; } else { helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginLeft, spacingProducts, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingProducts); } helper.Gfx.DrawString(item[i], fontDetails, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(gridmarginLeft[i], spacingProducts, gridSpacing[i], cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, gridmarginLeft[i], spacingProducts, gridmarginLeft[i], spacingProducts + cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingProducts, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingProducts + cuadrito); } spacingProducts += cuadrito; helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginRight, spacingProducts, helper.Page.Width - marginRight, spacingProducts); } XTextFormatter tf = new XTextFormatter(helper.Gfx); string[] footerFields = { "Pago Transacción", "Pago Efectivo", "Detalles" }; string[] footerDetails = { "$1.000", "$1.000", "Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo Cliente Nuevo " }; double[] footerFieldsSpacing = { 8 * cuadrito, marginLeft + 12 * cuadrito }; double totalSpacing = spacingProducts; string[] totalFields = { "Subtotal", "Gastos de envío", "Impuesto1", "Impuesto2", "Descuento", "TOTAL" }; double[] totalFieldsSpacing = { marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 }; if (spacingProducts + 7 * cuadrito > helper.Page.Height - marginTop) { XUnit top = helper.GetLinePosition(XUnit.FromCentimeter(29.7 - 2.5)); spacingProducts = totalSpacing = top; } else { totalSpacing = spacingProducts += cuadrito; } helper.Gfx.DrawRectangle(penRect, XBrushes.White, marginLeft, totalSpacing, 24 * cuadrito, 8 * cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawRectangle(penRect, XBrushes.WhiteSmoke, marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50, totalSpacing, 9 * cuadrito, 8 * cuadrito); helper.Gfx.DrawRectangle(penRect, XBrushes.White, marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70 + 50, totalSpacing, 4 * cuadrito, 8 * cuadrito); for (int i = 0; i < footerFields.Length; i++) { helper.Gfx.DrawString(footerFields[i], fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + cuadrito, spacingProducts, marginLeft + footerFieldsSpacing[0], cuadrito), XStringFormats.CenterLeft); helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginLeft, spacingProducts, marginLeft + 24 * cuadrito, spacingProducts); if (footerDetails.Length - 1 == i) { tf.DrawString(footerDetails[i], fontDetails, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + cuadrito, spacingProducts + cuadrito, 22 * cuadrito, 5 * cuadrito), XStringFormats.TopLeft); } else { helper.Gfx.DrawString(footerDetails[i], fontDetails, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(footerFieldsSpacing[1], spacingProducts, marginLeft + footerFieldsSpacing[0], cuadrito), XStringFormats.CenterRight); } helper.Gfx.DrawLine(penRect, marginLeft, spacingProducts, marginLeft + 24 * cuadrito, spacingProducts); spacingProducts += cuadrito; } for (int i = 0; i < totalFields.Length; i++) { helper.Gfx.DrawString(totalFields[i], fontGrid, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(totalFieldsSpacing[0], totals.Length == i + 1 ? totalSpacing + cuadrito : totalSpacing, 9 * cuadrito, cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); helper.Gfx.DrawString(totals[i], totals.Length == i + 1 ? fontGrid : fontDetails, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(marginLeft + 50 + 250 + 50 + 70 + 50, totals.Length == i + 1 ? totalSpacing + cuadrito : totalSpacing, 4 * cuadrito, cuadrito), XStringFormats.Center); totalSpacing += cuadrito; } //612pt*792pt letter paper is the same to A4 Debug.WriteLine("seconds= " + (DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds.ToString()); //Saving document.Save(fileName); //start view Process.Start(fileName); }
/// <summary> /// Append PDF and bitmap image to result PDF file. /// </summary> public void AppendToResultPdf() { string resultFileName = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "~TestResult.pdf"); PdfDocument pdfResultDocument = null; if (File.Exists(resultFileName)) { pdfResultDocument = PdfReader.Open(resultFileName, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Modify); } else { pdfResultDocument = new PdfDocument(); pdfResultDocument.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.SinglePage; #if GDI pdfResultDocument.Info.Title = "PDFsharp Unit Tests based on GDI+"; #endif #if WPF pdfResultDocument.Info.Title = "PDFsharp Unit Tests based on WPF"; #endif pdfResultDocument.Info.Author = "Stefan Lange"; } PdfPage page = pdfResultDocument.AddPage(); page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape; XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.GhostWhite, new XRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)); double x1 = XUnit.FromMillimeter((297 - 2 * WidthInMillimeter) / 3); double x2 = XUnit.FromMillimeter((297 - 2 * WidthInMillimeter) / 3 * 2 + WidthInMillimeter); double y = XUnit.FromMillimeter((210 - HeightInMillimeter) / 2); double yt = XUnit.FromMillimeter(HeightInMillimeter) + y + 20; gfx.DrawString(String.Format("PDFsharp Unit Test '{0}'", this.Name), new XFont("Arial", 9, XFontStyle.Bold), XBrushes.DarkRed, new XPoint(x1, 30)); // Draw the PDF result #if GDI //gfx.DrawString("What you see: A PDF form created with PDFsharp based on GDI+", new XFont("Verdana", 9), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(x1, yt)); string subtitle = "This is a PDF form created with PDFsharp based on GDI+"; #endif #if WPF //gfx.DrawString("What you see: A PDF form created with PDFsharp based on WPF", new XFont("Verdana", 9), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(x1, yt)); string subtitle = "This is a PDF form created with PDFsharp based on WPF"; #endif gfx.DrawString(subtitle, new XFont("Arial", 8), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XRect(x1, yt, WidthInPoint, 0), XStringFormats.Default); XPdfForm form = XPdfForm.FromFile(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, Name + ".pdf")); gfx.DrawImage(form, new XPoint(x1, y)); // Draw the result bitmap #if GDI //gfx.DrawString("What you see: A bitmap image created with PDFsharp based on GDI+", new XFont("Verdana", 9), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(x2, yt)); subtitle = "As a reference, this is a bitmap image created with PDFsharp based on GDI+"; #endif #if WPF //gfx.DrawString("What you see: A bitmap image created with PDFsharp based on WPF", new XFont("Verdana", 9), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XPoint(x2, yt)); subtitle = "As a reference, this is a bitmap image created with PDFsharp based on WPF"; #endif gfx.DrawString(subtitle, new XFont("Arial", 8), XBrushes.DarkBlue, new XRect(x2, yt, WidthInPoint, 0), XStringFormats.Default); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, Name + ".png")); image.Interpolate = false; gfx.DrawImage(image, new XPoint(x2, y)); pdfResultDocument.Save(resultFileName); }
private void CalculateImageDimensions() { ImageFormatInfo formatInfo = (ImageFormatInfo)_renderInfo.FormatInfo; if (formatInfo.Failure == ImageFailure.None) { XImage xImage = null; try { //xImage = XImage.FromFile(_imageFilePath); xImage = CreateXImage(_imageFilePath); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(Messages2.InvalidImageType(ex.Message)); formatInfo.Failure = ImageFailure.InvalidType; } if (formatInfo.Failure == ImageFailure.None) { try { XUnit usrWidth = _image.Width.Point; XUnit usrHeight = _image.Height.Point; bool usrWidthSet = !_image._width.IsNull; bool usrHeightSet = !_image._height.IsNull; XUnit resultWidth = usrWidth; XUnit resultHeight = usrHeight; Debug.Assert(xImage != null); double xPixels = xImage.PixelWidth; bool usrResolutionSet = !_image._resolution.IsNull; double horzRes = usrResolutionSet ? _image.Resolution : xImage.HorizontalResolution; double vertRes = usrResolutionSet ? _image.Resolution : xImage.VerticalResolution; // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (horzRes == 0 && vertRes == 0) { horzRes = 72; vertRes = 72; } else if (horzRes == 0) { Debug.Assert(false, "How can this be?"); horzRes = 72; } else if (vertRes == 0) { Debug.Assert(false, "How can this be?"); vertRes = 72; } // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator XUnit inherentWidth = XUnit.FromInch(xPixels / horzRes); double yPixels = xImage.PixelHeight; XUnit inherentHeight = XUnit.FromInch(yPixels / vertRes); //bool lockRatio = _image.IsNull("LockAspectRatio") ? true : _image.LockAspectRatio; bool lockRatio = _image._lockAspectRatio.IsNull || _image.LockAspectRatio; double scaleHeight = _image.ScaleHeight; double scaleWidth = _image.ScaleWidth; //bool scaleHeightSet = !_image.IsNull("ScaleHeight"); //bool scaleWidthSet = !_image.IsNull("ScaleWidth"); bool scaleHeightSet = !_image._scaleHeight.IsNull; bool scaleWidthSet = !_image._scaleWidth.IsNull; if (lockRatio && !(scaleHeightSet && scaleWidthSet)) { if (usrWidthSet && !usrHeightSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight / inherentWidth * usrWidth; } else if (usrHeightSet && !usrWidthSet) { resultWidth = inherentWidth / inherentHeight * usrHeight; } // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse else if (!usrHeightSet && !usrWidthSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight; resultWidth = inherentWidth; } if (scaleHeightSet) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleHeight; resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleHeight; } if (scaleWidthSet) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleWidth; resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleWidth; } } else { if (!usrHeightSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight; } if (!usrWidthSet) { resultWidth = inherentWidth; } if (scaleHeightSet) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleHeight; } if (scaleWidthSet) { resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleWidth; } } formatInfo.CropWidth = (int)xPixels; formatInfo.CropHeight = (int)yPixels; if (_image._pictureFormat != null && !_image._pictureFormat.IsNull()) { PictureFormat picFormat = _image.PictureFormat; //Cropping in pixels. XUnit cropLeft = picFormat.CropLeft.Point; XUnit cropRight = picFormat.CropRight.Point; XUnit cropTop = picFormat.CropTop.Point; XUnit cropBottom = picFormat.CropBottom.Point; formatInfo.CropX = (int)(horzRes * cropLeft.Inch); formatInfo.CropY = (int)(vertRes * cropTop.Inch); formatInfo.CropWidth -= (int)(horzRes * ((XUnit)(cropLeft + cropRight)).Inch); formatInfo.CropHeight -= (int)(vertRes * ((XUnit)(cropTop + cropBottom)).Inch); //Scaled cropping of the height and width. double xScale = resultWidth / inherentWidth; double yScale = resultHeight / inherentHeight; cropLeft = xScale * cropLeft; cropRight = xScale * cropRight; cropTop = yScale * cropTop; cropBottom = yScale * cropBottom; resultHeight = resultHeight - cropTop - cropBottom; resultWidth = resultWidth - cropLeft - cropRight; } if (resultHeight <= 0 || resultWidth <= 0) { formatInfo.Width = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); formatInfo.Height = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); Debug.WriteLine(Messages2.EmptyImageSize); _failure = ImageFailure.EmptySize; } else { formatInfo.Width = resultWidth; formatInfo.Height = resultHeight; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(Messages2.ImageNotReadable(_image.Name, ex.Message)); formatInfo.Failure = ImageFailure.NotRead; } finally { if (xImage != null) { xImage.Dispose(); } } } } if (formatInfo.Failure != ImageFailure.None) { if (!_image._width.IsNull) { formatInfo.Width = _image.Width.Point; } else { formatInfo.Width = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); } if (!_image._height.IsNull) { formatInfo.Height = _image.Height.Point; } else { formatInfo.Height = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); } } }
public void ExportThread() { var zWait = WaitDialog.Instance; #if !MONO_BUILD Bitmap zBuffer = null; #endif zWait.ProgressReset(0, 0, ExportLayoutEndIndex - ExportLayoutStartIndex, 0); for (var nIdx = ExportLayoutStartIndex; nIdx < ExportLayoutEndIndex; nIdx++) { ChangeExportLayoutIndex(nIdx); zWait.ProgressReset(1, 0, CurrentDeck.CardCount, 0); ConfigurePointSizes(CurrentDeck.CardLayout); // necessary tracking for which index of the layout is to be exported (this is NOT necessarily the index of the card due to the page back functionality) var nNextExportIndex = 0; if (0 < nIdx) { if (CardMakerSettings.PrintLayoutsOnNewPage) { AddPage(); } if (CardMakerSettings.PrintAutoHorizontalCenter || (m_dDrawX + m_dLayoutPointWidth > m_dPageMarginEndX)) // this is the case where a layout won't fit in the remaining space of the row { MoveToNextRow(nNextExportIndex); } } // should be adjusted after the above move to next row m_dNextRowYAdjust = Math.Max(m_dNextRowYAdjust, m_dLayoutPointHeight + m_dBufferY); if (CardMakerSettings.PrintAutoHorizontalCenter) { CenterLayoutPositionOnNewRow(nNextExportIndex); } #if !MONO_BUILD zBuffer?.Dispose(); zBuffer = new Bitmap(CurrentDeck.CardLayout.width, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.height); float fOriginalXDpi = zBuffer.HorizontalResolution; float fOriginalYDpi = zBuffer.VerticalResolution; #endif foreach (var nCardIdx in GetExportIndices()) { CurrentDeck.ResetDeckCache(); CurrentDeck.CardPrintIndex = nCardIdx; #if MONO_BUILD // mono build won't support the optimization so re-create the buffer Bitmap zBuffer = new Bitmap(CurrentDeck.CardLayout.width, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.height); #endif #if !MONO_BUILD // minor optimization, reuse the same bitmap (for drawing sake the DPI has to be reset) zBuffer.SetResolution(fOriginalXDpi, fOriginalYDpi); #endif if (nCardIdx == -1) { Graphics.FromImage(zBuffer).FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, zBuffer.Width, zBuffer.Height); // note: some oddities were observed where the buffer was not flood filling } else { CardRenderer.DrawPrintLineToGraphics(Graphics.FromImage(zBuffer)); } // apply any export rotation ProcessRotateExport(zBuffer, CurrentDeck.CardLayout, false); // before rendering to the PDF bump the DPI to the desired value zBuffer.SetResolution(CurrentDeck.CardLayout.dpi, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.dpi); var xImage = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(zBuffer); EvaluatePagePosition(nNextExportIndex); m_zPageGfx.DrawImage(xImage, m_dDrawX, m_dDrawY); MoveToNextColumnPosition(); // undo any export rotation ProcessRotateExport(zBuffer, CurrentDeck.CardLayout, true); nNextExportIndex++; zWait.ProgressStep(1); } zWait.ProgressStep(0); } #if !MONO_BUILD zBuffer?.Dispose(); #endif try { m_zDocument.Save(m_sExportFile); zWait.ThreadSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.AddLogLine("Error saving PDF (is it open?) " + ex.Message); zWait.ThreadSuccess = false; } zWait.CloseWaitDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the resource name of the specified image within this page or form. /// </summary> internal string GetImageName(XImage image) { if (_page != null) return _page.GetImageName(image); return _form.GetImageName(image); }
public static extern int XDestroyImage(ref XImage image);
// TODO: incomplete - srcRect not used public void DrawImage(XImage image, XRect destRect, XRect srcRect, XGraphicsUnit srcUnit) { const string format = Config.SignificantFigures4; double x = destRect.X; double y = destRect.Y; double width = destRect.Width; double height = destRect.Height; string name = Realize(image); if (!(image is XForm)) { if (_gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { AppendFormatImage("q {2:" + format + "} 0 0 {3:" + format + "} {0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} cm {4} Do\nQ\n", x, y + height, width, height, name); } else { AppendFormatImage("q {2:" + format + "} 0 0 {3:" + format + "} {0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, width, height, name); } } else { BeginPage(); XForm form = (XForm)image; form.Finish(); PdfFormXObject pdfForm = Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form); double cx = width / image.PointWidth; double cy = height / image.PointHeight; if (cx != 0 && cy != 0) { XPdfForm xForm = image as XPdfForm; if (_gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { double xDraw = x; double yDraw = y; if (xForm != null) { // Yes, it is an XPdfForm - adjust the position where the page will be drawn. xDraw -= xForm.Page.MediaBox.X1; yDraw += xForm.Page.MediaBox.Y1; } AppendFormatImage("q {2:" + format + "} 0 0 {3:" + format + "} {0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} cm {4} Do Q\n", xDraw, yDraw + height, cx, cy, name); } else { // TODO Translation for MediaBox. AppendFormatImage("q {2:" + format + "} 0 0 {3:" + format + "} {0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, cx, cy, name); } } } }
public static extern int XPutImage(IntPtr display, IntPtr drawable, IntPtr gc, ref XImage image, int srcx, int srcy, int destx, int desty, uint width, uint height);
/// <summary> /// Gets the resource name of the specified image within this page or form. /// </summary> internal string GetImageName(XImage image) { if ( != null) return; else return this.form.GetImageName(image); }
private void CalculateImageDimensions() { ImageFormatInfo formatInfo = (ImageFormatInfo)this.renderInfo.FormatInfo; if (formatInfo.Failure == ImageFailure.None) { XImage xImage = null; try { xImage = XImage.FromImageSource(formatInfo.ImageSource); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(AppResources.InvalidImageType, ex.Message)); formatInfo.Failure = ImageFailure.InvalidType; } try { XUnit usrWidth = image.Width.Point; XUnit usrHeight = image.Height.Point; bool usrWidthSet = !this.image.IsNull("Width"); bool usrHeightSet = !this.image.IsNull("Height"); XUnit resultWidth = usrWidth; XUnit resultHeight = usrHeight; double xPixels = xImage.PixelWidth; bool usrResolutionSet = !image.IsNull("Resolution"); double horzRes = usrResolutionSet ? (double)image.Resolution : xImage.HorizontalResolution; XUnit inherentWidth = XUnit.FromInch(xPixels / horzRes); double yPixels = xImage.PixelHeight; double vertRes = usrResolutionSet ? (double)image.Resolution : xImage.VerticalResolution; XUnit inherentHeight = XUnit.FromInch(yPixels / vertRes); bool lockRatio = this.image.IsNull("LockAspectRatio") ? true : image.LockAspectRatio; double scaleHeight = this.image.ScaleHeight; double scaleWidth = this.image.ScaleWidth; bool scaleHeightSet = !this.image.IsNull("ScaleHeight"); bool scaleWidthSet = !this.image.IsNull("ScaleWidth"); if (lockRatio) { if (usrWidthSet && usrHeightSet) { if (inherentHeight / usrHeight > inherentWidth / usrWidth) { usrWidthSet = false; } else { usrHeightSet = false; } } if (usrWidthSet && !usrHeightSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight / inherentWidth * usrWidth; } else if (usrHeightSet && !usrWidthSet) { resultWidth = inherentWidth / inherentHeight * usrHeight; } else if (!usrHeightSet && !usrWidthSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight; resultWidth = inherentWidth; } if (scaleHeightSet || scaleHeightSet && scaleWidthSet && scaleHeight < scaleWidth) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleHeight; resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleHeight; } else if (scaleWidthSet || scaleHeightSet && scaleWidthSet && scaleHeight > scaleWidth) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleWidth; resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleWidth; } } else { if (!usrHeightSet) { resultHeight = inherentHeight; } if (!usrWidthSet) { resultWidth = inherentWidth; } if (scaleHeightSet) { resultHeight = resultHeight * scaleHeight; } if (scaleWidthSet) { resultWidth = resultWidth * scaleWidth; } } formatInfo.CropWidth = (int)xPixels; formatInfo.CropHeight = (int)yPixels; if (!this.image.IsNull("PictureFormat")) { PictureFormat picFormat = this.image.PictureFormat; //Cropping in pixels. XUnit cropLeft = picFormat.CropLeft.Point; XUnit cropRight = picFormat.CropRight.Point; XUnit cropTop = picFormat.CropTop.Point; XUnit cropBottom = picFormat.CropBottom.Point; formatInfo.CropX = (int)(horzRes * cropLeft.Inch); formatInfo.CropY = (int)(vertRes * cropTop.Inch); formatInfo.CropWidth -= (int)(horzRes * ((XUnit)(cropLeft + cropRight)).Inch); formatInfo.CropHeight -= (int)(vertRes * ((XUnit)(cropTop + cropBottom)).Inch); //Scaled cropping of the height and width. double xScale = resultWidth / inherentWidth; double yScale = resultHeight / inherentHeight; cropLeft = xScale * cropLeft; cropRight = xScale * cropRight; cropTop = yScale * cropTop; cropBottom = yScale * cropBottom; resultHeight = resultHeight - cropTop - cropBottom; resultWidth = resultWidth - cropLeft - cropRight; } if (resultHeight <= 0 || resultWidth <= 0) { formatInfo.Width = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); formatInfo.Height = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); Debug.WriteLine(AppResources.EmptyImageSize); this.failure = ImageFailure.EmptySize; } else { formatInfo.Width = resultWidth; formatInfo.Height = resultHeight; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(AppResources.ImageNotReadable, image.Source.ToString(), ex.Message)); formatInfo.Failure = ImageFailure.NotRead; } finally { if (xImage != null) { xImage.Dispose(); } } } if (formatInfo.Failure != ImageFailure.None) { if (!this.image.IsNull("Width")) { formatInfo.Width = this.image.Width.Point; } else { formatInfo.Width = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); } if (!this.image.IsNull("Height")) { formatInfo.Height = this.image.Height.Point; } else { formatInfo.Height = XUnit.FromCentimeter(2.5); } return; } }
// TODO: incomplete - srcRect not used public void DrawImage(XImage image, XRect destRect, XRect srcRect, XGraphicsUnit srcUnit) { double x = destRect.X; double y = destRect.Y; double width = destRect.Width; double height = destRect.Height; string name = Realize(image); if (!(image is XForm)) { if (this.gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 -{3:0.####} {0:0.####} {4:0.####} cm {5} Do\nQ\n", x, y, width, height, y + height, name); } else { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 {3:0.####} {0:0.####} {1:0.####} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, width, height, name); } } else { BeginPage(); XForm xForm = (XForm)image; xForm.Finish(); PdfFormXObject pdfForm = Owner.FormTable.GetForm(xForm); double cx = width / image.PointWidth; double cy = height / image.PointHeight; if (cx != 0 && cy != 0) { if (this.gfx.PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards) { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 -{3:0.####} {0:0.####} {4:0.####} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n", x, y, cx, cy, y + height, name); } else { AppendFormat("q {2:0.####} 0 0 {3:0.####} {0:0.####} {1:0.####} cm {4} Do Q\n", x, y, cx, cy, name); } } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void Draw(object dc, XImage image, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray <XProperty> db, XRecord r) { // TODO: Implement Draw image. }