Example #1
        bool StoreTempImage(string fileName)
                const float resolution = 96;
                int         horzPixels = (int)(GetShapeWidth().Inch *resolution);
                int         vertPixels = (int)(GetShapeHeight().Inch *resolution);
                Bitmap      bmp        = new Bitmap(horzPixels, vertPixels);
#if true
                XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(horzPixels, vertPixels), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);
#if GDI
                XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromGraphics(Graphics.FromImage(bmp), new XSize(horzPixels, vertPixels));
#if WPF
                // TODOWPF
                XGraphics gfx = null; //XGraphics.FromGraphics(Graphics.FromImage(bmp), new XSize(horzPixels, vertPixels));
                //REM: Should not be necessary:
                gfx.ScaleTransform(resolution / 72);
                //gfx.PageUnit = XGraphicsUnit.Point;

                DocumentRenderer renderer = new DocumentRenderer(_chart.Document);
                renderer.RenderObject(gfx, 0, 0, GetShapeWidth().Point, _chart);
                bmp.SetResolution(resolution, resolution);
                bmp.Save(fileName, ImageFormat.Png);
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares this instance for rendering.
        /// </summary>
        public void PrepareDocument()
            PdfFlattenVisitor visitor = new PdfFlattenVisitor();

            _previousListNumbers = new Dictionary <ListType, int>(3);
            _previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList1] = 0;
            _previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList2] = 0;
            _previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList3] = 0;
            _formattedDocument = new FormattedDocument(_document, this);
            //REM: Size should not be necessary in this case.
#if true
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);
#if GDI
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromGraphics(Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero), new XSize(2000, 2000));
#if WPF
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromDrawingContext(null, new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point);
            //      _previousListNumber = int.MinValue;
            //gfx.MUH = _unicode;
            //gfx.MFEH = _fontEmbedding;

            _previousListInfo = null;
Example #3
        private static void FixTableSize(Table table)
            XGraphics graphics = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);
            var       fontSize = table.Document.Styles["Table"].Font.Size.Value;
            var       gdiFont  = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont("Arial", fontSize);

            for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++)
                double columnWidth = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    foreach (Paragraph paragraph in table[i, j].Elements.OfType <Paragraph>())
                        string contents = string.Empty;
                        foreach (DocumentObject paragraphElement in paragraph.Elements)
                            if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text)
                                contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text).Content;
                            else if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink)
                                contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink).Name;
                        XSize size = graphics.MeasureString(contents, gdiFont);
                        columnWidth = Math.Max(columnWidth, size.Width);
                table.Columns[j].Width = Unit.FromPoint(columnWidth) + 5;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes appropriate GDI+ objects.
        /// </summary>
        XGraphics Realize()
            if (_graphics == null)
                _graphics = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

            //this.graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point;

            if (_gdiFont == null)
                XFontStyle style = XFontStyle.Regular;
                if (_font.Bold)
                    style |= XFontStyle.Bold;
                if (_font.Italic)
                    style |= XFontStyle.Italic;

                _gdiFont = new XFont(_font.Name, _font.Size, style /*, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point*/);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF document from given HTML.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">HTML source to create PDF from</param>
        /// <param name="config">the configuration to use for the PDF generation (page size/page orientation/margins/etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="cssData">optional: the style to use for html rendering (default - use W3 default style)</param>
        /// <param name="stylesheetLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite stylesheet resolution logic</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite image resolution logic</param>
        /// <returns>the generated image of the html</returns>
        public static PdfDocument GeneratePdf(string html, PdfGenerateConfig config, CssData cssData = null, EventHandler <HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs> stylesheetLoad = null, EventHandler <HtmlImageLoadEventArgs> imageLoad = null)
            // create PDF document to render the HTML into
            var document = new PdfDocument();

            // get the size of each page to layout the HTML in
            var orgPageSize = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(config.PageSize);
            var pageSize    = new XSize(orgPageSize.Width - config.MarginLeft - config.MarginRight, orgPageSize.Height - config.MarginTop - config.MarginBottom);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                using (var container = new HtmlContainer())
                    if (stylesheetLoad != null)
                        container.StylesheetLoad += stylesheetLoad;
                    if (imageLoad != null)
                        container.ImageLoad += imageLoad;

                    container.Location = new XPoint(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop);
                    container.MaxSize  = new XSize(pageSize.Width, 0);
                    container.SetHtml(html, cssData);

                    // layout the HTML with the page width restriction to know how many pages are required
                    using (var measure = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(pageSize, XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards))

                    // while there is un-rendered HTML, create another PDF page and render with proper offset for the next page
                    double scrollOffset = 0;
                    while (scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height)
                        var page = document.AddPage();
                        page.Size = config.PageSize;
                        using (var g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                            g.IntersectClip(new XRect(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));

                            container.ScrollOffset = new XPoint(0, scrollOffset);
                        scrollOffset -= pageSize.Height;

                    // add web links and anchors
                    HandleLinks(document, container, orgPageSize, pageSize);

Example #6
        /// <summary>Creates the table.</summary>
        /// <param name="section">The section.</param>
        /// <param name="tableObj">The table to convert to html.</param>
        /// <param name="workingDirectory">The working directory.</param>
        private void CreateTable(Section section, AutoDocumentation.Table tableObj, string workingDirectory)
            // Create a 2 column, 1 row table. Image in first cell, X/Y data in second cell.
            Table table = section.AddTable();

            table.Style               = "Table";
            table.Borders.Color       = Colors.Blue;
            table.Borders.Width       = 0.25;
            table.Borders.Left.Width  = 0.5;
            table.Borders.Right.Width = 0.5;
            table.Rows.LeftIndent     = 0;

            foreach (DataColumn column in tableObj.data.Columns)
                Column column1 = table.AddColumn();
                column1.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

            Row row = table.AddRow();

            row.HeadingFormat    = true;
            row.Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Shading.Color    = Colors.LightBlue;

            XFont     gdiFont  = new XFont("Arial", 10);
            XGraphics graphics = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tableObj.data.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
                string heading = tableObj.data.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName;

                // Get the width of the column
                double maxSize = graphics.MeasureString(heading, gdiFont).Width;
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tableObj.data.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                    string cellText = tableObj.data.Rows[rowIndex][columnIndex].ToString();
                    XSize  size     = graphics.MeasureString(cellText, gdiFont);
                    maxSize = Math.Max(maxSize, size.Width);

                table.Columns[columnIndex].Width = Unit.FromPoint(maxSize + 10);
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tableObj.data.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                row = table.AddRow();
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tableObj.data.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
                    string cellText = tableObj.data.Rows[rowIndex][columnIndex].ToString();
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares this instance for rendering.
        /// </summary>
        public void PrepareDocument()
            PdfFlattenVisitor visitor = new PdfFlattenVisitor();

            this.previousListNumbers = new Hashtable(3);
            this.previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList1] = 0;
            this.previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList2] = 0;
            this.previousListNumbers[ListType.NumberList3] = 0;
            this.formattedDocument = new FormattedDocument(this.document, this);
            //REM: Size should not be necessary in this case.
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

            //      this.previousListNumber = int.MinValue;
            //gfx.MUH = this.unicode;
            //gfx.MFEH = this.fontEmbedding;

            this.previousListInfo = null;
Example #8
        /// <summary>Creates the table.</summary>
        /// <param name="section">The section.</param>
        /// <param name="tableObj">The table to convert to html.</param>
        private void CreateTable(Section section, AutoDocumentation.Table tableObj)
            var table = section.AddTable();

            table.Style               = "Table";
            table.Borders.Color       = Colors.Blue;
            table.Borders.Width       = 0.25;
            table.Borders.Left.Width  = 0.5;
            table.Borders.Right.Width = 0.5;
            table.Rows.LeftIndent     = 0;

            var       gdiFont  = new XFont("Arial", 10);
            XGraphics graphics = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

            // Add the required columns to the table.
            foreach (DataColumn column in tableObj.data.Table.Columns)
                var column1 = table.AddColumn();
                column1.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

            // Add a heading row.
            var headingRow = table.AddRow();

            headingRow.HeadingFormat    = true;
            headingRow.Format.Font.Bold = true;
            headingRow.Shading.Color    = Colors.LightBlue;

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tableObj.data.Table.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
                // Get column heading
                string heading = tableObj.data.Table.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName;

                // Get the width of the column
                double maxSize = graphics.MeasureString(heading, gdiFont).Width;
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tableObj.data.Count; rowIndex++)
                    // Add a row to our table if processing first column.
                    MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables.Row row;
                    if (columnIndex == 0)

                    // Get the row to process.
                    row = table.Rows[rowIndex + 1];

                    // Convert potential HTML to the cell in our row.

                    // Update the maximum size of the column with the value from the current row.
                    foreach (var element in row.Cells[columnIndex].Elements)
                        if (element is Paragraph)
                            var paragraph = element as Paragraph;
                            var contents  = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var paragraphElement in paragraph.Elements)
                                if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text)
                                    contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text).Content;
                                else if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink)
                                    contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink).Name;

                            var size = graphics.MeasureString(contents, gdiFont);
                            maxSize = Math.Max(maxSize, size.Width);

                // maxWidth is the maximum allowed width of the column. E.g. if tableObj.ColumnWidth
                // is 50, then maxWidth is the amount of space taken up by 50 characters.
                // maxSize, on the other hand, is the length of the longest string in the column.
                // The actual column width is whichever of these two values is smaller.
                // MigraDoc will automatically wrap text to ensure the column respects this width.
                double maxWidth = graphics.MeasureString(new string('m', tableObj.ColumnWidth), gdiFont).Width;
                table.Columns[columnIndex].Width = Unit.FromPoint(Math.Min(maxWidth, maxSize) + 10);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF pages from given HTML and appends them to the provided PDF document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">template to use for the page, if null just make a blank page</param>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <param name="html"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="cssData"></param>
        /// <param name="stylesheetLoad"></param>
        /// <param name="imageLoad"></param>
        public static void AddPdfPages(PdfDocument template, PdfDocument document, string html, PdfGenerateConfig config, CssData cssData = null, EventHandler <HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs> stylesheetLoad = null, EventHandler <HtmlImageLoadEventArgs> imageLoad = null)
            XSize orgPageSize;

            // get the size of each page to layout the HTML in
            if (config.PageSize != PageSize.Undefined)
                orgPageSize = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(config.PageSize);
                orgPageSize = config.ManualPageSize;

            if (config.PageOrientation == PageOrientation.Landscape)
                // invert pagesize for landscape
                orgPageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Height, orgPageSize.Width);

            var pageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Width - config.MarginLeft - config.MarginRight, orgPageSize.Height - config.MarginTop - config.MarginBottom);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                using (var container = new HtmlContainer())
                    if (stylesheetLoad != null)
                        container.StylesheetLoad += stylesheetLoad;
                    if (imageLoad != null)
                        container.ImageLoad += imageLoad;

                    container.Location = new XPoint(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop);
                    container.MaxSize  = new XSize(pageSize.Width, 0);
                    container.SetHtml(html, cssData);
                    container.PageSize     = pageSize;
                    container.MarginBottom = config.MarginBottom;
                    container.MarginLeft   = config.MarginLeft;
                    container.MarginRight  = config.MarginRight;
                    container.MarginTop    = config.MarginTop;

                    // layout the HTML with the page width restriction to know how many pages are required
                    using (var measure = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(pageSize, XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards))

                    // while there is un-rendered HTML, create another PDF page and render with proper offset for the next page
                    double scrollOffset = 0;
                    while (scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height)
                        PdfPage page;

                        if (template != null)
                            var templatePage = template.Pages[0];
                            page = document.AddPage(templatePage);
                            page = document.AddPage();

                        page.Height = orgPageSize.Height;
                        page.Width  = orgPageSize.Width;

                        using (var g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                            //g.IntersectClip(new XRect(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));
                            g.IntersectClip(new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height));

                            container.ScrollOffset = new XPoint(0, scrollOffset);
                        scrollOffset -= pageSize.Height;

                    // add web links and anchors
                    HandleLinks(document, container, orgPageSize, pageSize);
Example #10
        /// <summary>Creates the table.</summary>
        /// <param name="section">The section.</param>
        /// <param name="tableObj">The table to convert to html.</param>
        private void CreateTable(Section section, AutoDocumentation.Table tableObj)
            var table = section.AddTable();

            table.Style               = "Table";
            table.Borders.Color       = Colors.Blue;
            table.Borders.Width       = 0.25;
            table.Borders.Left.Width  = 0.5;
            table.Borders.Right.Width = 0.5;
            table.Rows.LeftIndent     = 0;

            var       gdiFont  = new XFont("Arial", 10);
            XGraphics graphics = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(new XSize(2000, 2000), XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

            // Add the required columns to the table.
            foreach (DataColumn column in tableObj.data.Table.Columns)
                var column1 = table.AddColumn();
                column1.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

            // Add a heading row.
            var headingRow = table.AddRow();

            headingRow.HeadingFormat    = true;
            headingRow.Format.Font.Bold = true;
            headingRow.Shading.Color    = Colors.LightBlue;

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tableObj.data.Table.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
                // Get column heading
                string heading = tableObj.data.Table.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName;

                // Get the width of the column
                double maxSize = graphics.MeasureString(heading, gdiFont).Width;
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tableObj.data.Count; rowIndex++)
                    // Add a row to our table if processing first column.
                    MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables.Row row;
                    if (columnIndex == 0)

                    // Get the row to process.
                    row = table.Rows[rowIndex + 1];

                    // Convert potential HTML to the cell in our row.

                    // Update the maximum size of the column with the value from the current row.
                    foreach (var element in row.Cells[columnIndex].Elements)
                        if (element is Paragraph)
                            var paragraph = element as Paragraph;
                            var contents  = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var paragraphElement in paragraph.Elements)
                                if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text)
                                    contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Text).Content;
                                else if (paragraphElement is MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink)
                                    contents += (paragraphElement as MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Hyperlink).Name;

                            var size = graphics.MeasureString(contents, gdiFont);
                            maxSize = Math.Max(maxSize, size.Width);

                table.Columns[columnIndex].Width = Unit.FromPoint(maxSize + 10);
            //for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < tableObj.data.Count; rowIndex++)
            //    row = table.AddRow();
            //    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tableObj.data.Table.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
            //    {
            //        string cellText = tableObj.data[rowIndex][columnIndex].ToString();
            //        var match = hrefRegEx.Match(cellText);
            //        if (match.Success)
            //        {
            //            var paragraph = row.Cells[columnIndex].AddParagraph();
            //            var hyperlink = paragraph.AddHyperlink(match.Groups[1].ToString().TrimStart('#'), HyperlinkType.Bookmark);
            //            hyperlink.AddFormattedText(match.Groups[2].ToString(), TextFormat.Underline);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            match = italicsRegEx.Match(cellText);
            //            if (match.Success)
            //            {
            //                var para = row.Cells[columnIndex].AddParagraph(match.Groups[1].ToString());
            //                para.AddLineBreak();
            //                para.AddFormattedText(match.Groups[2].ToString(), TextFormat.Italic);
            //            }
            //            else
            //                row.Cells[columnIndex].AddParagraph(cellText);
            //        }
            //    }
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF pages from given HTML and appends them to the provided PDF document.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">PDF document to append pages to</param>
        /// <param name="html">HTML source to create PDF from</param>
        /// <param name="config">the configuration to use for the PDF generation (page size/page orientation/margins/etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="cssData">optional: the style to use for html rendering (default - use W3 default style)</param>
        /// <param name="stylesheetLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite stylesheet resolution logic</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite image resolution logic</param>
        /// <returns>the generated image of the html</returns>
        public static void AddPdfPages(PdfDocument document, string html, PdfGenerateConfig config, CssData cssData = null, EventHandler <HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs> stylesheetLoad = null, EventHandler <HtmlImageLoadEventArgs> imageLoad = null)
            XSize orgPageSize;

            // get the size of each page to layout the HTML in
            if (config.PageSize != PageSize.Undefined)
                orgPageSize = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(config.PageSize);
                orgPageSize = config.ManualPageSize;

            if (config.PageOrientation == PageOrientation.Landscape)
                // invert pagesize for landscape
                orgPageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Height, orgPageSize.Width);

            var pageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Width - config.MarginLeft - config.MarginRight, orgPageSize.Height - config.MarginTop - config.MarginBottom);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                using (var container = new HtmlContainer())
                    if (stylesheetLoad != null)
                        container.StylesheetLoad += stylesheetLoad;
                    if (imageLoad != null)
                        container.ImageLoad += imageLoad;

                    container.Location = new XPoint(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop);
                    container.MaxSize  = new XSize(pageSize.Width, 0);
                    container.SetHtml(html, cssData);
                    container.PageSize     = pageSize;
                    container.MarginBottom = config.MarginBottom;
                    container.MarginLeft   = config.MarginLeft;
                    container.MarginRight  = config.MarginRight;
                    container.MarginTop    = config.MarginTop;

                    // layout the HTML with the page width restriction to know how many pages are required
                    using (var measure = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(pageSize, XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards))

                    // while there is un-rendered HTML, create another PDF page and render with proper offset for the next page
                    double scrollOffset = 0;

                    int totalPages = (int)(container.ActualSize.Height / pageSize.Height) + 1;

                    while (scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height)
                        var page = document.AddPage();
                        page.Height = orgPageSize.Height;
                        page.Width  = orgPageSize.Width;

                        using (var g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                            //g.IntersectClip(new XRect(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));
                            g.IntersectClip(new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height));

                            container.ScrollOffset = new XPoint(0, scrollOffset);

                            if (config.EnablePageNumbering)
                                string pageNumbersStr     = string.Format(config.PageNumbersPattern, (-scrollOffset / pageSize.Height) + 1, totalPages);
                                var    pageNumbersStrSize = g.MeasureString(pageNumbersStr, config.PageNumbersFont);

                                double xCord = 0;
                                switch (config.PageNumberLocation)
                                case PageNumberLocation.Left:
                                    xCord = config.MarginLeft + pageNumbersStrSize.Width / 2;

                                case PageNumberLocation.Middle:
                                    xCord = config.MarginLeft + pageSize.Width / 2 - pageNumbersStrSize.Width / 2;

                                case PageNumberLocation.Right:
                                    xCord = pageSize.Width - pageNumbersStrSize.Width / 2;

                                //draw page numbers
                                    new XSolidBrush(),
                                    new XPoint(xCord, page.Height - config.PageNumbersMarginBottom));

                                //	"middle",
                                //	config.PageNumbersFont,
                                //	new XSolidBrush(),
                                //	new XPoint(0, page.Height - config.PageNumbersMarginBottom));

                                //	"right",
                                //	config.PageNumbersFont,
                                //	new XSolidBrush(),
                                //	new XPoint(pageSize.Width/2 + config.MarginLeft - g.MeasureString("x", config.PageNumbersFont).Width, page.Height - config.PageNumbersMarginBottom));

                                //	"left",
                                //	config.PageNumbersFont,
                                //	new XSolidBrush(),
                                //	new XPoint(config.MarginLeft + g.MeasureString("left", config.PageNumbersFont).Width / 2, page.Height - config.PageNumbersMarginBottom));

                        scrollOffset -= pageSize.Height;

                    // add web links and anchors
                    HandleLinks(document, container, orgPageSize, pageSize);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF pages from given HTML and appends them to the provided PDF document.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">PDF document to append pages to</param>
        /// <param name="html">HTML source to create PDF from</param>
        /// <param name="config">the configuration to use for the PDF generation (page size/page orientation/margins/etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="cssData">optional: the style to use for html rendering (default - use W3 default style)</param>
        /// <param name="stylesheetLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite stylesheet resolution logic</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite image resolution logic</param>
        /// <returns>the generated image of the html</returns>
        public static async Task AddPdfPages(PdfDocument document,
                                             IResourceServer resourceServer,
                                             PdfGenerateConfig config
            XSize orgPageSize;

            // get the size of each page to layout the HTML in
            if (config.PageSize != PageSize.Undefined)
                orgPageSize = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(config.PageSize);
                orgPageSize = config.ManualPageSize;

            if (config.PageOrientation == PageOrientation.Landscape)
                // invert pagesize for landscape
                orgPageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Height, orgPageSize.Width);

            var pageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Width - config.MarginLeft - config.MarginRight, orgPageSize.Height - config.MarginTop - config.MarginBottom);

            var html = await resourceServer.GetHtmlAsync();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                using (var container = new HtmlContainer())
                    container.Location = new XPoint(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop);
                    container.MaxSize  = new XSize(pageSize.Width, 0);
                    await container.SetResourceServerAsync(resourceServer);

                    container.PageSize     = pageSize;
                    container.MarginBottom = config.MarginBottom;
                    container.MarginLeft   = config.MarginLeft;
                    container.MarginRight  = config.MarginRight;
                    container.MarginTop    = config.MarginTop;

                    // layout the HTML with the page width restriction to know how many pages are required
                    using (var measure = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(pageSize, XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards))

                    // while there is un-rendered HTML, create another PDF page and render with proper offset for the next page
                    double scrollOffset = 0;
                    while (scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height)
                        var page = document.AddPage();
                        page.Height = orgPageSize.Height;
                        page.Width  = orgPageSize.Width;

                        using (var g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                            //g.IntersectClip(new XRect(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));
                            g.IntersectClip(new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height));

                            container.ScrollOffset = new XPoint(0, scrollOffset);
                        scrollOffset -= pageSize.Height;

                    // add web links and anchors
                    HandleLinks(document, container, orgPageSize, pageSize);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF pages from given HTML and appends them to the provided PDF document.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">PDF document to append pages to</param>
        /// <param name="html">HTML source to create PDF from</param>
        /// <param name="config">the configuration to use for the PDF generation (page size/page orientation/margins/etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="cssData">optional: the style to use for html rendering (default - use W3 default style)</param>
        /// <param name="stylesheetLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite stylesheet resolution logic</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoad">optional: can be used to overwrite image resolution logic</param>
        /// <returns>the generated image of the html</returns>
        public static void AddPdfPages(PdfDocument document, string html, PdfGenerateConfig config, CssData cssData = null, EventHandler <HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs> stylesheetLoad = null, EventHandler <HtmlImageLoadEventArgs> imageLoad = null)
            XSize orgPageSize;

            // get the size of each page to layout the HTML in
            if (config.PageSize != PageSize.Undefined)
                orgPageSize = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(config.PageSize);
                orgPageSize = config.ManualPageSize;

            if (config.PageOrientation == PageOrientation.Landscape)
                // invert pagesize for landscape
                orgPageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Height, orgPageSize.Width);

            var pageSize = new XSize(orgPageSize.Width - config.MarginLeft - config.MarginRight, orgPageSize.Height - config.MarginTop - config.MarginBottom);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                using (var container = new HtmlContainer())
                    if (stylesheetLoad != null)
                        container.StylesheetLoad += stylesheetLoad;
                    if (imageLoad != null)
                        container.ImageLoad += imageLoad;

                    container.Location = new XPoint(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop);
                    container.MaxSize  = new XSize(pageSize.Width, 0);
                    container.SetHtml(html, cssData);
                    container.PageSize     = pageSize;
                    container.MarginBottom = config.MarginBottom;
                    container.MarginLeft   = config.MarginLeft;
                    container.MarginRight  = config.MarginRight;
                    container.MarginTop    = config.MarginTop;

                    // layout the HTML with the page width restriction to know how many pages are required
                    var measure = XGraphics.CreateMeasureContext(pageSize, XGraphicsUnit.Point, XPageDirection.Downwards);

                    // while there is un-rendered HTML, create another PDF page and render with proper offset for the next page
                    double scrollOffset = 0;
                    //SL: if there is more than one page, increase the bottom margin to allow space for the page number
                    container.MarginBottom += scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height ?  20 : 0;
                    container.PerformLayout(measure); //SL: This still does not increase the margin for the first page of a multi page.. welp
                    while (scrollOffset > -container.ActualSize.Height)
                        var page = document.AddPage();
                        page.Height = orgPageSize.Height;
                        page.Width  = orgPageSize.Width;

                        using (var g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                            //g.IntersectClip(new XRect(config.MarginLeft, config.MarginTop, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));
                            g.IntersectClip(new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height));

                            container.ScrollOffset = new XPoint(0, scrollOffset);
                        scrollOffset -= pageSize.Height;

                    if (config.AddPageCountFoooter && document.PageCount > 1)  //Only add page numbers if more than one page
                        AddPageCountFoooter(document, pageSize);

                    // SL: Set config option to handle links or not as it crashes for
                    // some valid html links.
                    // TODO: Investigate reason for crashing.
                    if (config.HandleLinks)
                        HandleLinks(document, container, orgPageSize, pageSize);