Example #1
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, bool popup)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popup;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = platform.MouseDevice;
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;

            var glfeature             = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IWindowingPlatformGlFeature>();
            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            XVisualInfo?visualInfo = null;

            // OpenGL seems to be do weird things to it's current window which breaks resize sometimes
            _useRenderWindow = glfeature != null;

            var glx = glfeature as GlxGlPlatformFeature;

            if (glx != null)
                visualInfo = *glx.Display.VisualInfo;
            else if (glfeature == null)
                visualInfo = _x11.TransparentVisualInfo;

            var egl = glfeature as EglGlPlatformFeature;

            var visual = IntPtr.Zero;
            var depth  = 24;

            if (visualInfo != null)
                visual        = visualInfo.Value.visual;
                depth         = (int)visualInfo.Value.depth;
                attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, visualInfo.Value.visual, 0);
                valueMask    |= SetWindowValuemask.ColorMap;

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, 300, 200, 0,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);

            if (_useRenderWindow)
                _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, 300, 200, 0, depth,
                                              new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                                 SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);
                _renderHandle = _handle;

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(300, 200);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            if (platform.Options.WmClass != null)

            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle,
                                          depth, () => Scaling)

            if (egl != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface((EglDisplay)egl.Display, egl.DeferredContext,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            if (glx != null)
                surfaces.Insert(0, new GlxGlPlatformSurface(glx.Display, glx.DeferredContext,
                                                            new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.Display, _handle, _renderHandle)));

            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();
            _xic = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                             XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);
Example #2
 public static extern int XGrabPointer(IntPtr display, uint window, bool owner_events,
                                       XEventMask event_mask, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode, IntPtr confine_to, IntPtr cursor, int time);
Example #3
 private static extern int XSelectInput(IntPtr display, IntPtr w, XEventMask mask);
Example #4
        public WindowResizeTest()
            t = new Timer();

            dpy     = new XDisplay(IntPtr.Zero);
            s       = new XScreen(dpy);
            ev      = new XEvent(dpy);
            pointer = new XPointer(dpy);
            gc      = new XGC(dpy);

            //XShape shape = new XShape(dpy);
            //Console.WriteLine("Shape Event Type Number = {0}", shape.Type.ToString());

            //atom = new XAtom (dpy, "_MAJYK_HINT", false);

            // Used to test the XPM function that reads a pixmap from a char**
//      pix_data = new string[] {
//            "16 16 16 1",
//            "   c None",
//            ". c #323232",
//            "+  c #535353",
//            "@  c #4A8A8E",
//            "#  c #DEE2E2",
//            "$  c #7E827A",
//            "%  c #8A9292",
//            "&  c #D6D6D6",
//            "*  c #36767E",
//            "=  c #9E9E9E",
//            "-  c #FAFAFA",
//            ";  c #B2B2B2",
//            ">  c #DEEEEA",
//            ",  c #464646",
//            "'  c #5EA2A2",
//            ")  c #52969A",
//            "                ",
//            "                ",
//            " --#>>>>>>#-#-; ",
//            " -&%')))))=&=&+ ",
//            " >;$@*****=;%;+ ",
//            " &$$$$$$$$$$$$, ",
//            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
//            " $............. ",
//            "                ",
//            "                "
//      };

            bg_color     = new XColor(dpy, "#AAAAAA");
            handle_color = new XColor(dpy, "#FF0000");

            //bg_color = new XColor(dpy, Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200));
            //handle_color = new XColor(dpy, Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0));

            main_win = new XWindow(dpy, new Rectangle(5, 5, 640, 480), 0, s.BlackPixel(), s.WhitePixel());

            main_win.Name = "Window Resize Test";
            main_win.SelectInput(XEventMask.KeyPressMask | XEventMask.ExposureMask);

            resize_main_win         = new XWindow(dpy, main_win, new Rectangle(resize_win_x, resize_win_y, resize_win_width, resize_win_height), 1, s.BlackPixel(), bg_color.Pixel);
            resize_top_left_win     = new XWindow(dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle(0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel(), handle_color.Pixel);
            resize_top_right_win    = new XWindow(dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle(0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel(), handle_color.Pixel);
            resize_bottom_left_win  = new XWindow(dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle(0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel(), handle_color.Pixel);
            resize_bottom_right_win = new XWindow(dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle(0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel(), handle_color.Pixel);

            //string foo="MAJYK!";
            //resize_main_win.ChangeProperty(atom, atom, 8, PropMode.PropModeReplace, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(foo), foo.Length);

            //int return_type=0;
            //int actual_format=0;
            //int nitems=0;
            //int bytes_return=0;
            //IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;

            //resize_main_win.GetProperty(atom, 0, 2, false, atom, out return_type, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_return, out data);

            //string z = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(data);
            //Console.WriteLine("nitems = {0}, z = {1}", nitems, z);

            //pix = new XPixmap (dpy);

            //if (pix.ReadPixmapFromData (resize_main_win, pix_data)) {
            //  resize_main_win.SetBackgroundPixmap (pix);

            //  Console.WriteLine ("pixmap w = {0} | h = {1}", pix.Width.ToString (), pix.Height.ToString ());


            // Test TransientFor
            //Window foo = resize_main_win.GetTransientForHint();
            //Console.WriteLine("resize_main_win = {0} | foo.transient_for = {1} | main_win = {2}", resize_main_win.ID.ToString(), foo.ID.ToString(), main_win.ID.ToString());

            XEventMask mask = XEventMask.ButtonPressMask | XEventMask.ButtonReleaseMask;




            ev.KeyPressHandlerEvent      += new KeyPressHandler(HandleKeyPress);
            ev.MotionNotifyHandlerEvent  += new MotionNotifyHandler(HandleMotionNotify);
            ev.ButtonPressHandlerEvent   += new ButtonPressHandler(HandleButtonPress);
            ev.ButtonReleaseHandlerEvent += new ButtonReleaseHandler(HandleButtonRelease);
            ev.ExposeHandlerEvent        += new ExposeHandler(HandleExpose);

            t.Interval = 1000;
            t.Enabled  = true;
            t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(UpdateClock);

Example #5
 private static extern int XGrabButton(IntPtr display, int button, XModMask modifiers, IntPtr grab_window, bool owner_events, XEventMask event_mask, XGrabMode pointer_mode, XGrabMode keyboard_mode, int confine_to, IntPtr cursor);
Example #6
 private static extern int XGrabPointer(IntPtr display, IntPtr grab_window, bool owner_events, XEventMask event_mask, XGrabMode pointer_mode, XGrabMode keyboard_mode, int confine_to, int cursor, int time);
Example #7
 public int GrabPointer(XEventMask event_mask)
     return XGrabPointer (display.Handle, Handle, true, event_mask, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, 0, 0, 0);
Example #8
 public static extern Status XSendEvent(DisplayPtr display, Window w, Bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask, ref XEvent event_send);
Example #9
 public int GrabButton(int button, XModMask modifiers, IntPtr grab_window, bool owner_events, XEventMask event_mask, XGrabMode pointer_mode, XGrabMode keyboard_mode, int confine_to, IntPtr cursor)
     return XGrabButton (display.Handle, button, modifiers, grab_window, owner_events, event_mask, pointer_mode, keyboard_mode, confine_to, cursor);
Example #10
 public int GrabButton(int button, XModMask modifiers, XEventMask event_mask)
     return XGrabButton (display.Handle, button, modifiers, Handle, true, event_mask, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
Example #11
 public int Grab(IntPtr w, XEventMask event_mask)
     return XGrabPointer (display.Handle, w, true, event_mask, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, XGrabMode.GrabModeAsync, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
Example #12
 private static extern int XSendEvent(IntPtr display, IntPtr w, bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask, IntPtr event_send);
Example #13
        //    public int SendEvent (XWindow w, bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask)
        //    {
        //      return XSendEvent (display.Handle, w.Handle, propagate, event_mask, Handle);
        //    }
        public int SendClientMessage(XWindow w, XAtom a, bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask)
            //XEvent e;

              //e.type = XEventType.ClientMessage;
              //e.xclient.window = w;
              //e.xclient.message_type = a;
              //e.xclient.format = 32;
              //e.xclient.data.l[0] = x;
              //e.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;

              //FIXME: SendClientMessage
              //XClientMessageEvent cm = new XClientMessageEvent ();

              //cm.window = w.Handle;
              //cm.message_type = a;
              //cm.format = 32;
              //cm.data = new XClientMessageEvent.data ();

              //return XSendEvent (dpy, w, False, mask, &e);
            return 0;
Example #14
 public static extern void XSelectInput(IntPtr display, uint window, XEventMask event_mask);
Example #15
 public int SelectInput(XEventMask mask)
     return XSelectInput (display.Handle, Handle, mask);
Example #16
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, IWindowImpl popupParent)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popupParent != null;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = new MouseDevice();
            _touch    = new TouchDevice();
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;

            var glfeature             = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IPlatformOpenGlInterface>();
            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (_popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            XVisualInfo?visualInfo = null;

            // OpenGL seems to be do weird things to it's current window which breaks resize sometimes
            _useRenderWindow = glfeature != null;

            var glx = glfeature as GlxPlatformOpenGlInterface;

            if (glx != null)
                visualInfo = *glx.Display.VisualInfo;
            else if (glfeature == null)
                visualInfo = _x11.TransparentVisualInfo;

            var egl = glfeature as EglPlatformOpenGlInterface;

            var visual = IntPtr.Zero;
            var depth  = 24;

            if (visualInfo != null)
                visual        = visualInfo.Value.visual;
                depth         = (int)visualInfo.Value.depth;
                attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, visualInfo.Value.visual, 0);
                valueMask    |= SetWindowValuemask.ColorMap;

            int defaultWidth = 0, defaultHeight = 0;

            if (!_popup && Screen != null)
                var monitor = Screen.AllScreens.OrderBy(x => x.PixelDensity)
                              .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Bounds.Contains(Position));

                if (monitor != null)
                    // Emulate Window 7+'s default window size behavior.
                    defaultWidth  = (int)(monitor.WorkingArea.Width * 0.75d);
                    defaultHeight = (int)(monitor.WorkingArea.Height * 0.7d);

            // check if the calculated size is zero then compensate to hardcoded resolution
            defaultWidth  = Math.Max(defaultWidth, 300);
            defaultHeight = Math.Max(defaultHeight, 200);

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, 0,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);

            if (_useRenderWindow)
                _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, 0, depth,
                                              new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                                 SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);
                _renderHandle = _handle;

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(defaultWidth, defaultHeight);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            if (platform.Options.WmClass != null)

            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle,
                                          depth, () => RenderScaling)

            if (egl != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface(egl,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            if (glx != null)
                surfaces.Insert(0, new GlxGlPlatformSurface(glx.Display, glx.DeferredContext,
                                                            new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.Display, _handle, _renderHandle)));

            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();
            _xic = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                             XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);
            _transparencyHelper = new TransparencyHelper(_x11, _handle, platform.Globals);

            if (_popup)
                PopupPositioner = new ManagedPopupPositioner(new ManagedPopupPositionerPopupImplHelper(popupParent, MoveResize));
            if (platform.Options.UseDBusMenu)
                NativeMenuExporter = DBusMenuExporter.TryCreate(_handle);
            NativeControlHost = new X11NativeControlHost(_platform, this);
            DispatcherTimer.Run(() =>
Example #17
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, bool popup)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popup;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = platform.MouseDevice;
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;
            _xic      = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                                  XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);

            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, 300, 200, 0,
                                    (int)CreateWindowArgs.InputOutput, IntPtr.Zero,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);
            _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, 300, 200, 0, 24,
                                          new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                             SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(300, 200);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            var feature  = (EglGlPlatformFeature)AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IWindowingPlatformGlFeature>();
            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle, () => Scaling)

            if (feature != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface((EglDisplay)feature.Display, feature.DeferredContext,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();