Example #1
        private void NaiveMeshIndex(int index, int localPosition, ushort currentBlockId, bool isCurrentBlockTransparent)
            Debug.Assert(currentBlockId != BlockController.AirID, $"{nameof(TraverseIndex)} should not run on air blocks.");
            Debug.Assert((index >= 0) && (index < GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_CUBED), $"{nameof(index)} is not within chunk bounds.");
            Debug.Assert(WydMath.PointToIndex(DecompressVertex(localPosition), GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE) == index,
                         $"{nameof(localPosition)} does not match given {nameof(index)}.");
            Debug.Assert(_MeshingBlocks[index].ID == currentBlockId, $"{currentBlockId} is not equal to block ID at given index.");
                BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(currentBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent) == isCurrentBlockTransparent,
                $"Given transparency state for {nameof(currentBlockId)} does not match actual block transparency.");

            // iterate once over all 6 faces of given cubic space
            for (int normalIndex = 0; normalIndex < 6; normalIndex++)
                // face direction always exists on a single bit, so shift 1 by the current normalIndex (0-5)
                Direction faceDirection = (Direction)(1 << normalIndex);

                // check if current index has face already
                if (_MeshingBlocks[index].HasFace(faceDirection))

                // indicates whether the current face checking direction is negative or positive
                bool isNegativeFace = (normalIndex - 3) >= 0;
                // normalIndex constrained to represent the 3 axes
                int iModulo3      = normalIndex % 3;
                int iModulo3Shift = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * iModulo3;
                // axis value of the current face check direction
                // example: for iteration normalIndex == 0—which is positive X—it'd be equal to localPosition.x
                int faceCheckAxisValue = (localPosition >> iModulo3Shift) & GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK;
                // indicates whether or not the face check is within the current chunk bounds
                bool isFaceCheckOutOfBounds = (!isNegativeFace && (faceCheckAxisValue == (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE - 1))) ||
                                              (isNegativeFace && (faceCheckAxisValue == 0));

                if (!isFaceCheckOutOfBounds)
                    // amount by integer to add to current traversal index to get 3D->1D position of facing block
                    int facedBlockIndex = index + GenerationConstants.IndexStepByNormalIndex[normalIndex];
                    // if so, index into block ids and set facingBlockId
                    ushort facedBlockId = _MeshingBlocks[facedBlockIndex].ID;

                    // if transparent, traverse so long as facing block is not the same block id
                    // if opaque, traverse so long as facing block is transparent
                    if (isCurrentBlockTransparent)
                        if (currentBlockId != facedBlockId)
                    else if (!BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(facedBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent))
                        if (!isNegativeFace)
                            Direction inverseFaceDirection = (Direction)(1 << ((normalIndex + 3) % 6));

                    // this block of code translates the integer local position to the local position of the neighbor at [normalIndex]
                    int sign = isNegativeFace ? -1 : 1;
                    int iModuloComponentMask = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK << iModulo3Shift;
                    int finalLocalPosition   = (~iModuloComponentMask & localPosition)
                                               | (WydMath.Wrap(((localPosition & iModuloComponentMask) >> iModulo3Shift) + sign,
                                                               GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE, 0, GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE - 1)
                                                << iModulo3Shift);

                    // index into neighbor blocks collections, call .GetPoint() with adjusted local position
                    // remark: if there's no neighbor at the index given, then no chunk exists there (for instance,
                    //     chunks at the edge of render distance). In this case, return NullID so no face is rendered on edges.
                    ushort facedBlockId = _NeighborBlocksCollections[normalIndex]?.GetPoint(DecompressVertex(finalLocalPosition))
                                          ?? BlockController.NullID;

                    if (isCurrentBlockTransparent)
                        if (currentBlockId != facedBlockId)
                    else if (!BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(facedBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent))



                if (BlockController.Current.GetUVs(currentBlockId, faceDirection, out ushort textureId))
                    int compressedUv = (textureId << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * 2))
                                       ^ (1 << GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT)
                                       ^ 1;

                    int   normals            = GenerationConstants.NormalByIteration[normalIndex];
                    int[] compressedVertices = GenerationConstants.VerticesByIteration[normalIndex];

                    _MeshData.AddVertex((localPosition + compressedVertices[3]) | normals);
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & (int.MaxValue << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * 2)));

                    _MeshData.AddVertex((localPosition + compressedVertices[2]) | normals);
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & (int.MaxValue << GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT));

                    _MeshData.AddVertex((localPosition + compressedVertices[1]) | normals);
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & ~(GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK << GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT));

                    _MeshData.AddVertex((localPosition + compressedVertices[0]) | normals);
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & int.MaxValue);

                    int verticesCount    = _MeshData.VerticesCount / 2;
                    int transparentAsInt = Convert.ToInt32(isCurrentBlockTransparent);

                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 0 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 2 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 1 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 2 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 3 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 1 + verticesCount);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Traverse given index of <see cref="_MeshingBlocks" /> to conditionally emit vertex data for each face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Current working index.</param>
        /// <param name="localPosition">3D projected local position of the current working index.</param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockId">Block ID present at the current working index.</param>
        /// <param name="isCurrentBlockTransparent">Whether or not this traversal uses transparent-specific conditionals.</param>
        private void TraverseIndex(int index, int localPosition, ushort currentBlockId, bool isCurrentBlockTransparent)
            Debug.Assert(currentBlockId != BlockController.AirID, $"{nameof(TraverseIndex)} should not run on air blocks.");
            Debug.Assert((index >= 0) && (index < GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_CUBED), $"{nameof(index)} is not within chunk bounds.");
            Debug.Assert(WydMath.PointToIndex(DecompressVertex(localPosition), GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE) == index,
                         $"{nameof(localPosition)} does not match given {nameof(index)}.");
            Debug.Assert(_MeshingBlocks[index].ID == currentBlockId, $"{currentBlockId} is not equal to block ID at given index.");
                BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(currentBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent) == isCurrentBlockTransparent,
                $"Given transparency state for {nameof(currentBlockId)} does not match actual block transparency.");

            // iterate once over all 6 faces of given cubic space
            for (int normalIndex = 0; normalIndex < 6; normalIndex++)
                // face direction always exists on a single bit, so shift 1 by the current normalIndex (0-5)
                Direction faceDirection = (Direction)(1 << normalIndex);

                // check if current index has face already
                if (_MeshingBlocks[index].HasFace(faceDirection))

                // indicates whether the current face checking direction is negative or positive
                bool isNegativeFace = (normalIndex - 3) >= 0;
                // normalIndex constrained to represent the 3 axes
                int iModulo3      = normalIndex % 3;
                int iModulo3Shift = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * iModulo3;
                // axis value of the current face check direction
                // example: for iteration normalIndex == 0—which is positive X—it'd be equal to localPosition.x
                int faceCheckAxisValue = (localPosition >> iModulo3Shift) & GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK;
                // indicates whether or not the face check is within the current chunk bounds
                bool isFaceCheckOutOfBounds = (!isNegativeFace && (faceCheckAxisValue == (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE - 1))) ||
                                              (isNegativeFace && (faceCheckAxisValue == 0));
                // total number of successful traversals
                int traversals = 0;

                for (int perpendicularNormalIndex = 1; perpendicularNormalIndex < 3; perpendicularNormalIndex++)
                    // the index of the int3 traversalNormal to traverse on
                    int traversalNormalIndex = (iModulo3 + perpendicularNormalIndex) % 3;
                    int traversalNormalShift = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * traversalNormalIndex;

                    // current value of the local position by traversal direction
                    int traversalNormalAxisValue = (localPosition >> traversalNormalShift) & GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK;
                    // amount by integer to add to current index to get 3D->1D position of traversal position
                    int traversalIndexStep = GenerationConstants.IndexStepByNormalIndex[traversalNormalIndex];
                    // current traversal index, which is increased by traversalIndexStep every iteration the for loop below
                    int traversalIndex = index + (traversals * traversalIndexStep);
                    // local start axis position + traversals
                    int totalTraversalLength = traversalNormalAxisValue + traversals;

                    for (;
                         (totalTraversalLength < GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE) &&
                         !_MeshingBlocks[traversalIndex].HasFace(faceDirection) &&
                         (_MeshingBlocks[traversalIndex].ID == currentBlockId);
                         traversals++,                         // increment traversals
                         traversalIndex += traversalIndexStep) // increment traversal index by index step to adjust local working position
                        // check if current facing block axis value is within the local chunk
                        if (!isFaceCheckOutOfBounds)
                            // amount by integer to add to current traversal index to get 3D->1D position of facing block
                            int facedBlockIndex = traversalIndex + GenerationConstants.IndexStepByNormalIndex[normalIndex];
                            // if so, index into block ids and set facingBlockId
                            ushort facedBlockId = _MeshingBlocks[facedBlockIndex].ID;

                            // if transparent, traverse so long as facing block is not the same block id
                            // if opaque, traverse so long as facing block is transparent
                            if (isCurrentBlockTransparent)
                                if (currentBlockId != facedBlockId)
                            else if (!BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(facedBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent))
                                if (!isNegativeFace)
                                    // we've culled this face, and faced block is opaque as well, so cull it's face inverse to the current.
                                    Direction inverseFaceDirection = (Direction)(1 << ((normalIndex + 3) % 6));

                            // this block of code translates the integer local position to the local position of the neighbor at [normalIndex]
                            int sign = isNegativeFace ? -1 : 1;
                            int iModuloComponentMask    = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK << iModulo3Shift;
                            int translatedLocalPosition = localPosition + (traversals << traversalNormalShift);
                            int finalLocalPosition      = (~iModuloComponentMask & translatedLocalPosition)
                                                          | (WydMath.Wrap(((translatedLocalPosition & iModuloComponentMask) >> iModulo3Shift) + sign,
                                                                          GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE, 0, GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE - 1)
                                                        << iModulo3Shift);

                            // index into neighbor blocks collections, call .GetPoint() with adjusted local position
                            // remark: if there's no neighbor at the index given, then no chunk exists there (for instance,
                            //     chunks at the edge of render distance). In this case, return NullID so no face is rendered on edges.
                            ushort facedBlockId = _NeighborBlocksCollections[normalIndex]?.GetPoint(DecompressVertex(finalLocalPosition))
                                                  ?? BlockController.NullID;

                            if (isCurrentBlockTransparent)
                                if (currentBlockId != facedBlockId)
                            else if (!BlockController.Current.CheckBlockHasProperty(facedBlockId, BlockDefinition.Property.Transparent))


                    // if it's the first traversal and we've only made a 1x1x1 face, continue to test next axis
                    if ((traversals == 1) && (perpendicularNormalIndex == 1))

                    if ((traversals == 0) || !BlockController.Current.GetUVs(currentBlockId, faceDirection, out ushort textureId))

                    // add triangles
                    int verticesCount    = _MeshData.VerticesCount / 2;
                    int transparentAsInt = Convert.ToInt32(isCurrentBlockTransparent);

                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 0 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 2 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 1 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 2 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 3 + verticesCount);
                    _MeshData.AddTriangle(transparentAsInt, 1 + verticesCount);

                    int uvShift      = (iModulo3 + traversalNormalIndex) % 2;
                    int compressedUv = (textureId << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * 2))
                                       | (1 << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * ((uvShift + 1) % 2)))
                                       | (traversals << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * uvShift));

                    int traversalShiftedMask      = GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK << traversalNormalShift;
                    int unaryTraversalShiftedMask = ~traversalShiftedMask;

                    int   aggregatePositionNormal = localPosition | GenerationConstants.NormalByIteration[normalIndex];
                    int[] compressedVertices      = GenerationConstants.VerticesByIteration[normalIndex];

                                        + ((unaryTraversalShiftedMask & compressedVertices[3])
                                           | ((((compressedVertices[3] >> traversalNormalShift) * traversals) << traversalNormalShift)
                                              & traversalShiftedMask)));
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & (int.MaxValue << (GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT * 2)));

                                        + ((unaryTraversalShiftedMask & compressedVertices[2])
                                           | ((((compressedVertices[2] >> traversalNormalShift) * traversals) << traversalNormalShift)
                                              & traversalShiftedMask)));
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & (int.MaxValue << GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT));

                                        + ((unaryTraversalShiftedMask & compressedVertices[1])
                                           | ((((compressedVertices[1] >> traversalNormalShift) * traversals) << traversalNormalShift)
                                              & traversalShiftedMask)));
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & ~(GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_MASK << GenerationConstants.CHUNK_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT));

                                        + ((unaryTraversalShiftedMask & compressedVertices[0])
                                           | ((((compressedVertices[0] >> traversalNormalShift) * traversals) << traversalNormalShift)
                                              & traversalShiftedMask)));
                    _MeshData.AddVertex(compressedUv & int.MaxValue);
