private void ConvertToI4(Bitmap imageToConvert) { SetupCoder(imageToConvert); /* We will need to add a grayscale check in the future also */ if (UniqueColors.Count > 16) { WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); imageToConvert = new Bitmap(quantizer.QuantizeImage(imageToConvert, 0, 0, new Histogram(), 16)); SetupCoder(imageToConvert); } /* Set type, I 4-bit */ Format = GBI.G_IM_FMT_I; Size = GBI.G_IM_SIZ_4b; n64ImageType = N64ImageType.i4; /* Generate texture buffer */ Data = new byte[(imageToConvert.Width * imageToConvert.Height) / 2]; Palette = null; /* Loop through pixels, convert to I 4-bit, write to texture buffer */ for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < Raw.Length; i += 8, j++) { Data[j] = (byte)(((Raw[i] / 16) << 4) | ((Raw[i + 4] / 16) & 0xF)); } }
private void ConvertToCi4(Bitmap imageToConvert) { /* Convert to CI */ if (UniqueColors.Count > 16) { WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); imageToConvert = new Bitmap(quantizer.QuantizeImage(imageToConvert, 0, 0, new Histogram(), 16)); SetupCoder(imageToConvert); } /* Set type, CI 4-bit */ Format = GBI.G_IM_FMT_CI; Size = GBI.G_IM_SIZ_4b; n64ImageType = N64ImageType.ci4; /* Generate texture buffer */ Data = new byte[(imageToConvert.Width * imageToConvert.Height) / 2]; /* Generate 16-color RGBA5551 palette */ Palette = GeneratePalette(UniqueColors, 16); /* Loop through pixels, get palette indexes, write to texture buffer */ for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < Raw.Length; i += 8, j++) { ushort RGBA5551_1 = ToRGBA5551(Raw[i + 2], Raw[i + 1], Raw[i], Raw[i + 3]); ushort RGBA5551_2 = ToRGBA5551(Raw[i + 6], Raw[i + 5], Raw[i + 4], Raw[i + 7]); byte Value = (byte)( ((GetPaletteIndex(Palette, RGBA5551_1)) << 4) | ((GetPaletteIndex(Palette, RGBA5551_2) & 0xF))); Data[j] = Value; } }
public void MyQuantiserTest(string fileName, string outName) { using Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(fileName); BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits( new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); IntPtr bitmapPtr = bitmapData.Scan0; int[] pixelDataArray = new int[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height]; Marshal.Copy(bitmapPtr, pixelDataArray, 0, bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height); bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); byte[] indexedData; uint[] palette; (indexedData, palette) = WuQuantizer.QuantizeImage(pixelDataArray, 256); IntPtr newPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height); Marshal.Copy(indexedData, 0, newPtr, bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height); Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, bitmap.Width, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, newPtr); ColorPalette colorPalette = newBitmap.Palette; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { colorPalette.Entries[i] = (i < palette.Length) ? Color.FromArgb((int)palette[i]) : Color.Transparent; } newBitmap.Palette = colorPalette; newBitmap.Save(outName, ImageFormat.Png); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(newPtr); }
public HttpResponseMessage Resize(string source, int width, int height) { var sourceExtension = Path.GetExtension(source); var httpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(); Image image = Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(source)); Image resizedImage = PhotoFileHelper.Resize(image, width, height); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(resizedImage)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, 1, 1)) { quantized.Save(memoryStream, PhotoFileHelper.GetImageFormat(sourceExtension)); } } httpResponseMessage.Content = new ByteArrayContent(memoryStream.ToArray()); httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType = PhotoFileHelper.GetMediaContentType(sourceExtension); httpResponseMessage.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; return(httpResponseMessage); }
/// <summary> /// Convert a PNG file to 8-bit color /// Note that it's responsibility of the caller to handle exceptions /// </summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Catch all error for a number of scenarios</exception> /// <param name="filePath"></param> public static void To8BitPngByFile(string filePath, bool checkColorDepth = true) { if (checkColorDepth) { // check to see if the file is already 8 bit if (IsPng8BitColorDepth(filePath)) { // no need to convert - it's already 8 bit. return; } } var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); Image quantized = null; try { var bitmap = new Bitmap(filePath); quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap); // release the original bitmap so that it can be overwriten bitmap.Dispose(); quantized.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Png); } finally { if (quantized != null) { quantized.Dispose(); } } }
public void EndToEndTest(string pngFileName) { const string testFilePath = "output_nquant.png"; if (File.Exists(testFilePath)) { File.Delete(testFilePath); } var sw = new Stopwatch(); var originalFilePath = Path.Combine(@"../../../samples", pngFileName); using (var bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(originalFilePath)) { const int alphaTransparency = 0; const int alphaFader = 0; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); sw.Start(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, alphaTransparency, alphaFader)) quantized.Save(testFilePath, ImageFormat.Png); } Debug.WriteLine("nQuant: {0} ms/image", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Assert.True(File.Exists(testFilePath)); var fileLength = new FileInfo(testFilePath).Length; Assert.True(fileLength > 0); Assert.True(fileLength < new FileInfo(originalFilePath).Length); }
private void OptimizePNG(ImageFile imageFile) { try { string tempFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(imageFile.Path) + @"\temp-" + Path.GetFileName(imageFile.Path); int alphaTransparency = 10; int alphaFader = 70; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(imageFile.Path)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, alphaTransparency, alphaFader)) { quantized.Save(tempFile, ImageFormat.Png); } } File.Delete(imageFile.Path); File.Move(tempFile, imageFile.Path); imageFile.Status = "OK"; imageFile.NewSize = new FileInfo(imageFile.Path).Length; imageFile.Rate = imageFile.OldSize - imageFile.NewSize; imageFile.Rate /= imageFile.OldSize; imageFile.Rate *= 100; } catch (Exception e) { imageFile.Status = e.Message; } }
private void ConvertToCi8(Bitmap imageToConvert) { if (UniqueColors.Count > 256) { WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); imageToConvert = new Bitmap(quantizer.QuantizeImage(imageToConvert, 0, 0, new Histogram(), 256)); SetupCoder(imageToConvert); } /* Set type, CI 8-bit */ Format = GBI.G_IM_FMT_CI; Size = GBI.G_IM_SIZ_8b; n64ImageType = N64ImageType.ci8; /* Generate texture buffer * NFL BLitz requires CI8 to be padded to 8 bytes */ int dataSize = (imageToConvert.Width * imageToConvert.Height); while (dataSize % 8 != 0) { dataSize++; } Data = new byte[dataSize]; /* Generate 256-color RGBA5551 palette */ Palette = GeneratePalette(UniqueColors, 256); /* Loop through pixels, get palette indexes, write to texture buffer */ for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < Raw.Length; i += 4, j++) { ushort RGBA5551 = ToRGBA5551(Raw[i + 2], Raw[i + 1], Raw[i], Raw[i + 3]); Data[j] = (byte)GetPaletteIndex(Palette, RGBA5551); } }
private Task OnPrePublishFile(ILocation outLoc, PrePublishFileArgs args) { var path = args.File.Location.ToPath(); var opts = m_Settings.IgnoreMatchCase ? RegexOptions.IgnoreCase : RegexOptions.None; if (m_Settings.MatchPattern.Any(p => Regex.IsMatch(path, p, opts))) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var inStr = new MemoryStream(args.File.Content)) { inStr.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var img = Image.FromStream(inStr)) { using (var bmp = new Bitmap(img)) { using (var outStr = new MemoryStream()) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bmp)) { quantized.Save(outStr, img.RawFormat); outStr.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); args.File = new PluginFile(outStr.GetBuffer(), args.File.Location); } } } } } } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public static List <Block> ApplyQuantization(List <Block> blocks) { WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); try { using (Bitmap bitmap = CreateBitmapFromColors(blocks)) { using (Image quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { Bitmap reducedBitmap = (Bitmap)quantized; //Console.WriteLine(quantized.PixelFormat); //Bitmap reducedBitmap = new Bitmap(quantized); int width = reducedBitmap.Size.Width; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++) { int x = i % width; int y = i / width; blocks[i] = new Block(blocks[i].X, blocks[i].Y, blocks[i].Z, reducedBitmap.GetPixel(x, y).ColorToUInt()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(blocks); }
private static void DownloadTile(Card card, FileInfo img) { Console.WriteLine($"Downloading missing image data for {card.Name} ({card.Id})"); try { using (var wc = new WebClient()) { var data = wc.DownloadData($"{card.Id}.png"); Bitmap src; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data)) src = new Bitmap(new Bitmap(ms), 148, 34); var crop = new Rectangle(0, 0, 130, 34); var target = new Bitmap(crop.Width, crop.Height); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(target)) g.DrawImage(src, crop, new Rectangle(src.Width - crop.Width - 4, 0, crop.Width, src.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(target, 0, 0)) quantized.Save(img.FullName, ImageFormat.Png); } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message); } }
private void buttonConfirm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog imageSave = new SaveFileDialog(); imageSave.FileName = "Compressed Image"; imageSave.DefaultExt = ".png"; imageSave.Filter = "Image files (*.png)|*.png"; if (imageSave.ShowDialog(this) == true) { labelStatus.Content = "WORKING"; labelStatus.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkCyan); try { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(imageLocation.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.SequentialScan)) using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(fs)) using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) using (FileStream ofs = new FileStream(imageSave.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, 1024, FileOptions.WriteThrough)) { quantized.Save(ofs, ImageFormat.Png); ofs.Flush(); } labelStatus.Content = "FINISHED"; labelStatus.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); } catch (Exception ex) { labelStatus.Content = "FAILED"; labelStatus.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } }
public override void Compress(FileInfo oldImage, string oldBaseFolder, string newBaseFolder) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); var imageFullPath = oldImage.FullName; using (Bitmap bmp1 = new Bitmap(imageFullPath)) { var bitMap = bmp1; if (bmp1.PixelFormat != System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) { ConvertTo32bppAndDisposeOriginal(ref bitMap); } using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitMap)) { var newPath = GetNewPath(oldImage.FullName, oldBaseFolder, newBaseFolder); var newFolderPath = GetNewPath(oldImage.DirectoryName, oldBaseFolder, newBaseFolder); if (!Directory.Exists(newFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(newFolderPath); } quantized.Save(newPath, ImageFormat.Png); } } Console.WriteLine($"PngCompressService: Compress Done {oldImage.Name}"); }
/// <summary> /// Processes a single item. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input to process.</param> /// <returns>The output of the process.</returns> public override IAssetFile Process(IAssetFile input) { try { // Minify css var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(input.Content.AsStream()))) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, 10, 70)) using (var output = new MemoryStream()) { // Save to the output stream quantized.Save(output, ImageFormat.Png); // Minified successfully Tracing.Info("PNG", "Optimized " + input.RelativeName); // Return processed output return(AssetOutputFile.Create(input, output)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // We didn't manage to create anything Tracing.Error("PNG", ex); return(null); } }
private static byte[] UseCastom(byte[] bytes) { Bitmap image = ImageManager.ConvertByteToBitmap(bytes); string outputFileName = "nunit" + ".png"; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); try { var copy = new Bitmap(image); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(copy, 0, 1)) { quantized.Save(outputFileName, ImageFormat.Png); } } catch (QuantizationException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(bytes); } byte[] outputBytes = ImageManager.ReadFromFileToByteArray(outputFileName); File.Delete(outputFileName); return(outputBytes); }
private Bitmap SaveByReducingSize(Bitmap img1) { Bitmap res = null; try { ImageCodecInfo jgpEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Png); System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality; EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1); EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 20L); myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(img1)) { Stream stream = new MemoryStream(); quantized.Save(stream, jgpEncoder, myEncoderParameters); res = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(stream); } img1.Dispose(); img1 = null; } catch (Exception exp) { Log("SaveByReducingSize", exp.Message, true, exp); } return(res); }
public override IOptimizerResult Optimize(MediaStream stream) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(stream.Stream)) { var bitDepth = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bitmap.PixelFormat); if (bitDepth != 32) { return(OptimizerFailureResult("the image you are attempting to quantize does not contain a 32 bit ARGB palette. This image has a bit depth of {0} with {1} colors".FormatWith(bitDepth, bitmap.Palette.Entries.Length))); } using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { quantized.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png); } // rewind the stream memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var result = new PngQuantOptimizerResult(); result.Success = true; result.SizeBefore = (int)stream.Length; result.SizeAfter = (int)memoryStream.Length; result.ResultStream = memoryStream; return(OptimizationSuccessful(result)); } }
protected void CompressAndSave(System.Drawing.Image img, string path, string extension) { //try //{ // // If jpg is extension then remove png equivalent of it // // because if extension is same it'll be overridden // string delFilePath = path; // if (extension == ".png") // { // delFilePath = delFilePath.Substring(0, delFilePath.Length - 3) + "jpg"; // } // else // { // delFilePath = delFilePath.Substring(0, delFilePath.Length - 3) + "png"; // } // if (System.IO.File.Exists(delFilePath)) // { // System.IO.File.Delete(delFilePath); // } //} //catch { } if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg") { using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(img)) { ImageCodecInfo imageEncoder = null; imageEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg); // Create an Encoder object based on the GUID // for the Quality parameter category. Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality; // Create an EncoderParameters object. // An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter // objects. In this case, there is only one // EncoderParameter object in the array. EncoderParameters encodingParams = new EncoderParameters(1); EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 50L); encodingParams.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter; bitmap.Save(path, imageEncoder, encodingParams); } } else { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(img)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) //, alphaTransparency, alphaFader)) { quantized.Save(path, ImageFormat.Png); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 转换 PNG 格式的图片为 8 bit 格式的 PNG 图片,比改变图片的尺寸,但大量减少文件大小。质量有损失 /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceImageUrl"></param> /// <param name="targetImageUrl"></param> public static void ConvertPngTo8Bit(string sourceImageUrl, string targetImageUrl) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(sourceImageUrl)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { quantized.Save(targetImageUrl, ImageFormat.Png); } } }
private unsafe byte[] BitmapToRawIndexed(Bitmap source, int maxColors, out byte[][] palette) { Bitmap img = source; byte[] destination = new byte[img.Width * img.Height]; // If this is not a 32-bit ARGB bitmap, convert it to one if (img.PixelFormat != System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) { Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) { g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height); } img = newImage; } // Quantize the image WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); m_palette = quantizer.CreatePalette(img, maxColors); img = (Bitmap)quantizer.QuantizeImage(img, m_palette); // Copy over the data to the destination. We need to use Stride in this case, as it may not // always be equal to Width. BitmapData bitmapData = img.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, img.PixelFormat); byte *pointer = (byte *)bitmapData.Scan0; for (int y = 0; y < bitmapData.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bitmapData.Width; x++) { destination[(y * img.Width) + x] = pointer[(y * bitmapData.Stride) + x]; } } img.UnlockBits(bitmapData); // Copy over the palette palette = new byte[maxColors][]; for (int i = 0; i < maxColors; i++) { palette[i] = new byte[4]; palette[i][3] = img.Palette.Entries[i].A; palette[i][2] = img.Palette.Entries[i].R; palette[i][1] = img.Palette.Entries[i].G; palette[i][0] = img.Palette.Entries[i].B; } return(destination); }
/// <summary> /// Optimized and processes the .png image. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Absolute path to image file.</param> /// <returns>The processed image stream.</returns> public Stream ShrinkPNG(string path) { using (var bitmap = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path)) { const int alphaTransparency = 0; const int alphaFader = 0; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); var retMS = new MemoryStream(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, alphaTransparency, alphaFader)) { quantized.Save(retMS, ImageFormat.Png); } return(retMS); } }
static void Run(Options cfg) { Image originalImage; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cfg.InputImage) || !System.IO.File.Exists(cfg.InputImage)) { originalImage = GenerateRandomBitmap(); } else { originalImage = Image.FromFile(cfg.InputImage); } Color c = Color.FromName(cfg.ColorName); if (c.ToArgb() == 0) { c = Color.HotPink; } var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (Bitmap drawingBitmap = new Bitmap(originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height)) using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(drawingBitmap)) using (Font fnt = new Font(cfg.FontName, cfg.FontSize)) using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(c)) { gfx.DrawImage(originalImage, 0, 0); SizeF sz = gfx.VisibleClipBounds.Size; gfx.TranslateTransform(sz.Width / 2, sz.Height / 2); gfx.RotateTransform(cfg.Angle); sz = gfx.MeasureString(cfg.Text, fnt); gfx.DrawString(cfg.Text, fnt, b, -(sz.Width / 2), -(sz.Height / 2)); gfx.ResetTransform(); if (cfg.UseQuantizer) { using (var q = quantizer.QuantizeImage(drawingBitmap)) { q.Save(cfg.OutImage); } } else { drawingBitmap.Save(cfg.OutImage); } } originalImage.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="bmp"></param> public static Bitmap ReduceColors(Bitmap bitmap, int colorCount) { if (bitmap.Width <= 16 && bitmap.Height <= 16) // no need { return(bitmap); } var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, 10, 70, colorCount)) { return(new Bitmap(quantized)); } }
public static void SquishNewlyUploadedPNGs( Stream input, Stream output) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(input)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { quantized.Save(output, ImageFormat.Png); } } }
public static void SquishNewlyUploadedPNGs( [BlobTrigger("processimageincloud/{name}")] Stream input, [Blob("processimageincloudoutput/{name}", FileAccess.Write)] Stream output) { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(input)) { using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { quantized.Save(output, ImageFormat.Png); } } }
private void ProcessTexture(Texture2D texture, string outputPath, bool compress) { if (thumbnailBackgroundTexture) { var texturePixels = texture.GetPixels(); var backgroundPixels = thumbnailBackgroundTexture.GetPixels(); for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; i++) { texturePixels[i] = Color.Lerp(backgroundPixels[i], texturePixels[i], texturePixels[i].a); } texture.SetPixels(texturePixels); } if (thumbnailForegroundTexture) { var texturePixels = texture.GetPixels(); var foregroundPixels = thumbnailForegroundTexture.GetPixels(); for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; i++) { texturePixels[i] = Color.Lerp(texturePixels[i], foregroundPixels[i], foregroundPixels[i].a); } texture.SetPixels(texturePixels); } if (compress) { var quantize = new WuQuantizer(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(128, 128); var index = 0; foreach (var pixel in texture.GetPixels()) { var x = index % 128; var y = 127 - index / 128; bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Clamp(pixel.a * 255, 0, 255)), Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Clamp(pixel.r * 255, 0, 255)), Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Clamp(pixel.g * 255, 0, 255)), Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Clamp(pixel.b * 255, 0, 255)) )); index++; } var image = quantize.QuantizeImage(bitmap); image.Save(outputPath); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath, texture.EncodeToPNG()); } }
public void To8BitPng(string path, Bitmap image) { try { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(image)) { quantized.Save(path, ImageFormat.Png); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Encodes a bitmap into an indexed bitmap with a per-pixel palette color index using a specified number of colors in the palette. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to encode.</param> /// <param name="paletteColorCount">The number of colors to be present in the palette.</param> /// <param name="indices">The per-pixel palette color indices.</param> /// <param name="palette">The <see cref="Color"/> array containing the palette colors of the indexed bitmap.</param> public static void QuantizeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int paletteColorCount, out byte[] indices, out Color[] palette) { int bitDepth = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bitmap.PixelFormat); if (bitDepth != 32) { bitmap = ConvertTo32Bpp(bitmap); } WuQuantizer quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); Bitmap quantBitmap = (Bitmap)quantizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap, paletteColorCount, 0, 1); palette = GetPalette(quantBitmap, paletteColorCount); indices = GetIndices(quantBitmap); }
public static Bitmap Quantize(Image img) { WuQuantizer q = new WuQuantizer(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(img)) { using (var quantized = q.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { using (MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream()) { quantized.Save(_stream, ImageFormat.Bmp); return(new Bitmap(_stream)); } } } }
public static async Task To8BitPng(string path, Bitmap image) { try { var quantizer = new WuQuantizer(); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage(image)) { quantized.Save(path, ImageFormat.Png); } await Task.CompletedTask; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void EndToEndTest(string pngFileName) { const string testFilePath = "output_nquant.png"; if (File.Exists(testFilePath)) { File.Delete(testFilePath); } var sw = new Stopwatch(); var originalFilePath = Path.Combine(@"../../../samples", pngFileName); using (var bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(originalFilePath)) { const int alphaTransparency = 0; const int alphaFader = 0; var quantizer = new WuQuantizer (); sw.Start (); using (var quantized = quantizer.QuantizeImage (bitmap, alphaTransparency, alphaFader)) quantized.Save (testFilePath, ImageFormat.Png); } Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("nQuant: {0} ms/image", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Assert.True(File.Exists(testFilePath)); var fileLength = new FileInfo(testFilePath).Length; Assert.True(fileLength > 0); Assert.True(fileLength < new FileInfo(originalFilePath).Length); }