// receive thread
    private void ReceiveData()
        client = new UdpClient(port);
        while (true)
                // Bytes received
                IPEndPoint clientEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                byte[]     data           = client.Receive(ref clientEndpoint);
                lastClientIP   = clientEndpoint.Address.ToString();
                lastClientPort = clientEndpoint.Port;

                if (data.Length == 4) // if the packet received is not equal to 4 bytes (32 bits), the packet is discarded
                    // The action of creating or updating the weapons happens in the main thread.
                    Action <IPEndPoint, byte[]> action = new Action <IPEndPoint, byte[]>(CreateScar); //The action is created
                    dispatcher.Invoke(action, clientEndpoint, data);                                  // The action is send to the dispatcher to be executed in the main thread (UDPServer.Update())

                    // Convert bytes in a string
                    lastUDPdecoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                    // Gives a hex representation of the data in String form
                    dataString = ByteArrayToString(data); // gives a hex representation of the data (handy for debugging purposes)

                    // Log data in .txt file
                    textIO.WriteTextFile(lastClientIP, dataString);
            catch (Exception err)
Example #2
    // Translate the data and edit the parameters of the virtual weapon
    public void PacketTranslater(byte[] packet) // if reading problems occur, this can be due to the endian (the sequence in which the bits are send, LSB first or last?)
        // Check if the data is still send by the same type of weapon. It should be impossible for a weapon to change type (this is just in case)
        // If the client keeps sending packets with the wrong weapontype tag, it will be considered as inactive and the weapon will get deleted after a certain time
        if (GetWeaponTypeOutOfData(packet) == weaponType)
            // Create storage containers
            byte[] triggerValue       = new byte[4];
            byte[] movablePiecesValue = new byte[4];
            byte[] magazineIDValue    = new byte[4];
            byte[] flags = new byte[4];

            // Store data in containers
            Array.Copy(packet, 0, triggerValue, 0, 1); //Copy(Array sourceArray, long sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, long destinationIndex, long length)
            Array.Copy(packet, 1, movablePiecesValue, 0, 1);
            Array.Copy(packet, 2, magazineIDValue, 0, 1);
            Array.Copy(packet, 3, flags, 0, 1);

            // Set current values
            triggerCurrentValue       = BitConverter.ToInt32(triggerValue, 0);
            movablePiecesCurrentValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(movablePiecesValue, 0);// BitConverter start reading at a certain index till the end.
            magazineID = BitConverter.ToInt32(magazineIDValue, 0);
            byte flagByte = flags[0];

            magazinePresent = !(flagByte % 2 == 0);                                    // Last bit in the flag byte shows the mag status. So, if there is no mag present the value of the flag is even.

            byte switchPositionByte = (byte)(flagByte * Math.Pow(2, weaponTypesBits)); // bit shift left the enough of times to get rid of the used MSB's to encode the weapontype
            switchPositionByte    /= (byte)Math.Pow(2, weaponTypesBits + 1);           // BSR enough times to set the bits needed to recognize the selector switches position as LSB's
            selectorSwitchPosition = (SwitchPosition)switchPositionByte;

            // Create list data to be written in a textfile
            ArrayList dataArrayList = new ArrayList

            lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;// Use of this has to be reconsidered => it takes too much time